Death Penalty? What's your opinion?

Wow, Cinnamon... that was incredible. I agree whole heartdly on how criminals are treated in Jail. Yes, they get better treatment now days than they did in the 50's, but I kinda wonder it that's because according to experts, they've been making more prisons technologically advanced to prevent convicts from escaping.
But still, they do live better lives in their cells than say, a homeless person, or your average underpaid worker.

And yes, you are right on the abuse subject. If a girl kills her attacker, why should it be deemed that she's a murderer? Unless she intentionally killed him, that might put her in an akward position because an officier can reply to it by saying that after she took this action, she could have escaped, but does that apply to accidental deaths? Like, a woman defending herself and due to certain circumstances, the man winds up dead?

I personally think that maybe if a group of people who opposed the death penalty and a group who supported came together to draw up a list of requirements on how to condem criminals might give the Judicial system more of a positive side then how most avergae people view it today. But thats just me.
Please translate FUBAR.

The acronym? Thought everyone knew that one. F'ed up beyond all recognition.

Palm - I like your idea of drawing up a proposal for what could work using both sides of the argument. Then it could be sent to the appropriate branch of government and maybe we might possibly see a change in how things are done. Not sure how one would go about that but there's no reason why it couldn't be done.
It is more FUBAR than you know because it involves not only the legal system , the judicial system, the medical
profession as well as The Fourth Estate! These institutions have to get their individual abnd collective acts together!
And like I said, decades/centuries/millenia ago, justice was served as was meant to be without all the other ridiculous bullcrap. Over time, everyone's become so lax about this and got their knickers in a twist about that, so what we have now is not much more than a farce. A better system is not likely to happen anytime soon.
Sentence sb to death couldn't save the victim's life, so it's insignificant to kill another some, life sentence is much more horrible than a quick death.
At that moment , it slipped my mind. Then I looked it up.
However, the acronym SNAFU is more familiar to me FUBAR, for some reason.
GGCSI if you're referring to this case then i don't like what you said. This man didn't murder anyone. He didn't deserve to die.

I was reffering to general deathrow. Nothing to do with that guy. No worries.
Please translate FUBAR.

The acronym? Thought everyone knew that one. F'ed up beyond all recognition.

Palm - I like your idea of drawing up a proposal for what could work using both sides of the argument. Then it could be sent to the appropriate branch of government and maybe we might possibly see a change in how things are done. Not sure how one would go about that but there's no reason why it couldn't be done.

Yeah, I'm not sure how'd you do that either. But I guess if you sent out a poll and gathered up select representatives to come together to make an agreement on the issue, that might work. It worked during the American Civil War and for the Constitution, I don't see why it can't be done with today's issues over the Death Penalty. Because, around my area, that's more of an important issue then voting.
I am not saying anything about accidental death. (person dies in a car crash when someone's SVU slides on the ice, etc.) It's usually not that persons fault when it happens.

I'm not talking about someone who suicides, or attempts to do so because they believe some heavy metal music says to do so. There's other issues, including incredible stupidity, there.

I'm talking about murderers. People who knowingly and wantonly kill.

I am talking people like Carlie Brucia's murderer, a person that abducted, raped and murdered a child. I am talking about the murderers of Terrell Pough, who killed him for his car. I am talking about people like BTK killer Dennis Rader, a sexual sadist who brutally murdered innocents, people who lived not more than a few miles from him.
I am talking about people like the celebity cause of the moment, Stanley "Tookie" Williams, whom is on Death Row and since he has now found God, people think that this former gangmember and murderer deserves to have his sentence overturned. Bullshit. He's found God, so let him explain to Him about what he did when he arrives there after his sentence is carried out.

They have rights, people say. What about the rights of the victims of these persons? Why are Joseph Smith's rights more important than those of Carlie Brucia? She had the right to live too, but he took them from her when he strangled her to death after raping her.

he was headed to australia.
the thing id with drugs, druggies choose to do it.
if they OD its their own fault.
just coz they might have got the drugs off someone, its their fault, not the dealers.
this guy should be alive, its barbarrick that there is a death penalty at all, let alone for pety crimes.

I still feel no sympathy for the drug dealer that was killed in Singapore. You feel no sympathy for his victims, the people he was going to poison, ruin their lives and in the end possibly kill, so that he could get some money. You say that it is their own fault if they get hooked on drugs, drugs he might be selling to eight year olds. Yet you deplore the fact that he was caught with the drugs and the country he was caught in carried out a death sentence.

He didn't get to hug his mommy..

Boo friggin hoo, cry me a river. He's scum, a worthless form of life. He deserved to die for what he was trying to do to someone's child. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Going back to the Karla Holmoka(sp?) case, I do believe that is TOTALLY unjust and the Canadian government does drive me nuts. (Not saying I hate you, Canada...*hugs the floor) BUT, you guys are all for giving her the needle.

I'm not. Incredibly, my morals lie with actually NOT killing people.

Funny, eh? But, you know, it's my heart talking hear. Glad I know some people weren't born with one round here. (Don't kill me for saying that. Even heartless people can kill efficiently.) I do find it unjust that we pay so much money just so prisoners can have the time of their life in jail, and I do think it's unjust that some people are released on parole on SICK SICK crimes.

What if jail had the simplest things? Would you still kill? POSSIBLE food 3 times a day. A nice hard bed to wreck your back. And a toilet. There, a person can live about 20 years like that. That's my perfect jail. But in the meantime till that happens, let's not try and kill off as many people as we can. Because really, there are a lot more people that are sick out there. They just keep coming.

If you take someone's life as the result of an accident where the outcome was beyond your control, such as a car crash on an icy day, then it's a whole different story.

That's called manslaughter. No worries- I don't THINK they give out death penalty. No, I', quite sure nothing like that happens.

I still feel no sympathy for the drug dealer that was killed in Singapore. You feel no sympathy for his victims, the people he was going to poison, ruin their lives and in the end possibly kill, so that he could get some money. You say that it is their own fault if they get hooked on drugs, drugs he might be selling to eight year olds. Yet you deplore the fact that he was caught with the drugs and the country he was caught in carried out a death sentence.

What heartgram meant (or what I interpreted it as- sorry if I got it wrong) is that there are probably more cases MUCH worse that should, in other people's opinions, get the death penalty. There are worse things going on.
Our law and justice system isn't so hard, I mean no one really gets a life anymore... but then again, we don't have so much crimes, at least not the worst ones.

Now in the news have been case where three men killed 76 year old man, who was living alone in poverty in forest. Men thought he was hiding money. They got 8,9 and 10 years (10 years got the one who actually strangled the man).

Mostly worst cases are something, where killer has finalyl killed him/herself.
For example. A man wanted revenge to his ex-wife. When their 9,7 and 5 years old kids were spending weekend with their dad (otherwise they were living with their mom), at night man set whole house on fire. All kids and himself burnt.

From history there's a few cases... One who raped and killed and chopped and finally burnt two 8-year-old girls. He is locked up rest of his life.

Another man in 1969 shot 4 police officers, who were coming to arrest him. He was sentenced to life but got free in the 80s. He got home and strangled his wife.

But what I am to whine. We have quite safe country.

And then to the end I'd like to say, now that we have good discussion here. Everyone can have their opinion (like you've done) but remember that you cannot attack towards people if their opinions don't match with your opinion. It hasn't happen but I want to remind about it before it happens (if it happens)
Wasn't Australia a penal colony at one time? And as for Singapore , he has *big* surprise waiting for him there! :devil: