Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

Dear CSI:NY Writers:

I love you. No, really i do. You are the driving force for this show. And in my opinion it is one of the best shows of the 21st century. I'm very much addicted to it. Although perfect does not exist and there are some directions that I think the show should take--and avoid but that's another story. There's no such thing as too much CSI: New York for me. So for that I do thank you. I have but one request: Whatever measures you have to take, i wish you will NOT
who all the arrows are pointing to for the Season 5 finale. I will do whatever you want. I will overlook any flaws (your lack of continuity, your abundant Mac and D/L storylines,etc,etc.) and I shall forever be in your debt and you shall always be in my good graces. Just.Don't.Do.THAT. Nuff' said.

Your #1 fan,
Dear writers,

No. Bad. Bad writers.

Don't make me get a rolled up newspaper.

The only way to make amends is more Hawkes/Adam,

P.S.: An unintentional (but nice) slash reference...! How cool.
P.S.: An unintentional (but nice) slash reference...! How cool.

(I was going to point out the slashiness, but you did it for me. :D)
Dear writer's,

I know it's hard to keep everyone happy but please, please bring back some of the two case episodes. Now I know you probably ditched them in an attempt to make way for more personal storylines and more 'team' moments but it just feels as thought there's a little something missing.

I want to see the supporting characters taking more of a lead in some of the cases, showcasing why they do what they do and how they are good at it. Sometimes it really does feel as though the supporting characters are just popping in to give results or doing part of a job, only for one of the others to then take it to the next step.

Can't we have just a handful of two case episodes in a season? Please?

JB xx :)
Dear Writers,

You guys honestly don't know and wouldn't want to know how much I can whine and/or rant.:evil:

I know that your job is hard blah, blah, blah, and all that crap, but could you please give us more personal stories of Flack, Sheldon, Adam, and Sid? They are wonderful actors and should be all given much more screentime. Much more. And love interest for Sheldon!:luvlove: The dude needs some love in his life.

Turn down the notch for DL. Because if I have the urge to smash and burn my TV once because of DL overload, you guys beter run. Why do you love DL so much...?

I want hints of SMACked!!!:scream::scream::scream:

Oh, and as JellyBelly already stated: Bring back the two-cases eps. The audience loves them!:bolian:

By the way, whatever happened to Louie? You guys didn't even finish/wrap up that storyline properly. Retarded.

No love at all,


Do you guys think we could make a petition? Well, we obviously could, but would it work? :devil:

Hmm, Pleni, I think that that would work; I think that fans did that to bring back yelina to Miami. So it could work...*Miyu's deep in thought*
Dear Writers,

Please get your act together on the continuity thing. For example: What happened to Louie Messer? Did he die? Is he still lying in a NY hospital in a coma? If so, then wouldn't we expect to see Danny go visit or at least mention his brother? And while we're on the subject, Sam Flack? Remember her? You can't introduce a character and then sweep her/him aside without telling us WHY you're sweeping her/him aside.

I'd also like to know more about Adam. He's already hinted to us that his father was a bully, it'd be nice to get an deeper insight into that. He's more than just the funny guy, I think he has the super potential to become a great character. Give him more please!

I'm pretty sure I could mention a few other things but I can't think right now. It's Sunday and I'm slightly hungover. :p I suppose my main complaint is the continuity. You may have forgotten a character or a scene or a storyline - but we the viewers haven't. Please respect that. :)
Non dear writers ;)

May i ask some spoiler for my Stella? I understand it's too early in the season to even mention a story for her but a couple of spoilers about what she is doing would be fine ;)


A frustrated Stellarina
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I'm writing this letter as if I knew with 100% certainty that the writers will come here and read it.

To the CSI: NY writers,
....No dear. You don't deserve it, in my opinion. I wanna know something. What do you think of us, the fans? You must think we're forgetful, dumb-as-dirt dummies who'll swallow anything you feed us. What? You think none of us are gonna remember that scene in season 3's "Here's To You, Mrs. Azreal" where Mac told Sheldon about his father having small cell lung cancer and Mac's dad asking Mac to pull the plug? Yeah, surprise, we remembered. I remembered the EpiPen Stella used on Sid in season 3's "The Ride-In" when Sid went into anaphylactic shock. I also remembered in the CSI: Miami season one episode "Breathless" one of the female suspects carried an EpiPen cause she had a deadly allergy to bees. Why didn't that doctor have an EpiPen on him? Or why couldn't one of the other customers in that restaurant have been as allergic to bees as that doctor was to peanuts and had an EpiPen with them they could've used on him? That covers episode 2 of season 6. Now about the season 6 premiere episode. Was the EWW moment between Adam and Stella really necessary? UGH! If you just had to have Stella sleep with someone other than Mac, why couldn't it have been Flack? It would've been a lot less EWW, at least for me it would have. It could've been a great story arc for 3 or 4 episodes. Angell's friend Stella and Angell's boyfriend Flack finding comfort with each other.
I've said what I wanted to say...for now. There's always next Wednesday's episode (October 7).
Oh, by the way: What's the matter? Couldn't find anyone who wanted to do commentary on any of the season 5 episodes? I would've liked commentary on at least one season 5 episode-My Name Is Mac Taylor.
Dear Writers,

Interesting choice with Stella/Adam. I'm curious to see where that leads - hopefully in a direction that provides a good storyline for both characters as well as personal growth. And hopefully you won't forget all about it and let it drop into the Black Hole of Continuity. You made the decision to include the relationship, so I hope you follow through with it.

Much love,
Dear Writers,

Interesting choice with Stella/Adam. I'm curious to see where that leads - hopefully in a direction that provides a good storyline for both characters as well as personal growth. And hopefully you won't forget all about it and let it drop into the Black Hole of Continuity. You made the decision to include the relationship, so I hope you follow through with it.

Much love,

Agreed. The BHC is already having a pool tournament with Louie, Reed and Sam so I don't think it has time to deal with a forgotton relationship. :p
Dear Writers,

Please work on your massive continutity issues the show has been having for a few seasons now. It screws all us fans up and gets annoying after a while.

and PLEASE for the love of God give us one episode where Danny and Lindsay are not in every scene together or just not in a scene together at all. We definitely get the fact that they're married with a kid we don't need to be reminded every episode now. this is coming from a D/L fan that should be telling you guys something
Dear Writers and the rest of TPTB,

I remember when you used to brag/be proud of how intelligent your audience was. Now you're expecting us to believe that they met Haylen two weeks ago AND Lucy is 10 months old even though the premiere happened only a month after the finale.

I didn't see the stuff about Angell because I stopped the episode after finding out about the above patheticness, but from what I'm reading you f*cked up that time line too.

If you can't even be arsed to make the timelines make any kind of sense, why should I be arsed to give a damn about your show and it's characters?

You need to stop treating your viewers like idiots. We're not and you not even trying to infuse what we watch with any intelligence is ruining your show.

No love at all,
Originally Posted by MakeTracksCowboy:
and PLEASE for the love of God give us one episode where Danny and Lindsay are not in every scene together or just not in a scene together at all. We definitely get the fact that they're married with a kid we don't need to be reminded every episode now. this is coming from a D/L fan that should be telling you guys something
Dear TPTB,

Except for the D/L-fan part, I could not agree more with the above. And I don't believe my not being a D/L fan could in any way make my agreement less valid, because CSI:NY is starting to remind me powerfully of the route CSI: Miami went down with Eric/Calleigh...where even E/C fans got sick of seeing nothing but Eric and Calleigh joined at the hip 90% of the time, barely interacting with any other character. You really need to realize that being in a relationship does not strip one of the ability to interact meaningfully with anyone outside that relationship. Neither does being married. I'll admit I'm mostly writing with Lindsay in mind when I mention all this (because it really seems like any interesting potential relationships/storylines that spring from her interactions with others, always gets swallowed up by the latest edition of DL-drama); but even I have to complain about the lack of Danny/Flack (or Danny/anyone, really) interaction we've seen in season 6 thus far.

D/L are a thing. We get it already. It's very okay if you show Lindsay forming a bond with a character other than Danny or Lucy. It's very okay if you show Danny interacting meaningfully with Flack/Hawkes/Adam (hell, I'd take Mac and/or Stella at this point). It's safe to assume the majority of people watching this show are mature enough not to jump to the conclusion that "OMG DL is diminishing in importance, stop it NOW!1!" if you show one of them in a scene with someone else. Seriously.

Also, the time jump with Lucy was insanely annoying. Could've been avoided really easily if Lucy had been ten-weeks-old -- still would've caused a WTF:wtf: about the timeline, but not as much as the idea that almost an entire year has passed in the span of five episodes.


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