Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

Angel. I do understand your point. I really do. However all goes back to Anna.
Do you remember Aiden? She was a wonderful character. She has a lot of chemistry when she worked with Stella. They seemed to be twin sisters. A real and powerful character. The shared the same bondage like Mac and Flack have now.
Unfortunately she left the show and Stella lost a fair female partner.
If you put Anna and Melina working together in the same scene you can notice they NEVER have that same chemistry who made Stella and Aiden equals.
Tha lack of acting skills doesn't help Anna and her whinny character either.
Usually i don't care, as i said in another thread, about characters like this but since Lindsay was under the spotlights for over a season (half season 2 and Season 3) i guess is too much.
I worked once as an Asistant director. And i don't know why Anna was cast. With another actress maybe her character would have worked. It's not Anna's fault. I blame the casting director of course

Debbie (as i said. Just an opinion)
That's fair, you are entitled to your opinion. I'm just trying to express mine and there doesn't really seem to be anywhere to go on this site for people who don't dislike Lindsay/Anna. Even the Anna must stay thread has been taken over by critics. They are of course free to hold whatever opinion they want without criticism but so are people who like the character. Liking the character and actress doesn't make me wrong.

Anyway, I know you weren't having a go at me, it just gets a little frustrating.

I did like the Aidan character but I don't think she was any better than Lindsay, they are different characters and I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.
Let's definitely take the Anna/Lindsay debate (beyond simply saying you want to see more/less of her) to the "Why Lindsay Must Go" thread. :)

That's fair, you are entitled to your opinion. I'm just trying to express mine and there doesn't really seem to be anywhere to go on this site for people who don't dislike Lindsay/Anna.

There's the "Anna/Lindsay #4--You've Got Friends, Kiddo" thread.

Even the Anna must stay thread has been taken over by critics.

That thread was always intended for debate, not just to represent one side or another.

They are of course free to hold whatever opinion they want without criticism but so are people who like the character. Liking the character and actress doesn't make me wrong.

Of course not.

Back on topic...

Dear Writers,

I want to know what happens to Gerrard! Please do bring him back, or at least drop a line in somewhere to let us know what happened after the shooting in "Admissions."
Dear writters,

after re-watching S3 I cant help but get angry again and again over your strange and incoprenhensible decision on where to take the character of Danny Messer in S4.

Watching him now I wonder who is this man living in some kind of haze not carrying about anyone or anything not even himself.

I need to believe that you know what you are doing but I dont think there is anything that can salvage him in my eyes.

But at least you finally exporing the potential of Lindsay you showed us in Zoo York. Thanks for the small favors.

Ex-fan of Danny Messer

Dear Writers,

I want to have faith in you. I know you're capable and, despite some clunky lines and plot holes, the end result of your work is usually pretty top-notch.

But I just...can't. I've seen so many opportunities thrown away that I can't trust that you won't throw away all of the opportunities you have right now. The Ruben Sandoval storyline, for example? I expect it to be dropped. So many possibilities, but I really don't expect you to follow through with them. Instead, I'm thinking it'll be tossed to the wayside in favor of the shiny new storyline of the month in S5.

Granted, continuity has been pretty good during the latter half of this season--a result of the strike, possibly, and I hope the trend is something we can expect to continue (good things can come out of bad situations and all). However, that being said, injuries get glossed over on this show, and Danny's emotional trauma from Ruben's death--that's an injury of sorts. The storyline revolving around Danny's relationship with Rikki was pretty unexpected for me (color me shocked that Danny was allowed to be with anybody other than Mighty Montana :rolleyes:), but I think it provides ample opportunity for an interesting long-term story arc.

I just don't have much faith that there will be follow-through. And quite frankly, if Rikki hops into a cab and rides off into the sunset by the end of season 4 and Danny suddenly confesses that he totally is in love with Lindsay too (despite actions providing evidence to the contrary, let's be honest)--it's going to seem very cheap.

Tl;dr: I really hope I'm pleasantly surprised about how you handle the Ruben/Rikki storyline(s) as time goes on, and I hope you don't just toss it all into the black hole of continuity in favor of a few tired, bland cliches that have already been driven around the track and failed to qualify.

Love (because the good things you do far outweigh the bad),
Dear PTB,

I, too, do not have faith that you will continue with the Ruben Sandoval story and have come to accept that after Wednesday's episode Rikki Sandoval will never be heard from again. I'll be pleasantly surprised if she isn't written off, but I've come to terms with the fact that she probably will be.

I sincerely hope that Rikki's departure will not return Danny to the character he was before Ruben's death. The death of a child, especially if one feels responsible for it, isn't something to "get over." Danny definitely needs to learn to forgive himself and learn how to move on with his life, but his character shouldn't return to the man he was before Ruben died. To do that would essentially tell the audience that Ruben and Rikki didn't matter. Danny's interactions with the both of them has already told the audience they do.

With Lindsay you've created a character who seems to be defined by the tragedy she suffered as a teenager. Don't erase the affects of Danny's tragedy after a couple of months. It would betray the caring, emotional character you and Carmine Giovinazzo have crafted over four seasons.

Much love,
dear writers,

your doing great things with this show, but one subject that you keep ignoring is Flack. He is a wonderful character and I think its about time that he got his own story, somthing more than just him interviewing a guy, some deep personal stuff, i would like to see a side of Flack that we have never seen before.

Thankyou, good wishes
Jessica B
Dear writers, thanks for re-writing the Lindsay/Danny scene that was supposed to air in tonight's episode to a Flack/Danny one. I appreciated it very much. For more than one reason. ;)
Dear writers,

We've had a backstory on just about every major character, so why is it taking so long to flesh out Flack's? He's been there from the beginning, and we've yet to see him have any emotional back story. As much as I love his one-liners, his interrogations, his avid dislike for any and all high school kids, and his loyalty to his friends, I REALLY would like to know how his history has turned him into the man we're familiar with on the show. He's a well-rounded character already, now it's time to give him some more depth.

As far as the whole Danny/Lindsay/Rikki mess goes, please--for the love of all that's good on this show--don't make Danny a prop for Lindsay again. It was painful the first time around, and I'm not sure anyone wants to cringe through another season of that drama. I think moving in the direction of Rikki is a much better way to go. The chemistry between them in the few scenes they've had are proof enough that they're a much better pair than him and Lindsay. Bring back the Danny we all know and love; the hot-tempered, passionate, street-smart CSI that always walks the line.

Also, please credit A.J. as a full on cast member. I mean he's been there long enough to where we know he's not going anywhere. Time for credit where credit is due. He's an integral part of the show in my opinion, and brings a light-heartedness to the show that's hard to find on crime dramas.

Thanks and keep up the great work,

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Dear Writers,
Please concentrate more on crimes, crime-solving, cool crime-solving technology, with some fun humor, character background, and cameraderie thrown in to meld it all together. Because you suck at writing romance, at least lately.
(But besides that, keep up the good work!) ;)

Love Ya,
Mary Beth
Dear Writers,

You know, I've been optimistic about the Danny/Rikki storyline because it was realistic and messy and had a lot of potential. Jacqueline is a great actress, she and Carmine had good onscreen chemistry, the relationship was flawed and interesting--

Then I watched "Personal Foul".

I can't believe you created the Danny/Rikki storyline just to drop it like this before it even gets started. And for what? To return to Danny/Lindsay? Their interaction in this entire episode was boring, cliche, and I feel like I've been here before (perhaps because I have--season 3, anyone?).

Please, don't turn D/L into this endless circle of crappy drama. This episode started out so well with Danny and Flack at the ball game, and then by the time it was over, it felt like such a downer. If Danny can't be with Lindsay without dropping his balls in the nearest trash can and turning into a groveling lapdog, I can't for the life of me understand what is supposed to be so appealing about the relationship.

Honestly, Danny calling Lindsay (sounding drunk, I might add) and then starting to tell Rikki it was a mistake to be with her before she could tell him she came to say goodbye...All of that could come straight out of fanfiction--cliche fanfiction.

Carmine Giovinazzo is a very talented actor. It doesn't make me optimistic about season 5 if this is where Danny is going (back to where he's already been). Teeny-boppers might be thrilled, but personally--I'm less than pleased.

The moments with Danny and Flack were great in this episode, it's always wonderful to see Mac and Stella having a personal conversation that shows their deep friendship, Stella and Sheldon are so much fun together, Sid is just a fantastic addition to the show--but Danny and Lindsay are a swirling vortex of cliche boredom, and they succeeded in sucking some of the life out of an otherwise-interesting episode.

I'm going to keep watching CSI: NY because D/L isn't enough to make me turn away from the other great actors and the usually-impressive storytelling, but it's enough to make me less excited to watch what used to be my favorite show (competition is fierce). Is D/L pulling in the 18-49 demo so well that it's worth abandoning storylines with a lot of potential?

Love, since you do write for Sid,
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Dear Writers,

I'm very disappointed to see a waste of a great storyline go down the drain with the characters of Rikki and Danny on CSI: NY. These two actors showed very great chemistry whenever they were on the screen together, and played off of each other very well. It's disappointing to see Danny stuck back with a character who shows no emotion, no charisma, and most of all, from the actress, no talent. I urge the writers to do something about the Danny/Lindsay romance, because it is only bringing down the show. You had a great thing going for you when you had Danny with Rikki.
Dear PTB,

See Faylinn's post re: episode 4.19. I agree whole heartedly with everything she said.

Less love than before ep. 4.19 aired,
umm, I have a few things...
1. Continuity! Please, once you give us a plot/story, stick with it to the end!
2. Umm, in my opinion, Lindsay is a flat character. the only person that she has chemistry with is Mac.
3. All people seem to care about is Danny/Lindsay. anna and Carmine have no chemistry, and neither does Danny/Lindsay. please, do not let the D/L mania turn CSI:NY into a soap opera
4. as stated in #3, danny has more chemistry with a corpse than with Lindsay. Hey, the truth hurts.
5. Umm, adam is amazing, give him more screen time!
6. Sid is amazing. Give him more screen time!
7. Flack centered storylines!
8. More Hawkes!
9. Umm, Ok, we know Flack's Dad was a cop legend, so why don't we ever see him?
10. One word: ANGELL. she is my favourite character, and she is amazing! More screen time.
11. A necessary partnership: Flack/Angell. hey have so much chemistry, it hurts!

okay, that just about does it for me!
Dear Writers:

  1. As stated by many fans of the show, you need to have continuity through-out the ENTIRE show.
  2. More Flack, you guys have given us next to nothing with the character, as far as a background into his life.
  3. Adam, please don't get me started...all I have to say is, more screen time!
  4. Enough with the soap oprea stuff, give us more real life stories with real people, we've had enough with the stories on rich snobby teens.
I better stop now before I get too upset