Top Ten Chapter Titles In Bill Clinton's Memoirs
10. "I'm Writing This Chapter Naked"
9. "I Pray Hillary Doesn't Read Pages 6, 18, 41-49, 76 And Everything Past 200"
8. "Protecting The Constitution: How To Get Gravy Stains Out Of The Parchment"
7. "A Few Of My Favorite Subpoenas"
6. "From Gennifer to Paula to Monica: Why It Pays To Keep Lowering Your Standards"
5. "1995-1998: The Extra-Pasty Years"
4. "Kneel To The Chief"
3. "What's The Deal With That Moron You Guys Replaced Me With?"
2. "NAFTA -- Bringing America Into... Ah Screw That, Who Wants To Read Some More About Bubba Gettin' Down?"
1. "The Night I Accidentally Slept With Hillary" :lol:
My favorite in number 1
Top Ten Words You're Most Likely to Hear in Monica Lewinsky's Testimony
10. "McLovin"
9. "Thingie"
8. "Clintern"
7. "Disappointing"
6. "Menage-a-Reno"
5. "Cool"
4. "Ranch"
3. "Doritos"
2. "Hillary" (Oh, sorry, that's a word you're least likely to hear)
1. "Shhhhhhhh"