ILJT said:
I remember the glue :lol: It was so thats probably why I dont remeber why they said it was there.
Weren't there other random stuff there too? I thought I remember seeing plaster or something :lol: How odd...a panic room with glue and plaster? What you gonna do? Eat them? Or does the room allow for arts and crafts during panic!hour
Dang, you guys post...OUTRAGEOUSLY FAST! I was just reading through this thread yesterday then I get home today and theres 2 more pages. Craziness.
I think I had another of my novel posts return a few posts back. That might have taken up a bit of space :lol:
BTW, I think someone switched Liffy's pink fog tank with a tank of "excited" gas. Geez, what a gutter mind he has :lol: Wait..We're in gutterville..nevermind.
Oh please don't mention excitement. I haven't been able to sleep or eat since last wednesday, I've had about one proper meal since then and nearly threw that all up too. I just want fluff (and maybe some gutter), but fluff...yeah...I'm really sick now. You can tell by the lack of the gutter juice in this post
I need Dr. Monroe please!
Anyways, Im looking forward to the episode to see all our questions answered! Its just two days away!!
It's tomorrow where I am, but it's 2 days till I see it too.

This just sucks. I want to get this whole, depressing, annoying, evil storyline over and done with so we can go back to the nice fluffy days when they were know...happy. Depressed Danny is depressing. Depressed DL is just...torture. I want my happy times back
My optimism is running low because of this darn nausea...nobody mention the R person ever again, and nobody mention food unless it's ice cream, or whipped cream, or chocolate sauce, and it's either covering Danny, or Lindsay, and one of them is having dessert. :devil: Ooh, gutter's back.
Carolina said:
I came to a conclussion about the promo - which I still havent seen. promos serve the sole purpose of confusing and intriguing the viewers. well, we are thorougly confused and definitely hooked so good job on that. howg
Yeah, it's heavily edited, we don't know what goes where, and it's done nothing but send some people into outrage, a few into smiles of glee, and me - nauseous. The only thing I'm deathly afraid of is that even though the scenes may be cut and pasted out of order...they'll still take place. And now I'm talking about one scene which I dread above all else. *sigh*
I so want to see that. screaming battle to clear the air, Danny being thrown against a wall and then hot make-up smex.
The gutter is such a lovely place isn't it? I hope that when it comes to it. They really talk about the things that're going on between them. The R person, Ruben, where they stand. If Lindsay's going to get angry, let her get angry. They need to get everything cleared between them and some tension

is bound to spark up here and there.
But they love each other, we know that, and it's about time they realise it too.
Im all for hand holding. my dream scenario is seeing them dance or him singing for her. but Im OK with the hand holding too.
I just want a scene where we see them really comfortable with each other. Maybe they're sitting in the breakroom or something and Danny's impeccably close to her with a hand lazily around her waist without a care in the world if anyone could see. Of course he'd retract it when someone does come in, but they'd be sharing a whole buffet (why did I just remind myself of food?) of smiles and grins and blushes and laughs. I want to see the writers bring back to the lightness of their relationship, and I guess now that can only happen once this horrible period of uber-drama is over.
We don't
need to see DL drama. Use the cases to attract viewers, creativity is limitless and the writers can do anything they want. They should leave DL alone until the situation warrants it. Why can't they just have shown Lindsay helping Danny through his grief, because we know she wants to, she just doesn't know how. Doesn't mean she wouldn't try after all the support he gave her. Instead we've got this, and I'm passed the sadness, and I'm just annoyed now. Why??
TPTB, you confuse me. Get your head on straight, make DL happy and make the cases actually INTERESTING!
I finally got myself up long enough to watch the last ep. And as for the forgetting of the birthday, if you watch Danny when the labtech gives Lindsay the report, he turns away and has that "oh shit!" look, similar to the one he gave Mac in SD I think

Aww...he knows he shouldn't have forgotten her birthday. He's just trying to hide it under all that bravado. Kissing and dinner ensued later. Darn it, yet again we didn't get to see it
Seeing them dance would be great. Maybe an undercover job at a club or a ball? So they can either 'grind' together or simply 'glide' across the hardwood floor....
all the talk of reanacting scenes made me think of a crime scene at a fair
Haha, they'd be making out on the ferris wheel!! lol, Danny'll be trying to win Linds a few big teddy bears and Lindsay's the one to end up getting him the big plushie toys. Plus she'd make
him carry it anyway.

And they'll be sharing cotton candy, and ice cream...and everything together, stealing kisses every now and again....*sigh* what happy days that would be if we ever got something like that.
I love fluff. DL fluff is my crack.
As Danny said, he remembered seeing that on an ep of Flintstones.
Why did I just get an image of Danny, when he's a daddy, watching Flinstones with his little boy by his side?
Make out? My, my aren't we being clean!
Hey, they've already done what they could where the evidence is concerned. Why can't they do a little body excercise whilst their at it? Must be pretty boring in there (unless there
IS arts and crafts), so...? DLwhumping!
There it is! :guffaw: This place is a wonderful place to be on such a filthy minded morning!
It couldn't stay away. Dirty thoughts in the morning's the way to go