Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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"Hey there Delilah, what’s it like in New York City? I’m a thousand miles away, but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do...Time Square can’t shine as bright as you, I swear it’s true" Ahoy and aloha to my girls and guy out there! How are the preparations going for tonight's party? Angel and I are hard at work. Our hands are covered in flour, but we're baking yummy treats for everyone.

*giggles at Auda's new avvie*

Oh and Stuffers I swear I saw your hubby the other day, I don't remember where but I recognized his name as your hubby and it totally made me giggle!

Hmm - well, his team was playing the Leafs a few nights ago and it was on television. Maybe that's where you saw him? ;)

There was an NY marathon yesterday

Mmhmm - on Saturday, the History Channel (not sure if you would get it considering you're in the U.S.) was airing a NY marathon. I think it was from 11am to 7pm or something like that.

Speaking of old episodes...I'm taking a trip down DL memory lane. A friend and fellow shipper of mine is doing the same, and it's great to look back on all the DL moments we got over the last two seasons. Isn't that right my dear Auda? ;) your LJ post was fantastic. So cute and adorable and swoon-worthy! *huggles and a daisy*

"So...what's up?" *giggles and winks at her girl Auda That was a date. We said so :p

Alright me hearties, you all have a good day now. Try not to party too hard, 'cause you've got to save that energy for tonight! Be safe and always remember:


Just for you Mer ;) peace, love, and bulletproof marshmallows
I've been helping my sister bake New Year's stuff all day and am now home to shower and dress up for tonight's parties (yup plural :D)...Have taken some sweets home to bring to the 8-Ball later tonight, tomorrow, whatever... :lol:

Just read the spoiler report for
Looks like Danny finds out about Ruben's funeral and leaves his apartment in a hurry...Flack goes looking for him and Lindsay covers for him :D when he doesn't show up at work...the moment that he brushes off Lindsay isn't mentioned anymore :)...so maybe that's some good news at the brink of the new year

Okay I'm off; the new year will be here in about 7 hours, so I'll see everyone at the Celebrating-2008-D/L-Style party tomorrow!! :D

Have lots of fun, stay safe and a big hug!
SpikeTV will be showing "Necrophilia Americana" tonight at 11. If you're going to be home and don't want to watch the ball drop in NY, then watch the "forensic peepshow." ;) :devil:

Go DL! :D

*waves to anonymous browsers* Want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We're glad you've decided to join us. Enjoy the DL love. :devil: :devil:
dutch_treat said:
Just read the spoiler report for
Looks like Danny finds out about Ruben's funeral and leaves his apartment in a hurry...Flack goes looking for him and Lindsay covers for him :D when he doesn't show up at work...the moment that he brushes off Lindsay isn't mentioned anymore :)...so maybe that's some good news at the brink of the new year

Okay I'm off; the new year will be here in about 7 hours, so I'll see everyone at the Celebrating-2008-D/L-Style party tomorrow!! :D

Have lots of fun, stay safe and a big hug!

It wasn't mentioned in the spoiler report because the spoiler reports rarely give any details past the first half of the show but the brush off or whatever it is, is still a spoiler. It's near the end of the episode. Danny missing appears to be sometime after Ruben's funeral since Don finds a funeral program at Danny's after he's worried enough about Danny to practically break down Danny's door. In the 'brush off' scene it doesn't look like Lindsay had a clue where Danny was or why he wasn't at work. Danny is reluctant to talk to Lindsay and she's not happy about that. The scene ends with Lindsay walking away and Danny shutting the door.
Happy New DL Year every one :) may it be even fluffier then the last one

I was kinda MIA in the last weeks but the holidays were kinda crazy but good still. Santa even got me S2 & S3 CSI: NY DVD sets - which is the good news. the bad news is, they dont play on my DVD player. I so could have kicked the ass of whoever came up with the region idea :mad:

but onto merrier topics. what are my DL wishes for the new year?

1. A Date. they were dangling the dinner thing in front of us for 2 and a 1/2 years now, I think its time they see it through. interupted or not, candle light or a hot dog in a park, I want them to share a meal

2. A Kiss. I know we already got one but it feels like it was ages ago. it doesnt have to be that passionate either - though it wouldnt hurt. but I want a kiss that would last for at least 5 steam boats :)

3. A Photo. yeah, I know but Im persistent/annoying like that. I just want an article with at least one sweet photo of our cute hot CANON couple. it aint that much to ask, is it now?

call me greedy but I dont need for all of it to happen in January. there is still the Valentines Day :)

I hope you all enjoy your New Years celebration and see you later today. or tommorow
I've not been on here in absolutely ages, so sorry bout that. But anyway I'm here now, decided to share my love for D/L I love these two, they make such a cute couple and how could anyone not like them together. I love their scene's together, especially the one's in Boo. I love their banter and my favourite D/L episode is Snow Day, I absolutely loved that episode.
1 more hour till 2008 ! :)

I gather from the Ep. 13 spoilers is that Danny wants to deal with the death of Ruben on his own. He doesn't want anybody around him so it seems like that is the reason that Flack was so concerned and that he "pushes" Lindsay away.
vexus said:
1 more hour till 2008 ! :)

I gather from the Ep. 13 spoilers is that Danny wants to deal with the death of Ruben on his own. He doesn't want anybody around him so it seems like that is the reason that Flack was so concerned and that he "pushes" Lindsay away.

I'm not sure. It wasn't specified but when Lindsay goes to see what's up with Danny, she's not exactly sympathetic and the scene ends with Lindsay leaving and Danny shutting the door to his apartment (never asking her inside) ETA: I know they are working together in episode 14 but I've also heard they were wanting to show episode 13 after episode 14. I need to find out about that.

Keep in mind too that spoilers can change. I'm just not sure if they changed anything before the strike or not. I can't remember exactly when they were released before the strike...just a few days though, I think.
EVERYBODY - I hope you all had a great time and I wish everyone lots of love and good health for 2008!

^ They were released shortly before the strike broke out...we already knew about 13 and when everyone expected that to be the last episode, suddenly 14 popped up... :D

From the first paragraph of this article (no spoilers) I understand that perhaps some changes could've been made to the original scripts...
13 with all its Danny-drama does sound like an episode with more potential to be a season closer (?!)than 14...couldn't find any confirmation about a switch either though...
Vexus[/b] & 1CSIMfan]I've read the 'original' spoilers a while ago and the D/L moment is indeed near the end of the episode, but now that we've seen 11 episodes thus far with little to none confirmation about the status of their relationship :confused:, that scene seems even more out of place than it initially did...That's why I - after reading the recent spoiler report - thought that perhaps it will be left out completely...And if it's still in there, he does brush her off for a reason, but although he doesn't explain it then or invites her in, when he closes the door he does promise to talk about it with her the next day...

Carly you should search the internet, there are ways to make almost any DVD player region free...

I like your D/L wishlist and I'd like to add one

4. A confession. Just to hear one of them or both say "I love you" to the other - preferably after some emotional scene - would be great (big understatement :rolleyes:)

*turns on the music and starts the party by spraying some champagne in Mo's direction* :)
It could be cut if the writers got to it before the strike and yeah, I can't find out anything about the episodes being switched either but I heard it somewhere. Voices in my head maybe. :p I think the point of that last scene might just be Lindsay wanting to know why she covered for Danny. He must have told her he was sick because she brings him beer for the 'cold he doens't have'.
Hello My shippy darlings! *Mo twirls into the thread, tossing confetti and balloons and passing out goblets of champagne or sparkling cider for those who can't quite "drink" yet ;) * Happy New Year!!!

And now it's 2008,
We know it will be great,
With lots of fluff,
And smexy stuff,
Cuz D/L's love is fate!

Yeah cheesy I know, but it's getting late and I'm tired and running on little sleep! :lol: Anyway Hi! I hope you all had fun and a great New Years! I heard D/L had a private but very happy :devil: New Years themselves...something about spending the day off in bed?! ;) Heehee! :devil:

Aud my Fluffy Twin, Hi wub! ;) And Vex hon, I love your avie...that totally cracked me up! :lol:

And Dutch yeah I am 200% with you on the having one or both of them "confess" their love for the other! It is so beyond time for that and I am really really dying to hear one or both of them say it!!
Okay so it looks like what we know for this one is that Danny pushes everyone, Linds included :( , away to deal with Ruben's death more...which I can understand. I don't like it and would really really rather he let Linds in to talk with, especially after he tried to get her to talk in LRC....but I can understand it at least. :p I think this is our "bump" though, I really do...rar! Wait so he does tell her that he'll talk to her about it later?! I mean that's something...not much :p but something! I just, dang it...I want them to show they are together so that these scenes of them pushing eachother away make sense...cuz if they are gonna show the icky scenes, they need to at least make sense dang it! Ya know!!
Alright, 10 days off of work has spoiled me! I love not working...I'm seriously such a bum, lol! :lol: Sad day I have to go back to work tomorrow...rar! So I have to get ready for bed now...oh the joy! :rolleyes:

*Mo grins and spraying the thread with a healthy dose of pink fluffy fog, shimmers happily away!* :D
Moriel21 said:
Okay so it looks like what we know for this one is that Danny pushes everyone, Linds included :( , away to deal with Ruben's death more...which I can understand. I don't like it and would really really rather he let Linds in to talk with, especially after he tried to get her to talk in LRC....but I can understand it at least. :p I think this is our "bump" though, I really do...rar! Wait so he does tell her that he'll talk to her about it later?! I mean that's something...not much :p but something! I just, dang it...I want them to show they are together so that these scenes of them pushing eachother away make sense...cuz if they are gonna show the icky scenes, they need to at least make sense dang it! Ya know!!

I agree that if this has anything to do with their relationship, they could at least show that there is a relationship first. When she goes to see him she mentioned she covered for him and wanted to know why and when she mentions Ruben, he stops her. He asks if they can talk the next day and yes, he does say he promises they'll talk. She doesn't seem happy about him not wanting to talk right then but she leaves him be anyway. That's probably best since it couldn't end well if Danny was forced to talk.
Re: 4X13

Mo, I totally know about the pushing people away when trying to deal with death. My brother died a year ago, and dealing with it, I pushed my husband away. I couldn't deal with the grief I felt. I can see Danny in a similar situation. He's probably finds it harder to deal with because he blames himself for Ruben's death. He told Ruben to go home, while he did his job. Not only is the boy dead, he feels responsible. As we know, Danny is very emotional, and given the passage of an episode between this one and when Ruben died, it probably is hitting him harder, as the numbness fades. The reality has started to set in, and no, I don't see him wanting to talk to anyone at this point. It's not just Lindsay, you don't see Don or Stella either. We know that Don goes looking for him, but who knows if he makes contact with Danny. The death is making him withdraw for now, and given time, he will come out of it. But I think it's going to be a tough go of it for awhile, and I think this is indeed the "bump".
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