Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Happy Hump Day All! :)

I first thought it was the mother that we hear, but since everyone thinks it's Lindsay...I'm now really hoping for at least some indication that shows they're still together and that Lindsay is very, very worried about Dannny

I'm so excited for this ep.... :D

Angel question:
fun food question: would you join DL and eat bugs? or join the rest of the team and eat pizza?
You know if it ain't blue :p (or still alive) I'll eat it...so I'll join D/L...who'd pass up on that opportunity :D...Great choice of first 'date' pic Carly! :)

Mercy's question:
Do you think the lab would have mistletoe at their christmas party, or would that be too unprofessional for the workplace? If they did have it, would Danny and Lindsay make use of it?
OF course...it's a Christmas party; there has to be at least one person who insists that there is gonna be some mistletoe (Sid!)...they can put is somewhere in a corner.

And of course Danny and Lindsay would use that opportunity to kiss in front of all of their colleagues...Would be too funny though when the chaste peck on the lips they intended to give eachother (what were they thinking :rolleyes:) gets them a little carried away and ends in a full-blown snog session in front of everybody...imagine the shocked faces - and smiles... :lol:

Okay this is BELLA's Advent pic for wednesday, december 12


Such sweet smiles.

Later! :)
Hello my dears...technically it's still Tuesday evening here for me...which makes it fun and hilarious to me to see you posting for tomorrow already Dutch! ;) Never fails to crack me up...it is really late by me and I am crazy being still up since I have to get up early tomorrow as usual...I was hoping for snow so I could take a "Snow Day" ;) and prepare for our eppy...but alas it is not to be so! :p Looks like we've got a ton of lovely speculation going for our eppy tomorrow...I know I for one cannot wait to see it! I am keeping my fingers, toes and everything else I can manage crossed in hopes that we will get the D/L we are hoping for and most definitely deserve by now! :D

Also the other reason I wasn't in here tonight was that my muse decided to become brilliant again today and not only found a perfect song for another D/L vid, but it practically wrote the whole thing out for me, while I was at work again no less :lol: I swear my muse is gonna get me fired for thinking too much D/L at work one of these days! :lol: Anyway! The song is one of my all-time favorite romantic songs...and I think it fits D/L really well (and yes I am totally pimping my own vid here, forgive me! *Blushes...and giggles!* I made it for "bump" protection for us all...just in case the bump we're in denial over does actually happen :p So the song is "I Finally Found Someone" by Bryan Adams and Barbara Streisand and I just uploaded it to Youtube (under Moriel21)...so let me know what you think and hopefully it helps spread the fluff! :D

Speaking of fluff!! Mer-bear brilliant job in finding the pic and succeeding in pwning Lynny now for good, hon, YAY! Sorry Lynny but that was pretty much the agreement babes...you might be allowed a tad of angst, but you are now destined to be mostly D/L fluff cuz Mer got what you wanted! ;) Heehee...what are the other ones you want by the way? I'll help if I can! :D

Alright I so seriously need to go to bed, or I am gonna be a wreck tomorrow :rolleyes: Have a great night/morning and I'll be back soon...as always! :D

*Mo grins, waves, and rolls off to her bubble to shimmer sleepily away!* :D
Happy Hump/New Epi Day everyone

it feels so good to say it again

Do you think the lab would have mistletoe at their christmas party, or would that be too unprofessional for the workplace? If they did have it, would Danny and Lindsay make use of it?

I dont think it would be unprofessional to hanf mistltoe at an office party. and DL would so make a good use of it. they might even take some home for later :)

so we have new, Pam Vassey and positive thoughts - means nothing can get wrong *crosses fingers*
Happy Happy Hump Day, Happy Happy Hump Day, with a Hip Hooray and a Yippee-ki-yay...Happy Happy Hump Day!" :lol: Yeahhhhh, did I mention I didn't get to sleep until REALLY late last night, silly muse wouldn't let me sleep until I posted that video! :rolleyes: Oh well, the things I'll do for this ship and "bump" protection huh! :lol: Anyway...Hi all! Happy Hump Day!! And happy new-eppy-penned-by-our-D/L-hero-Pam-Veasey Day! :D Here's hoping Pam put in a shippy scene or two just for us...especially today! ;) I am doing my best to focus entirely on the good possibilities that could come from tonight and trying my hardest to force any bad thoughts or ideas far far away....it may be a case of serious denial, we'll see...but right now I'm doing pretty good! (Of course that could be because my brain is so tired, nothing much is registering anyway! :lol: ) All that to say, yay for a finally new eppy tonight and I can't wait...*Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...and pink fog, lots of pink fog!* :D ;)

Ohhh Mer I missed your mistletoe question...I LOVE mistletoe, or at least the idea...I've never been caught under it, but many a ship of mine has "had" to kiss under the stuff so it will always have a special place in my heart for that! :D I think if it's an "after hours" party and the whole team is relaxing and gathered in the break room for a drink to celebrate the holiday then there's nothing wrong with mistletoe...I see Flack or Stella being the ones to hang it right in the doorway and then Danny comes into the room just as Linds leaves to go find him, which brings them both under the mistletoe at the same time...and Flack would of course notice and tease them...and Danny would look at Linds for a moment and she'd grin and he'd wink at her and then they would kiss a kiss that would leave everyone with no doubt as to how often they practice that little activity! :devil: :lol: LOVE it! :D

Okay I should head off to work...yay for Hump day again and I hope you all have a swell day...Christmas is in less than 2 weeks...crazy huh! Happy Holidays to y'all! :D

*Mo steps into her tinsel covered, pink fog filled fluffy bubble and shimmers away!* :D
merbear! i think mistletoe in the break room would be better than in the lab/office areas. :D danny and lindsay would take full advantage of it too ;) .

necrophilia americana! more bug jokes. :lol: thx dutch and bella.

4x11 -- ready, set, go. *cuzzy*
So I was staring at your hawt avvie Angel when I thought that it had froze on teh hug. I panicked slighty - because it's such a sexy avvie - but then it changed :) *giggles at self*

*readies the sails* Avast me hearties! Ye all set for tonight? I gots a good feeling about this. Not about the case, considering the circumstances...but I really do believe we have nothing to worry about. Even if we do get some DL angst in this and/or upcoming episodes, we all know they will pull through it :D

Do you think the lab would have mistletoe at their christmas party, or would that be too unprofessional for the workplace? If they did have it, would Danny and Lindsay make use of it?

I think there would be a mistletoe, because it's a part of Christmas. And no, I don't think it would be unprofessional. It's just for fun, after all ;) and DL would most definitely make good use of it. I can see Danny tricking Lindsay into standing under it with him just because he wants a kiss :lol:

Awwwwwwwwww dutch! The picture is love. That was a good scene. Did anyone notice how when he walked up behind her, he did a double take? She turned to look at him and smiled, and as his head was moving downward to look at the victim, he saw the smile and looked at her again, flashing his own. That was around the time I began to notice a different air between them ;) there was a bit more than friendship there.

*hands out a freshly-baked batch of her special DL cookies, made with M&Ms and the most wholesome of ingredients* Fuel for tonight :)
^^^ uh oh, i hope the avvie is not broken! :lol: your Evil Twin is very talented. ;) .

Stuffy said: Did anyone notice how when he walked up behind her, he did a double take?
^^^ sneaky little danny messer! :devil: good old season 2 danny and linday bantering. :p that scene is another perfect example of DL not being on the same case, but finding a way to be speak to each other/get to each other! :D

*eats a cookie from the supplier*
*comes in singing "My life has just begun; I finally found someone..." because of Mo's wonderful vid*

I've commented on YouTube hon, but I forgot to mention how I loved the moment were the 8-ball hits the pocket, perfectly in sync with a drum beat :D ...I don't know why but I really liked that moment...

Stuffy said:
Did anyone notice how when he walked up behind her, he did a double take? She turned to look at him and smiled, and as his head was moving downward to look at the victim, he saw the smile and looked at her again, flashing his own
Yeah, I've noticed that too...that scene shows so very clearly that they were much more interested in eachother than just as colleagues :D...the smiles, the shy way they both try to avoid making eye contact :), you can almost feel the electricity sparking between them... :devil:

And Angel's right...this time Danny found a pretty ingenious way to talk to her even when they weren't working that case together...smart guy... :)

Everybody's hoping for a great ep tonight...I'm feeling positive (again) so I hope it will live up to our expectations... :)
Well, let's see what fodder I can provide for the masses today. Hi masses! *waves* :D

The ep will be good for Danny and Lindsay, maybe not as a couple, but as individuals. We all know Carmine's going to kick butt as the emotional Danny, and Lindsay will be there to support him. If he walks away from her support at this point in time, so be it. That's what he does. He doesn't lean on people. When he's ready for support, he'll go to her. It's basically Lindsay returning the favor for Danny supporting her. Besides, we've got to remember that before they became a couple, DL were partners and friends first. They've established a good foundation.

As for "bump protection," don't worry about it. It's a freakin' TV show. They said there was going to be a bump, not a fork in the road. TPTB know a good thing when they've got it, and viewers know a good thing when they're seeing it. As Danny said in SD, "Don't freak out!" ;)

You know ... I think I'm starting to embrace the fog! :devil: ;) :p

OT: Happy belated Birthday, Rhonda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay people, get your
to a box of tissue, because it's an episode where Danny cries. A little boy, Ruben, whom he went to the blessing of the bikes at church is shot on the way home, only Danny doesn't realize it until he sees the body in the morgue. Danny is shocked when he sees Ruben, and loses it. when Danny and Mac are discussing the boy, Danny blames himself for not making sure Ruben got home safely. Lindsay comes into the morgue, saying she just heard, but Danny walks away, shaking his hand. Lindsay tells Mac that she's not very good at things like this and asks what she should tell him. Mac tells her to say "I'm not very good with things like this." Lindsay touches Mac's arm and goes after Danny. Danny breaks down crying when he tells the mother about Ruben, and the both sit crying in the hall. At the end, Danny enters the church, and sits behind the mother. He tries to reach out to her, but doesn't. The episode ends with Danny bowing his head and shaking it. So, it was a good episode, a smidge of D/L(I think Mac knows, folks!) Lindsay is in the other case alot, very good episode all around, in my opinion. But crying Danny breaks my heart.
Lol, Dutch you are too cute! I'm glad you liked my vid...I LOVE that song and the vid seriously almost made itself...I'm quite happy with it! I think it's my favorite of the ones I've done so far...*Mo blushes and realizes she is totally tooting her own horn!* :lol:

Glad y'all are feeling the pink fog *Mo sprays the thread down with another healthy dose just to be safe!* and not going angsty on me here...that includes you Lynny babes wherever you are... ;)

Catey for the first time in a looooooong time I came into the thread just now and almost did not read your spoiler box...for a split second there I almost decided that I would let myself not be spoiled! :lol: Of course we know that didn't last! ;) Heehee! Thanks for the info hon and I will make sure I'm prepared for this eppy...I knew I'd need to be already, but still...good to be sure.

Alright...2 hours, 40 minutes for me...I'm excited! :D
^ Thank you, Catie. You already know, but you're a total rock star for doing the early-showing thing for us. It makes the West Coast waiting game bearable. :D

Someone had asked about DL Christmas. I would imagine either or both would end up working at some point during Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. They'd probably attempt to juggle schedules to get some time off together, but that's the nature of the beast with the jobs they have.
Lol, PE where on the West Coast are you again? :D Wait Hawaii right? I'm with ya on the West Coast waiting game by the way...normally I love it out here, but every Wednesday it become torturous to have to wait those extra hours...which is why you're such a saving grace Catey! :D

If they did both work Christmas Eve they could get caught under the mistletoe a whole lot! :devil: :D
Oh god! I was crying so hard. I can't believe how terrible that was. I mean... I'm glad that Lindsay came running in to try to help him... but damn. And then he's just starts crying with Ruben's mother. That's.... so terrible. Can you imagine? My poor Danny. I swear my heart is pounding and I'm crying so hard right now.
**Bella skips into the thread ignoring the fact that she should be getting ready for work and doesn't really have the time to post**

Catey - thanks for the summary :)I could not resist logging on this morning to see what happened in the new episode. It makes the long wait a bit easier for us Brits as well ;) Everyone seems to be using spoiler boxes so I will as well because I am not sure what time it airs on the west coast.

I'm not sure how it plays out but I am disappointed if they have Lindsay admit that she does not know what to say to Danny. It seemed the perfect opportunity for TPTB to confirm their relationship in a positive way but they chose to make lindsay seem awkward. But then again I obviously have not seen the eppy so what do i know :lol:
But keep those summaries coming folks :D Hope you all have a great day !

**Bella dashes off to get ready for work**
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