Hello, Hello, Hello!! Happy Friday and happy 18 days left until Christmas!!
*Mo sprints into the thread managing to juggle cups of hot cocoa with candy canes for everyone as she runs!* (I'm Superwoman apparently! :lol: )
So I have like 2 seconds to say hi here...that seems to be a theme to this week, apparently I'm not getting up early enough these days so I can have proper time to chill in here before heading off to work
Angel hon, I'm too lazy to reply in an actual spoiler box to your above comment...but I will say, DON'T WORRY!!
*Mo sprays her bud with excess pink fog!* Look back over our advent calendar and all the glorious pics and eps and comments and teasing and trust me, D/L...it's fine! We're CANON...we're solid and remember what the PTB said (their last comment about D/L!) they are "In LOVE" and their relationship is going to "deepen!"

We're good, they're good, it's all good!
JenP I just wanted to say, well Hi first!

And second I'm pretty sure that these last 10 episodes since Snow Day were not supposed to have happened within 10 days...each eppy is a day or so, but I'm pretty sure it's not like "the next day" type deal...cuz we know at the very least that the first eppy of the season took place at least 10 days to 2 weeks after Snow Day cuz that's how long Mac was supposed to be in London for! So it's been longer than just 10 days after Snow Day...I do agree though that we should have more D/L by now! I really want more...lots and lots more!
Dutch hon, LOVE the advent pic for today...that forehead kiss never fails to make me swoon giddily...that is such a tender sweet moment for them...
*Sigh!* I love it!
Alright my dears, all of you lovely dears have a swell day and I will pop back in later and chat more...have a wonderful Friday all of you!! And yay for a new eppy Wed. to look forward to!
*fingers, toes and everything else crossed and bubble insulated in hopes of some good D/L on Wednesday!* :lol:
*Mo grins and stepping into her well fortified and pink fog filled bubble, shimmers away!*