Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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I have to say, as much as I love "Snow Day", I really like "Sleight out of Hand" a little more. Whether it is Danny flying to Montana for her, or the holding of the hands and the head on the shoulder, the moments are just amazing.

And regarding the preview of next week's episode
the promo on CBS is totally different than the one that aired on CTV. CBS definetly shows how hurt Danny is about this little boy, and it almost looks like he is walking away from Lindsay in the one snippet. She looks like she's coming to find him, actually in the one scene. The one on CTV concentrated solely on the Flack/Stella/Lindsay case, you'd never know there was any Danny drama. It looks good, I hope it's as interesting as the promos and the spoilers make it.
Hello my dears! *Mo dances into the thread...her partner for the time being a very tall coatrack wearing a top hat...why you ask? Well just because!* :lol: Happy Hump Day Evening! Yeah I know that doesn't make sense, but neither does dancing with a coatrack, so I'm doing pretty good! :lol: I think I'm a bit sleep deprived right now...which could make me interesting...we'll see! ;)

Fluffer Stuffy wuffer hon giggled:
they are each other's lobster (hehe). "He's her lobster!" Okay, Friends references aside...they complete each other.
Awwwww that's one of my favorite "Friends" lines, Stuffy! It was true with Ross and Rachel and it is most definitely true with Danny and Lindsay...and I agree they do complete eachother...but even better than that, they compliment and accent and sharpen and perfect eachother! They are two whole amazing beautiful people who when you put them together, make perfection! :D

Lindsay has taught Danny the power of patience and love, and in turn he has shown her courage and hope. They are each other's pillar of strength and support.
That is almost poetic hon! And so very true, after all they have been through seperately and together they have learned and grown through so many things with eachother...they are better as a result of knowing eachother, and richer for loving eachother! :D

Around more often "Yay!" PrettyEyes pointed out:
However, I think the Danny and Lindsay characters reflect real people in that each of us must be independent as we possibly can be.
You mean be your own person instead of depending entirely on someone else for your happiness? I definitely agree with you on that and I think that's partly why D/L work so well...they compliment eachother and need eachother in an "I love you and need you in my life to make it fuller and sweeter" kind of way, but they are self-sufficient and happy on their own too...meaning right from the get go they can bring that much more to their relationship! :D
Catey[/b] the queen of the D/L spoiler...]Ohhhh gonna have to make sure I catch that promo for next week...I really really hope that if they give us the D/L angst it seems like we are destined to get ("Bump" or not), I hope that it will get wrapped up before we finish the new eppys we have left...or that we get more new eppy's so I don't have to hurt someone to get my fluff back! :lol: I want my D/L happy and in love and fluffy and I really really want the world, or at least the lab to know they are together dang it!! And I want hand holding!! :lol:
Okay I'm off to rest, and wait to watch our the hand-holding we get tonight...and the love of SOoH...*Sigh!* :D

*Mo giggles and wrapping herself in plenty of protective fluffy fluff, shimmers off in her pink bubble!* :lol:
Morning all! :D

Again I have to make it a short visit, but I'll be back this evening... :)

Carly that SOY cap is great and so funny - they look so happy together :)...I can still remember the first time I saw the cap...I was like "huh, how did I totally miss that they were holding hands?" :eek: 'til I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me... :rolleyes:

I haven't seen it yet, but I read something about it in the spoiler thread...Isn't Danny running past Lindsay because that dead boy's mum is waiting for news on her son? Of course this could also mean the start of our bump, but those promo's always make things appear very different than they actually are... :D

Later! :)
did anyone else watch the LOVELY episode called Sleight Out of Hand?? :D it's so good to re-live those DL moments!

wonderful quotes:
"go with your instincts"
"i'm losing my mind"
**almost-kiss!!** ;)

i agree with dutch, promos are not always what they seem! i DON'T WANT danny running from lindsay. HURUMPH! :( but i like that lindsay appears to be going to comfort danny/talk to him. at the end of the promo after SOoH's airing, did it look like danny is walking away with his jacket in his hand?! what is up with that??? did they re-shoot this episode so that the brushing off is in this one? gahhh, i don't like troubled waters :( *holds on to my virtual teddy bear*

maketrackscowboy's question: what makes DL the couple? hmm :p ... they have physical and emotional attraction. it shows in their reponses to one another, their locking of eyes with each other, and in their touches. they seem to let their guards down with one another and let the other see what others usually don't see. :)

*ETA*: for Mo: decorating the xmas tree, especially the ornaments up top (danny can give linds a boost ;) ).
Good morning! Lol, Dutch I like how you and I pop in for 2 seconds in our mornings (said cuz we're what 8 hours apart!) before going to work :lol: I like that you do that too! So my shippy dears...how are we all this fine Thursday morning? Doing well I hope...we had a lovely shippy reminder last night of just how much our couple does love eachother! :D And we have a new eppy to look forward to next week...for which I am staying very very optimistic! :D Plus there are only 19 days left until Christmas!! :lol: Which means I had darn well better get on my Christmas shopping! :lol: And which makes me really want that D/L hand holding I've been asking Santa for all the more... :D

Okay this might be my shortest morning post ever...or maybe not! Mmmmm, let's add a question...okay, "What kind of holiday traditions do you think Danny and Lindsay have from growing up and do you see them doing those same things now that they're together?"

Okay and that's it my people, I'm out for the day...have a swell one! :D

Oh and just because it hasn't been done lately...*Mo giggles and opening the nozzle, sprays the whole thread down with a healthy dose of strong pink fog...just as a bit of fluffy protection!* :lol:

*Mo waves and steps up into her strongly reinforeced fluffy bubble, shimmering happily away in a fog of pink smoke!* :D
Hi guys!
I finally saw the whole 'CYHMN?' episode yesterday...and I have to say, considering this is supposed to happen 10 days after SD, it's been a real let-down for me. Sure, the condom-scene was good, and seeing Danny on the Statue of Liberty was also yummie, but I just expected more.

It did give me a D/L boost, and I sure needed that. Being pregnant is no good for shipping-activities, they just don't seem to be that important anymore :D Let's hope the boost continues!

See you soon!
Im going to catch up on a few things :D
Mo said:I swear no matter how many times I watch this eppy tonight...(Sleight Out of Hand) the part where Danny walks into the courtroom and she sees him and they gaze at eachother for that deliciously long moment before he sits down...that never fails to totally make me *Squeee!* and then *Sigh!* It's just so sweet and supportive and romantic...and You're a good man Danny Messer!
I love that scene, its definetly up there with the Snow Day scene for number 1 D/L scenes.
(Okay, I think I might have said scene a little too much)
And yes, Danny is a great man! Linds is so lucky.

Mo asked: "What kind of holiday traditions do you think Danny and Lindsay have from growing up and do you see them doing those same things now that they're together?"
I see them as having done the traditional stuff, like the tree and possibly Linds baking something. It would be so cute, Danny and Lindsay, being woken up at 6am by their 2 little kids. Then being pulled to the presents. Then they all sit down, D/L has coffee, and they watch their kids rip everything open and smile as their kids jump up and down. Then maybe they could bake gingerbread D/L cookies :D
* Sarah comes back down from her little fantasy bubble *
:lol: Maybe I should write a fanfic.

Who is posting the picture for today?
^ Sarah you go ahead and post a Advent pic... :)

Aah you guys had SOoH yesterday...I still can't keep from smiling when Danny starts to have visions of Lindsay :lol:...He just has such a goofy face in that scene..too much pink fog perhaps? :p *SQUEEES along with Angel*

Fellow early morning poster Mo said:
Dutch I like how you and I pop in for 2 seconds in our mornings (said cuz we're what 8 hours apart!) before going to work I like that you do that too!
Yeah were 8 or 9 hours apart :eek:, but I also love to read my online newspaper and some threads while eating my breakfast...and there's always so much stuff here to respond too... :)

"What kind of holiday traditions do you think Danny and Lindsay have from growing up and do you see them doing those same things now that they're together?"
I have the feeling they both grew up in families with a lot of family traditions and special generations' old ornaments and decorations :)...So when the time comes to put up a Christmas tree they will both be taking out their boxes with stuff and start decorating while singing traditional songs (well Lindsay might sing and Danny will just smile watching her ;))...I personally never go, but I think they'll perhaps even attend a Christmas Eve mass together...

JenP great to see you again and of course there's nothing more important than your unborn child, but fluffy shipping is good for boosting his/her health...So Dutch television started broadcasting season 4; yeah it was really disappointing that there was only the condom spray scene as a possible reference to SD :rolleyes:, but at least it was one of the funniest D/L scene ever :lol:...their facial expressions alone are hilarious...
I know we have been going a little crazy with the SOoH pics but I couldnt resist making this the picture for The Advent Calendar- December 6th
*taps Sarah on shoulder and gives her a giant bear hug* My dear, that picture is so beautiful! I absolutely love that - when she puts her head on his shoulder, smiles, and sighs. As if all the weight is finally off. I sure do loves this DL advent calendar! Yup yup :)

JenP! *waves* How's it going hun? Missed ye 'round these parts. Hope the pregnancy is going well :)

So I caved in yesterday and watched both SOOH and SD. I had two tests today and my addiction was screaming DL, so I had no choice but to feed it. Not that I'm complaining or anything ;) it was nice to snuggle in bed and watch the pool table secks. And the Danny-flying-to-Montana-even-though-he-was-exhausted thing. Gets me everytime :)

"What kind of holiday traditions do you think Danny and Lindsay have from growing up and do you see them doing those same things now that they're together?"

Oooo - great question Mo bear! Umm...I think Lindsay is the type of girl who enjoyed making gingerbread cookies and houses as a child. Because you can't go wrong with a gingerbread house ;) I also like to think that her father would read her 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, because that story is a real treasure. Maybe also helping decorate the tree :)

Danny, I think, maybe wouldn't have as many. Just because of his family history. But maybe he had snowball fights with his brother. I don't really see Danny as a "tradition" guy.

Now that they are together, I think they would still honour the traditions. They could put up a little tree together and decorate it, and Lindsay could make cookies for her and Danny.

I can't get the image of them having a snowball fight and building snowmen out of my mind. :lol:
*comes in and almost drops her cup of steaming strong and hot coffee to stare at Stuffy's even steamier, stronger and hotter avvie* :eek: - Lindsay's soooo lucky

Sarah that picture is adorable...her smile is just the sweetest thing ever; she suddenly seems so relaxed after all those months of worrying about that horrible massacre and having to testify and then suddenly it's over AND Danny's there... :D

Stuffy I love the idea of them building snowmen and then having a big snowball fight... :)

Okay, I know I've already posted one this week, but I'm leaving for London this morning, so I'm gonna post the

Advent pic for Friday, the 7th of December


My heart is still doing cartwheels every time I see that sweet little forehead kiss...love is all around... :)

"I'm glad this happened" - "Me too"...And so are we!

Pokes TPTB with something sharp :mad: and points at ^ quote and ^^ picture....Remember? :p...CANON!

See you guys monday! Have a great weekend!
edit bad early morning grammar :rolleyes:
Nothing like wonderful DL pics to get me to stop lurking. I love the advent calendar idea. I don't know how to post pictures, but I will enjoy looking at the ones you all post.

JenP, hope your pregnancy is going well.

Dutch, have a wonderful time in London. Wish I could go too. I have never been anywhere fun.

Holiday traditions question Mo asked:

Lindsay helped put up the Christmas tree and they probably did fun stuff while doing it, like played a game or something for who could put up the next ornament.

Danny, like Stuffy said, probably played in the snow with Louie.

Together they could still have their traditions they have now. It would be cute to see them putting up a tree in their apartment.
^^ did you get a new title?? :p

dutch, the one who is time zones away, your most recent post had me laughing out loud at 2 in the morning! pretty description for such a tender moment for danny and lindsay. they are so happy in that picture, it gets ya smiling a lot! squee!!

stuffers, i got an image of little danny and little louie playing snowball war until both are almost snowMEN :lol: . and you and your smokin' avvie. :p

Mo[/b]...to the rescue!]more vids, more vids! :lol: i need more "bump protection" cause i'm feeling the worry now (mostly because my other ship, on grey's, MerDer, is just about sinking. what if D/L goes that way too?! :( ) .

*passes out M&M cookies because it's FRIDAY!*
Hello, Hello, Hello!! Happy Friday and happy 18 days left until Christmas!! :D *Mo sprints into the thread managing to juggle cups of hot cocoa with candy canes for everyone as she runs!* (I'm Superwoman apparently! :lol: )

So I have like 2 seconds to say hi here...that seems to be a theme to this week, apparently I'm not getting up early enough these days so I can have proper time to chill in here before heading off to work :p

First Angel hon, I'm too lazy to reply in an actual spoiler box to your above comment...but I will say, DON'T WORRY!! *Mo sprays her bud with excess pink fog!* Look back over our advent calendar and all the glorious pics and eps and comments and teasing and trust me, D/L...it's fine! We're CANON...we're solid and remember what the PTB said (their last comment about D/L!) they are "In LOVE" and their relationship is going to "deepen!" :D We're good, they're good, it's all good! :D

And JenP I just wanted to say, well Hi first! :D And second I'm pretty sure that these last 10 episodes since Snow Day were not supposed to have happened within 10 days...each eppy is a day or so, but I'm pretty sure it's not like "the next day" type deal...cuz we know at the very least that the first eppy of the season took place at least 10 days to 2 weeks after Snow Day cuz that's how long Mac was supposed to be in London for! So it's been longer than just 10 days after Snow Day...I do agree though that we should have more D/L by now! I really want more...lots and lots more! :D

Dutch hon, LOVE the advent pic for today...that forehead kiss never fails to make me swoon giddily...that is such a tender sweet moment for them...*Sigh!* I love it! :D

Alright my dears, all of you lovely dears have a swell day and I will pop back in later and chat more...have a wonderful Friday all of you!! And yay for a new eppy Wed. to look forward to! :D *fingers, toes and everything else crossed and bubble insulated in hopes of some good D/L on Wednesday!* :lol:

*Mo grins and stepping into her well fortified and pink fog filled bubble, shimmers away!* :D
xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
^^ did you get a new title?? :p

dutch, the one who is time zones away, your most recent post had me laughing out loud at 2 in the morning! pretty description for such a tender moment for danny and lindsay. they are so happy in that picture, it gets ya smiling a lot! squee!!

stuffers, i got an image of little danny and little louie playing snowball war until both are almost snowMEN :lol: . and you and your smokin' avvie. :p

Mo[/b]...to the rescue!]more vids, more vids! :lol: i need more "bump protection" cause i'm feeling the worry now (mostly because my other ship, on grey's, MerDer, is just about sinking. what if D/L goes that way too?! :( ) .

*passes out M&M cookies because it's FRIDAY!*

I'm worried about that too, Snow Day and this past Wendsday's episode really shows their love, and if they split I will cry, and it is not pretty for me to cry.... If it's Danny's fault they split, I' think I will have to take a trip and personally meet him and tell him what a moron he is. Of course that will be after or while I'm hugging his neck and not letting go!!!! :lol: :lol:

And Dutch You almost made me have a heart attack with that pic, it is my FAVORITE!! THANK YOU! :D
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