Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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I am both dreading and entirely anxious for our next 4 eppy's...the will we/won't we question for us getting fluffy D/L is driving me batty!
It stinks that there will be reruns for a while. Its going to be reruns right? This whole "writers strike" and Winter Hiatus is so confusing and driving me crazy! *Runs around in circles and screams*

On a slightly different note...Weren't we supposed to mob down TPTB for not giving us a lot of D/L in the episode on Wednesday? I guess they gave us a somewhat decent amount, we'll let them go...this time :p

I really want some holiday cookes...with sprinkles...in the shape of D's and L's. Oh how cute! Someone get baking! :D
Sarah asked and Angel hmmm'ed:
Whats this about Lindsay sleeping around? Where did you get that from?
Oh that was nothing :p...just Lynny's way to bring some angst back to the thread :D...*huggles Lynny and makes her a big pile of chocolate chip cookies*

The one I'm so jealous of right now, 'cause she got snow :cool: Mo said:
what I want is something big and revealing and lovely to get us through however long this strike lasts! Something that will have us squeeing far into the new year!
^ I'm definitely adding that wish to my Christmas list...wouldn't it be great if we had another totally unexpected SD-like scene to help us all through a probably terrible long hiatus :eek:...*smiles innocently while she reminds TPTB of Stuffy's collection* ;)

Lynny who should come around here more often said:
If she explains to Danny, I'll be a happy camper -- for awhile anyways
And then Mo replied:
Don't you think an explanation now would be kind of weird...I mean really, cuz I'm assuming that they already had this discussion a looooong time ago and are past it
But sometimes when people have a fight they tend to bring old issues back up...Lindsay stoop up Danny Messer and all his potency :devil: (...swim...*winks at Mo*) and we never heard her explanation :mad:...so perhaps a lovers quarrel could be a great opportunity for TPTB to have Danny throw that at her feet again, forcing Lindsay to give him (AND us - yeah :D) an explanation...LOL see the angst has never left me :p, but was just dormant... :)

Bella I love that picture you've chosen - and although you cannot post them yourself - yet (didn't know about the 100 posts - txs Natty) we are all willing to post your choices for you...

And I still love everything about SOoH...Like Liffy said, the fact that TPTB made it so very clear that Danny was exhausted :( and he still went with his instincts and flew to Montana, made it ever more clear how deep his feelings for Lindsay are :D...That pic just shows the moment where finally all the doubts and fears are gone and they can move on... :D

Okay Advent pic for Sunday, 2 December:


It's from ep 3x02 NWILL...And I love it, because - again - without saying anything the looks they share tell a tale...You can just see the flirting, the bantering and the passion all in one look...And I like it even more, because it shows how fragile things can be :(; here they are working a case and cherishing their feelings, completely unaware that the solution of that case will almost kill Lindsay...
Good Sunday morning my lovelies!! (Hugs Mo and company.) I'm loving the beautiful pics. We should send these to the PTB to remind the of what they have created...Okay, here's my contribution. I don't even need to explain, the picture says it all. ;) EDIT: Are we only posting one picture a day or what? I'm still catching up on this thread---so forgive me if I'm a little of the loop. :lol:


Holding Hands, Holding Hearts...*from csi-caps.com*

Fluffy Lynny who can be bribed with cookies cheered:
If she explains to Danny, I'll be a happy camper -- for awhile anyways What? I'm angsty. can't be all fluffy. (Thats for CatNip and Smacked)
If they are going to deepen their relationship, those issues must be touched upon. Hopefully they will. You continue to make me believe you are fluffy my wub---season two was so fluffy. It was season three that was so angsty.

But really Lynny---Linds lives to annoy you (and she has cookies), not the other way around. :lol: She's clever that way. :lol: And what's this about a Mo/Danny/Linds triangle? Fourth rule in the "The Art of Being Fluffy" rule book---NO TRIANGLES!! Ever. :p

Our lovely shipper with the "Sexy Togo" avvie suggested:

I really want some holiday cookes...with sprinkles...in the shape of D's and L's. Oh how cute! Someone get baking!
Sounds like a plan to me!! I'll get baking!! :D

The Beauty from Holland stated:
I'm definitely adding that wish to my Christmas list.
I'm wondering if we have a D/L Christmas list? :confused: Or is this a personal list? If so, I have a few things I'd like Sinter Klaus to bring us. So what's everyone else's D/L Christmas list look like?

I'm too exhausted to really add anything of worth today on this thread. *Winter weather is so bad on the sinuses* :eek:

Later. :cool:
******* Bella giggles at the insanity in the thread *******

You guys crack me up - from Danny's swimmers :lol: to Lindsay sleeping around :eek: You never know what you are going to find when you come in here!!

Liffy said
It'd be so cute if he asked her to lay with him a while, and she cutely asks why but he falls asleep before he can answer. Small scenes like that make me giddy all night long.
They are the kind of scenes that I love :D I wish we could have seen what happened after the courtroom scene in SooH but I suppose that is just being greedy! But I still think that they missed an opportunity to give us a small shippy scene in "Boo". I love the bantering and flirting that we have had so far and i like a little bit of angst but I am craving something shippy....

My name is Bella and I am a shippy-holic :D

Mo with the snow....
Hey I know, just stalk the thread and maybe by the time it's almost Christmas you'll have enough posts to post like the New Years Eve pic or something!
Don't think that I have not thought of that :lol: Only 54 posts to go :eek: If only i had de-lurked earlier!

Dutch - great choice of picture for Day 2 of the Danny and Lindsay advent calendar. One of my fave episodes for them. It is a classic example of the 'damsel in distress' scenario which may sound sexist (cos we all know Montana can kick arse) but there is nothing like the love of your life being in danger to make you realise how you feel. Danny can barely keep it together when she goes undercover and I love how he races off before the others even know what is happening. And you are right - the way that they look at each other says it all :) :) :)

Aud asked
Are we only posting one picture a day or what? I'm still catching up on this thread---so forgive me if I'm a little of the loop
Well it is kinda a long story in which I make a right idiot of myself :lol: :lol: :lol: but thought we would get some festive fun in the DL thread by having a DL advent calendar. But with picture every day instead of chocolates ( btw is it wrong to still have choccy advent calendars in your thirties?? ). But... here is the funny bit, it turns out that you can only post images once you have reached 100 posts :lol: which counts me out of my idea ;) But there is no rule for more than one picture per day :D the more the merrier!

And who wants to post for tomorrow's window on the advent calendar - Day 3 - you know you want to!!

I need to lie down now after this mega post!
cath, I'm still here. I'm not quite as prolific as some are on here(Liff,Mo, you know I'm talking about you!) and everyone says things better than I do. The best thing I've contributed lately was the discussion on Christmas presents they would give each other, and I have a charm bracelet with charms for their special moments(cow, tarantula, daisy, etc) for Lindsay and a pocket watch(inscribed) for Danny.

Everyone else may love the snow right now, but I am so ready for it to be spring already, and we've only had it 3 weeks. I hate driving in it. I'm getting too old, to be a kid again and relish it snowing, to play in, to maybe get a snow day. Me, I just see it as a daily challenge to get through. This is why I love reading your posts about everything, I sit beside my heater, catching up with everything as I slowly thaw.

As for the Advent Calendar, I'd love to post a pic, but it would most likely be later in the day, because I mostly log on after work. There are so many great pics out there, and you've all done a wonderful job so far.
auda asked:
I'm wondering if we have a D/L Christmas list? Or is this a personal list? If so, I have a few things I'd like Sinter Klaus to bring us
LOL :lol: it was on my personal list, but we can make a D/L-Christmas-wishlist...And I wubs you for refering to our good old Dutch Sinterklaas :D holiday (the one were Santa Claus originated from)...only that's celebrated this wednesday, the 5th :); too bad there isn't a new ep then...some D/L suprise would've been a great gift... :D

Bella said:
I love the bantering and flirting that we have had so far and i like a little bit of angst but I am craving something shippy....
That's the right word - craving - I also love what we had so far, but I think we all were expecting a little more this season than we've had thus far; especially after what some of TPTB have said :mad:...season isn't over yet *crosses fingers, toes and everything else crossable* :D

is it wrong to still have choccy advent calendars in your thirties??
Any excuse to eat chocolate can not be wrong... :D

Catie I can understand that snow is terrible when you have to go through it every day, but here we only have (if we're lucky) a couple days of snow a year; so I'm still pretty excited the first time I see some flakes fall...Don't like driving in it either, but watching, playing, walking and of course having Snow Days :devil: is great!

auda that cap is great...I love how tight his grip is and then that completely awkward moment whetn they realize they're actually holding hands... :lol:*smiles*
Hello, hello! *Mo bounces in...grinning and passing out candy canes...* No need to feel jealous of me anymore Dutch dear, snow's gone! :( That's the only bummer with winter around here, when it does snow it only lasts like 2 seconds before it melts! :p Yet another reason I'm jealous of y'all on the East Coast and D/L in NY, cuz when it snows there...it stays! :D Oh well, hopefully we'll get more snow later :D

Anyway...I'm just popping in for a quick 2 seconds...sorry to be so short I know...but I'm doing Christmas gift making and it's time consuming cuz I'm anal! :lol: Anyway...Dutch I love that advent pic you posted! And yeah it's so true, you know your ship rocks and is truly canon when you can see the love and banter and flirting just in a picture! :D The looks on their faces, it's SO cute! I loved that little scene/clip...you could feel Danny's "appreciation" in that one glance! :devil:

And Dutch hon...you know I'm not an angst fan :lol: but...but...if we were to get a lover's quarrel that resulted in an explanation I would be okay with that, as long as...as long as...we definintely got a good makeup scene afterwards! :devil: Cuz we all know that's the only and best way to have angst...little bit of angsty, lotta bit of makeup smex! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Aud! Hello my wub! :D *Huggles back!* Lol, no worries hon...the whole "triangle" thing is Lynny being a goofball! ;) You know me, the LAST thing I want is a D/L triangle...it's D/L only all the way, and anyone, including me, who tried to get in the way of that...well it wouldn't be pretty! :lol:

And Aud hon, I LOVE that pic you posted...them holding hands...is just...*Squeeee!* I want another scene of them holding hands, except this time I want them just like walking into work holding hands...so simple, yet so "together" and sweet! :D

Bella of course you're a shippy-holic hon, glad to here it, and yeah it's pretty much impossible not to be in here! :lol:

Catey not a fan of the snow? Even when just saying it always makes one think of the fabulousness that was our smexxy eppy? :devil: :lol:

Okay my dears...I have made another video...I'm not sure how I feel about this one...I watched the movie "August Rush" last weekend and ever since I've had the song "Moondance" stuck in my head....and so I made a little bitty D/L vid to that song...the movie version though, sorry Liff no Michael Buble! ;) (yet! :D ) So yeah y'all will have to check it out and let me know if you like it...I'm a bit unsure about this one! I like the grayscale I used though! :lol: Just look up "Moriel21" on Youtube and it's titled "Moondance"! :D

Okay I should get back to present making! :lol: Have a swell evening my dears and I'll be back later, as always! :D

*Mo grins and shimmers away in her pink fog filled fluffy bubble!* :D
Yes Mo, I know that 'the triangle' thing was just Lynny joking around. ;)

I love the whole 'hand holding' thing too. That is why we are picketing my dear. D/L fluff!!

Not sure what the calendar thing is about Bella, but count me in!! And Dutch, it is good to know that D/L is right up there on your personal list!! And we should make an actual D/L Christmas list to send to good old Sinterklaas!! I can just imagine Danny sitting on his lap asking him if he could have Lindsay's affection and 'hand' for Christmas. And of course, he will get his wish. ;)

Night all. :)
Lol, good I'm glad you knew that...cuz triangle's are pretty much my least favorite thing that could ever happen to a ship! ;)

Yeah the hand holding....*Mo sighs at the thought...* I really want more hand holding, it's simple, sweet, easy and would take 3 seconds to show...please PTB?! *Mo raises her picket sign with Aud!* :D

:lol: Okay hon the image of Danny sitting on Santa's lap is perhaps forever burned into my brain and is right now totally cracking me up! :lol: I do like the idea of him getting Linds' "hand" for Christmas though...left hand, third finger....*Swoon!* :lol:

Night from me too! ;)
I cant stay for long, but I most reply to this :lol:
Yeah the hand holding....*Mo sighs at the thought...* I really want more hand holding, it's simple, sweet, easy and would take 3 seconds to show...please PTB?! *Mo raises her picket sign with Aud!*
You know that when there is a mob...of anykind, Im there! *raises her picket sign with both of them*
Crazy Mo said:
Lol, yeah you leave Dutch with us fluffies too long and she starts to become one of us...it happened, I have documented proof! Heehee! Then again Lynny you aren't all that angsty yourself my darling...I'm just sayin'!

Hey! You promised to never mention that! :p
aww my Dutchy will be bringing angsty back soon, you'll see. :)

rolling eyes at Mo while she said:
Don't you think an explanation now would be kind of weird...I mean really, cuz I'm assuming that they already had this discussion a looooong time ago and are past it, clearly Danny's not holding it against her... I'm just sayin'....again Lol

Do I got to spell it out for ya?

Mo who spoiled my fun said:
I am both dreading and entirely anxious for our next 4 eppy's...the will we/won't we question for us getting fluffy D/L is driving me batty! (No comments on that Lynny!!! )

Title says it all, You spoiled my fun right there. I was so going to play with that!

Mo who was evil in using my catnip shower obsession said:
Lol, me grow out of D/L pics everyday? That's like you growing out of loving CatNip in the shower well almost, I think you're a bit more obsessed with the shower! Not that I disagree...but ya feel me

If you post season 2 pics of DL, that will make me happy and might even get me to post REALLY nice stuff. Unless its Auda then its all annoyance post.

Mo said:
It takes cookies to make you stay in here and be nice? Ohhh, then babe do I got some humongous big chocolate chocolate chip cookies for you! Freshly baked, still warm, oozing just the tiniest bit of gooey chocolate...these babies are fabulously delicious! I think they're Danny's favorites...Linds was making them for him and I snagged a couple just for you!

Quit using Cookies against me, although, Linds does make some pretty good cookies :D

Dutchy who's my partner in crime said:
Oh that was nothing ...just Lynny's way to bring some angst back to the thread ...*huggles Lynny and makes her a big pile of chocolate chip cookies*

Thats me, :) I bring angsty back. :p *huggles back* Yeah its nothing, just me being angsty. LOL

Dutchy said back:
But sometimes when people have a fight they tend to bring old issues back up...Lindsay stoop up Danny Messer and all his potency (...swim...*winks at Mo*) and we never heard her explanation ...so perhaps a lovers quarrel could be a great opportunity for TPTB to have Danny throw that at her feet again, forcing Lindsay to give him (AND us - yeah ) an explanation...LOL see the angst has never left me , but was just dormant

Exactly! See Mo thats what I'm talking about :p

Nice pic hun, a few eps before she pissed me off :D

Auda who likes to spoil said:
If they are going to deepen their relationship, those issues must be touched upon. Hopefully they will. You continue to make me believe you are fluffy my wub---season two was so fluffy. It was season three that was so angsty.

But really Lynny---Linds lives to annoy you (and she has cookies), not the other way around. She's clever that way. And what's this about a Mo/Danny/Linds triangle? Fourth rule in the "The Art of Being Fluffy" rule book---NO TRIANGLES!! Ever

See Mo even Auda's on that boat :)

and I'm not a fluffy!!!!!!!!!!!

***tackles catey**** I've missed yous.
Auda who likes to spoil said:
If they are going to deepen their relationship, those issues must be touched upon. Hopefully they will. You continue to make me believe you are fluffy my wub---season two was so fluffy. It was season three that was so angsty.

But really Lynny---Linds lives to annoy you (and she has cookies), not the other way around. She's clever that way. And what's this about a Mo/Danny/Linds triangle? Fourth rule in the "The Art of Being Fluffy" rule book---NO TRIANGLES!! Ever!!

See Mo even Auda's on that boat

and I'm not a fluffy!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I spoil your fun by mentioning that you are FLUFFY and then bribing you with cookies?? And while, I may be agree that deepening the relationship should involve complete honesty, I hope that it is done very fluffily (new word here) with minimal angst and pain. I will no longer use cookies to get what I want, I'll use La La against you!! :p

I'm hoping to see some gorgeous D/L pics today. I'm also wondering what is on everyone's D/L Christmas Wish List. And no, I'm not looking for what they will get each other, but what you want the PTB to give to us. ;) Until then, Mo and I will be picketing. :D

Later. :cool:
Good morning one and all and welcome to Winter...it decided to announce itself in the form of a wind/rain storm last night that had drops hitting my window so hard they woke me up! :p Oh the joy...and yet still when I woke up at 2am to rain outside my window it managed to make me think of D/L and what they would do in a thunder and lightning storm! :devil: Heehee! :D All the fun times they'd have... ;) Happy Monday y'all :D

Hey! You promised to never mention that! :p
*Mo looks at Lynny with her best innocent expression...* Who me?? Well you know what they say darlin'...Desperate times call for desperate measures... ;)

Title says it all, You spoiled my fun right there. I was so going to play with that!
I know which is exactly why I said what I said..."I can read you baby like an open book...stop you dead in tracks with just one look..."(okay that's a theme song to a tv show...anybody, anybody?? :lol: )

If you post season 2 pics of DL, that will make me happy and might even get me to post REALLY nice stuff.
Ohhhh really? Well now with such a great incentive and you promising to post really nice stuff who could possibly resist?! Plus the fact that I happen to love looking at pics of D/L so why not anyway! :lol:
So you mean something like...


Quit using Cookies against me, although, Linds does make some pretty good cookies
Heck yeah she does hon and she told me she made these really yummy gooey perfect ones just for you, well you and Danny, but still! :D She said he could share with you as long as you didn't make him hand feed each bite to you like you did last time! ;) :lol:

and I'm not a fluffy!!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol:

Fluffykins Aud wub asked:
I'm also wondering what is on everyone's D/L Christmas Wish List. And no, I'm not looking for what they will get each other, but what you want the PTB to give to us. Until then, Mo and I will be picketing.
*Mo marches next to her Fluffy Twin...waving her picketing sign and chanting..."We want fluff, Not angsty stuff! We want fluff, Not angsty stuff!" * :D
Mmmmmm, what I want for Christmas from the PTB...I want D/L holding hands...in the elevator, or outside or wherever...and I want them on a date, even if all we see is them called into work away from their date, I really want a date! I think that's it for now...I mean I'd LOVE another kiss/Snow Day incident...but if I get my date and handholding I'll be a happy girl! :D

Ohhh am I the first one to post an Advent pic for the day? Yay...here's my choice...December 3rd Advent pic...I love this pic because not only can you see the relief on both their faces, but I love the way Danny clasps her hand to his heart...*sigh, swoon!* :D

Okay my dears...off to work for me...the weeks go by fast, but I swear the weekends last for like 2 seconds! :eek: :lol: Awww well, have a swell day and I'll be back later!

*Mo grins and shimmers quickly off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
DL Wishlist? Hmm...in all honesty I just want to see them enjoying being in a relationship with each other. Whether it includes angst or not, I just want them to enjoy being together, depending on each other, loving each other. Working together, going on dates together, refelting Danny's pool table for future use together. Covering all their sofas for stain prevention together...all the stuff that they can enjoy - TOGETHER! We love them seperately - we love them even more together :)

Christmas should be fun this year - Linds doesn't have that big weight hanging over her anymore, she's just embarked on a relationship with Danny - he's more than willing to be there for her and she'd do the same for him. He's got his match and they can cruise on to fluffyville (direct route takes them through Gutterville) :devil:

FIC ALERT! Ha! It's time for a little shameless plug from me :) Here's my new fic:

A Week 'till Christmas:Danny and Linds might not be able to go back to their families this year, but it doesn't mean they can't spend the holiday with a loved one! :)

Oh and there's a frozen Danny :D trying to defrost in the chap :p

I'm off on holiday from Thursday until the end of next week. Not sure if I'll be able to pop in until then. If not, hope y'all keep the DL love flowin' and the fog pumpin'!! :) Cheers~
Mo said:
you know I'm not an angst fan but...but...if we were to get a lover's quarrel that resulted in an explanation I would be okay with that, as long as...as long as...we definintely got a good makeup scene afterwards!
Of course there has to be a great make-up scene :devil:...that's the best part of angsty scenes, when the tension is suddenly lifted and other emotions take over.... :D

auda said:
we should make an actual D/L Christmas list to send to good old Sinterklaas!! I can just imagine Danny sitting on his lap asking him if he could have Lindsay's affection and 'hand' for Christmas. And of course, he will get his wish
LOL :lol: the image of Danny on the Sint's lap totally cracks me up :lol:...we know he's a little boy at heart, but if his willing to do that to get Lindsay's hand, how can any one deny that... :D

Angsty Lynny said:
Nice pic hun, a few eps before she pissed me off
Wow, she really pissed you off big time, didn't she? :eek:...But both auda and you are right...things need to be addressed, before they can really move on :)...But don't you agree just a little that Lindsay is acting more like the pre-LRC-Lindsay (baking cookies and all :cool:) and perhaps deserves a little of your love back :D...she may need it if the angst returns... :devil:

Love the Advent pic Mo...I never noticed how he's clutching their hands :D...Lindsay's sigh and his 'yes!' are really telling yet another tale...we should have more scenes where they don't talk at all :) - or just say stuff that nobody can figure out.... :lol:

For a D/L wishlist I think an actual date with nice clothes, wine, candles and soft music will be the best...

*Is off to check vids and fics* :)

Liffy enjoy your holiday! :)
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