Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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"Howdy Neighbors! Happy Hump Day! May your 40 acres soon be fields of pink fog!" *Mo bounces in, somehow still giddy even with being tired!* Happy Hump Day!! And happy day before Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it and yay for a new eppy tonight...see plenty to be giddy about! :lol:

Okay so every Wednesday I check out the TVguide page for my weekly spoilers...it's my thing :lol: And normally there's nothing D/L mentioned, but today not only did they cause me to go through the roof (in a good way!) for another ship of mine, but they had a D/L spoiler...now it was one we'd kinda already heard before...but in a slightly different way...so without further ado...
Question: Any news about CSI: NY's Danny and Lindsay? The buzz is that there might be some tough times ahead for the couple, especially around Episode 11. Can you shed any light on that? — Adele Ausiello: Actually, the tough times you allude to in Episode 11 have more to do with Danny than Danny and Lindsay. I'm hearing he'll experience a devastating loss in that episode. So yeah we kind of knew that already, but to hear it as a "devastating loss" that's pretty hard....at least he downplayed the D/L part which I'm actually glad about cuz that means nothing major as in a fight or break up happens between them!!

So yeah there ya go! ;) Don't have time to speculate :rolleyes: silly work keeping me from my real love! :lol: But I will be back in plenty of time for our eppy and all the speculation on that tonight and I really really really hope we get some good D/L tonight! I tell ya with the way the week is going thus far, if tonight follows the trend we should get some lovely D/L again! :D

Ready, set....Hope! :lol:

Have a swell day y'all!!

*Mo waves and gripping her coffee, shimmers happily off in her pink fluffy bubble!* ;)
^^^ oh, Mo, you are a breath of fresh pink air this wednesday morning! :p you can have one of danny's shirts to snuggle with. thanks for the ausiello biz; i'm glad the answer veered from that too.

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"? (borrowed your line Mo )
giggles to dutch and Mo. i'm going to go with Cool Hunter too. i agree, i think danny was surprised that lindsay pulled him from his case and had him carry her across the roof to recreate the CS. one, she was determined; two, she and he got to be closer physically while still at work!; and three, she got to test his drool-worthy muscles

happy early-turkey day for some of us. i'm out of here till next week. love ya all. be good kids. :p
Hey guys! I've been a little out of it lately - don't really know why so I'm not going to bother answering any of the questions since I can't seem to tell east from west.

On to more interesting news, I had a D/L dream. Danny and Lindsay were fighting and there was screaming and yelling and doors slamming and I really thought it was a nightmare. But the next thing I knew they were making out on next to the door - making out and making up. Don't really know what that's all about but if my muse can think that up without even trying, I wonder how long it takes to get them both nekkid. :p

Fun times waking up after dreaming about D/L smex :D hehehe.

^ I'm guessing less than a minute to get them nekkid :eek:...yeah for flungsty dreams ;)

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?
Sarah, who has been mia way too long said:
Apparently in the Snow Day episode
LOL :lol: yes she definitely noticed it there ;), but I think that she has imagined herself in that kinda situation (without the pool table :p - who comes up with that? [well we :rolleyes:...but that's only since SD] :D) many times before her fantasies finally came true...She must have noticed he was HOT way before that though... :)

I love all the suggestions you guys gave. I actually had a pretty hard time answering my own question...I know she has probably found him cute since ZY :), but when she first thought of him as hot was a bit harder to determine...I think it happened even earlier in season 2...I'm guessing when he held her hand in CotD...we were all focussing on Danny, because he started acting so awkward :D, but I think Lindsay had to let go of his hand quickly because she suddenly felt the jolt of energy between them and realized that he was HOT! :)

But those moments in SoY and CH could've been moments of truth for her too...Perhaps she just discovered more and more of the hotness 'til she couldn't take it anymore and just pushed him down on that pool table :devil:; after all: She rocks! :)

Mo said:
doesn't even have to be pink and he could pull it off! (Okay apparently I am really naughty this evening, since I'm a bit obsessed with Danny undressing...oh wait, nope I'm obesessed with that everyday!)
No worries dear, talking about Danny's clothes or rather Danny without his clothes tends to bring out the naughtyness in all of us :devil:...during the December hiatus we should have a pink-themed party... :D

Mo[/b]'s box]I just wish that whomever asked that question would've asked something about 4x13 too...when Danny's still troubled about the devastating loss of that boy and doesn't wanna talk to Lindsay that night...But on the other hand, when Ausielo had known that something bad happens for D/L in the aftermath of 4x11 I think it would've been mentioned...no news is good news

I'm really looking forward to tonight's ep...I saw the promo and it looks like it's going to be a great one...and I hope this ship is in the same fleet as Mo's other ones... :D*crosses fingers*

Happy Hump Day! :)

*sends nurse Danny to take care of Carly*
Mo my dearie...

Yeah I read that over at DLC, and I'm not worried about it one bit. We already know what Danny's loss is, and the death of a child is obviously very devastating. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to this storyline, because I know that Carmine will knock it out of the park. It will be a tragic tale, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll just have to make sure I have plenty of tissues at hand :(

*giggles* My friend just caught me staring at my banner. I'm turning her into a DL fan :) she asked to see that scene. Of course I was more than happy to show it to her. Loves it!

And she says that Carmine is hot and Anna is pretty. HEEEEEEEEEE.
Ok so I have realised that the board is very busy in the week but very quiet on the weekend which is when i have more free time :lol: dammit!

So excuse the delay is replying to some of the questions but better late than never...

Angel asked
(1) if you had to make a presentation for a group of people who have never seen Danny/Lindsay, and you wanted to convince them they are a beautiful couple to use as an icon, which 5 episodes would you pick to win over their approval? list them in order of presentation.
(2) do you think danny has a folder in his email account labelled "montana" or "lindsay?" do you think it's filled with 100s of read emails from her?
ooh, great question Angel! My choices are pretty similar to others that have been posted here

Zoo yorkSo in the words of Maria, lets start at the very beginning :D It is great to see how they meet and the banter starts straight away.
Then Not what it looks like for the hug :D
Love Run cold - one of my all time faves even though it is angsty as hell :devil: And sexy green tee as well.....
SooH damn those pesky photograhers
Snow day - "I'm glad this happened"

And he may have a 'Montana' file but possibly own his home PC?

Dutch asked
When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?
Well I would have said from ZY, I mean how can you not think that when looking at him :lol:

Shippy Mo said
Not only did one of my ships (Booth/Bones if you're wondering) have a swell eppy
Yay - I love that ship too ***hugs shippy buddy Mo*** Season 3 just started in the UK.I think my hubby is sick of me screaming "just kiss her" at the tv when it is on :lol:

Anyway Happy hump day to you all - Im looking forward to reading all your posts about the new eppy.
*takes ten minutes to write a quick message* Hi y'all my dear shipping buddies :) How are ya? How's our ship doing? Is someone spying at the moment to that Gutterville mansion? :p

Ok, I admit I did not have time to catch up on the posts that have been made, so I'm just commenting on some of these pages questions. Sorry.

Ok, so about the 'When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?' question, I was just thinking the same thing Bella said: You look at that man and you think HOT :devil: :p I mean, too hard not to. So I guess she saw how hot he was from that very beginning.

About the episodes I would show to people to whom D/L was unknown to. That's a hard one :eek: :rolleyes: I would have to think really well about it, and possible rewatch every single episode *what a pleasure* but I would most definitely include 'Not What it Looks Like', 'Love Run Cold' and 'Sleight out of Hand'. And then probably two season 2 episodes.
But what I would probably do was using a fan video, because with those, in 2 or 3 minutes you can show it all, in such a cute and lovely way and just not missing any important part (because they all are!) ;) Easy solution.

Before I go, let me just tell you how much I am pleased to see all these amazing icons/banners. They're just a fresh look of our couple ;)
Tonight's episode was interesting
has no D/L tonight, not even a passing in the hallway. Lindsay has the more screentime of the two of them tonight, working with Stella on a case involving a box full of puzzle pieces that was left on her vehicle. Danny is working with Flack, Mac and Hawkes on the murder of a groom at a Central Park wedding. Some very disgusting wounds on the groom, once Sid unwraps the bubble wrap that's holding the groom together. Not actually a whole lot of Danny in this episode. He's there, but at times, he just seems to go missing. Oh, well, can't have D/L in every episode, I guess. It would have been nice, but we can't get everything.
I havent seen it yet but I read the spoiler box above my post...sorry I cant remember who posted it!!...Anyways, no D/L? Aww Now Im sad. It seems to be getting less and less doesnt it? Or am I the only one that thinks that :lol:

I'll post more of my thoughts when I actually get some thoughts or when I see the episode, which ever one comes first!
*Mo trips into the thread, feet tangled up in Christmas lights as she hums a Christmas song she can't get out of her head...* Hello my dearies! Yeah I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet (tomorrow!) and I'm onto Christmas, sorry about that! We put up our Christmas decorations at work today and I was forced to play Christmas music all day...(I love Christmas music don't get me wrong, just not before Thanksgiving!) so I've got songs and lights and decorations stuck in my head! :lol:
Anyways...Hi my lovelies! How are you all this fine evening? Yay for Hump Day, new eppy tonight, 4-day weekend...and a holiday tomorrow...good times people, good times indeed! :D

Angel have a good holiday hon, see ya next week! ;)

Liffericious...D/L smex dream, huh...nice! Lucky you bud! ;) :devil:

Queen of fashion Dutch said:
I'm guessing when he held her hand in CotD...we were all focussing on Danny, because he started acting so awkward , but I think Lindsay had to let go of his hand quickly because she suddenly felt the jolt of energy between them and realized that he was HOT!
Oh good answer there Dutch hon, I totally thought of that too actually...in fact that was almost my answer as well! Rock on babes! Yeah you can see Linds is a little shocked, but in a "wow I just got a jolt of pure smexxy electricity" through my hand to my whole body!" kind of way! :devil: :lol:
Stuffy said Mo my dearie...[/b]]Yeah Stuffy hon, I'm looking forward to this storyline with Danny mourning this child as well and I, like you, am sure Carmine will be amazing in it! And I really do feel that this will result in the deepening we have been hoping for with D/L...it will have to come after the angst of this scenario :p but I think they will get deeper, it will happen, I really do! :D
Cutie shipper with the name I love Bella grinned:
Yay - I love that ship too ***hugs shippy buddy Mo*** Season 3 just started in the UK.I think my hubby is sick of me screaming "just kiss her" at the tv when it is on
O/T I know...but oh boy do I have a link/pic for you then babes! ;) I'll PM it to you! :D :D You'll like it! ;)

Catey, thanks for the spoilers hon...as always you rock them! ;) I'm so jealous you get to see the eppy so early, jealous and way glad cuz I love knowing anything and everything 3 or 4 whole hours before I get to see it! :lol: It's quite nice! ;) And can I just say babes, I adore your banner and avie, they's purty! :D

Speaking of new banners...lookie, I got a new banner! :D I looked up "Fluffy" on wikipedia just for fun and one of the definitions I found inspired me new banner! :lol:

Okay I'm off to distract myself until I get to see our new eppy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow all of you who celebrate it! And I just wanted to say, I am thankful for all of you and for this ship and for this thread! Y'all make me happy every day! :D :D

*Mo waves, grins and settling into her fluffy bubble, shimmers contentedly away!*
Wasn't my favorite episode tonight. But I watched in anyway. Just to see the hotness of Danny was enough! :)

I just want to also say Happy Thanksgiving to my shippers! :)
^ That hotness is always a nice addition to the show :devil:

Too bad that there wasn't any D/L, but I'm still looking forward to watching it...It sounds very interesting...I'm always intrigued how they make those absolutely gore looking corpses :cool:

Did anyone get to see the promo for next week's ep...anything interesting in that one? :D

Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating...I'm thankful to be a part of this great group...
Detailed review to follow, probably tomorrow after I've gotten some sleep! ;) I must say it was actually a good eppy! Sadly no D/L :p Broke my streak for good shippy eps this week dang it! But yeah overall it was a good ep actually, keep me pretty entertained!

And as always of course both Danny and Linds looked and were amazing! Danny is so adorable...gah that man's smile could melt the polar ice cap...which mean of course that since I'm quite a bit warmer I end up melted into a puddle anytime he barely cracks a grin! :lol:

And Linds was good tonight, I really do like her and Stella working together...they make a good girl team! There's once scene I really want a cap of...both of them are in the abandoned floor of that building right when they find the chalk outline with the satchel and the camera pans to the ground and then to them and both Stella and Linds are posed in this one leg bent, high heel showing, "We are HOT women and we know it" poses that made me giggle it was so fab! :D

Okay now I really do have to go to bed...get to sleep in, but still I am exhausted!

Night all! :D
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