Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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^ Hey PSG good to see you in here again :)

And you're right SD caps are always great :D...and who needs pink fog when we have such awesome stuff to look at :p ;) :p

And yes! That shirt from "Oedipus Hex" aka Suicide Girls ep was the one I meant :D...I loved how it shone and moved and...*sigh*...another cap:


*from CSI-caps

Some great D/L scenes in that ep too btw. I loved the splashing of the dummy head with those amazing bright green shoes... :D
and who needs pink fog when we have such awesome stuff to look at

*cough* cheek *cough* :p

If you shift your eyes away from Danny for a second (very hard, I know), you may notice Lindsay's rather adorable outfit :)

I must say dutch, those SD caps immediately caught my friend's attention. She didn't believe me when I told her that I didn't post them though :p she knows my...*ahem*...love for DL ;) Speaking of which - she said my banner was hot and sexy :D d*** right it is!

Hey, we could still get a reference right? And besides, didn't PV (I think so anyways) say that their relationship would not be kept a secret? A scene of Mac teasing Danny would be hilarious IMHO.

Teh forehead kiss! *has melted into a puddle of goo*
*waves at Stuffy's friend* - That whole scene was hot and sexy and that banner is still droolworthy

Mac and Danny are both working on that wedding case; more specific, ALL the guys are working that case :D, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some nice bantering between them...someone just has to hint at D/L :)...and Stella and Lindsay find a package that at first is suspected to be a bomb - Does Danny find out? Oooow possibilities everywhere :lol:

*notices Lindsay's outfit - inhales some more pink fog - focusses on Danny again - such a great shirt* :devil:
I would say for my 5 eppys:

Bad Beat
All Access
Not What It Looks Like
Snow Day
Commuted Sentences.

Bad Beat: The walrus scene shows that they aren't all lovey dovey, and it shows they had a friendship before a relationship. Reality here folks - he wasn't lovestruck the second she arrived. A friendship was established first.

All Access: This eppy shows that there is some emotion between the two of them. He knows what makes her tick and consoles her, yet he still keeps his distance because they aren't an item yet. Friendship with a side of starting to see a different light.

Not What It Looks Like: This is the eppy where we start to see that they have strong feelings for each other. It is obvious when The only thing on Danny's mind was saving Lindsay, and on Lindsay's mind was finding Danny. And the hug, obviously the hug.

Snow Day: Basically this shows the fully committed relationship between the two of them. It shows that they're totally into each other. And of course the sex on the pool table. The spells it out right there. However alone, not so much.

Commuted Sentences: After all the hoop-lah about Snow day, this is basically the first episode where we see them as the first few episodes of Danny and Lindsay-ness that we fell in love with. Except now they are together. So we get the best of both worlds.
Hey guys!

My favorite DL episdoes are:

1. Fare Game--This episode was significant as that Danny was willing to do ANYTHING for Lindsay. Even eat bugs! ;)

2. Run Silent, Run Deep ---This was the first episode that Lindsay saw how vulnerable Danny was. The looks that they gave each other when he was handing in his badge spoke volumes.

3. Not What It Looks Like---This was the first time that we saw that Danny truly loved Lindsay. In the past it was pure flirty bantering but this episode really show how he felt about Lindsay.

4. Slight Out of Hand--Big turning point in the relationship. Any man that would fly out to MOntana is worth it!

5. Snow Day--Two words....Pool Table!! :)
*Mo skips and twirls her way into the thread, singing a little Sinatra and feeling quite happy and giggly now that Monday is done and it's a short work week!*

Hello my shippy dearies! :D Ohhhh, we have a good question by Angel...good but hard! I'm glad you let us choose 5 eppys there hon, and yet even with just 5 I think I'm gonna have a hard time choosing! :lol: Especially now that I've read all the eppy's y'all chose....Dutch, Soph, Rad, Vex, all y'all, all the ones y'all chose are great and all ones that I would choose! Yikes I am seriously indecisive cuz I so can't choose...mmmmmm....okay let's see...I think I'll go with...
1. Run Silent Run Deep...because this is the first evidence of love we see between these two...more than just flirting and banter!
2. Stealing Home...crush comment and her smile, gotta include that!
3. Love Run Cold...because for all the angst that's in it the love they feel for eachother is clear as a day in their eyes...and she said she "likes him...alot!" and he said he'd "be there for her if ever she needs him!"
4. Sleight Out of Hand...because he went with his intincts and him walking into the courtroom is enough to melt anyone, especially Linds who practically swoons right there on the witness stand when she sees him!
5. Snow Day....because like Vex said...pool table baby, 'nuff said! :D

Okay that was way harder than it should have been...but then again that's not a bad thing, because it just means that we have had so many amazing and wonderful shippy moments that choosing just a couple is too difficult! Long live our ship and may we continue to have many many more lovely shippy moments! :D

Dutch those caps are gorgeous, all that amazing D/L love! *sigh, swoon!* That kiss of theirs was SO hot and him kissing her forehead still makes me swoon! And yeah him in that light blue shirt in Oedipus Hex was way hot...but I still stand by the gorgeousness that was him in that red shirt! :devil:

And PrettyEyes honey, of course we put something in our pink fog...it's purposefully addictive...I won't even deny it! But what a lovely thing to be addicted to I say! ;)

Okay my dears...I'm off to be productive for a bit...yeah not sure how, but I'll try! :lol:

*Mo giggles and waves and shimmers off in her addictive pink fog filled fluffy bubble!*
*"I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow, and each roads leads you to where ya wanna go...Stuffy bounds into the thread, the Rascal Flatts song stuck in her head as she hands out coffee to everyone - or whatever floats your boat :)*

Because I really didn't explain my choices :p (I know my answers will be similar to everyone elses, but hey - it's nice to take a stroll down Memory Lane)

1) Stealing Home - not only does this episode hold my fav DL moment (skylines vs. wheatfields), there is a different air now around Danny and Lindsay. They're more relaxed with one another. And obviously Sid's infamous "He calls you that 'cause he's got a crush on you."

2) Not What It Looks Like - TEH. HUG.

3) Sleight Out Of Hand - You know he loves you when, even though he's exhausted, he flys across the country to support you.

4) Snow Day - *points to Mo and Vex's posts* What they said :cool:

5) Commuted Sentences - Back to their flirty, bantering selves. It's light, it's fluffy...it's DL :)

*evil chuckle* Yes, the pink fog is rather addictive. Mwahaha.
*Mo pops in and giggles...* Morning shippy buds! Wow Stuffy, Rascal Flatts and coffee....nice way to start my morning there hon, thanks! :D

Good picks for the eppy's there...I was thinking about it again and I decided that I should choose runners up too...Lol, I know that's just me being indecisive but hey why not right...cuz I love the 5 I chose, but more is always good...yeah I suck at the "Just pick one" games! :lol:
Anyway...if I could pick more...I would add...
Zoo York because you have to have the first meeting and doesn't her call her "Montana" in that eppy for the first time?!
Risk because I think that's his first "Whoa, Montana's not just smart...she's HOT!" moment!
And then from our current season I'd add....
Ep. 4x1 (name is escaping me!) with the condom spray moment...cuz that is classic!
Commuted Sentences cuz like y'all have said it's back to the bantering with the extra "We're together" vibe thrown in! :D

So yeah...more choices, I like more! :lol: That said, time to make lunch and skeddadle for the day! ;)

Have a swell Tuesday my dears and I will catch y'all later!

*Mo holds onto her coffee and shimmers away in her fluffy pink fog filled bubble, humming Rascal Flatts as she goes!* :D
:lol: oh dutch, it took me a little while to figure out what stuffy's shorthand meant too! i tried pronouncing it out loud and started laughing. :lol: i finally figured it out.

the wedding looks so pretty! think about it: a central park wedding. i'm hoping for a DL reference or maybe lindsay or danny will pull the other out of his/her case. then we can have another Cool Hunter. :lol:

i don't put anything in that pink fog, PE... *whistles and dumps some sugar cane and some unknown substance from a pink flask into the bucket* :p

AHH girls! you did such a great job at answering my question! *claps* i was thoroughly happy. A's and 100%'s for everyone for EFFORT and CONTENT! :D you even have your little explanations too. *giggle* i know that there are so many good episodes to choose from!! :D i did notice that Snow Day was undoubtedly on all the lists!

to answer my own question:
(1) Zoo York - first meeting; a story has to start somewhere. :) not to mention the glances in the lab.
(2) Run Silent, Run Deep - lindsay takes the first step to hear danny out and is honest with him. the looks of concern and care during work hours.
(3) Not What It Looks Like - teh hug! danger pushes out emotions.
(4) Sleight Out of Hand - my favorite episode. danny shows that time, money, job, and his own life is worth putting on hold to just be there for lindsay. danny follows his heart and lindsay opens hers.
(5) Snow Day - DL take it to the next level; they're glad it happened, so are we.

*Episodes that came close to making my list:
- Commuted Sentences - DL are in a relationship and still manage to hold one another while recreating a CS
-Lying Game - lindsay signs "montana" on the card; she accepts that name happily as she knows it's a sign of tue affection

caps with DL make it a better day! :cool: look at that nice baby blue shirt! yum. and look how close they are standing to each other! :D

whats with all this talk about danny's shirts? lucky lindsay can snuggle her face and nose into his used and clean ones. ;)
*pops in for a quick visit - it has been a long day* :(

Angel of course SD is on all of our lists :D...it's just the ep-with-the-moment-shippers-all-over-the-world-hope-their-ship(s)-will-ever-have ... And ours did! :D

We are canon and we rock <- Positive thinking makes for good D/L eps! :)

And I don't know how we came to talk about Danny's shirts (still like the blue one best :p), but with all the pink fog hanging around here, wouldn't it be fun if one ep he suddenly wears a pink shirt :eek:...I actually think he's one of the few guys that can pull that off (no pun intended :), or perhaps a little :devil:) and still look totally manly... :)

Mo said:
Risk because I think that's his first "Whoa, Montana's not just smart...she's HOT!" moment!
That's a great runner-up...I still love that double take he does after he first sees her... :lol:

^ Which leads to another question, and I've been thinking hard about an answer, but I don't have one yet:

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"? (borrowed your line Mo :))

In answer to Dutch's question, I'm going with "Cool Hunter". When Lindsay got Danny to carry her across the roof, I think it started out as an opportunity to bug him, but when he was carrying her, I think that's when she started to think ""Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!". Carrying a girl around like that will make a girl think those kind of things! I know it's kind of a late entry in Season 2, but I think they'd maybe flirted up to then, but when he carried her, it kind of sealed the deal!

And Angel, thanks for saying that, I really cannot believe I've been posting here for a year!
Sarah comes out from behind the door BOO!
Or should I say Boom? Did ya' miss me? I hope you didnt sell my house in Gutterville yet :(
:lol: Im so sorry for being away for so long! Its been hectic here. Anyways...
When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?
Apparently in the Snow Day episode :lol:
I hope you didnt sell my house in Gutterville yet

Sarah!! *tackles shipper buddy and gives her a big hug* Of course we didn't m'dear :)

Apparently in the Snow Day episode

ROFL :lol: so true.

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?

I think she's always thought of him as hot...or at least cute in the beginning. Too bad she didn't see him when he played handball that one episode - forgive me, I cannot recall the name of it...Cool Hunter? - and in And Here's To You, Mrs. Azreal* (sp? lol)...he literally stripped in those two :lol:
*Mo skips into the thread, feeling particularly good and happy with her ships this fine evening!* Yes ships plural, because thus far this week my ships are rocking it! And since when one thing goes right others often follow, my hopes for our eppy tomorrow night and this lovely ship are way higher now!!*Mo giggles and sprays the whole thread with a huge dose of pink fog, singing as she does so...."Love is in the Air, everywhere I look around...!"*

Hi dearies! How are you all this fine evening? Not only did one of my ships (Booth/Bones if you're wondering) have a swell eppy...but it's Tuesday evening which means it's Hump Day Eve...and on top of that, this ship plain rocks and is freakin' hot and canon! YAY! :lol: Yup I'm hyper...but y'all love it! ;)

Fluffer dear with a halo Angel asked:
whats with all this talk about danny's shirts? lucky lindsay can snuggle her face and nose into his used and clean ones.
What's with all the talk of Danny's shirts...oh honey dear, why not? The boy is HOT and the shirts that he wears, make him HOTTER! :devil: Therefore I say let's talk away! :lol: And I am still in love with him in that red shirt...I mean seriously I'm in love with him regardless...but in that red shirt...*drools and swoons!* :devil:

Fashionista Dutch with the fluffy heart ;) giggled:
wouldn't it be fun if one ep he suddenly wears a pink shirt ...I actually think he's one of the few guys that can pull that off (no pun intended , or perhaps a little ) and still look totally manly...
Dutch hon that would be awesome! I could totally see Danny actually being able to look good in pink, yup...and um YUMMY! And yeah hon, he could pull it off...anytime he likes he could pull it off...it doesn't even have to be pink and he could pull it off! :devil: (Okay apparently I am really naughty this evening, since I'm a bit obsessed with Danny undressing...oh wait, nope I'm obesessed with that everyday! :lol: :devil: ) I do agree though...it would rock if he wore pink, and yeah I think he'd really look good in it! ;)

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"? (borrowed your line Mo )
Love that you borrowed my line babes ;) And dang that's a hard question! Mmmmmmm, wow so many potential moments come to mind seeing as how Danny pretty looks amazing all the time! ;) Let's see...I think I'm gonna go with "Stuck on You" that whole eppy has a lot of them being cute together and then at the end, when he walks in and sits down she grins at him and when he looks away she studies him for a while and I think that's when she finally thinks..."Wow...yeah he's hot!"

Queen of the Spoilers Catey chose:
I'm going with "Cool Hunter". When Lindsay got Danny to carry her across the roof, I think it started out as an opportunity to bug him, but when he was carrying her, I think that's when she started to think ""Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!". Carrying a girl around like that will make a girl think those kind of things!
Ohhhh also a good choice there hon! Yeah I know if an extremely attractive, funny, charming, kind man held me easily in his arms and flirted with me while holding me I am fairly sure I would find him highly attractive...in fact I would have jumped him and probably kissed him! Something Linds should have done too! :lol:

And Stuffy yeah Linds should have seen him in either of his "undressed" eppies...I can just imagine her response...something along the lines of licking her lips and swooning and then jumping him! :devil: :D

Okay my dears...I'm off to jump on my couch and squee some more! Did I mention this has been a great week for my ship thus far?! :D Can't wait for tomorrow...that good feeling I had before our awesome "Commuted Sentences" scene...it's back people, it's back and grinning! :D :D

*Mo grins and bounces out of the thread to her fluffy shippy bubble!* :lol:
hello every one, Happy Hump/New Epi Day. the weather is terrible and Im affraid Im getting sick

on to merrier topics

Ive seen Wasted yesterday and what it is with DL and bugs? every time there is a case with bugs one or both of them are on it.

When did you guys think was the moment that Lindsay realized "Wow, he's not just funny, geeky and intense, but he's HOT!"?

Ill go with Cool Hunter too. I may change my mind after I finally see Risk though

for the 5 DL epis:
1. ZOO York
2. Supermen
3. Not what it looks like
4. Commuted Sentences
5. Snow day

you have to have the first meeting, The Hug and the first kiss, and also show how wonderfully sweet and funny they are together.

Im off to try and cure whatever it is thats bugging me
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