Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Happy Halloween & Happy Hump Day!! *Mo skips into the thread, dressed up head to toe in leather (think Trinity in the Matrix! ;) ) and singing "Monster Mash" while passing out punpkin bread and hot cocoa!*

Good morning my lovelies! Yay for so many things today...it's a fun holiday, it's a fun eppy day, it's HUMP Day and we get free candy! :lol: It's a good day! :D

Lol, Dutch hon, hold your breath all you want to...did I forget to tell you this is a special brand of pink fog that can actually be absorbed through the skin? ;) :lol: I must say though, as fluffy as I am, I appreciate the fact that you can resist and stay angsty...and as much as I'm not a fan of angst...you know I agree that it's necessary sometimes, plus it makes for really hot makeup scenes, and let's be honest...I always love those! ;) :devil: Especially if D/L did anything on screen like what they'd do in my head! :devil: :lol:

Can't wait for our eppy tonight...lol, Carly I'm with you, totally trying to not get my hopes too high so if we don't get what we wanted I won't be crushed, but right now it's not working all that well! :lol: Awww well! :D

Okay I gotta run off and get candy and food for the office lunch party today...I love holidays! :D Have a swell day y'all and I'll see y'all back here tonight! :D

*Mo waves and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble of love!* :D
Carmine and I were playing a lot [of guitar] for a while. And Carmine and I would sing our scenes, we'd sing the lines of the scenes, which is actually a good exercise.

I just read this quote and now I wont be able to get the image of them singing by a fire while he plays a guitar out of my head. that is so not fair but it is a really nice image.

I want them to do a slightly drunk karaoke on the New Years (or any other) party. which is so not good cause Im still waiting for the dinner thing and the dancing and lets not forget the couple-y picture. my list is getting longer by the minute and I only check one thing of so far.

Im not complaining (much) I simply have more things to look forward *sighs happily as the pink fog works as a remedy against any dark thoughts*
Carolina, I can't get that image out of my head too. :D

Imagine TPTB giving us a scene like that, Danny with his guitar by the fire singing to Lindsay and then the inevitable happening...singing by the fire leading to ahem smex by the fire :devil:

Happy Halloween everyone and have fun watching the episode tonight.... ;)
dutch - there is no escaping the pink fog! It will seep in to your house and take over your senses...soon you will be a fluffy bunny! :lol: ;)

As for Angel's question - I think Lindsay might be a better carver, only because I figure she would have lots of experience with it after growing up in the country. However, we all know that pumpkin carving can be smelly and messy, so I figure Danny would probably fling a piece or two at his Montana ;) just 'cause.

Their Daughter - Chapter 3

*looks at her buddy dutch* You got two ears poking up there. Two fluffy pink ears.
*comes in feeling blessed that she apparently has built up a great resistence against the fog* :p

Carly that CotD scene was really sweet; the moment that they both realize they're still holding hands is so cute. :D I didn't even remember (bad shipper :eek:) that it was the first time he tried to get her to eat with him...and when she refuses Danny Messer actually kinda stutters... :)

And there was a guitar in Danny's apartment, so he might very well sing to her sometimes...and again we want a peek of that too :)...*sighs* why are there never cameras around at the most important moments. :rolleyes:

*looks at her buddy dutch* You got two ears poking up there. Two fluffy pink ears.
Well maybe I'd put on the accessory bunny suit and trick Lindsay away from the house to find out what kind of treats Danny has for me... :devil:

I have to get up really early tomorrow morning so I'm off to sleep now...
ang<3 asked:
Has anyone got an an updated D/L Episode Guide?
I am working on one. I am including little links to pictures and stuff, (an interactive D/L Ep Guide!) so I hope this eppy gives us some great screencaps to work with.

Catie-doll, I know that you are almost done watching tonight's eppy,
...and once again I am torn as to whether or not to read your 'fact' spoilers.

I am so excited for this eppy!
Tonight's episode was interesting
but those looking for extra special D/L moments like a forehead kiss are going to be disappointed. We get diddly squat, nadda, nothing. They work the case together, which is good, but you still would never know the two of them are together. We also don't get the "Monster Mash" song, and we only see the vehicle pulling up to the house at the beginning of the episode, we don't even see them driving. So, while the cases were interesting, D/L wise, it was a bust.

For that shame about the DL scenes, Ctaey have you read the spoilers for 413? Could that be our 'bump'??
Dude, no special DL sucks but at least they are working together. I just read the spoiler for 413 too, and I didn't like the sound of it. It could be the bump, BUT I think it will be a small one. Since the ep is entitled "Family Ties" maybe he was hoping to see one of his family members.... what do y'all think?
Just waiting for the episode....
read the spoilers from 4.13 and what I read is that Danny was "disappointed" when Lindsay answered the door. Now don't hurt me guys but it said t hat in 4.11 he goes to comfort the Ruben's mother. Could he be expecting her? And could this be the "bump" like it's been said. I hope not!
Okay, Natty,
I went and looked into 413, so here's what we know so far.
Danny is still having trouble dealing with the death of his neighbour boy, Ruben(in 411). He seems to be missing, and Flack goes and searches through Danny's apartment. Apparently, Lindsay eventually shows up at Danny's door, but Danny acts dismissive of her. Nothing really on the actual case yet, and I write this with some trepidation, as what I've read is not an unbiased opinion of the spoilers. This could be the bump they've been hinting at, but I'll give you a more accurate report once I have more info.

And Vex,
with the cheating route, where Danny is comforting that mother, I will be extremely disappointed in the show. Not only is that one of the stupidest things I've heard of, but for Danny to hit this bump by "cheating" with Ruben's mother would be the ultimate soap opera moment. And I'm afraid I will be really turned off by this set of circumstances.

Anyway, followup to what the cases are about
it appears to be a one case episode, they work the case of a murdered family court judge. And regarding Danny, he blows off work and Lindsay covers for him. When she shows up at his door with beer, he blows her off, and she leaves upset and angry.
is not looking very good for D/L? :confused: Catey, I will be disappointed too if they decide to invlove "a third party" in the bump and that was what I was fearing. I can't remember where I read this (I'm sorry) but it was mentioned that the female actress who plays the boy's mother MAY have a reoccuring role. It wasn't confirmed then and I didn't think much about it at that time buy why do I have this weird feeling now that she may play a part in "The Bump" :(. I know I'm paranoid but after looking at the spoliers I can't help but feel that she will be involved? Hopefully I'm wrong.I'm sorry if I upset anyone but I'm a little (ok, more than) worried here..
Hey, Catie
After Lindsay opens the suitcase near the end, they lead the old lady away and Danny kneels down at the other corner of the suitcase. As he does so, I swear he reaches out and places his hand on Lindsay's shoulder just outside of the camera frame! Look for it y'all and tell me if I am right!!
but since you couldn't actually see anything, I didn't include it. I thought that might have happened, but either they cut it so we couldn't see anything, or it just looked like it happened. And one more thing, when Lindsay is upset with the sherrif, and Danny starts to say Lindsay, does he say "Honey" when he's trying to calm her down? It happens so quickly, and I still can't make it out with the volume on high. Anyone else hear that, or is it my imagination? See what happens when I go back and review? Now, I'm not sure, so is it my imagination, it's not very clear.
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