Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Catey, Mer and all y'all who've seen our eppy already, thanks for the info! :D
all I have to say is....PISSER! PTB, come on! Seriously, why did you not give us that forehead kiss? Do not go and piss me off now, seriously! I have been entirely in your corner lately you do NOT want to be on my bad side! I am SO disappointed we didn't get any D/L tonight, dang it! I really really thought we would get something! Grrrrrr!
ETA: Catey, Mer I'll look for those things you noticed and see if I see them! ;) Nice eyes! :D
I am REALLY going to hold onto my pink fog and stay in denial as long as possible...but this does NOT sound good! I have a very bad feeling that this is going to be our bump...hopefully it's just that Danny is having issues dealing with the kids death that makes him blow off Linds...because if he actually cheats on her....even my abiding love for the man will not save him from the major ass-kicking I will be giving him! After which I will be going after the PTB for giving us something so very cliched as having Danny cheat on Linds, the love of his life! That would SUCK!! I think they will weather this bump whatever it is, but that would be way harder and way suckier!! Grrrrrr!!

I need my fluff!! :D *Mo turns her pink fog hose on "SUPER HIGH" and aimed at her bubble and the thread in general...then she wraps herself in D/L fluffy love scenes and snuggles into her indestructable fluffy bubble!* :D
*Comes in extremely tired - it's 6 AM here* :mad:

Txs for all (?!) the info guys, and sorry for those who dislike the boxes... :(

When I heard that D/L had the B-case I already suspected that some scenes would be cut, but not both the car ride AND the fore head kiss...
And I'll certainly be looking out for those tiny details too... :D

I really hope that Danny's strange behaviour has nothing to do with that poor boy's mum, but with his own family. Maybe that kid's death somehow reminded him of Louie and he's struggling with that...So Lindsay gets brushed off by him (ONCE); this only means that (and haven't we been hoping for something like that :p) she now has to be stubborn and persistent too and really prove that she's there for him, and this time help him when he's running and hiding and pushing everyone away....just remember people: a bump is something you get up AND over :)
*helps Mo aim the hose - there are clearly people who need it much more than I do*

I need some extra strong coffee and I will be back after work....BOOM! :D
Dutch I am hanging onto the point you made about #13 for all I am worth right now...seriously! :lol:

And since it's airing here I don't need a spoiler box...can I just say wow Lindsay is a gutsy woman! To be scared by a crazy old woman out of the blue, instead of running she chases after in the creepy house down the creepy back tunnel! Nice going Linds...that's brave chica! :lol: And I LOVED that Danny did not once question the existance of the old woman, unlike the stupid sheriff! Good job Danny, way to back your woman! :D And Mer, Catey I didn't notice Danny calling her "honey" at that point...but I'm gonna rewatch it again to double check! ;)

ETA: Okay so I think if we hadn't have known about the forehead kiss, and the Monster mash this would have been an eppy I would have totally liked, but knowing that those could be in there and then having them not be...made me a bit pissed and sore at the PTB for taking them out! :p That said it was a fairly good eppy...and there was a good amount of D/L scenes and they do work so well together! And the just look so purty together! They belong together...PTB dang it, they do! Now show that to us already...you gave us Snow Day now follow it up dang it!

ETA again: Catey you are TOTALLY right!! I listened to it at high volume with my ear pressed right up to the speaker about 6 times in a row and right as after Danny says his "Sheriff you and your men secure the perimeter" and Lindsay starts to go after the sheriff again, Danny says, "Lindsay, HON..." I swear he does...YAY! I listened to it 6 times and that's totally what he says! :D :D Good ear to have caught that in the first place Catey! Brilliant! :D
warning ya'll, long post! :eek:

a little disappointed because of old spoilers (where the heck did that forehead kiss go?! :( [edited, thats where!] ). but nonetheless there WAS DL working together.

danny coming to lindsay's rescue after she drops the camera and calls for danny upon seeing the blood! ;)

danny says "sweetie" and "sweetheart" to the little girl...those few minutes where lindsay hears rose's voice and danny pulling/carrying her out were my favorite! danny's so loving! having lindsay bring in the stuffed dog at the hospital was a nice touch!

i did NOT like that danny came off as unaffectionate (which he ultimately didn't, see below) toward lindsay when she was talking to the sheriff. i felt like he could have had some sort of physical contact: like a light touch or pat. maybe something like when danny reaches for lindsay when she walked out of interrogation in All Access. however, i liked that danny definitely believed her (as he should). he quickly rid of the sheriff too. that was a perfect moment for a holding of the arm or physical gesture of affection.

did you see or hear:
-danny DOES come out of the driver's side and lindsay the passenger's side of the car
-after lindsay hangs up the tv/communication gadget with hawkes, did you see danny's eyes follow her/look up and over at her?
-lindsay calls out for danny loudly (was he in another lab?) and he comes just seconds later?
-and of COURSE lastly: the 3/4 off-screen pat from danny to lindsay when they are squatting by the suitcase with the skeleton.
-danny saying "honey" to lindsay (can we say SQUEE?!!!) ... you have to rewatch and hear it many times; really faint.

I am working on one. I am including little links to pictures and stuff, (an interactive D/L Ep Guide!) so I hope this eppy gives us some great screencaps to work with.
mer-bear! you are SO going the extra mile. phew! you are intense!

first reaction: upset. then i let it sink it a little: the words "storming off" and "blowing off" bother me. i would prefer weaker words! hmmm. but i do like it that if this is the bump, assuming that no cheating is involved/interest in another, it's that danny is not ready to open up completely to lindsay. i'd love for him to see that she will be there; for lindsay to KNOW that it's not HER he's upset with...it's the situation. being upset about something happens to couples all the time; it doesnt mean they break up; they give one another time to blow steam and cool off; one stands by the other and knows that it's not his/her fault; the other will come around and be reassured that they as a couple are in it together as he/she can open up at the end. hope that makes sense!

TPTB! seriously, if it's cheating, i'm out. interest in another woman, same deal. i DO need lindsay to know it's not her fault and i DO need to know that danny is just handling the situation the way he does (that he still loves lindsay; just that he cannot open up to her just yet...and that he will see that she is there for him --> then he can open up fully). the trust will then be solidified so much more! :D

thanks, catie-girl for the boxes. i didnt read them and ended up not liking the episode as i should have. i read your spoilers for other episodes and they turned out better. does that mean i should start reading them the day of again? :p

*pours HONEY on all you shippers!*
^ Hey Angel sweetie! I was just writing you a whole essay with my thoughts about Boo! and the info for 4x13 (oh, oh 13), but I see you're already here... :D

I just watched Boo! and it was a great ep...reading all your little recaps had already prepared me for the missing scenes, so I wasn't expecting them anymore and could totally enjoy what was left :cool:

And Catie, Mo and Angel I wubs you all and my neighbours must think I'm totally insane because I played that scene over and over and louder every time, but I just don't hear it :(....I really want to, but I don't. :rolleyes:

And perhaps I'm totally losing it, but I heard him say it at a moment earlier in the ep :lol:...when they are examining the dad's shotgun wound just before Danny leaves Lindsay alone, I hear him say: "HON, I'm out off step-plates.." :D

I still think it's absolutely freaking weird that we get not the slightest hint that they're 'deepening their relationship', 'forming a perfect heart' and are 'together'; we saw Mac and Peyton kiss at the vending machine, go on a date, wake up together and with D/L nothing...WHY NOT? :mad:

But because it still was a great D/L ep I've made some screencaps:



^ Can we at least pretend that they're holding hands?!

And some random ones:

Liffy[/b] this must be killing you)]We just saw again yesterday how much of the initial spoilers never makes it to the screen (and remember the Danny/Angell thing from last year), so if this one really upsets you just cross your fingers and hope this 'Danny brushing Lindsay off' gets left out too :D....But when it doesn't I think it's completely out of character for Danny to cheat, so I'm denying that can ever happen :p, perhaps he's just scared for her because he thinks he's bad news for everyone that's close to him.... :)
*sprays the entire thread with fluffy pink fog*

Danny snaps at Lindsay, and she in turn is cold to him. My take on it? Danny blames himself for Ruben's death and as a result pushes everyone away. He's upset and angry. People say and do things when they are angry that they don't mean. If this is the 'bump', it's a realistic one. They're having an argument - all couples do. But that doesn't automatically spell the end of their relationship. Also, no way will TPTB have Danny cheat. Why would they when he is one of the most popular characters on the show? Forget the fact that NY will become a soap...think about the ratings and the fans. No one wants to see him cheat. I can only imagine the outrage that would erupt if TPTB went ahead with this storyline - from both the DL fans and non-DL fans. It's a cowardly act, and Danny is anything but a coward. Besides, him and the mother can relate - they both lost someone they loved. I can see Danny pushing her - and everyone else for that matter - away simply because he feels guilty for Ruben's murder. Look at Lindsay. She held Danny at arm's length practically all last season before finally opening up. All we can do is wait and see what happens. If we all start thinking negative thoughts, we'll only bring ourselves down. Yes there will be angst, but angst makes one stronger (IMHO). Just try to focus on the positive aspects of things, even if there's not much positive fog to go around :)
*helps Stuffy with spraying too* I'm still feeling pretty positive

I've been thinking SO THE NEXT IS PURE SPECULATION, what if Danny, still struggling with that boy's death, is doing something not quite legal and brushes Lindsay off, because he's expecting someone (from his past - Louie connecting maybe) he isn't suppose to meet/doesn't want her to know about/doesn't want her to get involved with...so he is basically protecting her?

Natty said:
Nahh dutch, shes squeezing his but!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Lindsay rocks!
I'm just tired of all spoilers right now. I don't have the energy for it. At all.

I'm off reading some fluffy fanfic about d/l. Aaaaw!
dutch_treat said:
I still think it's absolutely freaking weird that we get not the slightest hint that they're 'deepening their relationship', 'forming a perfect heart' and are 'together'; we saw Mac and Peyton kiss at the vending machine, go on a date, wake up together and with D/L nothing...WHY NOT? :mad:

And you see what happened Mac and Peyton! I would rather see small scenes with Danny and Lindsay than big scenes that take away from the show. :)
Okay my loves...*Mo twirls into the thread, decked out like Glinda from "Wicked" (aka...the very pink very cheery fairy type person!) and passes out the fluffiest candy she could find...pink cotton candy, while spraying pink fog and singing..."What the world needs now, is love sweet love, it's the only thing that there's just too little of!" :D Lol, in case y'all can't tell I have determined to go overboard on the fluff to combat any and all pessimism or angst that the PTB are attempting to let seep into our thread of love! :lol: (I know, I know...I'm a dork...but seriously, are you even surprised anymore? :lol: )

Cutie pie with the halo Angel pointed out:
and of COURSE lastly: the 3/4 off-screen pat from danny to lindsay when they are squatting by the suitcase with the skeleton.
-danny saying "honey" to lindsay (can we say SQUEE?!!!) ... you have to rewatch and hear it many times; really faint.
Yeah both of those were good D/L moments...or minute moments! They were small but at least they were there! :D That "3/4 off screen pat" looked more like a caress if you watch it a couple times...I'm willing to be that had they shown it to us (Grrr for them not! :p ) we would have seen him stroke her arm sweetly and then slide it down in comfort! And as for the "honey" after Linds is pissed at the sheriff...it's SO there! I went mad listening to it, but I promise it's there! :lol: NOw PTB how about giving that to us in a tone that is audible to a normal ear! :lol:

Darling shipper across the sea Dutch shook her head:
And Catie, Mo and Angel I wubs you all and my neighbours must think I'm totally insane because I played that scene over and over and louder every time, but I just don't hear it ....I really want to, but I don't.
I promise it's there hon! At first I didn't think so or wasn't sure...and I thought he might have been say "hey" but it's "hon" or "honey" but really it's soft but it's totally there! Which when I heard that, makes everything last night look so much sweeter! (Just watched it again...he totally says it! :D )

I hear him say: "HON, I'm out off step-plates.."
Ohhhh seriously? Okay now I totally have to go back and listen and see if I can hear that! :lol: Hang on a sec...I'm rewatching it right now...Okay I didn't catch it...sorry! Guess I'll just have to watch it a few more times...poor me! ;) I did notice that Danny watches Linds alot this eppy...and that is always good! :D

Can we at least pretend that they're holding hands?!
Uh heck yeah we can...cuz of course they were! And actually they really were in that first screencap you posted...yay! :D And speaking of screencaps, you ROCK for capping and posting all those amazing caps! As much as I really really wanted that forehead kiss and Monster Mash, this still really was a good D/L eppy! I mean they had all their screen time together and there was a lot of gazing and watching and they are clearly comfortable with eachother! It's not making out in an elevator (which I still want dang it!) but we still know they're canon!

Stuffy before I post a reply to all these spoiler boxes...I wanted to specifically compliment you on how seriously optimistic you really are my fluffy bud! You are fabulous darling! :D

Stuffy I agree that it would be the cowardly thing for the PTB to have Danny cheat, and we KNOW that is not Danny's character, he is not a coward and honestly he is not a cheater...even in his old days I don't think he would have cheated...he is too big on loyalty to do that...which is why I think if the PTB go anywhere near that I would seriously lose faith in the show...not only would they have screwed up my ship but they would have entirely changed Danny's very character. That said I do understand that grief makes me people a little crazy, it sure did with Linds last season and while I really do not want to have a repeat of last season for D/L...I would be a lot more okay with the "bump" if it was a result of (like you all have said) Danny feeling guilty about this kid's death and pushing the people closest to him away while he deals with it. It would be a perfect opportunity for Linds to prove how there for Danny she really is...now let's hope if the grief thing is the "bump" that the PTB don't make Linds get just as mad at Danny back and screw things up all to heck over a misunderstanding! I just....grrr...angst! :p

Okay on to fluffier things! :lol: I have a question for all you fabulous brilliantly obsessive D/L shippy buddies...I got addicted to making vids...fun times indeed...and I have a few clip questions for you all who might know! I'm looking for a couple clips...or really the eppy name where I could find the clip!
Danny holding a baby... (I know he holds a baby in one of their cases!)
And Linds in safety goggles...

Okay I'm off to clean the house...fun times for me! :p Heehee! Have a swell evening my darlings and remember...no matter what comes our way, our fluffy bubbles are indestructible and our ship is CANON dang it, CANON!!!! :D :D

*Mo waves her magic wand over the thread and magically makes the "bump" disappear before shimmering away happily! :D *
vexus said:
dutch_treat said:
I still think it's absolutely freaking weird that we get not the slightest hint that they're 'deepening their relationship', 'forming a perfect heart' and are 'together'; we saw Mac and Peyton kiss at the vending machine, go on a date, wake up together and with D/L nothing...WHY NOT? :mad:

And you see what happened Mac and Peyton! I would rather see small scenes with Danny and Lindsay than big scenes that take away from the show. :)
Your right! I'd rather have the little scenes we have now and that they stay together, than a few big ones and have them split up after that, but I was using those Mac/Peyton scenes as an example of things TPTB could do to show they're really still together :D

Mo said:
I promise it's there hon! At first I didn't think so or wasn't sure...and I thought he might have been say "hey" but it's "hon" or "honey" but really it's soft but it's totally there! Which when I heard that, makes everything last night look so much sweeter! (Just watched it again...he totally says it!)
Hmmmm, okay, I'm gonna watch it again tonight and this time I will keep listening 'til I hear it :D

And actually they really were in that first screencap you posted...yay!
Yeah I know I didn't even notice before I started to make those caps...How many people does it take to hold a flashlight :rolleyes:....right TWO! :lol:

Mo your questions remind me of Mercy's challenges...I guess I'm like you on this, I know there are a lot of scenes with Lindsay wearing those goggles, but I can't name one :eek: and did Danny ever hold a baby, I can't remember that... :eek:
"It's finally Friday, I'm free again! I got my motor running for a wild weekend...* Good morning my shippy peeps, and Happy Friday!! :D

After some crazy dream and not sleeping so well anyway, I have woken up determined to be fluffy today no matter what! (I know I do that every day...but especially today!) I was going to go read the Talk review that was posted for "Boo" and then thought "Why go depress myself?" Since I'm fairly sure it'd be safe to say there won't be much D/L love felt in said review! So instead here I am...happier and better for ignoring it, I'd say! :lol:

Dutch hon, way to be diligent! ;) He really does say it to her...and I'll go back and watch the one you caught and try to see if I can hear that one! :D :D

Lol, yeah that's the D/L way to hold a flashlight didn't you know...two people...four hands and lots of love! ;) Lol! :lol:

As for my questions...lol, I know Dutch I feel like such a dork, cuz I know there are lots of scenes of Linds in the safety goggles...but I can't specifically think of one! :rolleyes: And yeah I swear there was an eppy where Danny held a baby, mostly because I remember totally swooning over it and wanting D/L babies like, immediatly! :lol:

Mmmmm, I'll have to find that now...okay off to work for me! :p Have a lovely Friday all and I'll be back later...as always! :D

*Mo sprinkles fluffy powder over the thread before shimemring off in her bubble of love!*
oh Mo! i'm glad you're inspired ;) and we'll have fun with your work.


^^^ credit to csi-caps.com. were you looking for actual goggles GOGGLES (like the lab goggles similar to swimming goggles) or are these lab glasses fine? that image is from You Only Die Once (also known to us as Mach 5 vs Batmobile). go lindsay, you rock!

DOES danny ever carry a baby? *scratches head* i know flack did in season 3. i'm really curious now about this vid you are making...!

thanks for the abundance of caps from Boo, dutch! your neighbors are probably thinking "she's at it again" (a repeat of Snow Day rewatchings).

the "honey" is so faint, almost echo-y (unless it's my speakers acting up).
the "3/4 off-screen pat" is now officially a caress: i see! the hand/arm stays over in lindsay's domain for a little and his arm looks like it could be stroking!

*pours honey on everyone*
*hands fog machine back to Mo* I had to borrow it for a while darlin' ;)

Danny does say "honey." It's faint, yes...but he definitely says it. If you check out Sug's TSODAL Part 27a, you can hear it if you a) crank the volume up, b) listen really carefully, and c) have headphones in your ears. The last one is your best bet to hear it, but he does.

the "3/4 off-screen pat" is now officially a caress: i see! the hand/arm stays over in lindsay's domain for a little and his arm looks like it could be stroking!

I rewound the tape and when I saw that I was like "Dude, did he just touch her arm?" *giggles*

*inhales the fluffy pink fog* Mer has requested that the DL Bubble be made of bulletproof marshmallows. So, on top of the titanium alloy is a shield made from bulletproof marshmallows. It cannot be penetrated by any material or element.

*steps onto soapbox for a moment, hoping not to sound like a broken record*

TPTB are not going to invest two entire years into the DL relationship only to throw it away now. Carmine and Anna both clearly support the ship, and there is no way the writers are going to put them through all this work and effort just to toss it out the window now. Positive thoughts people! Think happy, positive thoughts. Or I shall be forced to spray you with the fluffy pink fog again. We have tons and we aren't afraid to use it.
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