Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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^ Well I wasn't on any meds, but I thought it was rather funny too. :lol: Maybe it wasn't meant as us shippers all immediately interpreted it. ;) But on the other hand I think that -as discussed before- Mac either knows or has very strong suspicions, so it could very well be that he was trying to make a little joke about it...

I was watching the ep again this morning during breakfast and especially during that scene in the alley where Rikki confronts Ollie, I'm in a way glad that it was Flack who was there and not Lindsay :eek:...I think in the emotional state Danny was already in, seeing Lindsay show up while someone was waving a gun around would not have helped the situation. And I think Flack handled the fact that Danny put himself between Rikki's (or rather his) gun and Ollie better than Lindsay would have...

MTC said:
a huge or something at the end would have been nice to see
I agree, that would've been nice...the final scene could've been between Danny and Lindsay, either in the lab or at home, where she (to be there for him and for continuance' sake) was the one to tell him -in a hug- to stop blaming himself before he said the same heartbreaking "how could I" line as he did to Flack.

What do you guys think?
Mo announced
...our new thread title is officially...Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!
I love the new thread title guys! And I know this is a random question ..... but what was the first Danny and Lindsay thread title?

So I saw some clips from last week's show and I am so looking forward to seeing the entire episode! It was nice to see Lindsay going to Flack for help. And good on our girl for protecting Danny by telling Mac a little white lie ;)

And we have one episode left which got me thinking (another random question coming up).... did you guys know about the pool table scene before 'Snow Day' aired? i think I started lurking on the board some time after that. I was kinda hoping that maybe if you didn't (although I cannot even begin to imagine your reaction to it if it was a complete surprise :lol: :eek: :devil:), then maybe we could be surprised with a Danny and Lindsay scene of the same magnitude again :p

If my understanding is correct, then the writers knew that this was going to be the last episode before the strike so maybe they will give us DL shippers something. That would kinda explain why we seem to have waited over half a season for some definite spoken aloud confirmation of our ship
dutch_treat said:
(oh, and Jen a little stubble is okay, but a beard *shudders*)
Okay, you caught me....Didn't know the word and was too lazy to look it up :eek: Stubble it is...yum! BTW..I don't like beards. My father had one, and by the time he was ready to go to bed you could still see what he had been eating during the day...EEEW!

Like I said, I know Mac knows about Danny and Lindsay. And since Danny and Flack are so close, I can't imagine Danny not telling Flack. And Lindsay not telling Stella as well. But is too bad we don't get to see how the others react, especially when Danny and Lindsay walk away together and the rest of the team stands together to say some catchy things :)

Love the new thread title! CAn't wait for it to open.
Bella asked:
what was the first Danny and Lindsay thread title?
I love the new title too ;) and I think it's just great how all the thread titles tell their story in short... :D

#01 One look is all it takes
#02 Walruses uncensored
#03 Lean on me
#04 You had me from "How ya doin?"
#05 Rough sects
#06 Make tracks cowboy
#07 Breaking protocol for you :)
#08 Still want that ride?
#09 Even Hammerback knows
#10 Does it turn you on?
#11 Don't bet against the country girl
#12 Country vs. City kind of foreplay
#13 She likes him...A LOT!!
#14 What'd you have in mind?
#15 Go with your instincts
#16 Da!
#17 The ship that strips!
#18 A Benjamin says "I do!"
#19 Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

did you guys know about the pool table scene before 'Snow Day' aired?
Nope! :eek: We knew (or at least those who read ALL the spoilers :rolleyes:) about Danny being held hostage, about the fact that Lindsay woke up at Danny's, about the daisy, about the cereal bowl, about the message on the black board (although I believe in the spoilers it was a note lying on the table :confused:) and we even knew what it said :cool:, but we did not know about the whole pool table sequence... :eek: :devil:

I cannot even begin to imagine your reaction to it if it was a complete surprise
Well the first time we saw the pool table was when the promo aired in the week before SD and we got to see glimpses of Danny undressing Lindsay, :devil: and of course we had some rather guttery ideas about that, :rolleyes: but I think we were all blown away by the fact that they actually ended up ON that table and stayed there the whole night...If you want to read some of the commotion it caused, here's where it started with probably Catey's best spoiler post ever :D

maybe we could be surprised with a Danny and Lindsay scene of the same magnitude again
That could very well be :D, since we don't know that much about what will happen between them in 4x14...And I am addicted to spoilers, but until now the best moments have always been those little surprises that TPTB put in... :)

Jen said:
when Danny and Lindsay walk away together and the rest of the team stands together to say some catchy things
LOL :lol: I'd love to listen in on the 'office' gossip...would be so cute to hear Flack and Adam joke about Danny being all serious with Lindsay... :)

Oh, and Jen I understand completely, my father had a beard like that once too... :eek: :mad: :eek:

Wow final page of this thread already
Watching that episode it seemed like Lindsay cared more about Danny, than danny cares about lindsay. Besides the fact that he had his hands full with current events.

And the fact that the furniture in the room has changed....not exactly an indication of anything...yet.

Besides, I think that Rubens death is actually bringing Rikki & Danny closer together..........NO? :eek:

I guess it might be too early to tell.
*Mo peeks her head in, checking to make sure no pies or rocks are being aimed at her head before she pops into the thread! :lol: * Hi my peeps! I gotta say right off the bat...I am totally sorry for the whole negative/pessimism/ranking on Top's review thing! I can tend to get pretty up in arms and defensive of my ships, but the absolute last thing I ever want to do is be mean to anyone or cause pessimism or problems between shippers! I'm all for optimism and happiness and fluff for all! :lol: So I am very sorry for getting off topic and ranking on the review...Top hon, you have my utmost respect (and admittedly even some good natured envy ;) ) for your detailed reviews and your awesome moderation around here! :D

*Mo blows out a deep breath and grins sheepishly...* Okay cool...moving on? ;) Heehee! Yay for soon starting a new thread! And yay for all our thread titles Dutch hon, wow we've had some pretty cool titles! And looking back over them, I've been here since thread #6...now that's pretty fun! :D How about y'all...how long have y'all been shipping D/L, in here I mean? What was the first thread title/number you posted in? :D

And yeah Dutch hon, if you don't want to start the next thread, I'd love to! :D I'm always up for that! :lol:

Okay I'm off to bed...my head is killing me! :p I think I need Danny to come give me some aspirin and a back rub! :devil: :lol:

Oh and thanks for the heads up Stuffy hon and Aud my Fluffy Twin wub! ;) You both rock! :D *Mo huggles her fluffy buds!*

Okay nighty-night! I'll be back tomorrow...of course! *Mo waves and sneaks back out to her fluffy bubble, blowing pink fog over everything as she goes!* ;)

Moriel21 said:
how long have y'all been shipping D/L, in here I mean? What was the first thread title/number you posted in?
Absolutely love the question! I've been here since thread # 16 "Da!" I think I started looking for Danny/Lindsay info when I saw the start of season 3 in the Netherlands. I had never been on a forum before, so this was a whole new experience...And it's been great :D I'd like to hear from others too.

Moriel21 said:
Okay I'm off to bed...my head is killing me! :p I think I need Danny to come give me some aspirin and a back rub! :devil: :lol:
I got the idea people here are more sick than anywhere else...Is it because we get such great care??? :devil: I feel a headache coming too...

Can't wait for the next ep...I so hope there finally is a story to DAnny and Lindsay again.
Hey guys! Sorry for being MIA, yet again - I've just been takin' a little break from all the forums I visit :p That and I haven't really been in the mood for posting.

Anyway, as 'optimistic' as I wan't to be, I doubt we're going to get a big D/L scene. We might get something, but unless it was planned, I don't think we're getting it since TPTB is still running without their writing team so there's no rewriting scripts.

But still, who knows - they might use the scenes they cut (the hallway scene). That is, if they filmed it in the first place.

After watching the last episode, I think Danny's in need of a real kick in the ass. He looks absolute lost, as if he doesn't know what to do with himself. Danny and Linds really need to talk to each other. An even better scene is if they don't talk, but just show Danny letting her in. He can't keep all that to himself - it's not healthy.

Okay...so I have to admit my dirty mind had a field day when I first watched it the episode. When Flack first went in, I thought Lindsay's bra was hanging on the chair :p Turned out to be his gun holster. Was I the only one? :devil: Admit it people!

All of you who own Brad Paisley's 5th Gear, Mo! have you heard 'Mr. Policeman'? God...all I can imagine is Danny chasing Lindsay around the apartment, wearing nothing but his gun, sunglasses and a cowboy hat, and Linds is running around in a similar state of undress with cowboy boots. :devil:

Ho...the naughty me's still 'round ;)

Well, I'm glad I was able to pop back in before this thread was closed. Love the new thread name by the way! (I did get to vote :) )
Gaelen said:
After watching the last episode, I think Danny's in need of a real kick in the ass. He looks absolute lost, as if he doesn't know what to do with himself. Danny and Linds really need to talk to each other. An even better scene is if they don't talk, but just show Danny letting her in. He can't keep all that to himself - it's not healthy.
I agree with you! And who can do that better than Lindsay Monroe, country girl from Montana?

Gaelen said:
Okay...so I have to admit my dirty mind had a field day when I first watched it the episode. When Flack first went in, I thought Lindsay's bra was hanging on the chair :p Turned out to be his gun holster. Was I the only one? :devil: Admit it people!
I didn't even notice it... *whistles innocently*

What you said, Liff can be true. Maybe we won't get a Danny and Lindsay scene, although it'd be the best thing to do since they're a couple and one of them is having problems with himself. It would be understandable if tptb don't go the Danny and Lindsay-way and leave that to the real writers to continue after their strike has stopped. But my shipper-mind hopes we do get one....a BIG one!
Its been along time since i posted... but i still have been keeping a watchful eye on the thread.

Us Brits have only just started season 4 but i cant help it when theres spoiler available ( i really do hate suprises :p)

But am quite worried that DL is losing its touch could Flack and Angel be the next hottest thing ???
We must have some DL scene soon i mean poor linds Danny felling guilty for the Rubens death but you cant go on blaming ur self for ever (3 eps max with the occasional flash back) i mean look how fast i took Lindsay to forget the montana accident. And i know the writer strike isnt helping but they could just give a smidgen of something to show that a Danny and Lindsay are still going Strong. Cos if Flack gets coffee dates we should at least get another KISS!!!!
Awww, Dutch - you posted all the titles for me :) Thanks hon! I don't know where my question came fromn- it just popped into my head. I think number 13 "She likes him ... a LOT" is my fave :D because it is my favourite angsty scene.

And an even bigger thanks for the link to the thread from the original airing of Snow Day. It is so funny to read :lol: :lol: you crazee shippers!!!! I guessed you would all be hyperventilating (as I would be) so it is really interesting to see everyone reading the spoilers then posting their reviews after watching the episode. definitely worth reading if you have the Monday blues :D

I am not sure what thread i first posted in. I lurked for a while until I felt confident to join in :p so some of the titles seem familiar. i think I posted in Sep or Oct??
this is the first thread for D/L i have started posting in on this board since i just signed up for the entire board not too long ago. i have been a massive D/L fan since season 2 though.

i like all the Snow Day named threads haha those are funny and a little kinky out of context.
*enters the thread and throws a large piece of chocolate cake in Mo's direction* :D-just because ;)

CSINYMIA000 said:
And the fact that the furniture in the room has changed....not exactly an indication of anything...yet
Well maybe the furniture and stuff has simple been moved because Lindsay is now spending so much time at Danny's place that they needed to create more room... :cool:

Besides, I think that Rubens death is actually bringing Rikki & Danny closer together..........NO?
Between her grief :( and Danny's guilt :( I don't think that can ever happen...

Mo asked:
how long have y'all been shipping D/L, in here I mean? What was the first thread title/number you posted in?
Well I had been lurking quite a while, trying to figure out how the quoting, spoiler boxes and links worked and to find out what kind of people were posting here :D...I decided to de-lurk after NWILL had aired in the US...thread #12-Country vs. City kind of foreplay...funny it feels like I've been here much longer than that... :eek:

Liffy!!! Great to see you in here again! I get the feeling, I'm on a sort of ff-hiatus right now :(...all the stories got mixed up in my head and I needed a break from writing and reading... :(

Liffy said:
He can't keep all that to himself - it's not healthy
No it's not! And Lindsay must know how he's feeling...they are so different, but this is one thing they really have in common; they are terrible at sharing their feelings and letting others in to help them and be there for them...

When Flack first went in, I thought Lindsay's bra was hanging on the chair Turned out to be his gun holster. Was I the only one? Admit it people!
Well since you were so brave to admit it, I'll raise my hand too :eek:...only in my case it was even worse and a real blonde moment :rolleyes:...I watched the ep on TV and didn't notice it then, but when I was watching that scene frame by frame on my PC to look for the pool table I almost made a cap because I thought it was a bra too :eek: :eek: - and at that moment I already knew about the gun :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

DaftWeeHun said:
Cos if Flack gets coffee dates we should at least get another KISS!!!!
That's right! At this moment I would even settle for a coffee date - a nice strong espresso :devil:

Bella, you're welcome...once I found the pool table moment I read a few pages too...fun times! :lol:

*runs out to find that hot-sounding song Liffy mentioned* Glad you haven't lost your naughtiness :devil:
*Mo grins...giggling and winking as she pops into the thread, singing loudly.."Catch me if you can! ;) Hey hey mr. policeman, bet I can run faster’n you can!" :lol: *
Liff!!! Yay, it's about freakin' time you popped back in here bud! *Mo flying tackles her Gutter bud, snuggles him and then wraps him up, putting him in her pocket so he can never leave again!*

Gutter bud who's finally back and now can't EVER leave Lifferific winked:
When Flack first went in, I thought Lindsay's bra was hanging on the chair Turned out to be his gun holster. Was I the only one? Admit it people!
*Mo grins and raises her hand along with Dutch...* :lol: Yeah I gotta say I kinda had that thought too... :devil: Totally should have been a bra somewhere in that apartment though...come on, something black and lacy of Linds' lying around somewhere, would have been totally normal and fabulous! ;) Heehee! :devil:

All of you who own Brad Paisley's 5th Gear, Mo! have you heard 'Mr. Policeman'? God...all I can imagine is Danny chasing Lindsay around the apartment, wearing nothing but his gun, sunglasses and a cowboy hat, and Linds is running around in a similar state of undress with cowboy boots.
Oh my Liffy, I am SOOOOOO very glad you are back! How I have missed you my Gutterific friend! Dutch aren't we glad out Gutter bud is back! :lol: :lol: I have heard that song bud, love that song, I sing that song ;) Heehee! :lol: And yeah I can totally see Danny chasing Linds in a lovely state of undress like that :devil: Yeah just thinking of Danny in that lovely state of undress...*Mo pauses to consider Danny in just sunglass and cowboy books and promptly falls flat on her face into the delicious Gutter of smut!* :devil: Oh wow, yeah I bet Linds would LOVE that game...gah...can't breathe...thought...too...hot! :devil:

Other Gutterific bud Dutch laughed:
*enters the thread and throws a large piece of chocolate cake in Mo's direction* -just because
*Mo grins and with skills Catwoman would be envious of, dodges the chocolate cake just in time and then giggles at it hits Lynny who happened to be hiding behind her!* :lol: Nice try there Dutch babes...but you forgot my mad skills! :lol: Now where do you want your pie? ;)

And Lindsay must know how he's feeling...they are so different, but this is one thing they really have in common; they are terrible at sharing their feelings and letting others in to help them and be there for them...
Yeah they both really do have a hard time with that! I think it's in different ways though...Linds I think keeps it all in and gets really quiet and introspective and clinical even, as if she is completely detaching herself from whatever is wrong. She doesn't want to deal so she removes herself from it almost....where as Danny allows the emotions to swallow him, he gets so involved and rolled up in it that he can't seperate himself from it and also can't see anyone else trying to help him because all he is focused on is his pain and the emotion of the situation. How's that? ;) But yeah I definitely agree...Danny needs to get himself out of the emotional well he is in and Linds needs to be the one to give him the hand to hold and pull him up out of that well!

Okey dokey people...a week and a half or so until our next eppy...I say next because I have decided to forgo my rants toward the writers strike and instead hold on to HUGE hope that the strike is indeed almost over as the rumors are saying...which would mean we will get at least a few more eppy's hopefully!!

New thread coming soon...just a few more posts and we'll be golden! :D If I'm not here (at work :p ) when it comes time to start it, someone can feel free to start it for me...otherwise I want it! :D Lol! :lol:

And now it's time for me to grab dessert and watch the snow fall outside my window! I love Snow Days! :devil: Oh yeah I SOOO do! :D Psssttt...Aud pop in here! Lynny, Smi you two too! :D

*Mo grins and winking, smothers the thread in a huge dose of pink fog before shimmering cutely away in her fluffy bubble!* :D
i like what you said Moriel about how Danny and Lindsay both handle emotional/difficult situations differently.

i was on another board for the show and someone brought up a very good point that Danny and Lindsay are just functioning and not really all together with themselves. i really do think that D/L can be together for a long time without too many problems if they can get themselves together and sort out their individual problems first... maybe learn to help each other out when they're in a tough spot.

i think the "just functioning" goes for all the characters on NY. they have so much heavy baggage they have to try and shake off that for right now they're all not fully together with themselves.
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