Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*Dutch runs in totally excited* :D

I saw the ep and I think it was great...I loved that they used 'Lady Liberty' as a crime scene and Mac's mysterious phone calls are interesting, but of course THE most important thing...D/L was great! :D

I made some quick screenshots :) Stuffy I'm gonna use your observations (your not the only dork ;)), 'cause I totally agree with everything you said: :D

1. Opening Credits: I like them, but I wish they had used the full song from the past three seasons. Other than that, it was very fast-paced and energetic

2. The first DL scene was cute
Yeah! Lindsay on Danny's lap...well, sort of...
4. The spray-on condom scene? PRICELESS.

5. "Boom!" xD pfft - and they say DL have nothing in common. I grinned like an idiot when she said that
6. Lindsay putting the condom spray in Danny's lab coat pocket and his little *coughnaughtycough* chuckle was hilarious.
I hope they're careful, I cannot believe that stuff actually works
7. Every scene that DL was in, they were standing close to each other.

I totally love that condom-spray scene...Lindsay is so funny when she's demonstrating the stuff...and the awkwardness of both Hawkes and Danny is hilarious... :lol: :lol:

And yes! he's always standing pretty close to her.... :cool:

I'm off to read that review now...
Danny's left wrist- is it a bandage or some kind of sweat band?!?!?

I love this bit, 'Where does it err...the...or how...never mind!' :lol: Priceless- so was Lindsay's expression afterwards! (you do not know how many times I have seen that clip!) Well I know what i'll be watching if i have a bad day :lol::

Dutch I also loved that 'awkwardness' :lol:

Ok I just got to say that i'm loving season 4 Lindsay already! 'Get your little ass to work', 'condom spray', 'Boom! Instant condom', I love the hair!

Three new pics on NY pic thread of our couple (ep 3or4 I think)
i have to say i love Anna's new hair cut! Also loved yesterday's episode. Danny was really impress by the spray condom and that scene was really funny!
Hi my lovelies!! :D They're back!!!!!!! :cool:

Last night's episode was wonderful!! The D/L scenes were really the best!! Don't get me started on the 'spray'. Danny and Lindsay are so in love; they are such a perfect match. I love it when they are happy. :)

My new ficcie is out. If you like D/L and like me, please read? Interested? I need to catch up on all the D/L fics around here. I haven't been to ff.net lately. :)

Off to class. Hugs!! :)
Spray on condoms are my new favorite thing ever, and I think we need to put in a store full of that stuff in Gutterville. And if that has already been proposed, I'm proposing it again! That eppy was great and full of subtle DL scenes, and not so subtle DL scenes. Loved loved loved it. A great way to start off season 4!
See, I told you Danny's face was priceless in the spray on condom scene! Would I ever mislead you guys? Did I mention I loved the episode, not just because of our dynamic duo, but everything just seemed, well, interesting and cohesive? Much better than last seasons opener, in my opinion. Anna/Lindsay looks great, and it does look like she has her "spunk" back. Great, a really great episode.
I loved last night's episode. The condom scene was hilarious and I'm wondering what else would have been said if Hawkes wasn't standing in the room!

I like Anna's hair and I was really liking the fact that Danny had his shirt halfway undone all night. :)
So I'm sort of crying right now. :eek:

But as far as the condom spray---for some reason I'm not sold on it. I don't think Danny is either. Or maybe he just doesn't like condoms in general. Is it me or was Lindsay trying to hint to him that he needed condoms?? Oh, well that's my take. :lol:

Here's a link to my D/L fic. Please read and review. I do it for you! :)


Nighty night. :)
^^^ *ponders Auda's take*

pretty much everything stuffy said there. thnx for the illustration to her points, dutch. always on top with those caps.

pretty boxes, catey, *pets boxes*

the scene with the computer feed and DL talking is cute. i liked it even though it was all work-related. :D i just enjoying some good ol' DL talking.
'spray on to the organ in question!' :lol:

I thought someone might hunt it down- now we can stock the gutterville store!!!
Just don't place the store right next to my house.... I might get strange ideas and kidnap Danny away....from whoever has him now! :devil:
"It's finally Friday, I'm free again! I got my motor running for a wild weekend! It's finally Friday, I'm outta control, forget the working blues and let the good times ro-oll!" :lol: *Mo slides into the thread, a little slippery and wet with all the rain that she's been getting but since it's Friday it doesn't matter!*

Morning all my shippy dears! How are you all this fine Friday morning? I have like a minute before I have to scramble to work and then I'm actually gone until tomorrow night...but with all this lovely new D/L stuff to discuss I imagine I won't even be missed! :lol: (which is fine! ;) )

Okay so real quick....first of all, even now two days after our premiere my first thought is....*Squeeeee!* I'm so glad we got a scene, like a real cute fun one! And we got plenty of D/L just being there together which was so nice too! That condom scene really was priceless...and Aud wub I think Danny's looks were because he was a bit leery at the thought of having to use something so "weird"! ;) D/L in the scene cracked me up...and Linds putting it in his pocket..."Hello Tigress!" :devil: Go Linds! ;)

Thanks so much for the caps Dutch hon! Those rocked...awww D/L love...*Sigh!* :D They are just so pretty/cute/adorable/hot together...they make me smile! :D

Okay I have to run y'all...have a swell Friday and I'll be back tomorrow night...I already can't wait for our next eppy...with expectations sky high as always! :lol: Oh and hey y'all...do go read and review my Fluffy Twin Aud's new ficcie...it's really good! :D

Oh and....D/L is CANON baby!! :lol:

*Mo waves and cradling her coffee, shimmers gleefully away!* :D
Hello my dear shipping buddies :D How are you all doing? I'm alwasy doing great from the moment I come here to have my mind filled with all these beautiful (and er, whatever else :p :devil:) thoughts of D/L ;) Not that they don't pop in everytime in my mind. Shhh, don't tell I have 'the kiss' from SD in my English book label :lol: Obsessed?? Nah :p

Anyway, and just to get it clear, I'm obviously not mad or anything to any of you just because you got to watch it and were all excited :D That's always a good sign ;) Besides, thanks to YT, I have seen D/L scenes now, so I'm in a super happy mood and have this big smile :D I loved the scenes!

The 'condom spray' one was too adorable. Right what I wanted to see in a season premiere "Simply apply, like so... Boom! instanct condom" Danny's face was so priceless, really, he was so not convinced :lol: I loved how he reacted when she put it in his pocket, and how she reacted after his reaction ;) It was such a good written scene, yay to the writers, and yay to Anna, Carmine and also Hill ;)

Btw, I'm already imagining those brilliant minds around here coming with the best thread title hypothesis to thread 20 including Boom! somewhere ;)

D/L is back with these moments that make us go all *squeee!*, funny and sweet all the same! *throws M&M's in every direction to celebrate*
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