Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*catches some of Dani's M&M's* - txs!

Mo said:
even now two days after our premiere my first thought is....*Squeeeee!* I'm so glad we got a scene, like a real cute fun one!
Yeah, I'm still like that too :D....I think we really got even more than we had been hoping for... :)

That 'condom'-scene still cracks me up! darksheep txs for that link - too funny and those aerosols look much prettier than the one Linds had! :cool: And JenP you'd better run 'cause when I get my hands on some of that new GutterVille-store-stock AND Danny I'll be totally like Lindsay and won't pass up on a chance to spray his 'organ in question' a lot :devil: ;) *ducks* :p

BTW there's a really funny story from sugah66 called 'Anything' on ff-net that tells what might have happened after Lindsay put the spray-on in his pocket. :lol:

The new promo is on CBS innertube, but as far as I can tell (and I -yes I know *dork*- watched it frame-by-frame) there's no DL in the promo :(, but....
.....Isn't this the ep where Danny goes diving with Hawkes and they get in trouble and Lindsay's worried? So that means there's, again, a little sweet DL scene :)
*Liff pops into thread, still giddy from watching the premiere for the upteenth time* :D

Okay, so I'm finally back - needless to say, I had to devote some time, hell, okay, alot of time to watching our fav. couple play around with spray condom right? :D I think my brothers are finding me a tad bit obsessed with that scene - as weird, and amusing as it was. Definately surpassed my hopes for a D/L scene since we had such an awesome finale last season - getting something just as big in the premiere would have been wishful thinking.

I love the banter that's settled between them now, and Lindsay putting the spray can in his pocket, and his little "where does...no, how do...nevermind" comment had me in tears :p It was definately a Danny moment. His little sneer after she pats his pocket was sweet too - a simply "I'll get you back for that" little look that he gave her. Now we can just sit back...and amuse ourselves with what Danny and Lindsay can do with spray-on condom :devil:

Though...as a guy, I had the same question in my head when I first saw it :p

Btw, is it just me, or do I remember something about Danny in interrogation, and a bomb in the premiere promo? Maybe I've just been watching too many promos recently, but I thought I saw that in there somewhere. *shrugs* Maybe it is just me...I can't be bothered to go look at it again.

Yay! Our Lindsay is back! And she seems alot more lighter and fresh now :) Her BOOM comment just goes to show how you pick up your partner's odd traits. He's giving her the same "you're a weirdo" looks that she used to give him. AND they stood soo close to each other for the moments they were together - it was love. Simple as that. Anyone who can't see it needs to get their pulse checked.

Was a wee bit disappointed when Adam didn't appear, and Linds opening with the office of the unemployed was simply hilarious. Yay for Adam!

Danni said:
The 'condom spray' one was too adorable. Right what I wanted to see in a season premiere "Simply apply, like so... Boom! instanct condom" Danny's face was so priceless, really, he was so not convinced
Lindsay sounded like a salesperson, it was hilarious. I think Danny likes prefers the old fashion way - and Hawkes' little grin when Danny made his comment was cute - maybe he 'knows' more than he's letting on. ;)

Anyways, I'm off for now. Catch ya guys laterrr!
Great to see everybody's back!

dutch_treat said:
And JenP you'd better run 'cause when I get my hands on some of that new GutterVille-store-stock AND Danny I'll be totally like Lindsay and won't pass up on a chance to spray his 'organ in question' a lot :devil: ;) *ducks* :p
You might want to explain Danny where the...uhm...uhm...never mind :lol:

^^ :lol: :lol: uhm....uhm...yeah right *ponders* hmmm...I think I just let him 'watch and learn' :devil:...he's the 'investigator' after all... ;)

Goodnite to you too! :)
^^Naughty, naughty, ladies!! :eek: :D

So is 'boom' the offical D/L password? You know that Danny just loves her using that word. I wonder if he says that in bed? *Ponders nekkid 'booms'* :devil: :lol: :devil:

Hey, thanks to all that have reviewed my story. I promise that the D/L good stuff will come---adventure, sensuality, and misunderstandings left and right. ;)

*Runs off for the night to ponder if they had to buy a new pool table* I think the other one is worn out. :p
Well, believe it or not, there are spoilers out for episode 410 already. So, here we go!
Ok, this is the episode involving Mac going to Chicago. , with Flack joining him there. It involves Mac's 333 case. He follows the clues to an empty room, where he finds a body of someone who died thirty years ago. In New York, Danny is investigating the death of a subway conducter. Main case involves Mac, Stella and Flack(who was sent to Chicago by Sinclair to keep an eye on Mac). Hawkes and Danny are working the conductor case, and no mention of Lindsay so far. I'll keep you posted if things change. Oh, and if anybody lives in Chicago, apparently they are going to be filming it in Chicago. Maybe you can see them filming there.
You know that Danny just loves her using that word. I wonder if he says that in bed? *Ponders nekkid 'booms'*

Good Lord Aud, you sent my mind right to the gutter with that comment :p you too dutch and JenP :lol:

Methinks a new Gutterville store is a fantastic idea ;)

You might want to explain Danny where the...uhm...uhm...never mind

:lol: :lol: that scene was hilarious. The looks Lindsay gave him were priceless...and of course "Boom!" *points to new avvie* ;)...I loved how she looked at Danny when she said it - and in turn he kinda smirked at Hawkes.

"Get your little ass to work" - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

That Lindsay will probably be working at the lab since she is not mentioned in the spoilers. TPTB may suprise us like they did last week by giving us a moment.
dl_shipper34 said:
You know that Danny just loves her using that word. I wonder if he says that in bed? *Ponders nekkid 'booms'*

Good Lord Aud, you sent my mind right to the gutter with that comment :p you too dutch and JenP :lol:

Now I'm seeing where all the Gutterville comments come from! You guys are hilarious! But I'm right there with you in the gutter. :D BOOM!
What would we have to talk about if we didn't have any gutter thoughts?? :lol:

Okay so Halloween will be here in about a month. So what will Danny and Lindsay be doing? Just working? Spending a nice quiet evening at home playing billiards? :devil: Or will they dress up in something wild or not so wild and go to a costume party?

If Lindsay is still working only in the lab by the tenth episode, I will throw something. Get the girl out of the lab! She's a detective. Hopefully we will have a nice D/L scene again. And many more in between. ;)
I'm thinking Devil costumes!!

Is it me or were there spoilers a while a go about them being on a case together OUTSIDE the lab or am I just dreaming!!
In regards to the Halloween episode...

Natty is correct: Danny and Lindsay work on a case together in that house (Amnityville or however you spell it lol). So at least we'll get to see her outside the lab then *shrug* but it would be nice to have her in the field before then.

Aud, if that happens than I'll throw something with you ;)
*enters still feeling quite guttery :cool:

auda said:
So is 'boom' the offical D/L password? You know that Danny just loves her using that word. I wonder if he says that in bed? *Ponders nekkid 'booms'*
And you call us 'naughty' tssk, tssk! But, yes Stuffy I gotta admit that image is pretty HOT! :devil:...let's just hope the BOOM! is not the sound of that unreliable condom blowing up :eek:...uhm...uhm. ;)

See Roni ^ that's why almost everyone of us has taken up perminent residence in GutterVille...it just became way too tiresome to climb out of the gutter every time only to be falling back in by our next visit here... :D

Txs Catey! Wow, Mac goes to Chicago...intriguing...And Vex is probably right; Lindsay will be in the lab, but we now all know what kind of cute scenes can come from that...but I'm sure she will be out of the lab this season.

auda asked:
Okay so Halloween will be here in about a month. So what will Danny and Lindsay be doing? Just working? Spending a nice quiet evening at home playing billiards? Or will they dress up in something wild or not so wild and go to a costume party?
My vote goes to the costume party...Halloween, so that means witches and wizards, right? Let Lindsay pick out the clothes and they can go as (another of my obsesions :eek:) Hermione and Draco - Danny in silver and green *drools* and Lindsay in a gold and red school uniform...I think they will be 'playing billiards' afterwards. :devil:

Natty[/b]'s Halloween question]Yes, you're right. They will be on a case together in the Halloween ep 4x06 "BOO" (is that a combination of MOO and BOOM?). They will be driving to the crime scene together listening to "Monster Mash", they go in to a creepy Amityville house where and old lady scares Lindsay, she gets upset when a little girl is hurt and Danny comforts her by kissing her forehead...someone correct me if I'm wrong

I see you already answered that too, Stuffy :)
*Liff pops by still humming along to Michael's 'Everything', and decidedly starts to sing along since images of D/L simply refuses to leave* Happy Saturday to you all! Season 4 is a go go , and like Mo said before, this is definately going to be our season; the best season yet!

Aud said:
What would we have to talk about if we didn't have any gutter thoughts??
Err...then you wouldn't see much of Mo or I, or anyone else for that matter here :devil: Unless of course we find some innocent use for chocolate sauce, though the current menu is just much too sweet to pass :)

So is 'boom' the offical D/L password? You know that Danny just loves her using that word. I wonder if he says that in bed? *Ponders nekkid 'booms'*
Hmm...I'd say he'd stare, *BOOM* and suddenly they're both nekkid :devil: There ya go. :devil:

So what will Danny and Lindsay be doing? Just working? Spending a nice quiet evening at home playing billiards?
Oooh, we're getting a halloween eppy aren't we? Full of D/L goodness? Well, that's all I know - and I have no clue if I'm staying SF or not. It would be real cool if they had to work some spooky case, and something freaks Danny out. Like a murder in a haunted apartment or something. :) Lindsay would be all cool with it, and Danny's looking over his shoulder every minute or so, and there's the classic eye rolling from Linds, "How on earth did I get stuck with you?" :lol:

Nat said:
I'm thinking Devil costumes!!
:eek: Ooh, that's.... :devil: So what? Danny gets a pair of horns, plus the one he already has down south *ducks from the ever looming meter* and Linds gets to put on some...hawt number that makes her man drool like there's no tomorrow? lalala...this thread is the picture of innocence. :rolleyes: *whistles*

Dutch said:
My vote goes to the costume party...Halloween
Ooh, nice. Does anyone else want to see Flack in a school girl costume? Cos for some reason I can't let it go. Lindsay cheerleader's outfit, would mean Danny can't do a great deal of walking or movement the entire night. I'd say they skip it and go straight to billiards. :devil:

Anywho - hope y'all have a fab weekend.

Hi guys! *JenP runs in and sprays some banana milkshake on Liff just for fun*

Gee Dutch! You sure are naughty! ;)
I'm feeling really guttery right now...I guess there's just no other way after the 'German engineering'-scene :devil:

The Halloween-question...Some of you said something about devil-costumes....well, I'll say just one thing...the last time someone I know had put one on, he ended up skinny dipping with all his neighbours :eek:

So, unless you don't want the whole of GutterVille naked in there, leave the devil-costumes out! But we're GutterVille, so I guess skinnydipping won't be such a major issue, right?

I like spoiler-boxes! You too, right Liff? :lol:

I can't believe I already had forgotten about the forehead-kiss! I'm such an idiot! Catey, thanks for the new spoilers!

I'm off to my own gutter right now...See ya!
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