Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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And here we go!!!!!!!!!!
Since I'm on the West Coast I am assuming it's okay to post as I go...cuz I'm in the last "sector" to get to see the eppy! So....let me start with....*Squeeeeeeee!*

We are back! Oh yeah baby we are so back! And the new credits, I LOVE them! Danny looks SOOOO hot and Linds' hair...way cute...the new song remix will have to grow on me...but still, y'all we're back...and I can't stop smiling! :D

Okay I don't think I'll keep posting over each commercial break, I just had to share the initial joy! :D I'll post my "detailed" review later...morning maybe?!

For now...YAY!!!!! :D
Okay I lied...here I am again! :lol: Yay for Danny/Linds interaction in the first 5 minutes! :lol: Online chat, but still cute...and Linds' call to Adam, wow hello confident Linds we always loved! She's back folks! All that talking we did about her putting her past behind her and moving on, confident now with Danny by her side, totally looks to be true! "I'm calling from the Office of Unemployment!" :lol: Nice Linds...and apparently the PTB seem to enjoy opening and closing our seasons with couples in bed/nekkid! Go Adam! ;)
^^ Goodmorning guys! (yes Roni that's the fun with time zones :D - Natty, who lives in the UK and I, from the Netherlands, are already starting our thursday while you guys get to sit down and see the AWESOME-sounding premiere! :mad: :( ;)

Txs for the spoilers catey - Yeah new credits and those little scenes between D/L sound too cute. :D I'll love it when they keep that up all season - just some hints that they're together! :)

Okay I'm off to take a shower and go to work *sigh*, but I'm already looking forward to watching this ep tonight!

Later! :)

Love the avvie Mo!
Awwww, yay! Y'all who haven't seen the eppy yet, you'll love our D/L scene! Linds is too cute "demonstrating" the spray on condom and Danny's face the whole time is priceless! And then Linds tucking the can into his pocket at the end with a little quirked eyebrow/smile and the little noise Danny makes...we are off to a fabulous start y'all...oh we so are! Yay! :D

ETA: Okay I have to say, Linds' hair is totally adorable! It really does fit her...now I've really seen it on her (more than a pic ya know!) it's adorable and fun and cute! :D And also I want to say...overall this seems like a great start to the season, not just for our ship (though hello that's great! :lol: ) but case wise and arc wise and everything...this is gonna be a good season y'all! And I'm excited! :D
Good morning to Natty and Dutch! Mo and Kate, wasn't it fantastic?!! I agree with you Mo that this looks like a great season overall (I may have to ship Adam & Kendall now too ;) ) but I'm totally in lurve with D/L .. as if there was any question!! That scene was so delicious I want to eat it!

Lindsay has definitely gotten her confidence back (I liked the phone call to Adam too!) and Danny with that "whoa, what?" when she told him about the evidence found at the scene ... classic Danny!
OK, I just have to say it....I'm SOOOO angry that most of you have seen that season-opening by now, and I have to wait for youtube....

But it does sound great!
Dani pops in totally excited to read all the news about the season premiere, and is happy to see everyone celebrating! Psst, Angel, big sis, homework is done already ;)

Ahhh *is jealous* I guess it's just a good kind of jealous, don't get me wrong, I am so happy season 4 started and that you got to have D/L moment and see everyone again, but as JenP and Nat, it feels so 'argh, why can't i watch it either? :(' Gonna wait for caps and YT as well. There is not any other way, is there??

Anyway, I love that we have new opening credits :) We all wanted it and asked for it here, and there we have it.

I'm glad our D/L scene was cute and adorable :) I'm glad there was one (I was expecting it to be but we are never sure until it has really aired) :) I'm glad that you guys liked the episode, because that means it's a good premiere, and most likely I will like it as well :D I love that you think Lindsay's 'free again-city girl' new hairstyle goes with the way she seems to be acting, and back to old funny Lindsay :) I'm so glad we are Canon :D

Mo, dear, such a cute avie you have ;)
Good morning! :D *Mo shimmers into the thread, magically appearing as if out of thin air...* How are we all this fine Post-Premiere morning?! *Giggle, Squee!* It was great last night wasn't it! :D This is gonna be a good season, I know it! :D

JenP, Nat, Dani...and all y'all others who didn't see it live last night... I hope you don't feel like we who did see it are rubbing anything in your faces, cuz we most definitely are not! I mean we're excited and I know I'm a little giddy still :lol: but I know if I was in your shoes, I'd most definitely be pissed that I hadn't seen it yet! If I had the means to copy my vid tape and send it all to you I would in a heartbeat! :D So I hope our giddyness doesn't get too annoying and hey at least you get details to tide you over...right? That's a good thing right? :D ;)

Okay so I read the review posted on Talk by the way (why I did, I don't know cuz they never are really nice to D/L) and it was a good review except that they said D/L doesn't really have much "convincing romantic chemistry"...and I have to say I read that and literally started laughing! No disrepect meant to the writer of this review, it was otherwise quite good...but I have to say, in my humble opinion, you missed the boat a bit with that comment! Let's put it this way...if D/L doesn't have "convincing chemistry" then I am by no means an obsessed shipper...and since we all KNOW that ain't true...it stands to reason, the other isn't either! :lol: I'm just sayin...
*Mo steps off her soapbox...* :D

And I have to say, I love again Linds' hair, it totally grew on me and I now love it! And she seems to have a few new outfits, lol! And her and Danny share these looks a couple times...just these secret smiles, that make me as a dedicated shipper grin...cuz you KNOW they are just plotting when they can next slip away to the broom closet! :devil:

Okay y'all I have to go to work now :p but I'll be back! Have a swell day, enjoy discussing all the tiny details in here...yay for new eppys to dissect! :lol: And here's hoping it gets up on YT quick for you who need it! :D

Later dears!

*Mo waves and shimmers off a permanent grin on her face!* :D
Hello buddies!
I’ve just read the review and I’m so happy! :D Even if I haven’t seen it yet, I already love the DL scenes of the episode. ;) I can’t wait to see them…even if probably I’ll have to wait a long time… :( Sometimes live in Italy it’s a problem. :(
The review, as Mo said, wasn’t really nice for DL, but read about D/L scenes always makes my day and it doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t like our ship. I know that here, we are all DL fans and I love to come here :) (even if I have a lot of things to do for school :mad:).

Anyway, we’re soooo CANON!!! (I’ll never get tired to say it :p) and that makes me happy! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D

Oh…welcome Roni27! :)

Ok now I have to go. Catch ya later!
Hi guys! Here I am again!

Moriel21 said:
JenP, Nat, Dani...and all y'all others who didn't see it live last night... I hope you don't feel like we who did see it are rubbing anything in your faces, cuz we most definitely are not! I mean we're excited and I know I'm a little giddy still :lol: but I know if I was in your shoes, I'd most definitely be pissed that I hadn't seen it yet! If I had the means to copy my vid tape and send it all to you I would in a heartbeat! :D So I hope our giddyness doesn't get too annoying and hey at least you get details to tide you over...right? That's a good thing right? :D ;)
Oh Mo! Don't be scared! I love it to read your comments! It's all I have now, right? ;)

Okay so I read the review posted on Talk by the way (why I did, I don't know cuz they never are really nice to D/L) and it was a good review except that they said D/L doesn't really have much "convincing romantic chemistry"...and I have to say I read that and literally started laughing! No disrepect meant to the writer of this review, it was otherwise quite good...but I have to say, in my humble opinion, you missed the boat a bit with that comment!
I totally agree with you :D But seriously: ofcourse there are people that don't like Danny and Lindsay together. No problem. But it gets annoying sometimes when it's been called over and over again. I got a pretty good idea now who do and who don't like them. And that's enough.

Bye for now, I'm going to take the kids out of the bathtub and in their beds!
nattybatty55 said:
NO!!!! I dont get see it for months!!! British shipper here !!! I am so excited though! I will hunt it on YT though!

I'm with you there, Nattybatty. I am going to be searching YT. The premier sounds so goood. :)
No I did not stay up until 1am to watch the premiere, what are you talking about? :p

Okay well I made some observations (yes I'm a dork) and some don't pertain to DL, but since this is the DL thread (yay!!)...

1. Opening Credits: I like them, but I wish they had used the full song from the past three seasons. Other than that, it was very fast-paced and energetic

2. The first DL scene was cute :)

3. "Get your little ass to work" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YEAH LINDSAY!!!!! That is the Lindsay we need to see.

4. The spray-on condom scene? PRICELESS.

5. "Boom!" xD pfft - and they say DL have nothing in common. I grinned like an idiot when she said that :D

6. Lindsay putting the condom spray in Danny's lab coat pocket and his little *coughnaughtycough* chuckle was hilarious.

7. Every scene that DL was in, they were standing close to each other.

8. Danny and his white shirts? RAWR.

9. Tackling a suspect on the stairs - we so need that more often.

10. So I guess Danny's hand is alright considering he leapt over that banister

11. Danny's unbuttoned shirt *naughty grin*..someone was busy - especially in the scene where they're looking at the pictures of the beaten guy and trying to figure out what AEH meant...hahahahaha just a tad undone there cowboy.

Okay so I read the review posted on Talk by the way (why I did, I don't know cuz they never are really nice to D/L) and it was a good review except that they said D/L doesn't really have much "convincing romantic chemistry"...and I have to say I read that and literally started laughing! No disrepect meant to the writer of this review, it was otherwise quite good...but I have to say, in my humble opinion, you missed the boat a bit with that comment!

ITA Mo. I know there are people here who strongly dislike DL, and with all due respect to the reviewer, but that is missing the boat. Granted it's the writer's opinion and it all depends how each of us interpret the scenes.
It's up on youtube!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcI099EVW0M

JenP, Nat, Dani...and all y'all others who didn't see it live last night... I hope you don't feel like we who did see it are rubbing anything in your faces, cuz we most definitely are not! I mean we're excited and I know I'm a little giddy still but I know if I was in your shoes, I'd most definitely be pissed that I hadn't seen it yet! If I had the means to copy my vid tape and send it all to you I would in a heartbeat! So I hope our giddyness doesn't get too annoying and hey at least you get details to tide you over...right? That's a good thing right?

Oh gosh, I hope you guys aren't mad at us lucky ones who got to see it yesterday! I was so filled with happiness, joy and giddiness, I totally forgot my manners! But just so you know ... you've got an amazing episode to look forward to! :D

Okay so I read the review posted on Talk by the way (why I did, I don't know cuz they never are really nice to D/L) and it was a good review except that they said D/L doesn't really have much "convincing romantic chemistry"...and I have to say I read that and literally started laughing! No disrepect meant to the writer of this review, it was otherwise quite good...but I have to say, in my humble opinion, you missed the boat a bit with that comment!

Good to know I shouldn't waste my time reading the recaps on this site. I used to do that for Prison Break on TWOP and would get terribly upset. It amazes me how some people see the chemistry so clearly and others just don't get it. Different strokes, I guess.

As for the opening credits, I like them but it will take a few episodes for me to get used to the remix of the song. Why mess with a classic?

11. Danny's unbuttoned shirt *naughty grin*..someone was busy - especially in the scene where they're looking at the pictures of the beaten guy and trying to figure out what AEH meant...hahahahaha just a tad undone there cowboy.

Really? How could I have missed that one? *runs to rewatch the youtube clip*
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