Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*giggles at Rad's new avvie*

Ahoy and aloha to all my buddies! Awwwww...is poor Mo stuck in the rain? *hands her an umbrella* There we go - all dry now :)

*looks again and giggles at dutch's new avvie*

Swoon! All these new avvies/banners are love! I did have an awesome one from a fellow shipper, but alas it was the wrong size *sobs*.

Alright them me shipmates, I'll talk to ye all later! Be good now, and keep a weather eye on Liffy. He's quite the cheek, that 'un.

Wubs!! :D
Awww thanks Stuffy hon! I don't mind the rain so much anymore...not since Dutch planted that lovely "D/L making love in the rain" thought in my brain! :devil: Ever since then, I love the rain! :D Heehee! ;)

Lol, yeah all the new avies/banners are pretty sweet! I love that we have all these fab new pics and quotes and stuff to make them from, they make me grin! :D I like yours too Stuffy..."Boom"...Love it! :devil: Heehee! ;)
Oh I love the rain! And I think Lindsay would love it too. She can drag Danny to the roof of their apartment and they can just do some slow dancing as the water turns their clothes transluscent...oh...well the thought began pretty innocent. I swear!

ETA: I just noticed I said 'their' apartment. Woops, in my world they've already moved in... :) It's a happy world. No D/L babies yet...but they'll get there.

Okay, so I've got a new set of avvie and banner :) My mushy side won over my deathly funny one. So the love comment won over 'condom spray'. :)
I love the 'Boom.' Avvies. I have one and I'm very tempted to use it, but my Lindsay one pwns. lol.

I wonder how that spray on is working out for them.. I'm sure it's coming in handy....


I love you all. Pies you all in face
Hey guys! *waves + hugs DL buddies* Missed you all so much! :) I hope that you guys are enjoying the season so far. Granted we only had one episode, but the condom-conversation was adorable... was it not? :D

*Passes M&M's*

*kicks Liff* Sandle needs you! :) And where have you been on LJ?
I like how this season is going. As much as I love a lot of d/l moments, keeping it in the background gives their relationship more depth.

Aud Thank you for the reviews! It gives me more of an inspiration to write more! :)
Thank you, Vex, for your kind words. Everyone go and read her ficcie!! :) Yea! Del is here. I'm glad that you came to see us. :) Hi my Rad Daughter. How's school? :)

Keeping their relationship in the background is good. Sometimes too much information ruins romance. Plus it gives fic writers a lot more to write when they do keep things in the background. I'd rather have lots of 'little' fluff moments rather than lots of huge angst moments. ;)

I think both Lindsay and Danny would love playing in the rain!! If they did it on a pool table, why not dance in the rain? They must like taking chances. :lol:

"I saved a horse!!" You guys are too funny. What would I do without you? I love it; Danny does too. :D

Have a great night all. :)
Naughty to the core and proud of it Liffer winked:
Oh I love the rain! And I think Lindsay would love it too. She can drag Danny to the roof of their apartment and they can just do some slow dancing as the water turns their clothes transluscent...oh...well the thought began pretty innocent. I swear!
What's funny dude, is I actually believe you! :lol: I have that way too often myself, where I think of this totally cute little fluffy moment for D/L and then suddenly before I even realize it, it has become an opportunity for naughty D/L smut! :devil: I like the slow dancing in the rain though...and definitely love that it's on the roof of their apartment! ;) I can totally picture that! :D

And hon, I LOVE the new banner and avie!! That look on Danny's face really was priceless and the "look" you captured in your banner was beautiful! Love it! :D

Bud who has been gone way too long Delia hon grinned:
but the condom-conversation was adorable... was it not?
Del! Hey hon! HOw are ya...glad you popped back in to say Hi! ;) See told ya we were irresistible! :lol: Us or D/L or both! :D And yeah the condom moment was absolutely awesome and so totally D/L! :D

fluffy darling Aud wub said:
Keeping their relationship in the background is good. Sometimes too much information ruins romance. Plus it gives fic writers a lot more to write when they do keep things in the background. I'd rather have lots of 'little' fluff moments rather than lots of huge angst moments.
Mmmmm, yeah I can agree with that Fluffy Twin :D I do SO love my little fluff moments...like our most recent conversation! And so many of our lovely Season 2 and 3 moments...but then again as much as I do NOT like angst in general...some of what I'd say were our best D/L moments came in times of "angst"...or as I like to cal them..."Moments-of-love-filled-with-tension- disguised-as-angst-but-since-they're-love-are-really-fluffy!" like their moment in RSRD or the hallway scene in LRC...so for the most part I definitely agree that those little fluffy moments are the BEST but every once in a while the writers get it right and give us an "angst" scene that is really fluffy and shows how much love they feel....did that make any sense? :lol:

I SOOO want an "I Saved a Horse" t-shirt!! :devil: :D
I love the 'Boom.' Avvies. I have one and I'm very tempted to use it, but my Lindsay one pwns. lol.

*giggles* I love that avvie. I'm waiting for another one though, so hopefully it will be the right size and I'll upload it here :)

ETA: *has turned into a giggly mass of giggles* She is so made of awesome :D

Del!! *showers buddy with M&Ms* Nice to see you back in here m'dear. There is no escaping us *evil chuckle* ;)

I SOOO want an "I Saved a Horse" t-shirt!!

Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy!! :lol:

Keeping their relationship in the background is good.

ITA :) subtle moments are the best, 'cause everyone (yes, even those who deny DL love each other ;)) knows they're canon, so there's no need for TPTB to shove it in our faces. Little moments like the condom spray are good. It keeps the shippers and non-shippers happy :)
:lol: :lol: Stuffy you rock! And yeah she is TOTALLY made of awesome! I remember seeing that scene and knowing she was totally going to be one of my hero-kick-butt-women! :D That rocks! :lol:

"Save a Horse, Ride a Danny"! :devil: Works for me! :devil: :lol:

Subtle moments, with a big one thrown in every once in a while just for fun! ;) Pwease! :D
Linds is almost turning into the Linds that I loved, provided she keeps that up, you might see me being the D/L person I was before, but right now, Its all blurry for me.

The condom conversation = priceless,though. Danny's face is really priceless and hilarious.
Lynny! See told ya you'd like Linds again...she's impossible not to love! ;) The blur will clear away...although if it doesn't don't worry, it's just a the fluffy cloud we're spreading around you! ;)

And yeah condom convo...awesome D/L moment! One for the books! :D
*Liff pops by with an unmarked can, grinning widely wondering if anyone can guess what's in it. Yep...its...whipped cream *smooosh!**

Are condom spray's available to the public yet? I wanna buy one and make into a D/L ornament :D I mean seriously, Condom spray = evidence of D/L love. But then again...lack of condom spray = physical evidence of D/L love. Hmm...okay I so lost my train of thought on that one. D/L babies are love *grins cheekily* and they'd be outright adorably cute too!

^That was some strange side rant, since my post at the school is now over, and I miss my itty bitty kids!! I need to go work at a children's home - seriously :)

Oh, and another thought, I would love a case with something to do with children, like really young ones. Something bad that would get both Danny and Linds riled up. Not like in Silent Night or Stealing Home, but something that makes them both really wanna solve the case and kick the guy's ass behind bars. I think something like that would give them ample scenery to bond over together. It's emotional, and would be great for D/L. It doesn't focus so much on their relationship per se, but rather their individual thoughts and how they just happen to fit perfectly well together.

Oooh! Rad's pieing us all in the face! I'll just run around and add the cream and cherries then shall I? :devil: :D

Rad said:
my Lindsay one pwns
:D Oh yes it definately is awesome! Hot too...

Naughty Houdini Cordy said:
I hope that you guys are enjoying the season so far. Granted we only had one episode, but the condom-conversation was adorable... was it not?
I spy through Lindsay's little fingers...yep, Del is back! :D Hee! Good to have you back here with the love sweetheart. I knew the prospect of having S2 Lindsay back in all kick-ass-ness would entice you to love us again! :D And you bet that scene was adorable-ly hawt! *Ponders the night the two detectives decide to experiment with prime German engineering* :devil: Oh the thoughts...hello gutter!

Vex said:
I like how this season is going. As much as I love a lot of d/l moments, keeping it in the background gives their relationship more depth.
Mmmm...I agree with you there Vex :) I think leaving a majority of their relationship off screen gives writers material to work with, keeps us happy, and keeps the non-shippers happy too. For me, less tends to be more. The more they screen D/L, the more it becomes less romantic and simply scripted (no pun intended). D/L have their chemistry and it tends to rear its purdy head at weird times, (who expected a condom spray scene. Admit it!). And like Aud said, short fluffy moments pwns large angsty ones.

Aud said:
I think both Lindsay and Danny would love playing in the rain!! If they did it on a pool table, why not dance in the rain? They must like taking chances.
I'm still trying to steer that thought back from smut to romance, but it's not working so well with the words "playing in the rain". You can do SO much with that... :devil: But my mushy side's winning out cos I'd rather them just slow dance, grin and smirk at each other, and then go back down to their apartment, dry off (without the M-rated scenes flashing through all your dirty minds!) and then have a cup of hot chocolate on the sofa, spooned up against each other. THEN it they can have a go at it...nice and slow...and full of lurrrve :devil: Nothing naughty...lurrrve :)

Mo said:
I have that way too often myself, where I think of this totally cute little fluffy moment for D/L and then suddenly before I even realize it, it has become an opportunity for naughty D/L smut!
I think it's the extended exposure to the gutter that our minds have fully dedicated a (fairly large) portion of the brain to carting us back and forth, making sure we land head first every time. :lol:

I like the slow dancing in the rain though...and definitely love that it's on the roof of their apartment!
It has to be 'their' apartment, it doesn't work any other way :) I wouldn't mind being their house cleaner though :devil:

"Moments-of-love-filled-with-tension- disguised-as-angst-but-since-they're-love-are-really-fluffy!"
Sometimes you can interchange the last word with hawt, smutty, really really hot or nekkid. :D :devil: It's like a fit on what you want scenario, all of which end up = love. heehee.

I SOOO want an "I Saved a Horse" t-shirt!!
I want a 'I charmed a cowgirl' one :D heehee. I'll send it off for Carmine to wear during shoot. Oooh...that would be so hilariously cool. I'd buy a second one for myself first though... :p

Stuffy said:
She is so made of awesome
Mac: What do they feed you up there in Montana?

Well, she's definately awesome, and whatever they did feed her in Montana, Danny has cos she's definately baaaack! :D

Mo said:
I remember seeing that scene and knowing she was totally going to be one of my hero-kick-butt-women!
Oh I definately want to see her kicking more butt this season :)

Wow...Del AND Lynny are back? I think I better hide and run off to the CatNip thread before something goes wrong :p

Linds is almost turning into the Linds that I loved, provided she keeps that up, you might see me being the D/L person I was before
You were angsty when I first arrived, so having you fluffy would be a burst of fresh air :D We're definately going to get the old Lindsay back.

Okay so I had this awkward dream between the producers and Belknap. Where it came from beats me...and I can't remember what happened...much, but they were discussing D/L dreams. Maybe I'm destined to join them at that table? Hehehehe. That would be nice :D You'd be getting WAY more sexual innuendo from moi in the show :lol:

Kick-ass! I've finally got my muse in tow, and we've finished a new chapter of A Life With You!! :D I feel all giddy now. And since I've got to jet off to RL, I shall pop by with more sprays laterr!

*Liff tangoes off to the tunes of the ever loving D/L songs...* Ladida...
Admit it, Lynny Pie!! Monroe pwns!! :lol:

Okay, I really can't wait for Wednesday's episode. We need for there to be some D/L. :)

It's funny you should say that you are having Belknap dreams Liffy, cause I 'be' having D/L smex dreams. :devil: That's all I will say. It just seems to happen naturally. The boyfriend is not happy about that. ;)

*Will share with Fluffy T when I return from work* ;)

Y'all have a Pink Fog Lovin' Day now!! Even Lynny. :D
*Stuffy saunters into the thread, holding an empty mug of coffee in one hand and a platter of breakfast goods in the other* Anyone for some toast and muffins on this fine first day of October?

I'm still trying to steer that thought back from smut to romance, but it's not working so well with the words "playing in the rain". You can do SO much with that...

I think dutch pretty much sealed our thoughts on DL "playing in the rain" with her ficcy ;)

Belknap dreams?? I once dreamt that I found out the name of her daughter. Speaking of which - when she first came to the show, I thought her last name was pronounced "Belk-nap" :lol:

Lynny!! There is no escaping the fluffy pink fog...like Liffy, it follows you everywhere and once it attaches itself to you, it will not let go. No one can escape it *evil cackle*

Monroe is back and better than ever :D

*shimmers inside titanium alloy bubble which is stronger than steel* Nobody ain't poppin' this sucka.
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