Hello, hello, hello!!
*Mo races into the thread...looking around quickly!* Did I miss it...ahhh good, didn't miss the new thread opening! :lol:
Mo, my lovely Fluffy. What's up? I voted the same as you did. We do keep missing each other don't we?
Hello wub!!
*Snuggles!* NOt much is up, wedding plans...played laser tag for the first time ever tonight, it was pretty cool!

Sweet we voted the same...not suprised, great minds and all! :lol:
Question of the day: So what are Danny and Lindsay doing right now? I mean, where is their relationship? It's kind of up in the air right now. Are they going out? Going 'full throttle'? Keeping a low profile until they can get some things worked out?
Ohhhh, good question Fluffykins!

Ummmm, can I just say when you said "full throttle" my mind came up with some
*images* that I'm not really allowed to describe here without getting whacked! :devil: And then I couldn't think of anything else but that...hmmmm, yeah I think they're working things out....in bed full throttle! :lol: :devil: (Lol, you were right
Lynny couldn't resist the guttery comment! :devil: )
I like "Da" spelled with an "h" cuz it makes it less like what my angsty wub
Lynny would say it means...but however it's spelled is cool, cuz like my fluffy wub
Aud said, Danny saying yes...is a YES however it's spelled!

Chell!! Hi honey bunny!
*Mo giggles and dumps orange soda and ice cream on Chell's head and runs away giggling!*
Minion, did I miss your B'day?

HOw'd I miss that hon! Sorry!!

Happy birthday belated!
I can't believe that's the phrase I'm thinking of, but at least it's not that song that Mo was singing awhile ago(a very long time ago) that still makes me laugh when I think of it.
Catey lol! I totally know what song you're thinking of and now that you mentioned that I SO want to start singing it! :lol: But I won't!
Mer babe, go ahead with the poll...and yay for opening the new thread...you'll rock! I PM'd you back by the way!
Okay y'all...I'm tired after losing at laser tag!

Heehee! :lol: So I'm off to sleep...can't wait to see what
Mer's gonna do with our new thread! Yay!

See y'all in the mornin'!