Lol, how do you know it was unintentional hon?!

Heehee! :lol: {it was actually, but right as I was posting it I was like hmmmm,
Mer's ficcie would fit great right here!

Yeah Super Ep 1 and Super Ep 2 as I have decided to dub them, (NWILL and SoOH

) gave us some of the best D/L caps and just D/L-ness in general!

But I can't wait to see what we get tonight too...yay! :lol:
13 minutes! Wohoo!
Okay the whole "roach broach" scene between D/L in the lab...totally cute! The teasing, light-hearted banter, joking with eachother, Linds touching his back, him calling her Montana...I loved it! They are SOOO together, they had that comfort and ease with eachother that speaks to love outside the office! :devil: Oh yeah baby!
And over all it's just SOOO nice having Linds back...I just love her, and when she's fun and not angsty...I just adore her! It cracked me up too, her face as she saw the jewels on the roach, priceless!! Like "Ummm, what the heck?!!"
He called her "Montana" twice! Yay! Heehee, and that whole wine bottle glass scene with D/L and Adam, and then her "We're more than buffalo burgers Messer..." totally cute...and his grin, yeah oh good lord that was so so cute!! Gah I want that man!
I'm in heaven here...this eppy is like a feast of D/L goodness...what a way to have Linds come back, it's fabulous! And she's fun and cute and happy and she and Danny are flirting up a storm, but it's different...good different, like they're really at ease with eachother now...confident in their shared feelings! (Canon baby! :lol: )
Side note...I love how they used so many pop songs in this eppy...I was totally dancing along with them on my couch, lol! :lol: There are so many little things that I liked in this eppy, I know I'm gonna think of many more things I wanted to post as soon as I post this...this was a great ep!
Side note again, can I just say...with Mac and Stel's case, I totally KNEW it was the little girl from the first second I saw her! Totally! And she got away with's gotta suck for Stel, to know that and not be able to do anything about it.
Loved Danny's last line..."So you killed a guy, over a cockroach." :lol:
Yay, yay, yay, this eppy was awesome...awesome!