Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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If I had him looking at me like that, I would have just stayed right there. I would not even moved an inch. Look at him, he's gorgeous!
LOL, Vex you're right he's such a pretty guy. I think I would've moved an inch (or two)....closer. :devil:

Ohhh Dutch hon, you watch that show too? Cool beans! Who do you ship on that show honey...tell me, tell me!
Watch? :rolleyes: I wish...well you know what I mean :D...talk about hiatus; they just stop mid season for a break of half a year :eek: *sigh*. I ship ShepWeir :D; not as fanatic as I do with D/L, but I do love them together. I guess in a way they're the same kind of 'couple'. Two people with a completely different background who are suddenly 'forced' :) to be working together. The strong, independent, serious (but with a great sense of humor) woman who just needs someone to lean on and put things in perspective every now and then :) and the hot-headed, passionate, always a bit of a boy-like man who is shocked by his own feelings for a woman that's so completely different from the ones he used to date. :D

In ep #20 D/L are not working together. Danny is working on a case ;) with Mac and Lindsay is on one with Stella and Hawkes. In ep #21 they are on the same case, together with Hawkes. But it seems like we only get D/L lab scenes (love those though :D) because a part of the ep (Danny/Hawkes scenes) is shot in NY and Anna probably stayed in LA to be with her baby.
*hands Mo a cushion to rest her leg on while watching tonight's ep* :D
^^catey!! Txs so much for that link hun! :D I'm just jumping up and down after watching it...so great to see them working together again and I love how she casually taps him on the back and how she's teasing him :lol:...loved it! :)
Agggh! I don't know what happened to the link! It was working, now there is nothing there. sorry everybody, I just noticed it now. At least you got to see it, Dutch! Hopefully it will be back on for anyone who wants to watch it before the episode airs. Sorry!
The link has been deleted, possibly because someone leaked it on the Internet... and CBS found out and had it deleted.:( But thanks Catey for the text spoiler. God! I can't wait. I'm skipping my late athletics training for the episode. :rolleyes: and... I've forged my mom's writing and saying that I just happen to have a wedding to go to. :lol: Apparently a very inconsiderate relative of ours has got their wedding on a Wednesday night!!
Gosh, how will I ever make it through the summer without new NY eppys?
Oh God, don't even mention it. I'll literally die without my D/L fix.
and the hot-headed, passionate, always a bit of a boy-like man who is shocked by his own feelings for a woman
:lol: What a great description, dutch! :) He is passionate about everything he does and that's pretty amazing. Danny puts so much effort into everything and he's so passionate about Lindsay too. Damn, flying(/or taking a train?? :lol: We never got that sorted out, did we? haha) all the way to Bozeman, Montana is pretty impressive for a guy who claims he just wants "a few drinks, some laughs."!! :rolleyes: Danny wants more now, doesn't he? He always did actually, he just didn't want to scare her off in LRC, I'm guessing. Anyway, he really does care about her.
Sweetie, I think for that episode in which Danny isn't written in alot for the spoilers had something to do with his "destiny dashed" thing and I think that it's the Return of Tanglewood. :) I'm really excited to see that. Carmine's a great actor and he plays Danny so well.
The link is working again, so watch it while you can! Don't know why it quit before. I'll be back later, the eppy is on right now.
Enjoying the interaction between Danny/Lindsay tonight. Terrific so far, much more like they used to be.
Rhonda, you're actually anticipating a D/L scene :eek:? Has hell frozen over :lol:? I'm just joshing you, woman. Can't wait to see you in LA. :D

I'm excited for what lies ahead.

You know he always tries to throw people off. Look for the hidden meaning in what he says.
tonight's episode
Okay, first off, very much like season 2 D/L. All that's mentioned of Lindsay being gone is when Lindsay says it is good to be back. They are bantering about wine, Danny says his favorite kind of wine is beer. Unfortunately for us, other than Lindsay touching Danny's back in the lab, there isn't much except for him calling her Montana in the lab also. No mention of Danny going to Montana either. But all in all. very much at ease with each other
^^Thanks soo much catey for the info! :D

On one hand I am so very happy that it sounds like we get the old Lindsay back :D. She is so awesome! But... on the other hand... the cranky side of me is whining "I wanna know what happened when they left the courtroom, dangit!" *pouts and bangs fists on desktop* I need a cookie *munches on cookie*.
Now that I got that out of my system :)lol: sorry 'bout that) I really am looking forward to when it airs eastern time. Thanks again, catey!
Thanks for the beautiful link catey :D very lovely.

Ok so even though that was only like a minute long I am soooo hyped. I loved Lindsay's voice in this part, it seemed much more alive than it has been in the past few eppys...of course that was all before the hearing so yah pretty self-explanatory :) And Danny calling her Montana again...I love it when he says it in his accent. 1 hour and 10 minutes to go!! woot woot
Right i am really not sure where i am allowed to put my video, but i found a song called "Please please" and the lyrics are something like- Please please lindsay please!! So imade this video and thought you guys might want to have a look--

Youtube- Lindsay please..

PS tell me if i need to remove it!!
Here's a cookie, Mercy! I, too, would have enjoyed
answer to that question, but we get nothing. I did enjoy their interaction, and especially liked the beer and buffalo wings comment by Lindsay. She calls him Messer after that, and Danny has the biggest grin on his face when she walks away. Just adorable.
Hello, hello, hello! *Mo giggles and dances (well hobbles :lol: ) into the thread, happy but still sore!* Hi lovelies, it's here, it's here! New D/L eppy in only 3 hours and 25 minutes for me...and I get to watch it as it airs! YAY! :lol: I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna read Catey's spoilers or not...haven't yet, but we know me and my will power! :rolleyes: :lol:

I ship ShepWeir ; not as fanatic as I do with D/L, but I do love them together. I guess in a way they're the same kind of 'couple'. Two people with a completely different background who are suddenly 'forced' to be working together.
YAY, Dutch!! I ship them too, heehee! Cool beans! :D And yeah what the heck is up with that "hiatus" that is WAAAAAAY too long to go without! At least we don't have to wait that long for D/L...I think Atlantis comes back in April though...fyi! ;)
(Thanks for the cushion hon, that's SO nice of you! :D )

Yeah I caved...lol, totally have no willpower when it comes to spoilers! :lol: Thanks for the fab spoilers Catey hon! I couldn't wait to see the eppy before and now I totally can't wait to see it even more! :D Yay, yay, yay...I love D/L!! They make me happy...happy...happy! :lol:

*Mo giggles and huggles all her shippy buddies in giddy joy and anticipation!*

Pssstt...Aud "Love is in the Air"!! :D
Have I mentioned recently how much I love CSI:NY? If not then I have been seriously remiss in my devotion. From the theme song, to the background theme music they use to transition from scene to scene, when I hear it on the TV, I just perk up! I love the feel of this show, the film shots, the actors, the personalities. Tonight’s ep really reminded me of why I liked this show in the first place!
Nothing major spoiler wise. There was a lot of great little things that I'm sure we will dicuss later, but I don't want to give a play by play before it airs for everyone stateside. I will say though, there is one part where Lindsay abruptly walks away from Danny distracted by following a hot lead on a wine label and he calls after her "Alright, so let me know, huh?' It reminded me of Lindsay saying “I’ll meet you at the lab” after he’d walked away in Stuck on You, (this picture here)
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