Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Oh and I LOVE all the pics y'all have posted! Awww my purty D/L! I just loves them!!
:lol: That's awesome! I'm watching American Idol right now and I'll be watching D/L later!! :D Love them!!!

I'm still SO GIDDY over the D/L-ness!
Good morning....! :D (I won't sing the song again! ;) ) Just wanted to pop in and say Howdy to y'all before heading to work...(I'd much rather hang out in here with y'all today...but unfortunately I can't get paid for that and my heating bill really needs to be paid! :p Dang it! :lol: )
So yeah...fun stuff for me! Heehee! :D

I'm still not sure if I'm excited or nervous or sad for our eppy tonight...I mean I'm excited cuz a new eppy is always fun and always holds delicious possibilities...I'm nervous cuz I want them to have D/L and not screw it up but they could...and I'm sad cuz I'm gonna miss Anna for the next however long she's gone! So yeah...there's my range of emotions at the moment! :D

But I plan to be watching it tonight for sure...hopefully while it actually airs...but if not right afterward on either innertube or on my own VCR...so yeah...alright off to work for me...have a fabulously shippy day one and all!
And remember...as much as folks in other places want to diss or dismiss Carmine's words as "not true" and say there's a big chance he was lying, drunk, whatever....there is just as big of a chance (or bigger I'd say!) that he wasn't fibbing or drunk or whatever and that he just gave us the spoiler to end all spoilers for D/L!! So hold onto that happy thought for today! And remember....D/L = CANON baby!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey, Mo? When is the last time you actually watched the ep as it aired? :lol:

I can't wait! I am so excited! And scared! And happy! Goodness gracious, isn't it time yet!?!?! Unfortunately, once again I have to work tonight, so I won't get home till after the ep airs. I am counting on my VCR (
) to not fail me this week. I programmed the DVR at the 'rents' house to record just in case!!

I'm going to miss catey's spoilers, again! Even though I am conflicted on whether or not to read them, I know lots of y'all enjoy it, so keep up the good spoiler posting, catey! *applauds* I'm just sad I will miss out on the great pre-show discussion. Anyway, nerves aside, I think this will be a good ep for D/L development (even if we got no scenes).

Our ship is sailing...
OK so hey all...i'm on this site everyday and i'm usually happy to just sit here quietly and read to myself and not disturb!!

BUT after that last spoiler may i just say WOOHOO bring on the end of the season...i've gotten all giddy now!! :lol:

roll on Feb 3rd when the season starts in the UK and we get to see some D/L goodness for once even if it is only till anna goes on maternity i have hope for the future
^^ hiya MONTANA101, and welcome! :)
Im soooo giddy too! When I read Vex's spoiler I literally jumped out of my chair and danced! :lol: I get excited at times...

So today is our ep!! :D :D
Im gonna miss Linds...hopefully a little D/L will be in it...but if there is it will probably be angsty and sad. :( But I dont mind, Im a flungsty..:lol:

I love all the pics, by the way!
^Yeah goodnite! The next few weeks are going to be awesome for us flungsties. :D We'll have some happy shippy moments, :) some sad shippy moments :( and hopefully some very nice ep's with interesting cases :D to get us through those without Lindsay.
I love that spoiler, much like everyone else here. I hope it pans out, although there is some speculation on another thread that Carmine was joking or drunk(or mentioned the wrong name). Some criticize it because it comes from E!Online
catey, we all love that spoiler in this thread, ;) but on the other hand I can imagine that people who don't like the idea of D/L will interpret it in a very different way :p
we had very different ideas about the whole Danny/Angell relation. We see it as a way to help D/L develop further :D while others see it as the end of their relation ship.....I do believe that Carmine said what he said to at least confirm that the D/L will still be there while Anna's on leave and will be back in full when she returns. :) And perhaps he was joking a little with the "making love" part -I do agree with those in the spoiler thread who said that the actors are not suppose to give away details like that-, but I think he does know by now that their story line will continue :D
We just got to keep faith!! :D And I can't wait for tonight's ep. Finally we'll see how one of those much discussed spoilers ;) will play out.

And welcome MONTANA101! Feel free to drop by anytime you like...you're not disturbing at all!
Ok guys, I know you all are excited about the latest spoiler news but I need to remind you not to talk about the anti-DL posts/posters from other threads. I know some of you shy away from those threads but you can't complain about those posters in here just because you don't post/go there. If you want to debate the opinions expressed in those threads, you can do so in those threads.

This thread is for discussion of Danny/Lindsay, so let's keep it that way and leave the negative opinions of the other posters in those threads.

ETA: Just thought I'd clarify something. You can also discuss other ships/characters in this thread in relation to D/L.
yeah like Smacked playing games with DL. :D

and I agree with Modie, Want to yell at them? Go in that thread and yell at them. Don't yell in here. This is DL happy, friendly, angsty time. I said Happy, Mo, Not Fluffy!
Hello, everyone! I'm baaack! I'm so glad Mo did not sing her song. As it is, I'm still seeing that commercial. Anyway, onto the spoilers for tonight. Keep in mind, nobody who wants to know about tonight should read these. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Major spoilers here. I don't want to ruin it for anybody. so here goes:
[Okay, Lindsay has a meeting with Mac, saying she's got to go back to Montana to testify in a murder trial for a crime from ten years ago. 4 girls murdered, and she was the only survivor. She's leaving tomorrow. Anyway, she tells Mac, with Stella also in there. He tells her she's strong after she says she doesn't know who she's more afraid of, facing the murderer or seeing the faces of the mothers. Mac and Stella hug her, she leaves the office. Danny was standing there watching, looking very sad. I don't think he knows why she's hugging them. .
Next time we see Lindsay, she's walking to Danny's desk Hawkes is there. She asks him to make sure Danny gets this card. Hawkes does not say:"Everybody knows how close you two are" He does say that Lindsay should talk to Danny before she leaves. At least call him. She's says it's no big deal, she'll be back. She leaves the card on his desk. We see her getting into a cab then she sees Danny. this is the part that absolutely kills me. She asks the cab to wait. She does absofrigginglutely nothing and tells the cab to go on. Later, we see Danny reading the card, and yes you can read it. She signs it Montana. and he smiles.

And yes Mercy, I am a flungsty, just like Dutch. Keep calling to the fluffy side, after this episode, I think I'm back
Lol, Mercy you're funny! ;) :p And yeah it's been a while since I watched an eppy when it actually airs, but it is SOOOO not my fault! It's other people using my tv and me not being able to kick them off...but I am watching this eppy tonight, come hell or high water...even if it's after it airs...I won't sleep til I watch it! :D
I kid you not I think I'm gonna cry...to be honest that is more of the whole Linds and D/L than I thought we would get, I thought we'd get a one word by-line "Oh Linds is leaving" and that'd be it...I'm SO glad we got the scene with Mac and YAY that we get to read the card...and she signed it Montana...that makes me SOOO happy!

I'm so sad Linds/Anna is leaving y'all....I'm totally gonna miss her...I'll still watch of course, cuz I adore me some Danny! ;) But my hopes are still alive and high for D/L...it will happen, I know it! Now more than ever! :D Can't wait until I can see this eppy tonight! It needs to be now! :lol:

And Lynny Happy = Fluffy...didn't you know that! ;) :lol:

sorry if that spamish or whatever but that deserves an AHHHH! What a fantastic spoiler. I'm going to cry. Perhaps out of angst or happiness or frustration which is basically angst. Holy cow, I'm mundo excited.

I think I'm a Flungsty guys... I demoted my self from Angsty to Flungsty...

sighs heavily and hugs Catey and AuntieMo
We get a lot more of Lindsay in this episode than we have in the last 6. And it looks like she is definetly coming back, I know some people were fearful.. It was a great episode. :D
**Mo hugs angsty niece Rad right back! And Catey too for giving such wonderful spoilers!** :D :D

I'm really excited to see this eppy y'all...like I said, I'm really sad that Linds is leaving for a bit, but I'm convinced now that it really is only "for a bit"! And after that Linds will come back and D/L will be on again in full and better than ever before! Wohoo!!! Now that I AM totally excited about! :D
I told you that you all liked my spoilers! Glad I could give you good ones for a change. At least, I'm very happy. I'll be a flungsty for awhile, but my fluffy bubble is inflating again. :D I'm very happy right now.
I always appreciate your spoilers Catey hon! I may not like what happens in them...but I definitely appreciate that you post them! ;) And I'm definitely liking the good ones! :D Yay for the fluffy bubble inflating, that makes me happy...always! :D
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