Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Wow. What an ep. I'm still all smiles. It was definately better than last week. Guys who haven't seen it yet, you're gonna love it. Eppy 14 and thread 14... what a match up. :)

I'm going to bed one happy shipper.

p.s.- I would recommened having a pause button if you record this eppy. You'll know why when you watch it.. that is all.
Okay guys...

Are canon girls!!! I'm glad that we got more scenes that I thought we were going to get. I hate the fact that Danny was sad when he saw Lindsay hug Mac and Stella, but what broke my heart is seeing her in the cab and seeing him walk by. She was hoping that he would look her way. But he didn't see her. I did love the ending when he read the note and smiled.
^Ditto with everything Rad said :D

And Thank you, Catey for the spoilers! I unconiously read the first few lines again, but then stopped and waited till I saw the episode.

It was much more lighthearted than I thought it was going to be :)
Gah I CANNOT wait to see this eppy, you don't even know how freakin' excited I am to see it now! Vex I LOVE that you said that! That makes me SOOO happy! :D Heehee! Yay!

1 hour and 39 minutes for me and counting...with bated breath!! :D
I have to wait for around six months to see it. I hate my TV!!! lol, its the station who obviously don't know what peple like. They dont even have scrubs on daytime any more!! :( or Bones, and for that if I meet one of them I'll strangle them lol
No CSI:NY, Bones, or Scrubs? WOW....my poor poor minion! We'll have to go storm your local television station and demand they show you your shows!

At least you have us to give you spoilers though...that way you're not completely in the dark about what's going on!! :D That's gotta help at least a little!

1 hour and 16 minutes...lol! And I'm a dork...and I don't care!
yeah, I feel special to be part of this group now, like I always have :D

Yes. raid the channel nine and get me the last 3 epis of season two along with any new ones lol and dont forget bones! I love that show lol

I think I am going to cry. :( Now can't watch the ep till tomorrow afternoon.

Therefore, catey, I read your spoilers(love them!), and I have a question for any of y'all out there.

Okay, I love these spoilers, this sounds so awesome. You mentioned she signed the card Montana, and we can see what it says... what does it say?!?!? Please?
Oh Mercy that completely sucks! Major bummer...I can't remember if I've asked you this...but do you get innertube, cuz they'll have it up there an hour or so after the eppy airs on the West Coast! (Usually they do anyway!) So if that's an option there ya go...
I haven't seen it yet myself so I can't help ya with the spoilers...but I sympathize! I hate when my VCR does that, it sucks for sure! :p
^^Thanks for the sympathy, Mo. At home I only have dial-up (I know, I am seriously below the curve on that one). I'm in Indiana so if I am doing the time change thingy right it wouldn't be on innertube until about 2 am my time. And then I have a college class from 8 to 2 pm tomorrow (returning student). Then I will drive like a speed demon *cough* I mean, I will obey all traffic laws and drive cautiously to my parents' house where the show should be waiting for me on DVR.
I must have my D/L! It sounds like such an awesome ep! I am thinking that this should inspire the plot bunnies to multiply while Anna is on leave.
Okay, Mercy, I'll tell you what's in the card. Anyone who doesn't want to know, do not read as this is what the card says:
Dear Danny, I'm not good at long goodbyes. Or short ones for that matter. Montana calls and the cows are heading home. Moo. See you soon. Montana. And the preprinted part of the card says You are in my thoughts.
Catey Lol, I'm sitting here...literally staring at your spoiler box and saying to myself "Mo, do not read it...you get to watch the eppy in like 10 minutes...have some self-control and hold off! You like to be suprised you know you will!" Not even kidding that's basically the conversation my head is having with me right now! :lol: So far it's working...but that spoiler box is so pretty and so very tempting! Gah!

At least you do get to see it at some point Merc! ;) That's good! :D
Mo don't read it! Watch the ep! (it is your time right?)
*redid my timezone math, would be on innertube at 3am if it posts an hour after yours ends*

Catey, as Flack and Danny tend to say, are ya kidding me?! I don't know whether to laugh, smile, or bang my head on my desk (wound up doing an odd combo of all three). Guess I'll have to see the ep to choose!
Thank You! :lol:
*whispers* Lynn's cheating on us at M/L thread *runs* okay okay she's only pretending with them, she knows her real place lol

I soooo wished Danny and Lindsay had talked before she left. Just to say goodbye, like Hawkes said.
Yeah it's airing right now...but surprise surprise guess who's not watching it as it actually airs! I swear...someday I will actually watch it again when it airs...right as it is airing! But alas it is not so tonight! But as soon as my VCR switches off, I'm rewinding that baby and watching it right then and there! Sleep, who needs sleep...not me, not when I can watch D/L!!! :lol:

So yeah I've resisted her spoiler thus far...but reading your comment really really makes me want to cheat and read the spoiler! :D But I won't I'll be strong!! I will! ;)

Lol, nah Lynny's not cheating on us Melly! Lol...she's just well...I dunno, but not cheating! :D

Aud my Fluffy Twin, where is you? Did you like the eppy??!! :D :D
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