Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Well, all I can say is congrats D/L shippers! :D

I'll probably end up getting it off i tunes or something. they sell it there legally, right? :p
but the cap of Danny watching Linds say goodbye and then Linds watching Danny walk by...the emotions of their faces, that is angsty love y'all and it is SO clear they are in love! I LOVE it!!!
I totally agree Mo. Those were two wonderful and powerful scenes. The ones that (like goodnite said) make you stand up and scream at your TV :D First I was yelling at him: "wait there! She's gonna come out of Mac's office at any minute now!" And then I was screaming at her: "Get out of that cab, run to him, HURRY!" Didn't help though... :eek: :rolleyes:
j/k bring on more screen caps just to keep me goin!!!
Danny read the note and smiled. It was golden
Ok one more then... :D

Catey are you talking about the name :eek: and the courtroom scene? Or are there even more spoilers I don't know about?
Anna will be out for only 4 eppys
psst, Rad, only 3 ;)
they sell it there legally, right?
I believe so...
dutch & catey, let me see if I am getting this right, you are holding back some spoilers because they are too spoiler-ish? :lol:

I saw the ep!! I loved it! I had to restrain myself to keep from fast forwarding to the D/L parts. Oh some of the facial expressions were soo angsty! I loved how the card thing worked out. People on all kinds of threads have said that they miss the light-hearted Lindsay. I think that shows that she is still in there! The ep was just incredibly good. How long after the season ends can you buy the set? (Jk), :lol:.
^I haven't either B_G...sorry

LOL, mercy seems like we are...spoilering spoilers. But when catey didn't say anything I was afraid there was something going on? But since I've already seen them posted on this board...
The (suspected) killer's name is Daniel :eek: so that may very well be another/the reason that Lindsay didn't want to go out with Danny anymore. And when he's in Montana to support her they will be together in the courtroom :D
I'm glad you got to see it Mercy. And that card definitely was there the show us that the 'old' Lindsay is not lost forever :D
Thanks for the spoiler to the spoiler, dutch. :lol: Heehee.
I think I am turning into a spoiler junkie, and I am spreading the disease.
Lindsay's note to Danny was stuck in my head today. In my class (Records & Database Management) we were working on something involving a business called "The Flying Cow Dairy" and all I could think was "MOO". I couldn't help grinning like an idiot. :D
Thanks for the spoilers, dutchie! You have made my day! At work, I kept checking this site and I noticed all the new information.

Last night's episode was awesome!
Hello, hello, hello!!! :D :D **Mo bounces in unbelievably hyper and totally amped on all the good shippy spoilers we've been getting!** I swear if anyone is staying spoiler free they have the willpower of....well I don't even know something strong enough to resist these...but well done if you are! I applaud you whole-heartedly!
OMG!!! Danny goes to Montana...for Lindsay! That right there...that is LOVE y'all! And then they sit there in the back of the courtroom holding hands after it's all over! OMG, can it get any sweeter and fluffier than that! Gah I'm gonna burst!!!!!!!

I loved our eppy last night...LOVE that pic of Danny's adorable smile Dutch! Too cute, way too cute! Gah I just wanna hug him! Lol, I wanna hug everyone! I'm so freakin' excited for our ship y'all! :lol: We are so sailing, sailing into the wild blue yonder! :D :D :D

**Mo gives a big group hug to all her fabulous shippy buddies and bounces happily out of the thread! (I'm sure I'll be back to squeee more in like 2 minutes though! ;) **
my bad my bad.. 3 eppys. I'm sorry about that folks. I'm such a bad bad shipper. :lol: Mo These spoilers are making my heart flutter like no other. I'm very excited.. and I wanna hug everyone too. I can not wait till she gets back.. I CAN NOT WAIT!
Lol, yeah can you believe she's only gonna be gone 3 eppy's? I mean that's awesome! Here I was totally afraid it'd be like 6 eppy's or more...I was all prepared to be miserable forever...but only 3, I can handle that! Especially with the current spoilers to make me giddy! :lol:

We should all just have a big D/L shippy group hug! Totally! :lol:

And yeah I cannot wait until she gets back too....way way excited for that! I'm excited to see where the rest of this season goes, it's gonna rock! ROCK!!! :D :D
Moriel21 said:
I swear if anyone is staying spoiler free they have the willpower of....well I don't even know something strong enough to resist these...but well done if you are! I applaud you whole-heartedly!
Hmm... Yoo-hoo, kissme, where are ya chickadee? You staying spoiler-free on this one?
Read it, Read it! You know you want to. :devil:

Ah, the D/L goodness is irresistable. I too am glad Linds isn't going to be gone that long! We'll barely have time to go through withdrawal and then she'll be back. And of course we'll still have Det. Messer to keep us company...
Lol, that's right Delia I forgot you were trying to go back to being SF (spoiler free)! Honey I will be insanely impressed if you can manage to do that! I encourage you to actually if you really want to...cuz it will be well worth it! ;) But if you don't care one way or the other, than read them so you can Squee with us! :D

And yeah...the D/L goodness is...it's FANTABULOUS!!! :D :D
Hello, everyone,
Okay, Dutch, the one thing that wasn't posted was the fact that Lindsay is suppose to put her head on Danny's shoulder, and hold his hand. I don't know if that's been posted here, don't know if that's too much info. From what I've seen, that's what's called for. Not that Lindsay is in much over those scenes. And why Danny finally goes to Montana. So, my little shippy heart is very very happy, and my fluffy bubble is finally inflated again!
Sorry to bug ya, but if you could clarify something for me... I wasn't sure from your wording if we know what gets Danny out to Montana (other than the obvious shipper answer :devil:) or if spoilers don't say yet.
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