Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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all we know as far as what gets Danny out to Montana is a scene where he apparently is in the lab and he goes "I'm going crazy here" and I think that's supposed to mean...here, without Lindsay. So yeah, that's all I know....I don't know if you've heard more Catey! But yeah...shippy SQUEEEE!!!!

I wubs our ship, wubs wubs wubs it!!! YAY! I'm happy! :D :D :D
Sweet Catey! I mean not sweet that you don't know more, but sweet that I'm that up on my spoilers! :D Heehee! :lol:

Y'all...Our ship is good, our ship is hot...and I was gonna make that a poem but my brain is so addeled by joy I got nothing! :lol:
Someone mention me posting in M/L? . :lol:

So, I did it again. :evil laugh: What? I liked the hug/talk, we all know I'm a Mac!Whore.

anyways, back to the DL ness. hey Mo why don't you sing that song I taught ya? HAHA. That'll be fun.

Poor Danny going crazy in the lab. I'll comfort him.. I mean, Poor Danny?
Lol, Lynny you're cute! :D Yeah you just like shipping Macky with anyone and everything! Heehee! :D That was a cute scene...to me it was more like a Older brother/younger sister thing...but that's me! ;)

Which song that you taught me hon....the Gretchen Wilson one? ;) :devil: Heehee! :D

Lynny....MINE!!!! :D
Hmm... Yoo-hoo, kissme, where are ya chickadee? You staying spoiler-free on this one?
Read it, Read it! You know you want to.
I'm right here and oops, I've accidentally read it. I thought that Mo's reply to the spoiler was actually of last night's episode and I read some of it. Then I was like "OH MY GOD! THAT ROCKS. HAVE TO READ THE REST!!!" and I did and OH MY GOD-- the shippiness inside of me is seriously jumping with joy!!!

Oh and I've just went to this stupid modelling job and then the stupid makeup they used is really disgusting. The brushes and stuff have been used over and over again with different girls and now I've got a bad rash!!! and I'M SO ANGRY. :devil: But who cares about the redness around my lips and cheeks when I've read the MOST AWESOMEST and COOOOOOOOOOOOOOONFIRMED spoilers!!!!
Lol, woops sorry Delia hon! **blushes and giggles!** But yay that you now know our FANTABULOUSLY Awesome spoiler!! You can squee right along with us! Yay! :D And yeah it's been confirmed by several people and there's a big buzz about it over on our spoiler thread (which I don't recommend y'all reading unless you can manage not to get mad easily, I know I have issues with that, so I avoid the spoiler thread here in general! :p ) but still YAY for us!! Heehee!

Delia you're a model? Wow cool beans chica! ;)
This is all so much! I love it! I just want to hum hum hummmm... it's so beautiful. The fanfic that are sre going to come fromt hese spoilers are going to be amazing! Eppy 18... come come come!!!!
So...question...any new spoilers? ;) :D

It's been a day now since we've found out and I still can not believe everything I'm reading! :D *joins group hug*

And I totally agree with Rad; there will be some amazing stories coming from these spoilers to help us get through february :eek: I'm guessing #18 will be airing at the beginning of march :)

Do you guys think, with all this new info we have, that there will still be that with sexual tension loaded scene :rolleyes: between Danny and Angell? Not that I like it, but I think it stays in to make Danny realise how much he misses Lindsay :D

we were working on something involving a business called "The Flying Cow Dairy" and all I could think was "MOO". I couldn't help grinning like an idiot
I recognise that mercy! I have to drive through some very, very dutch polders (windmills, farms, cows, etc. :p) to get to work and every time I saw a bunch of cows I was giggling and thinking MOO
Dances with Mo singing "Love is in the Air"... :lol:

Sends hugs to all Shippers and Daughters!

Methinks we are Canon! I am still recovering from the last episode and from the spoilers. ;) I don't know what to think about the Danny/Angell thing and the recent D/L spoilers. Maybe it's just a small moment, not much. He wubs Lindsay too much is all I know. How will we cope until the episode, Fluffy Twin? :confused:

I love this quote:

"I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion -
I have shudder'd at it.
I shudder no more.
I could be martyr'd for my religion
Love is my religion
And I could die for that.
I could die for you."
~ by John Keats ~
I was over on the Futon Critic, and the projected airdate for episode 318 is Feb. 28. As they keep messing with the schedule, I guess we'll have to see if that actually happens, but that's the date they have down right now.
Delia you're a model? Wow cool beans chica!
:lol: Only for parttime for fun. I'm not that tall though... :lol: I don't do it alot though, since i have school and stuff. haha. It's pretty fun. WOrking experience. If you guys need any help, like if you want to get a portfolio or something together. I can always help you!

I recognise that mercy! I have to drive through some very, very dutch polders (windmills, farms, cows, etc. ) to get to work and every time I saw a bunch of cows I was giggling and thinking MOO
:lol: So cute! I giggled when I heard that and when I watched The Lying Game and Lindsay stopped the taxi, I actually squealed stuff like "Go! Get him! Kiss him! C'mon, Danny! Stop the taxi, tell her you love her!!!!" My dad shook his head in laughter.
I do not ship Macky with everyone!.. {there is a few, you know!}

aw come on Mo, don't be like that, share Danny love with your angsty niece!

It would be fun to see Danny/angell flirting moment though.
I was over on the Futon Critic, and the projected airdate for episode 318 is Feb. 28. As they keep messing with the schedule, I guess we'll have to see if that actually happens, but that's the date they have down right now.

I think it should air the 28th because of Feb. sweeps.
Oh. My. GOD! I'm so freaking excited right now! My head is going crazy from all the spoilers! I'm so excited. Man, I sure missed a lot in three freaking days! (Stupid schedule!)

Danny's seriously going to Montana? You're serious?! That is literally the best news I've heard all day! I'm so so so excited. Oh, and the thing on E! from Carmine, TOTALLY AWESOME! I'm smiling from ear to ear right now!

Linds' letter is so cute! But why does it say MOO?! :lol: It just seems sort of out of place. But she signed it from Montana! That's adorable! Okay, and I totally missed it in the episode when he read it! (Well, okay, I was writing an essay during the entire thing.)

Those pics are adorable! I loved that episode. I'm actually downloading it on iTunes right now!

Okay, so far the episode is supposed to air on Feb. 28th? That's not good! I have to leave for Siesta Key, Florida that night! As in, before ten o'clock. Which is not good! I'm really mad at that! And I kind of hope that the date changes! Even if it is a week later. I guess either way I'll be seeing it later than Feb. 28th! Sucky.
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