Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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^ok, thx mercy :)
All Access is a good ep though, has some good D/L moments
at least the new ep isnt that far away :)

love everyones new avvies!!!
Mercy said:
In regards to the speed of their impending 'canon' status... I think that as long as the writers tread carefully they could be canon by the end of the season without it being ridiculous (well, even if it were I wouldn't mind but I know not everyone feels the same).

I think the writers will be careful. They know that this is a crime show--they won't let romance dominate it. So far they have given us shippers a lot of things we love and will continue to do so. ;)

Mo said:
Yeah Mercy I agree, I think it's entirely realistic of them to be canon by the end of this season! (Although I think they're canon now! ) I think the writers can bring it about in a way that is not a rush to the bedroom but still lets us know they are together! I think that's possible and likely actually!

I'll be daring and say they are CANON---if only in my mind. :lol: Perhaps, it's my inability to stay focused with a show for more than two years (I didn't even watch every season of Friends faithfully and CSI:NY is currently the only show I watch on regular basis) that makes me want a canon status fairly soon. But I can understand people not wanting a ship to be canon---it does change the dynamics and sometimes writers don't do ships justice.

Delia, I know what you mean about the great chemistry that they have--all they need to do is stick with that! ;)

I don't know much but all I know is that Lindsay is gone. :( I think Nelly Furtado is going to be in the episode. ;)

M.O.O.---MONTANA'S ONE & ONLY! :lol: I love it!

*Auda dances around with Fluffy Twin singing "Love is in the Air." * :lol:

its only me!!!! omg i cannot believe i have missed soooo much!!!! :( i cant believe i have missed like, an entire thread!! ( well , almost! :( )

Delia.. fabulous way to start a post huni!!!! D/L all the way... Thats wat i like to see!!! yay!! great stuff huni :D

wooooo thread 14!!! yay!!! the last one went soo quick.. i have no idea how long i havent been here... :( i feel lost! lol me thinks its time to do alot of catching up! :D

but anyway back on topic!!!

Yay!!! Season 3 FINALLY starts over here on saturday!!! even tho i have already seen the first few ;) i cant wait!
i am sooo excited about Danny going to Montana... that is definately gonna be the highlight of the season as far as DL goes for me, so far hehe Go danny!!!
Omg.. the card lindsay gave danny... awww the note was sooo cute!!! i havent seen the actual scene or the episode, jus the screen cap of the note.. woo i cant wait to get that far ahead in the season hehe :D

p.s. Rhonda, im sorry if it was too much off topic, jus had to say hi again lol ;)
ugh I just had the worst weekend ever im studying for all my exams at uni and its all just blowing my mind lol at least i have D/L though does anyone else think that we're going to find out in the final whether d/l becomes canon or not? in my mind atm it could still go either way...
^^ same here englishrose, i hate exams! D/L is seriously holding me together when i feel like im going to fall apart :D I think the whole canon thing can go either way...I think that something will happen, but i dont think they will be dating or like really together by the end of the season. Maybe a kiss (or something better :devil: ) but I think they are going to leave us hanging until nxt season. But really, it could go either way, and either way im happy! Im just so glad its FINALLY happening!!!!
Yeah, I am glad too....... *snoops around Itunes*

This is going to sound stupid, but what was the first epi of the season called? :lol:

I hope CSI:NY premieres soon in Australia because this is my last day as a free, crazy posting D/L shipper before I have to go back to Highschool :p
^That's the one. Followed by the wonderful "Not what it looks like" ep (with THE HUG) :D

About the canon thing. I think TPTB are slowly and perfectly letting this relationship develop :) There are still some 'bumps in the road' but nothing they can't overcome :p

Don't know if they will be officialy canon by the end of the season though. I think TPTB will focus on some other stories for the last part of this season. So perhaps we get a few hints that they're still getting closer and closer (like: "you've already made reservations at that restaurant for tonight?", "don't forget to bring that DVD when you come over tomorrow", etc.), but anything more :devil: 'physical' will perhaps be postponed till the next season; although I still have hopes for a D/L filled flungsty ;) season end cliff hanger :eek:

Nice new avvie's and banners all! Mo I loved the M.O.O. explanation! :D
i am lovin the D/L story but it doesnt start till next week here in england, i cant wait to see what happens when Danny and Lindsey get back frm Mantana because it cant end with them not in NY
nattybatty55 said:

i am lovin the D/L story but it doesnt start till next week here in england, i cant wait to see what happens when Danny and Lindsey get back frm Mantana because it cant end with them not in NY
I am glad to see that you joined us. I saw where you asked in the spoiler thread and I didn't want to be biased. I thought you should be able to pick your own side. And if after reading how they feel in the spoiler thread, you still came here, I know that Danny/Lindsey should be together.

Welcome all newbies!!! You'll love it hear, we have fun, so don't be afraid to come here!! :)

And I think the MOO Phrase is great too! :)
might as well come outta lurking mode, ((since theres so many other newbies :D ))

i've read all the spoilers ((i couldn't help it *blushes*)) and WOO! is it really gonna happen? i've only seen season 1 of New York but i'm buying season 2 on amazon sooner or later. any good D/L eppys that i should know about? i've already seen the Manhatten Manhunt and thought it was so cute when he called Lindsey "Montana". They're like, the 2 cutest people on TV ((well...up in the top ten for me at least :p))

Now about the Lying Game, i threw a pillow at the tv ((only cuz it was the only think in arms reach besides the cat, and i couldn't throw her!)) when she wouldn't get out of that darn cab. i could have sworn that she told the driver to stop so she could get out and say goodbye to Danny.

The card was really sweet, especially the "MOO" part. when i first saw that i'm like "are there cows in Montana?" but i love cows, i consider them a good luck charm since i see them everyday..even tho i don't live on a farm. GO COWS! :D

i already posted this in the song thread but i'm gonna post it here too, since this ship might just be sailing.
Somewhere beyond the sea,
Somewhere, waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing.

Somewhere beyond the sea,
She's there watching for me.
If I could fly like birds on high,
Then straight to her arms I'd go sailing.

It's far beyond a star,
It's near beyond the moon,
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon.

We'll meet beyond the shore,
We'll kiss just as before.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
And never again I'll go sailing.

((go cows :D))
Good evening my lovelies! :D **Mo dances into our thread...no less excited about our spoilers and the loveliness in store for D/L even now so many hours later!** :lol:

Aud hello my dear! :D **Huggles!** I love your new avie, that's totally cute! :D
I'll be daring and say they are CANON---if only in my mind.
Not just your mind hon! I'm totally with ya on that one! ;) After so much focus on them I think saying they are canon is pretty safe! At least that's what I say...or well, we say! ;) :D
M.O.O.---MONTANA'S ONE & ONLY! I love it!
I thought you would like that babe! Heehee, isn't that cute...when I saw that in the card it just screamed "inside joke/term of endearment" to me! And so M.O.O. was born in my shippy brain! :lol:

Chell!!! Welcome back shippy buddy! It's about time you came back in here...haven't seen ya in quite a while, I was missing my food fight buddy! :lol:
About the canon thing. I think TPTB are slowly and perfectly letting this relationship develop There are still some 'bumps in the road' but nothing they can't overcome
I completely agree...the seas may not be calm and clear for them quite yet, but we are on the other side of the storm and the wind is dying down and the sun is breaking through the clouds to shine bright once again! :D
So perhaps we get a few hints that they're still getting closer and closer (like: "you've already made reservations at that restaurant for tonight?", "don't forget to bring that DVD when you come over tomorrow", etc.)
Awww I like that Dutch! That'd be totally cute and wouldn't be overtly in our face either...just little reminders every once in a while that our couple is going strong! That would make me happy! (I do require at least one kiss though! Not budging on that! :lol: )
Mo I loved the M.O.O. explanation!
Heehee, thanks hon! I like it too! :lol:

**Mo giggles and dances happily with Aud...singing right along with her happy love songs in honor of our fabulous shippy couple! :lol: **
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