Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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^OK it did break apart a little, but it seems like things are being fixed right now ;) And whatever we need to get through -and that will perhaps not be easy :eek:- in the end we will become canon :D

but I was just wondering if there are any spoilers for ep19?
So far nothing. But keep checking here; spoilers seem to be coming out very quickly lately :)
I really see it as a prove of his love for Lindsay that Danny is willing to leave HIS town (which he has probably not been out of yet) . The talk about him in a plane makes me suddenly wish for a funny scene like in that movie "Planes, trains and automobiles". I just see him sitting there talking to a curtain shower rings salesman :lol: :lol:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay compliment the other best? (Danny Comlpliments Linds, Linds compliments Danny
I think that Danny seems to be standing by her through all this. Most guys wouldn't. If you're not dating them, they'll be all "I don't care. To hell with you." But not Danny. :D Because he LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Montana. My friend and I were just squealing over Danny/Lindsay in Maths class. I got so giddy and happy that I fell off my chair.

Danny is so caring and I'm so glad that TPTB are making him go to Montana. It really shows how much he cares. f he didn't go and they still started a relationship, the fact that that he doesn't seem to care THAT MUCH will loom over their relationship and shadow a whole trust issue. God, Danny is amaaaaaaaaaaazing!

Delia I'm so glad you caved and joined in the spoiler fun hon! It's so fun to talk about it all! It makes me giddy! Lol!
Yeah, well. I love you guys and I had to join!

I loved it when she said "Moo." It was like a private "Montana" joke or something. Although I do find it strange that alotNew Yorkers (and I'm not stereotyping) seem to make fun of SOuthern or MidWestern people. :lol: No offense to New Yorkers!! But I met someone on a whale cruise in Boston and he was just absolutely amazing. :) He lived in Ohio though while I lived in Pheonix at the time, so we talked on the phone every often, but I realized that I couldn't handle a long-distance relationship. and then my cousin (who was a native New Yorker) asked if I was still seeing the "hick".
Well, anyway. We know that Danny is just pulling pigtails with Lindsay!

I'm totally seeing a funny moment when he says that he's going to crazy. Does anyone know who he's saying this to? I'm also picturing that
Hello my lovelies! :D How are y'all? Still high on our awesomely fabulously way cool spoilers? :lol: Good, cuz I KNOW I sure am! :D I just wubs them, our spoilers, our couple, our ship and definitely all y'all my shippy buddies! I'm just full of wub tonight, it's great! Heehee! :lol:
Oh and lookie, I made a new banner and a fabulous new avie!! And I came up with a shippy definition of "MOO" what do y'all think?? :D (Personally I'm pretty proud of it! ;) )
It does seem like a personal joke
Yeah Mercy I definitely think it is one, something they teased eachother about or something...or like my avie suggests, it could be a special nickname! ;) :D
You know the last time we all went around saying we're canon it all broke apart... I wouldn't be bragging yet, still got some things to go through first.
Hey now, hey! I wubs you Lynny you know I do, but don't be popping my bubble! I like my bubble it makes me happy! We've had way too much angst and stress for our ship lately, we need this good dose of fluff and love! :D
Yeah I'm curious if anyone else hears Danny say that "going crazy" line too...I'd love to have Hawkes hear him say that and without asking what he means by it or anything just have Hawkes turn to him and without missing a beat say "Then go already....she'll be glad to see you." Wouldn't that be awesome! :D

Okay shippy buddies...group hug for everyone! Yay for fluff and shippy joy!
**Mo climbs into her fully inflated totally fluffy bubble and floats happily away!**
I know they haven't become official CANON yet, but I'm excited anyway hehe

(just ot let you know, I kind of felt like and idiot for nto adding this in my last post :p )
Mo -- I'm not tryin' to bust your bubble, I just don't want you to get hurt if it doesn't turn out like planned. I want you happy, You know that. I want all ships have happy fun time and some angst everynow and then.. but I'm not sure their ready to become canon.
Awwww thanks Lynny! **Mo snuggles her protective buddy!** I appreciate that you are just being protective, that's fabulous of you! ;) I want me happy too, and of course you too! Lol! I want all my ships and all my shippy buddies happy! :D As for them being ready to be canon, I gotta say Hon...I think they're ready to be canon...I really do! Aud Fluffy Twin, what do you think? ;)
I think if they rush into officially becoming "canon" it will definitely end it the way that is not expected. I like a slow build up of their relationship, like they have been doing for teh past season and a half.
They don't have to jump into bed right away...but something small, holding hands, a little kiss...something that shows they are canon but not in your face about it...even just a comment from one to the other about leaving something at my place or something would make me abundantly happy and still be "slow" ya know! :D

So we're supposed to see this Danny/Angell sexual tension scene at some point while Linds is gone right...well I just read a spoiler that says that they are talking about sexual fantasies and Angell gets embarrassed...and that is their "moment". Now to me that just means that Danny is thinking about Linds (Hello sexual fantasies?! :devil: ) and Angell knows it! Lol! So I don't think we have anything to worry about!!
Mo, that's funny and I agree with you 100% :p

I also agree on the small, hand holding type thing. I mean it took what was it.....6 seasons for GSR to go canon? :lol:
I mean it took what was it.....6 seasons for GSR to go canon?
I'll go crazy if they decide to do that with Messer and Montana!! :lol: I'm not a GSR fan though, but they both deserve someone to take their minds off their work, which is good! :)

I think they're ready to be canon...I really do!
Sorry Cath sweetie, but I gotta disagree and side with Mo on this one! :D
Mo, that's funny and I agree with you 100%
So glad you agree with me BG! ;) Now just what are you agreeing with me about?! :lol: Sorry my joy makes me forgetful! :rolleyes: :D

Yeah if it takes them as long with D/L as it took with GSR I think I'll have a coronary, a really big one! That said I don't think they will, cuz GSR was a more subtle every once in a while they'd have a little moment...where as D/L has been really clear and in our face (in a VERY good way) much more so...so I don't see them making D/L take that long to be CANON...I really do think it will be by the end of this season or the beginning of the next one! :D
the first agree was for the spoiler, Mo.

I will die a pissy shipper if they take 6 seasons to get Danny and Lindsay to go CANON because I ship GSR (but not as much as D/L) And I got pretty miserable waiting for them to do it too! :lol:

I like the in-your-face type thing they have goin' on too lol. Why do I agree with you on everything? :lol: great minds think alike lol
Awwwww, gotcha now BG! Cool beans then for sure! :D

Lol, yeah I'm with ya on the dying a pissy shipper hon! If they take that long to make D/L canon I'm bringing back the "Hell Hath No Fury" avie and starting the pissed off shippers letters campaign again! That said, right now I love the PTB and if they follow through with our spoiler then they will be favorite! :D (After you all of course...but they don't have to know that! ;) )

Lol, yup Great minds think alike and we're both fluffy and fun and want our ships happy! Heehee...it's a good thing to agree with me! Isn't it Lynny?! ;) You always agree with me don't ya hon! :lol: :lol:
hehe.....I was just watching the 'whats a TiVo' the music video.....it'd be so funny if we could make one about pissy shippers lol but yeah....I'm getting all weired out for some reason hehe so I'm just going to chill over in the Carmine locker room thread hehe
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