Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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hey everybody! :D
Is there anyone here whose OTP is D/L? Either New York OTP or overall CSI OTP? For me, Danny/Lindsay isn't only my New York OTP, but my OTP of all three CSI shows! I can't help but smile when I think about them!

me me!! D/L is my OTP in NY and all the shows too! :D They are so cute together and their chemistry is undeniable! I lovelovelove them!!!

welcome all newbies!! wow, it wasnt too long ago I was a newbie...:lol: theres so many D/L shippers its crazy! :D

i have to say i was getting reli depressed coz nothing was reli happening and all these doubts were going through my mind - but now its actually happening!!

i think we were all getting a little doubtful...but now with all these AWSOME spoilers, I have no doubt in my mind that they will get together! :)
Congrats to Anna & Eric on the baby girl!

kissme, D/L is my NY OTP, and my all CSI OTP, too! (Lovely pictoral and article, btw.)

I’m looking forward to seeing where the rest of this season will take our ship.
Already, the fanfics inspired from Wednesday’s eppy/spoilers are starting to roll out at ff. It just gets me more excited for the show!
Good evening all! :D *jumps up and down because of the new baby girl* :D I'm so happy for them! :D

I do require at least one kiss though!
I think that's not too much to ask Mo ;)

kissme I love that "Body language of lust" :devil: article and the o so lovely pictures you've added. But after reading those 4 types of guys I know for sure that I will be seriously distracted tomorrow; because with every guy I run into I will be checking if he (like Danny) displays any (or all) of those gestures :eek:

Oh, and D/L is my all time OTP. I never even knew what shipping was before I watched 'Zoo York'. I thought I was the only one who so their great attraction/interaction until I came here and met all of you wonderful people :lol:

Welcome to all the newbies I haven't welcomed yet :D It's great to see more and more Europeans join us; :) that means I won't be one of the few posting in this timezone anymore :rolleyes:
I don't know if this has been posted, but Anna had a baby girl on January 14. the source of this is one of the celebrity baby blogs and tv guide.com
I know everybody is happy about this but this is the Danny/Lindsay thread and there should be some actual talk of Danny/Lindsay in your posts. If you wish to discuss Anna having the baby or to congratulate her, you need to take it over to the Anna thread in the NY forum.

ETA: You can congratulate her in here if you keep it short and add it onto an on topic post.

Congrats to Anna! I can't wait till she takes her girl to work and hopefully pictures of Anna, her baby, and Carmine will surface somewhere.
Ok, this was out of line. Anna and her baby have nothing to do with Carmine or this thread. It's one thing to say you'd like to see pictures of Anna and her baby with the cast but saying what you said (I'm not even going to repeat it) can be taken as insinuating something between Anna and Carmine. Even if it wasn't intended to sound that way, it does. I'm sure neither Anna, her husband, nor Carmine would find it very amusing.

Let's get on with the Danny/Lindsay talk and leave Anna, her baby, and Carmine out of it. Like I said above, if you wish to congratulate Anna and her husband, please do it in the Anna thread. ;)
^^I'm really sorry, 1CSIMfan. I completely didn't mean it as something between Anna and Carmine. I'll keep on topic now. I'm really sorry. :(
^^Not to worry darx2mint4. I didn't think that was your intention but I wanted to be clear on it and didn't want anybody else to respond to it. ;)
because with every guy I run into I will be checking if he (like Danny) displays any (or all) of those gestures
:lol: I thought that article was so cute.

Oh and congrats to Anna and her baby. :) Oh, and Jan 14th is my boyfriend's birthday.

Well, yay! Anna will be back for more Lindsay/Danny action! Can't wait for all the crazy-amazing spoilers soon! :D
Cordy...stop changing banners! You're driving me nuts :lol:

Okay how about this... we just keep Anna/Baby talk for Anna's thread... *whispers* I just want pics of Carmine holding a baby, I don't care whos, I just want it..

Now..Back to DL.

Lindsay's coming back in how many eps to go??
Hi! Another newbie here. I'm not much of a poster, mostly a lurker but i thought i'd respond to the OTP question. D/L is absolutley my OTP. In fact its what brought me BACK to CSINY. Yep, I tried out CSINY in its 1st season but nothing really caught my interest to come back regularly, even though I love Gary Sinise's acting. But then, I caught the "bug eating" episode and was instantly hooked. They're soooo cute together. Now I try to never miss an episode. BTW, love the M.O.O.
Welcome, sanrio! I lurked for a month before I started posting here. I've been posting for a few months now and I gotta say I'm hooked. Oh, the infamous bug episode, 2x15 Fare Game! Love that one!

*whispers* I just want pics of Carmine holding a baby, I don't care whos, I just want it..
oh my... that right there is a powerful image!

And Lindsay is only gone for eps 15, 16, and 17! I am so looking forward to the rest of this season.
At least she is gone only for 3 episodes. That really is not much, you could have been gone longer! :(

Hi, sanrio, welcome to this thread, we don't bite! :)
I can't wait to see D/L back on screen again.

I loved the third pic down he starts giving her a hard time of sorts, it was just his little way of saying welcome.
Hello, hello, hello shippy buddies and newbies! :lol: You know things are good in your ship when you're in a giddy mood as soon as you pop into the thread...on a Monday after a cruddy day at work! :lol: I just wubs our ship, Danny and Linds make me giggle and smile and feel all fluffy and happy! :D
Is there anyone here whose OTP is D/L?
Lol, see I have a hard time choosing a single OTP...I mean I have my couples who I won't ship with anyone else (like D/L I can't ship either of them with anyone else) but I love all my ships...and I have so many fabulous ones...that said...right now, D/L is by far the one that is on it's way to being happiest and shippiest in the shortest amount of time and that I LOVE!! :D :D

Delia hon I LOVE that "Body Language of Lust" thing! Those are always fascinating and fabulous to read and then yeah it's impossible not to analyze everything everyone does after reading it! ;) The pics and the descriptions go perfectly together...D/L want eachother, it's plain as day!! :devil: YAY! :lol:
nope no Danny/Angell hon...sorry, ya know I wub ya but I don't want any Danny/Angell...Angell/Hawkes totally...but not Danny/Angell...sorry! ;) I agree though don't want Angell used... :D

Who am I helping you whack and why, Lynny?! :D

I don't know if this has been posted, but Anna had a baby girl on January 14.
Awww, yay! Congrats to Anna and her hubby! Yay for them! :D :D
Carmine holding a baby, I don't care whos, I just want it..
OMG, Lynny that would be SOOOO hot! Gah...guys with babies in general are hot...but Carmine holding a baby, that would be so insanely....gah...yeah, melting! **Mo swoons and falls over at the thought!** :devil:
At least she is gone only for 3 episodes.
Lol, yeah that's my saving grace at the moment...well that and our spoilers of course! ;) Can't wait until Anna comes back, can't wait, can't wait!! :D :D

Aud Fluffy Twin...let's dance! **Mo giggles and then, because she knows Lynny loves it, sings "Love is in the air...everywhere I look around! Love is in the air, every sight and every sound!" at the top of her lungs!** :lol: :lol:
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