Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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vexus said:
I think if they rush into officially becoming "canon" it will definitely end it the way that is not expected. I like a slow build up of their relationship, like they have been doing for teh past season and a half.

That's exactly what I like too, Twin!V thanks ;)

Cordy said:
Sorry Cath sweetie, but I gotta disagree and side with Mo on this one

Its all good... and you and I are gonna have a little chat about that banner of yours, lol.

Aunt Mo said:
Heehee...it's a good thing to agree with me! Isn't it Lynny?! You always agree with me don't ya hon!

You're evil...
BG no reason to get weirded out! We're fine hon...our ship is fine, heck we're more than fine, we're CANON baby! :lol:

Lol, I think the slow build thing goes hand in hand with the angsty thing! It must be...cuz us fluffies are clamoring for CANON now! Lol...either way really what I want most is D/L together forever...and if we have to wait a while longer for that I will handle it with grace (or pretend to handle it with grace! ;) )...cuz they deserve forever happiness! :D
You're evil...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Which is of course only one of the many reasons you wub me! ;) And of course I'm evil that's what makes me SO awesome! :rolleyes: :lol:
I wasn't weirded out by anything on here. It just happens sometimes. Like I could be staring into space and get weirded out :lol:

*Listens to John Mayers SLOW Dancing in a burning room and drifts away to fantasy land deleriously happy*

Ok, I think you get the picture? hehe
In regards to the speed of their impending 'canon' status... I think that as long as the writers tread carefully they could be canon by the end of the season without it being ridiculous (well, even if it were I wouldn't mind :lol: but I know not everyone feels the same).

I prefer that the writers ease them into canon status, taking it slowly and letting it develop, but I also take into account their jobs and the tragedy that has resurfaced in Lindsay's life. I mean these guys deal with death every day, a constant reminder of how short life really is. Lindsay's tragic past resurfacing brings that fact home to both her and Danny. Like a flashing neon light saying "carpe diem".

I want them to take it slowly, but if it goes a teensy bit quicker, I think it would still be believable as long as the writers back it up well. Am I making sense?
I like the in-your-face type thing they have goin' on too lol. Why do I agree with you on everything?

I like how they're obvious, but I don't want them to go "in your face"-- like "Duh, i'm kissing her". That's too much. D/L should be subtle and cute! Oh and question, again. Do you guys want them to be an office secret or not?

I don't. I want them to be open, not like Peyton/Mac and Grissom/Sara (as we're starting to see in LV, that's beginning to take its toll and it already nearly killed Peyton and Mac, speaking of-- what happened to Peyton?!?!?!) I want little kisses and things like that, but of course--anything at this point would be great!! and of course, even though the whole team knows and they'll tease them occasionally-they'll still be professional.

Its all good... and you and I are gonna have a little chat about that banner of yours, lol.
Sorry! I'm a Snickers and Grillows fan too! :D
Mercy, you're making complete sense to me :p

But apologies for going off topic a little, so....anyone got a new thing to talk about? like what would their fave songs be or something?

For Danny.....something By George Thorogood (I'm weird I know) For Lindsay the song 'sweet home alabama' It just screaming its name at me lol but for them together, I'd have to say that I am clueless.....maybe I should let them decide? :p
You know the last time we all went around saying we're canon it all broke apart... I wouldn't be bragging yet, still got some things to go through first.

Not tryin' to make you mad or upset yall, but you guys know I <3 yous.

So we're supposed to see this Danny/Angell sexual tension scene at some point while Linds is gone right...well I just read a spoiler that says that they are talking about sexual fantasies and Angell gets embarrassed...and that is their "moment". Now to me that just means that Danny is thinking about Linds (Hello sexual fantasies?! ) and Angell knows it! Lol! So I don't think we have anything to worry about!!

^^In response to the above quotes, I have this:

I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything but I thought I'd come in and let you guys know something. I have my sources for spoilers and unless they change that scene, what you described is what leads up to the "moment" and I'm pretty sure that Danny is not thinking about Lindsay during that moment.It just all comes down to whether they leave that "moment" in or not or whether they either expand on it or just toss it altogether.
I think that as long as the writers tread carefully they could be canon by the end of the season without it being ridiculous
Yeah Mercy I agree, I think it's entirely realistic of them to be canon by the end of this season! (Although I think they're canon now! ;) ) I think the writers can bring it about in a way that is not a rush to the bedroom but still lets us know they are together! I think that's possible and likely actually! :D
want them to take it slowly, but if it goes a teensy bit quicker, I think it would still be believable as long as the writers back it up well. Am I making sense?
Lol, yeah you're making sense hon! And I agree, like I said above I don't want them jumping into bed two seconds after Linds gets back, but if they move faster than glacier ice that would make me very very happy! :lol: Heehee! ;)
Do you guys want them to be an office secret or not?
No Delia I really do not want that! Mac/Peyton and GSR have already gone that route and I really do not want another one of those...they don't have to make out in the lab (although that could be hot! ;) ) but I don't want them being secretive about it either! NO more secrets!! :D
My bubble's good and not burst...even if they leave that scene in...all our other D/L spoilers are still holding as well, so that scene is no where as scary to me...even if Danny and Angell have this "moment"...Danny ends up with Linds and that is what really matters to us in the end! So I'm good! :D
^^ Agreed. Secrets suck sometimes. Oh and WOW, I LOVE YOUR ICON! So cute. :) Now I know what 'Moo' reall means! :lol:
Love ya, sweetie!

I want subtleness and little things. Those are always the best and special! They have great chemistry on-screen, there's no need to go over the top.
Anyone can confirm this (wonderful) D/L spoiler? :eek:

Danny goes to the courtroom in Montana where the trial, Lindsay's a witness at, is held. Apparently, he arrives when she's on the stand and it gives her strength to go on, even if she's a bit embarrassed. Then, they're side by side in the back of the courtroom, when the verdict is announced. Lindsay is holding his hand in fear of the verdict and then she's resting her head on his shoulder. Those little things were written like that, but it doesn't mean the actors didn't change them during the shooting.

Moriel21 & dutch_treat love your new Avatars ;)
BG, Mo I love your avvies... what a wonderful DL life we've got goin' here.

To answer the question I asked, I'd say Danny compliments Linds by showing her she can let loose and have some fun, which is what most of you guys said, but it's oh so true. Linds shows Danny that sometimes you do have to take it slow, but you can still have great fun.

Lindsay_Monroe I'm pretty sure those spoilers have been confirmes, they're mentioned on pg. 4 I believe! Excellent though, they're just excellent!
Lol, thanks Delia, Rad yeah isn't my avie pretty! :D I can't stop staring at it...and yeah Delia that's my version of what "MOO" really means! ;) It was a moment of brillance for me! :lol:

Lindsay Montana yup those fabulous spoilers have been confirmed several times! So unless something is drastically cut that's what we're getting! YAY! :D
I can't believe our luck with all the spoilers coming in - im having to pinch myself to remind me it's real!
me too! I really cant believe its really happening!!
I am so excited for all the spoilers!!!! I cant wait! :D

yay!! these spoilers are making me so happy im bouncing off the walls :lol: :lol: I think this season is going to have the best D/L yet!!!!

do we have a new ep nxt week? I dont remember seeing a promo....
^^Looks like we are stuck in rerun land for a week. The next ep is 1/31, 2x21 All Access, where Stella is attacked by Frankie. And for D/L, Lindsay is upset/worried about Stella, storms out of an interrogation and Danny follows her, concerned. The next new ep is 2/07, 3x15 Some Buried Bones.
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