Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Did I hear that someone here has pringles? Can I have some? I'm going to be picky and request the sour cream and onion, I love those.

Since we love to talk about food here (or what is the better word, the food that we fight with here!) I present a Danny and Lindsay question.

Everybody has comfort foods, what do you think that Danny and Lindsay enjoy (and bugs don't count)?

I think Lindsay is a old-fashioned girl and I think I'm picturing her as a mac and cheese gal and I picture Danny as a spagetti and meatballs type.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

mmmm... Mac and Cheese... good question twin... ummm, Lindsay probably like Mashed Potatoes, dunno why, I just think she does. As for Danny, Pizza, he is from NY.. everyone up there loves pizza.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Svetlana, I'm very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. *Big Hugs*

As for the whole comfort food question: I would have to agree with vex, I think she would be a mac and cheese type of girl.... that sounds really good right now... but anyway, I don't know what Danny's comfort food would be.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Vex! Hi! **waves!** :D Ohhh, comfort food...good question...especially considering our food fights here! :lol:
Hmmm, I like the mac and cheese and spaghetti and pizza and mashed potatoes ideas...but I think I'm gonna go with grilled cheese sandwich's and strawberry ice cream for Linds (not necessarily together, although that could be interesting! :lol: ) and ummmm...for Danny...that's tougher... :lol: ...I'm gonna go with lasagna and applesauce (my brother's at my apartment right now and that's what he's eating! :lol:)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Sophie, Moriel, and the rest of you great shippers---I wub you!

I'm sorry Svets for your loss...9-11 was a sad day.

Messy thread----love it. Pizza is good...so is mac and cheese.

But really I think one of them should do a strip tease...who would do a strip tease for whom...Dan or Linds? LOL!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks Twin , it is hilarious isn't it. The otherversion says, "We got bloopers too" .. Don't give me that look. I have my reasons. I'll tell you :D

We have pizza in here now? and I missed it! crap.

Danny would do the trip tease!.. I have my reasons for that too, You sure you wanna know? :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Wub you too Aud! **hugs!**
But really I think one of them should do a strip tease...who would do a strip tease for whom...Dan or Linds? LOL!
YAY! I LOVE that idea :devil: And I gotta agree with Lynn here, Danny should do the strip tease! Unless it's Linds doing it for Danny and then that'd be okay too! ;) :devil:

Lol, yeah Lynny...pizza sure why not! :lol: We got plenty of other foods, why not pizza! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey everyone! I got a little Danny-Lindsay crazy over the weekend and started to write all of the DL situations I have in my head (so far, they've been mostly wholesome).

You can access the stories from this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/~lindsaymesser

Some have already posted reviews and they're generally good. Have more coming up so hope you check it out.

Two more weeks till The Hug!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

L.M. hey hon! :D Yay for going D/L crazy...I love when that happens...it's the funnest! :lol:
Cool beans on new ficcies, I'm excited to go read them...I'll try to get to them later today and I'll make sure I give ya some nice reviews! ;)

And actually hon...it's only 8 days til the premiere...way less than 2 weeks...heehee! Sweet deal huh! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I have cookies. Who wants some?

Oh, and I saw Stella trying to break out our couple from the broom closet. Somebody please go check?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey S.S. how's it going?! Cookies, sweet...I LOVE cookies...yummy! :D
And as for breaking our couple out...I think they may be out already...we let them out to join the food fight and I think they snuck off...I heard something about a shower and clean clothes...oh and something about how "conserving water is good"... :devil: :lol:

Oh and L.M. your ficcies...they're awesome! Totally loved them hon! Y'all should totally go check them out, really! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Cookies!!! :D *runs over to grab some from SecretSophie * mmmmm...I love cookies....*munch munch*

Is it really less than 9 days away? Wow, next week we will all be sitting down in front of our TV's (or computers I guess depending on what you use) and will be watching our favorite couple in the world!!! Yaaaaaay!!! *dances around happily flinging m&m's up into the air* :lol:

As for the comfort food question? Hmmm...that is a hard one. I think I am gonna go with the Pizza answer for Danny, and for Lindsay...what girl can resist chocolate? :D Of course if you were thinking a little more meal like, I would go with Steak and Potatoes.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

OMG OMG OMG lol :lol:, I've been so kiddy all day *m&m overload* jk :D
er i just realized that i haven't posted on the m&m thread before so hello *waves*
I've been reading WAY to much m&m fanfic today (its all I've done all day) hehe.
i owe you guys a explanation ok heres how my day went: yesterday i was reading montana and danny fanfic on here, got bored found some on fanfic.com, was tired and my mom was telling me to go to sleep........
bookmarked the page then today i found a AMAZING m&m fanfic Plus its VERY VERY VERY long so I'm super happy :p then after my fanfic filled day i turned on tv to catch a re-run of that epi 'city of dolls' omg and i just flicked channels when i stopped and saw the part were danny is explaining about when a victims hand freezes in position after he's dead and the suspect put the gun in his hand and its a perfect fit (while danny's explaining he puts his hand in lindsay's) and after explaining he is still holding her hand!!! and then they start say you know "we better get back to the lab" and mumble stuff Lol

I've had a very happy m&m day :D ahh cant wait for that hug in new season ;)

if you guys want to read the fanfic i was reading all day, its 122 chapters long so by the end you will be m&m hyper :lol:

Lil xxo
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