Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*I dropped in to hear that Danny's going to strip tease. Let him out of the closet, I have a handfull of $1.00 bills, to have a great time!*

*See this is how I react to a new season with a great looking Danny.*

iheart CSI 4326, I have read that story; it's a great one. I love it!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I've got $20's for Danny... :lol: I'd give him any bill...

8 days ya'll, 8 flipping days! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello Everyone! *Waves*

I'm so confused! Have we let Danny & Lindsay out of the closet yet? Or not? :lol: I seriously don't remember.

Welcome ihearCSI_4326! Glad you're here! I love that Montana fic too. It's really cute.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome to the Danny/Lindsay thread iheartCSI_4326. :)

Just a friendly reminder that board rules state that banners should be no bigger than 220x75 and you can have either a banner or text, but not both. ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello my lovelies!!! :D **waves at everyone happily!**
Lol, CSIfangirl actually...lol, now it's **Moriel looks at her watch** 8 days, 3 hours and 2 minutes away! (How's that for obsession, y'all?!! :lol: )
**Moriel looks around innocently and then flings chocolate pudding at CSIfangirl!**
Danny = strip tease
Linds has the bills...
Hi Rad! Lol, I LOVE it, wohoo...Hot Danny... **Moriel grabs her wallet and starts grabbing bills!** That's a fabulous plan Rad! And by the way, love the new avie...it's totally cute! :D
*See this is how I react to a new season with a great looking Danny.*
Lol, hey Vex! And that sounds like a good reaction to me! ;) **Moriel grins and joins her in counting bills...yeah baby!**

Smi hey hon! Yeah I'm pretty sure we've let them out of the closet...though Aud would know for sure.

Aud where are you hon?!! We need you! :D

8 days, 8 days!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad , Auda, AHHHH!!!! I Havent been in here in like ::looks at calander:: I dont even know when I was in here last time... ::dodges pies, cookies, and m&m's:: This sure is a food happy place, if I was homeless this is where I would come to get food.. there is an abundance in here. I brought whip cream, chocolate sauce and ice cream.. who wants some??

I still have yet to see the promo, I'm gonna watch CSI:NY tommorrow night if the boyfriend will let me - which he will... and see if I can catch it, I'm so stoked, 1 WEEK!!

As for the comfort food thing, I see Linds as the Mac and Cheese kinda gal, or Pizza and Beer (hey country girls know how to throw it down ... lol) and Danny, I see as a Pizza guy too. Oh yeah, and strip tease - thats definitley right up Danny's ally.

1 week! woot! woot! 1 week woot! woot! ::jumps up and down, sprays whip cream everywhere::

Also, I have a new D/L fic up over on FF.Net, I cant post the link or anything because its ::whispers:: M - Rated... he he. But my pen name is notasize0 and the story is called 'Game On'.. so have fun.. :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said:

Oh and L.M. your ficcies...they're awesome! Totally loved them hon! Y'all should totally go check them out, really! :D

Thanks Moriel! I saw your reviews, thanks so much. I have a couple more coming up so keep reading!

By the way, I know the premiere is 8 days away but isn't The Hug in the 2nd episode? I'm excited about the premier but I'm more excited with The Hug.

Soon there's going to be The Kiss on The Cheek. Then The Kiss on the Lips. And then Danny's good to go haha...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Good Morning my shippy buddies! :D **steps into the thread, waving and giggling!** Finally y'all...in just... ONE...week... ONE!! We will all be glued to our lovely tv's or computers...happily watching our premiere...YAY!! :D :D :D

CSINYRULZ lol, hey! Love your enthusiam, it's contagious...and that's awesome! And hey if you want to see the promo sooner, or as often as you want, lol :lol:...we've got a link around here somewhere! Oh and I'm totally gonna go read your ficcie ;)

S.S. lol! You sure you want to go drag D/L out of the shower? :devil: I like the body lotion idea though...good one hon! ;)

L.M. hey hon! Yeah your ficcies were totally cute, really! I'm keeping my eye out for more of them for sure! :D And yeah hon, I'm totally excited for the 2nd ep too! Gonna be GOOD stuff! For sure!! :D :D
Soon there's going to be The Kiss on The Cheek. Then The Kiss on the Lips. And then Danny's good to go haha...
Lol, that's awesome hon! I LOVE that! :lol:

Hey y'all here's a question...how do you think the 2nd ep will end? I mean like the last minute or so...ya know, like what will the last scene before the credits be?
I think they will have D/L go in for their hug...and Danny will hold Linds to him...and she'll be shaking a little (cuz in the promo she looks really shaken) and Danny will whisper in her hair, "You're okay now...I've got you and I won't let anyone hurt you.." and he strokes her hair and then softly kisses the top of her head....then, fade to black! Lol, now wouldn't that be a cute end scene! I mean we get the hug, but the rest of it too! :D

Hey Aud where you at Fluffy Twin?! :D You too Lynn where you at hon?! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Soon there's going to be The Kiss on The Cheek. Then The Kiss on the Lips. And then Danny's good to go haha...


And I lied Mo, I thought I wasn't going to change my avvie, but the idea came to me and I was like I'm short, she's short... that's raw... :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Good afternoon fellow ship-mates (he he, had to try it out)

Moriel thankies for reading and reviewing my ficcie, it was fun to write too, I was just NUTZ!! while I was writing it. Oh and that ending for the 2nd episode - muah! I love it! ::says in italian accent:: that would be so super cute.

L.M. I love your fics, they put me in such a good mood.

1 WEEK!! AHHHHHHH!!!! ::throws M & M's:: I cant believe it, I feel like I was just complaining back in May that September was too far away... but now look, 1 week.. ::shakes hips:: oh yeah!!

Well, I'm off to math class - see how well that goes, like I'll pay attention. The worst will be next week - 3hours in math class and the whole time I know that at 10 I'm all kinds of good, my poor Grandma - I've been freaking out all week telling her how many days till the premiere... (so you can get somewhat of a visual. She walked past me while I was watching Heroes, and saw Danny and Flack and she goes 'woah, check out those hunks'...lol) I'm so stoked for the new season... yay!!!

People must think I'm on drugs - no its just this nice warm happy so-cal air.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

She walked past me while I was watching Heroes, and saw Danny and Flack and she goes 'woah, check out those hunks'...lol) I'm so stoked for the new season...

Now THAT is priceless...

1 week guys! sa-weeeet!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

And I lied Mo, I thought I wasn't going to change my avvie, but the idea came to me and I was like I'm short, she's short... that's raw...
LOL! :lol: Aww Rad you crack me up! I just adore you hon...that was hilarious! :D

No prob Rulz (can I call you that? :D ) I always love new ficcies! And I'm glad you liked my possible 2nd ep ending...I think it'd be totally cute! :D

Good luck with Math class...and yeah I'm with ya on the being so excited thing, I SO cannot wait!! YAY! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Will Danny and Lindsay finally act on all the sexual tension? "It's always fun to play with that 'we know they like eatch other' thing, " says exec producer Pam Veasey. "We're not going to satisfy that urge for people going 'just kiss her!' yet, but something happens in the middle of the season."
Just posting that... hmmmm... :eek:
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