Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm here Moriel! *Waves*

Welcome lindsaymesser and lady_erudite! I know you'll love it here. We're tons of fun!:)

Only three more Wednesdays?! YAY! I can't wait. I'm so excited for our D/L.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Yay! More D/L shippers! Welcome! You'll definately love it here. :D :D :D

Are there really only 3 more wednesdays? Sweet! :)I am definately gonna be ready with my chocolate, my TV and my popcorn. Have any of you ever tried putting m&m's in your popcorn? It is really good, and I would strongly recommend trying it for the season premiere. ;)

Yeah, just read the little interview with Anthony Zuiker ...definately looking forward to finding out what the issue going on with Lindsay is going to be. The secret that has been hinted about. The best part is that we won't have to wait for almost the whole freakin' season before finding out what it is. :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well I'm not so much a newbie, as I am a D/L newbie. :) I like the idea of them together, and I'll probably be here more often. So you guys will be seeing me in here more. :D

I'm also excited to see what season three has in store for our two favorite love birds. *sigh*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

"Danny's Cindy" I actually have my own theorys on that, but.. so won't get into that.

Welcome to all of the newbies. speed_cochrane *Waves*
I didn't know you were a D/Ler. Nice!

Yes, we are tons of fun, like my pet has said. :D, We're D/L nuts. ;) .. Speaking of nuts, Wheres' minion?

I'm going to get my angst. Why you wonder? Because look at those spoilers. Full of angst, but.. *coughsbalancestofluffcoughs*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well I tend to not visit Shipper Central very often (for the obvious reasons of people who take this forum too seriously), but I've been a D/L shipper since mid season 2. :)

I think they're both really cute together, but we'll wait and see what season three has to offer. The spoilers seem quite encouraging for some D/L angst. ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves to everyone in the thread, including all the newbies and all of my fluffies and angsty folk*

First up, read this. I just wrote a new fanfiction, and I want to know your feedback. And to all the fluffies - this one may have you squeeing, so have fun with it. I figured that I needed to write a fluffy story to make up for all that angst I have been writing. LOL. (Just a little edit: the last line should say 'feel' instead of 'fee'. I didn't catch that until after I posted, so I'm not gonna change it for one word. LOL)

Secondly, those spoilers are looking interesting. Does anyone else feel like CSI: NY is going to get darker before it gets lighter? I mean, in the sense of maybe the writers incorporating more darker plotlines into it, and revealing more this season. I really hope that they reveal to us something about Lindsay's past to clear up all the speculation. But I think you guys are totally on the money when it comes to having something to do with her witnessing multiple homicides, possibly even of family members or young children. It must have been something that was horrendous enough that she never talks about it, and wants to block it out of her memory. (Like someone said, the instance in MM where she kind of replies softly 'and a lot more than that' to Danny's comment)

Anyway, I should be going to work on homework.
Happy shipping everyone!

"Give into love or live in fear." ~ RENT

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ladeebear, I read your fic and all I have to say is "Ahhh!" It is very sweet, I loved it.

I also see that the season will be darker this year than last year. I wonder if Lindsay's past will be a major story arc this year. I think something bad happened to her family and I also want Lindsay to open up to Danny about it and I would love to hear Mac's words of wisdom.

Only 26 days to go, so we'll have some interesting discussions when the time comes.

Now I'm pathetic, now I'm writing two fics, someone slap me! I will update Black eyes, blue tears " this weekend but I have one now to share.

Little girl lost
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

welcome newbies its alway nice to see new D/L shippers

Jenn i read your fic and i loved it i also gave you a review at ff.net :D

I think the second half of last season was dark with Stella Flack and Danny`s brother getting hurt we dont even know what happens to Danny`s brother and with the death of Adien i think they had i lot of angst i was hoping for a litter fluff this season but from all the spoilers going around i guess its not in the cards :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ya the second half of the season was pretty dark and the next season seems to sound alot like it, but it is helping strengthen D/L's relationship alot and is proving that they can get through anything.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iheartnickcath said:
"Danny's Cindy" I actually have my own theorys on that, but.. so won't get into that.

*coughpleasedonteventellthemthattheorycough* :rolleyes:

Welcome to all of the newbies.

Makes my D/L heart happy! ;)

Yes, we are tons of fun, like my pet has said. :D, We're D/L nuts.

More fun than....*clears throat*...If you like M&M's, pie fights, Twister, broom closets, walruses, etc---then you are in the right place! ;)

Speaking of nuts, Where's minion?

You rang? :p

I'm going to get my angst. Why you wonder? Because look at those spoilers. Full of angst, but...

D/L fluff will win! After all of the angst dust has settled, DL will be have a lot of fun---fluffy fun! Anyone checked on our fluffy couple? Where's Moriel?

Lovin' the new fics, shippers! :cool:

Sorry I'm not so much into discussion...I'm giving Lynn a break tonight! I'll have D/L discussions tomorrow! Bank on it! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks for the break, Auda. Really.

Fluffy won't win. Angst will, Because Angst is good like that. Plus you know you want Angsty Smex.

Our thread is full of M&M's, Twister, Nekkid Twister, and the Closet. Its Love.

Yes, I did ring, However did you know?

..You want me to share the theory don't you. *gets ready to speak*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

D/L fluff will win! After all of the angst dust has settled, DL will be have a lot of fun---fluffy fun! Anyone checked on our fluffy couple? Where's Moriel?
Here I am Fluffy!Twin :D **waves to Aud!** And of course you are right...sorry Lynny but she's right and you know it! ;) :lol: Fluff will win! If we have to have angst, then of course I wouldn't mind Angsty smex ;) But still...fluff will win my Angsty friend! :D **High fives Aud!**

Jenn hey hon :D Yay for a new fluffy fic, I'm totally gonna go read it! And as for the show getting darker, yeah I could see it having a couple darker story arcs...I think it depends on how dark they decide to make Linds' past. Cuz they could make it really dark and hard if they chose to...they've had some foreshadowing of that...and I could see it getting pretty bad...or being revealed that it was pretty bad I guess. So we'll see.
Being a Fluffy...I don't want it all dark :D...but I do want to know her secret.
Jenn I just read your fic and I reviewed it on ff.net but I had to come here and tell you that I just adored it! That was so absolutely cute and good and sweet and fluffy and fun! Well done hon, that was really great! I adore that song and your story fit it so well...great job! :D

Vex Hiya! Hey I love your avie...is that new? If so, sweet and if not...then I'm totally not observant... :lol: Either way, I likes it!

Lynn you have a theory on the total-hoe-who-Danny-quasi-dated-before-meeting-his-soulmate....hmmm, I think I agree with Aud not sure I want to hear that theory hon! ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

LadeeBear it was a lovely fic u wrote...reading it made me realise that i am %100 fluffy instead of being a flunsty...not that i don't like a lil bit angsty but fluffy is better i think ;)

--YAY!! i became DOA with this entry YAY!!! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks for the welcome's everyone. Who's that poster from Manila? (waves) Such a boring place, don't you think?

I've just been to csi-caps.com (or something) and I did a little experiment and checked out the MOST VIEWED screencaps of all the three series and BOOM! It's the scene where Danny carried Lindsay over a sandbox. I mean, come on.... that's huge! If I'm Jerry Bruckheimer, I'm going to ponder on that for a while....

Yes, that pic had more hits than the Grissom-Sara final scene or any other scene for that matter. Isn't that big news???!!!

I read in csifiles that they'll be streaming the episodes on the net next month so I'm really excited for that.

Hello to everyone!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey everyone *waves* Im back..gosh long week, dont know what i would of done if you guys hadnt been here. Now today i just have to go back to school!!!
Yesterday i was driving to the funeral [350miles away] and i swear i saw like half the population of Montana yesterday, it seemed like every person from Montana was out, there were billions of them, and i was so weary and out of it that i started yelling at them. "DO YOU KNOW LINDSAY MONROE?????" and i got all sort of reactions..it was halirous! one guy gave me the bird though so i said. "SO THATS A NO THEN."..IT was kinda hard to hear on the interstate but i did it.

As for the debate between fluffy and Angsty..i dont know what i am..because i love the fluff..oh how it makes me happy, but i also love the angst..oh the angst.so im so on the edge.

well its off to school with me, gosh if i thought a 4 hour funeral was bad yesterday, now i get a 9 hour school day!!!uhh exhuasting..YAY HIGH SCHOOL!!
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