Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi Moriel! *waves*

Ha Ha! Montana Junior! That's awesome. Yeah, I would like to see Lindsay have a protective brother. I think that would be kinda funny to see. But I think Lindsay having a sister would be even funnier because they would go back home after she met him talk about him. That would be funny.

I forgot all about the picture with that guy in it. I wonder if it is her brother.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hiya Mis! **waves!** Hiya Smiliee! **waves!** Hey Smiliee did I tell you I love your avie? It's fabulous! Lol, yours too Mis both are way cool! :D

Lol, Mis your scenario is even better...I'd love to see that! Danny sees them, gets jealous and spouts that off as soon as they step and then he finds out its her brother and gets totally embarrased and has to backpedal quickly....I could see brother looking at Linds like "Huh, jealousy...this guy totally loves you!" Awww, now I totally want to see that scene! :D Good job Mis! :lol:
Montana Jr...very cute hon, very cute! :D

Smiliee yeah I'd love to see Linds with a younger sister too, I think that'd be a total crack up! Can't you see it...Linds is showing her sister around the lab...and Danny walks up and goes "Hey Montana, who's this?" And before Linds can say anything...her sister jumps in, and gets totally excited, "You're Danny?! Wow Linds, he's even hotter than you said he was! Good job sis!" And then Danny gets that adorable half smirk on his face as he looks at Linds, and she gets beat red and grabs her sister. Wouldn't that be the funniest scene! I'd love it! :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ah, family. :D
I would love to see Lindsay have a brother AND a sister, so that way you can kind of get both views on her family.

Her sister I could see as being younger than she is, and probably a bit peppier. Like, blonde or a dark brunette who has this bubbly personality, but is also very inquisitive. (You can tell I think how much I want to be a writer, right? LOL) I also think she would be supportive of her older sister, in the fact that she would be Lindsay's rock, even though she would be younger than Lindsay. Ah, and when we get to Danny, I could totally see her sister doing something like this:

[Lindsay smiles at Danny, who waves, and he walks down the hall, away from the sisters]

Lindsay's sister: So, Danny, eh?
Lindsay: Yeah, he's a co-worker.
Sister: A co-worker? Just a co-worker? [raises eyebrows]
Lindsay: Yeah. [bites lip] Yeah, just a co-worker.
Sister: [rolls eyes and laughs] Whatever you say, Lindsay...

And for her brother, I could see - like you all said - him being overprotective of his little sister, but also a softie at heart. Like, at first he would have reservations about Danny, maybe judging him by stuff that he hears/sees.

Lindsay's brother: [watches Danny exit] I don't know, Lindsay.
Lindsay: :confused: Don't know about what?
Brother: [points to Danny's retreating back] Him.
Lindsay: [sighs and rolls her eyes]
Brother: No, Linds, I'm serious. You're too good for that guy. I've heard about what people say he's done and...
Lindsay: [annoyed and defensive] You can't always believe what you hear. He's an amazing person, {insert brother's name here}. He's been there for me when I needed him, and even when I didn't need him. He's not anything that those rumors you hear say he is. Danny Messer is a someone whom I trust, and if you don't like that, then...
Brother: [smirks] You like him. You really care about this Danny guy.
Lindsay: [blushes and looks away] He's just a...
Brother: [rolls eyes] BS. [looks at Lindsay] And you know it's BS. If you like him so much, then I think you should go for it.
Lindsay: But...
Brother: No 'buts'. I give him the Official Monroe Family Stamp of Approval.
[they both laugh]
Lindsay: [quietly] Thank you. It means a lot to me.
Brother: [smiles] Anytime sis.

So, that was a long scenario, but you get my idea of how I want things to happen. :D

Anywho, I need to go study for Psych and do my Lit homework/reading. Talk to you all soon!

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Psych huh Jenn, sounds like fun! Whatcha studying? Freud...Jung...Personality Disorders...lol :lol: (I majored in Psych...fun times! :D )

I loved your scenarios honey...those were awesome! I could totally see both happening! The sister one was totally cute...I could see Linds biting her lip and going "yeah...just...yeah just a co-worker..." and her sister rolling her eyes, laughing and go "uh huh sis, if you say so!" lol! :lol:
And I love the brother one...that was awesome! Go big brother! :D
Nice Jenn loved them! :D

4 weeks y'all...only 4...wohoo!!! :D :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

As for Cath/Linds knowing each other, I'm not really sure there. They've changed Cath's background so much, now their saying she's from Vegas.

Jenn you know I love you, but I think you've gone nuts. You fluffy.

:lol: Linds with a younger sister, telling Danny how Linds feels. Hilarious.

*waves to all my angstys, twins, pets, fluffykins, minions, flunstys, fluffys
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lynn there you are, angsty pal! :D **waves!** Hi hon :lol:
Really now Cath is from Vegas...I swear I just checked the other day and they said she was born in Bozeman...just like Linds...huh, interesting. I still think it'd be fun to have a LV/NY crossover though...I'd love to see that! Get the girls to talking about the guys and vice versa! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said: Hey Smiliee did I tell you I love your avie? It's fabulous!

Thanks! Rad made it for me! I thought the black and white was awesome!

I thought Warrick was the only one on their team that was actually from Vegas! I'm confused. :lol:

Jenn I love your scenarios! I could so see her little sister acting like that or her brother being kind of protective and then giving him the OK. Very cute. Awesome job.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Smiliee yeah the black and white is totally cool! :D I love black and white in general...it's cool!
(Good job Rad! It's purty! :D )

You're right by the way Smiliee about Warrick being the only CSI from Vegas...here's a link for ya!

Hmmm, I should add something to make this post at least somewhat on topic of D/L huh...lol! :lol: How about this...Danny has a tattoo, correct? So what if Linds had a hidden tattoo? What would it be of and where? :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^Fluffy Twin, if Lindsay did have a tattoo I think it would be on the small of her back---a nice, little heart or butterfly---something fluffy. Danny would discover it and think it was super hot! :devil:

Fluff makes the world go 'round! LOL! :lol:

Some interesting spoilers have been revealed by Zuiker himself in a CSI Files interview about Lindsay. How will this affect D/L? How will Danny respond to Lindsay? Will he be there for her? Hmmm....

Great scenario, Jenn. :)

Where's 'minion' ruler? :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks for posting that, Aud
Hmm, pretty interesting spoilers here. So Lindsay pulls herself off the case involving the murder of 3 children. And it also says that Mac gives her a pat on the back and at the same time he pushes her away. So I figure that he understands what Lindsay is saying but he also says she should get past that. It is a double edged sword for Lindsay. It will affect her both ways. I wonder if this is the reason she left Bozman, maybe she saw chiildren murdered . Maybe this was the crime scene she talked about in "Manhatten Manhunt". And I hope it does not push Danny away from here, since this is the 2nd time this has happened to her.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi Fluffy Twin! :D **hugs!** Hmm yeah that's what I was thinking for a tattoo for Linds too...a pretty purple butterfly...that's what I say! :D Lol, yeah Danny'd think it was super hot...heehee! :devil:

Fluff does indeed make the world go round my Fluffy friend! :D Totally! :lol:

Hmmmm, so Linds has an issue with the mother in the 5th ep and then takes herself off the case with the 3 kids who were murdered....what if (and this is really dark I know...but somehow it makes sense to me after reading these spoilers) but what if, back in Bozeman...something happened and Linds' mom went crazy and killed one of Linds' younger siblings? It's really dark I know...but that would make the "she's seen worse" comment make sense, and why she fled Bozeman to somewhere so far away and so different. Ya know....what do y'all think?

Yeah Lynn where are you? :confused: :D

4 weeks from today, y'all! YAY!!!! :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^I can't help but think all of these instances with Lindsay are building up to something big---and yes let's hope she doesn't push Danny away.

I was just watching some of tonight's episode. This is the one where Danny and Stella investigate the woman that was a participant in cuddle parties. I love it when the man asks if they ever need to cuddle---well :lol:. Danny says, "I don't cuddle." So cute. He was mortified! :) Hopefully since he's met Lindsay, he's changed his mind. :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Omigod I love this thread. Reading about all the bashing that Lindsay and the Danny/Lindsay pairing is getting makes me want to throw my monitor. Thank God for you guys...

And it's not like we're in the minority! It's the 10th thread for God's sakes...

New here! A late CSI NY lover but apparently came just in time for the Danny/Lindsay ship. I've worn out my (alright, bootleg) DVDs for the 2nd Season just watching the episodes Run Silent Run Deep, Zoo York, and even the small, negligible, 3-minute interactions just get me through the day.

You guys are right, this ship is going to be HUGE this year, it'll kick so many asses.

Although I also agree with some posts that they shouldn't get to first base within this season. In fact this spoiler I've read on Lindsay rejecting Danny is kind of a leap already. The flirting can go on, in my opinion.

I honestly would like to see Danny's Cindy in the first season so we can get to know how Danny is in a relationship. He's our hero, sure, but maybe he's a really bad boyfriend and that's a struggle for him because he has all these feelings for Lindsay. But I digress.

I SOOOOO envy you guys, I won't get to see the season 3 episodes until June of next year. (I am in boring Manila) I hope somebody posts caps or videos or something. There is so little CSI NY on the net, you know.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Me, too! I mean, I love this thread so much and that I'm also from Manila (S2 is just about to end here, so we'll see S3 early next year, ho-hum!) :) this thread's fab because bashing is non-existent here and the enthusiasm is just contagious! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome newbies! :D **waves!**
We are quite fun here...and yup the enthusiam is indeed contagious! :lol: This is our season, our ship is going to sail...sail off into the sunset...full of romance, angsty looks (just for you Lynn & your Angsty's!) and for us Fluffies...lots of teasing, flirting, and **fingers crossed!** kisses! :lol: Gotta love D/L...they're fabulous! And I CANNOT wait for this new season to begin, it's gonna be fabulous! I just KNOW it! :D :D :D

So now...where is everyone? :confused:

3 more Wed's y'all...only 3!!!!! Wohoo!! :lol: :lol:
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