Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Radical618 said:
these two have chemistry just about as much as we need oxygen to live... not gonna lie...

Well said! :p
It's true, it's there, it's real. I don't see how people can't see it. Maybe they will later.

I am very excited about the new season, I bet some great things are gonna happen for our couple. I always expected that this ship will be cannon faster than a normal CSI ship does. It would be pretty cool if TPTB already dare to do something like that this 'early' in the show.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

i think that's the very reason why there's still some people who seem to wallow on denial and skepticism about our beloved D/L - they can't believe that this favored ship of ours is going to be oh-so canon soon (sour graping, indeed!) - that they would resort to bashing the newer character (lindsay), and spread those snide remarks about danny + lindsay having no hint of chemistry whatsoever! they're so sad to look at, really! but, i'm just so happy that TPTB are hearing OUR voices regarding this matter! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I've already got a topic for a Dantana soundtrack buried somewhere in this forum...I'm too lazy to look up the lyrics, but I read a story based on You Had Me From Hello. And I don't like country as a rule, or Kenny Chesney, but I think it fits.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well in our case it would be, "you had ne from How ya doin'" if it was in Lindsay's perspective... :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

yeah but same thing. All though How ya doin sounds better. Only when coming from Danny though.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I am very excited about the new season, I bet some great things are gonna happen for our couple. I always expected that this ship will be cannon faster than a normal CSI ship does. It would be pretty cool if TPTB already dare to do something like that this 'early' in the show.

I've mentioned this before, but I think this step of making them a couple sooner than later is better. Not because I want it, but because it's more normal. Although, I'm all for that romance stuff: people being friends, then falling for each other, but something always gets in the way, and than after a decade they find each other in a romantic way. But most of the time, love isn't that complicated: people try, they fall in love, they date, they see if they can exist together. And putting that in the show is something that I welcome.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

True.. Can't imgaina Hawkes pulling a "How ya doin'?" maybe Flackie... but Danny says it so well....

I was just "fishing" around on line to see what eppy was on wednesday... Dancing with the Fishes... never seen it... hopefully I'll be hme from my volleyball game early enough to watch it... are there any good D/L scenes?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

spader said:

magnets.....these two are magnets.

Yep, they drew me in ;)...I was never a shipper until now...Now I'm shipper crazy...like *coughsLynncoughs*

They explode of chemistry, I just die seeing them both together.

Chemistry is bascially rapport---they're like baking soda and vinegar---put them together and they form a new mixture after exploding...opposites attract...they are proof of this!

I mean..come on.......the tongue porn they've got going on..and the proverbial checking out of the behinds here..

I love tongue porn!! D/L have the tongue porn thing down...basically people stick their tongues out (unless you're a child) for passionate reasons or when they are sexually or maybe just emotionally roused...Danny does this a lot for many different reasons...but mostly because he wants to jump Linds' bones. Many people think it's only Danny but Lindsay's got the tongue porn thing down as well... :p :devil:

A Sunday morning gift for my D/L lovelies:

Danny's biting his lip with slight ---the tongue is making its way out in the "City of Dolls"

Lindsay returns the lick lip and tongue biting back in the "City of Dolls"

*pics from csi-caps.com

There's one pic where they're facing the screen with both of their tongues out---It's called the 'double lick' but I can't find it on any of the caps site---if anybody finds it, I will crown them D/L queen or king!! :D ;)

Sorry Rad, No D/L in "Dances With the Fishes." :(

Great new thread title: D/L's tongue and cheek make-out sessions!! Or D/L Tongue Porn!! Haha--- :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

D/L tounge porn!!! yes loving that one!!!

no D/L for me this week huh... oh well... :rolleyes: And what eppy that "double lick" pic from.. maybe I can help you look Auda
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks Rad! :) The episode with the 'double lick' is "Youngblood." They are both looking at the screen and both poking their tongues out :eek:...so far I can only find a pic with Linds sticking her tongue out. But several months ago, someone posted a pic with both of their tongues out...calling it the 'double lick.' It is an actual pic! :)

"Dances With the Fish" Spoilers:

Yep, no D/L in "Dances" but Danny and Linds are both hot on their cases. Danny defends the victim to the killer by saying that 'he only wanted what was best for his son too.' He's also wearing a blue shirt, then later, a green shirt---HOT!! He has a nice scene with Hammerback and 'the fish' as well.

Lindsay's doesn't hold back on her case when she defends the young victim that was at the wrong place, at the wrong time when a man was murdered. She's pretty stern with the old woman in the interrogation room.

After their cases, Linds and Danny had a nice make-out session with each other :devil:...NOT Really. I wish though! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I wish they had a make out session after every case... :devil:

and I'll see what I can do with that pic..
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I like that idea. Make out sessions are required for every D/L episode!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Thanks Rad! Hey, where's your angsty pal and my fluffy pal? At church, maybe? If they are I hope they are on bended knees praying for our ships to sail...I don't go...maybe I should! :cool:

Dear God,

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord, my ship to keep
If my ship dies before it can sail
It will be like an unbearable hell

Okay, corny to the bone...but prayers sometimes work...besides where is everyone?? Well, I'm going outside for a brisk jog...when I get back, I expect to have lots of new D/L messages. ;)

Rad and I are about to jump out of our seats before the premiere...I know that others feel that way too---we need to get something going in this thread...something exciting...suggestions?? :confused:

Auda :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

And what a welcome! Tongue porn on a Sunday afternoon, what a to make a day right!

I can't believe that I never noticed that Lindsay did the same thing with her tongue as Danny. I'm a bad shipper!

Okay here's some suggestions:

*Does anybody here think that they will have a scene when they don't have a case together in the first episode?

**And if they do have a case together, do you think it will carry a sexual undertone?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

First off: Auda you have some of the best Anna icons I've seen... I love them. I don't know where Lynn or Moriel have been, I miss them.

This thread has been sooo S L O W so that leads me to:

my Twinny's question: I think they'll have only "crime-scene related" scenes in the first eppy. I don't know if TPTB want to give us the full blast of M&M's right off of the bat. But I do believe it will carry a sexual undertone... let's just say.. there'll (hopefully, pray to God) be lot's eye sex happening... :devil:

Don't forget: Emmy's Tonight on NBC!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello, hello!! Here I am Fluffy Twin! :D **waves excitedly to Aud and everyone else!** I just love this ship...and all y'all lovely shippers! You always make me smile and laugh...I love it! Y'all are fabulous!
**Moriel grins and tosses chocolate fudge cake at everyone...yummy!**

Hi Vex! Mis! Rad! Lynn! Aud! Everyone! Lol...my computer is having issues...so I'm loving being on here again...I'm telling ya, if something happens and I have to go a week or so without internet I'd go insane! (I'm obsessed, what can I say?! Lol... Lynn stop laughing...you know you're the same way! :lol: )

I LOVE the chemistry between Danny and Linds...I can see how people would be in denial about it...(well not really, but still :p ) but even so that's all it is...denial! The chemistry between D/L is palpable...you can literally taste it it's so thick between them! Really! :D

Vex have I told you that I love your avie? Well I do! :D And Aud honey, I adore your new avie! Gorgeous! (And hey did ya bring me any dessert? ;) ) And Rad Hi! Glad to see you on hon, and love the new avie! :D

Love all the songs y'all...there are so many songs I hear that make me think of D/L...I'm telling ya, I'm obsessed! But hey I have fun, so it's all good! :lol:
I've mentioned this before, but I think this step of making them a couple sooner than later is better. Not because I want it, but because it's more normal. Although, I'm all for that romance stuff: people being friends, then falling for each other, but something always gets in the way, and than after a decade they find each other in a romantic way. But most of the time, love isn't that complicated: people try, they fall in love, they date, they see if they can exist together. And putting that in the show is something that I welcome.
Mis thank you! That's totally what I'm saying...I don't think life is as complicated or angsty as they make it on tv...I mean I know it makes good drama...but I never mind when they make it more fluffy and less angsty! :D (Fluffy forever! Fluff RULES!!)

Tongue!porn...I LOVE tongue!porn...it rocks! :devil: And Aud those pics are awesome, thank you so much! Great Sunday afternoon present! :lol: As for that "double lick" pic...yeah we should find that, that'd be fun! :devil:

Hmmmm, Vex you mean like give them a D/L scene even if they are not working the same case? I hope so...I love those not work related D/L scenes...they are SO cute! (i.e. end of SOY!) As for sexual undercurrents...hmmm, when do they not have sexual undercurrents when they're together?! :devil: :lol:

So soon...yay!!! :D :D :D

**Moriel dances off to her bubble...YAY for D/L hotness....it rocks!!**
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