Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"
Hello all y'all!

It's officially really late where I am...but I couldn't go to bed without posting a little something here first (okay really it'll probably be a long something...but still! :lol: )
Rad you got on on a weekday! YAY! I missed you too angsty pal! I'm doing are you? It's so fun that you could come on for a bit...sweet deal!

And yes I'm pretty sure D/L is still in the Broom Closet, right
Lynn, Aud?
**puts ear up to the door....listens....yup still in there! They're doing something! :devil:**
P3k, CSIfanaticgirl yay for more fluffies! I always love more fluffies...we really will rule the world! I keep trying to tell the angsty's that...but they just don't listen!
**nudges Lynn...see, we're growing!!**
Jenn you know we all (well me for sure, and
Lynn & Aud too I know!) went straight to the gutter on the "intimate" scene...wohoo! :devil: But I will try to ignore that for a :lol: And I think I agree with
Pizza (I'm assuming you know that it was supposed to be in COTP
Piz?)...even so that's where I see it most likely fitting in. And they probably didn't have it in (grrr to them taking it out!) but probably because they wanted it to be more centered on the case and then the team being supportive and not so much on D/L's relationship...which I think they could have left it in and been fine but I can see why they didn't put it in there too. (But still...grrrrr!)
As for the "interesting" moment...I think it's either in episode 4, like
Piz said or maybe in episode 2 I think it is...spoilers say something happens there too I think...
**waves!** how's the ficcie coming?

**huggles to you angsty pal!**
Aud! Hiya...ohh another game of Twister, sweet! Good plan :devil: And as long as your percentage of fluff stays higher then angst it's all good...but I can't lose you to the other side fluffy twin...I'd be lost!
Vex yeah it'd be fun to see Linds get fed up with waiting for Danny to do something and her make the first move and make him hers!! That'd be fun

But then I could also see her wanting to have the guy move first so I dunno...
As for staying over...I see them staying more at Linds' place, just cuz it's probably more clean and homey...not that Danny's messy or a pig by any means...but he's a guy and generally they tend to be a bit messier and decorate offense to any guys

...but yeah I just see them more at Linds' place more often! Plus I'm reading a ficcie where he moves into Linds' place with her and it just fits! :lol:
Jenn I don't ever remember seeing either of their places...maybe I missed it, but I don't think so!
Okay y' much for a little post! If y'all have read this whole thing...well I'm impressed, lol! :lol: I should really head to sleep now good night all!
29 days!
**Moriel skips off to sleep...visions of D/L playing Twister forming in her head already!**