Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

wow. What would they run away from...?
Linds would probably run away from an idiot. Like I don't see Linds dating a "Frankie" kind of guy. She'd turn and run from that real quick. I don't really see her dating a corporate kind of person.. I think that would turn her off.

Now Danny... hmmmm. I think he would runaway from an out of shape kind of girl-- that sounds really shallow, but I'm not gonna lie. I think someone who doesn't have any hobbies would bore him too. And I think someone who has a similar background to him would turn him off-- he's looking for adventure.. (He's already found his adventure in MT)

Smiliee glad you like my Avvie... I actually made that one.. and Auda you're avvie is cute.. and good D/L question btw...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

WOW!! So much going on. The new rule doesn't allow my to comment on much but I'll try. I'm a few days behind, so bare with me, alot to cover...

You people talk alot :lol: ...not that that's a bad thing... ;)

I'll start off with a bit OT...Moriel, yes I'm here, no I'm not dead. ;) Did you get to see the 200th of SG? I live in Canada so I haven't seen it yet, but within the next few days I'll dl it...(Don't tell anyone!) If ya want you can send me the pics, but chances are I've aready seen 'em :D And congrats on surpassing 1000 :D

I'm not too worried about this new girl. Angst is always nice to have around ;) Angst leads to frustration, which leads to temptation... ;)

Wow. That's a good question. I really have no idea. I think since Danny met Lindsay, he's become more stabble, and...mature. I really don't think that much could break the connection they have.

1 month away!!! :D YAYAYA Squeeeee!

OMG! This is my longest post ever!! Yay me! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Yeah, Dingbat! Go Led Zeppelin! And I'm not worried about new girl either... ;)

Misery, I totally agree that Danny doesn't need jealousy from a partner---he needs trust/loyalty;Lindsay doesn't need someone insecure. She also doesn't need someone who will be unfaithful to her. They are going to have to work very hard on their relationship. It won't be easy. It might be a little angsty. So I'm hoping that they iron out any problems before they pursue a relationship. :)

Rad, I agree and understand with what you are saying. I think Danny does need someone who is nice but also nice looking. While, I know some people feel he needs a model type chick (which is okay), I don't feel like that's really what he's into. He needs someone that is smart and has 'everyday' beauty. He doesn't need 'I'm stuck on my looks, but yet I can't find my way out of a wet paper bag' type of girl. I think he wants someone who is well-rounded---not just in that way---lol. :lol: But he needs someone who is a well-rounded as a person, a lover, and as a friend.

Danny was an athlete;he's still pretty athletic. I don't think he needs a couch potato/home body chick. He needs someone who will attend games with him, go workout with him, and well...I won't say. :devil:

I think Linds is the same way. I think that she loves science, but she also likes exploring things outside of the lab. She's also athletic and into sports. She doesn't need a player who will break her heart or get in the way of her career. It's very important to her. I think Danny understands that---he must! :p So basically they are a match made in HEAVEN.

Anyone disagree with that? :confused:

Vex, fab answer. I couldn't agree more. His Tanglewood past and her 'dark' past don't need to come back and get in their way. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that their past history may come back to haunt them.

Tanglewood isn't going away. We don't know what has happened to Louie or to that stupid moron Tanglewood leader. We also don't know if Danny was involved in other things before he went to the police academy----he was in the minor leagues (baseball) and he broke his wrist during a bar fight---- :eek: Why was he fighting? A woman? A gangster he grew up with? The bartender served him flat beer? Who knows?

And Linds---I mean there is so much we don't know about her. I know that it was her dream to come to the big city, but I have a feeling that there is something from her past that pushed her into pursuing her to move. I don't know if she had a troubled childhood, a troubled marriage, relationship, or maybe she got involved with some crazy people during college----again, there is so much to speculate about her.

These situations will come up sooner or later. D/L will have to confront them together. It will either make them stronger or it will break their relationship. I hope for the later. ;)

**Could someone please tell me what happened to Em?**

Moriel---where are you? :confused:

Greetings out to Moriel, Em, Rad, Dingbat, Vex (the above mentioned people---- ;)), Lynn, Jenn,Pizza, Dannyfangirl, Svets, Karen, Allie, Keich, Doreen, Kelleigh, Audrina, Smiliee, Feenx, Fabian, SecretSophie, Spader,CSIfanatic, Mandi, Pink, Mad, Orgasmicbilly, CSIWathcer8, YoBlngnSnckrsfan, Islandgirl, Aimee, Aly, and anyone I forgot---I'm sorry! :( Those still shipping our D/L but in other places! :()---trying to make everyone feel welcome! :D :D :D

Do we not have a lot of shippers or what?! :lol: :D :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Wow Auda. thats a lot of people. *snuggles everyone* yeah thats all you get.. Enjoy it. I'm not fluffy. You forgot Em. Although she's not here, You still forgot her. I'm telling! Em went on vacation (or something like that). She'll be back.. :D I miss her. :( Where is Moriel?

Smiliee glad you like my Avvie... I actually made that one..

No she didn't. I did. JK she did it! :lol: It is a nice one, Twin

As far as blackmail my angsty friend, you thinking about showing that video to Danny with me and you know who? *coughmrstokescough* LOL!

No. Its what you *thought* was Nicky! {smirks} Oooh Danny Boy!

And as for the eternal question: fluff or angst, I have to be honest and say that I'm a half 'n half. It's actually 50-50, no drifting to one side or something like that.

I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that Misery :p

Anyone disagree with that

Nope, in fact. I second it! ..Don't give me that look. I really do second it.

*points at your siggy* Yeah I'm doing that now.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I said: Smiliee glad you like my Avvie... I actually made that one..

Lynn said: No she didn't. I did. JK she did it! It is a nice one, Twin

Trying to steal my work hmmm Twin? You're lucky I lovee you... ;) And I agree Auda where is Moriel? I miss her too! :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I said 'and to all those above mentioned!' Hah! It's still Nicky!

I was wondering about Em! And I said so in my post!

What's wrong with being fluffy? It's a nice quality. Danny and Lindsay prefer it too! I wonder---what can D/L do to keep the fluff in their relationship? Hmm...thinks about this!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Twinny said:
Trying to steal my work hmmm Twin? You're lucky I lovee you...

*whistles* That was, Auda!.. hehe. I love you too twinny.

Minion said:
I said 'and to all those above mentioned!' Hah! It's still Nicky

You so did!....and you wish it was Nicky. He's home, thank you very much... yeah with Cath.. shuddaup.

Em ran south for the summer... why didn't she just go North is beyond me.

How is being fluffy a nice quality. and D/L likes their angst, dangit!

Why are you asking me that? You just love bringing fluffy up someplace...Fine. Heres a fluffy: Romantic Dinners and Massages.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves to everyone like mad including, but not limited to, Auda, Lynn, & Alex*

No, I am not dead, but sadly buried alive in schoolwork, homework, clubs, activities, work, & college applications. So, that leaves very little time for me to hang out with you all. *sad face and pouts*

Duuuuude, Lynn, we should totally continue the letter thing! Haha. Was it you who started that with me? Oh, the fun times. :)

I am a fluffy to the heart, so add me to the fluffy list. *high fives all the fluffies and angsty folk* I think, to be fair, that we both (fluffies and angsties) need each other to balance out. Too much fluff in CSI is unrealistic, and too much angst is depressing. There's that happy medium that we have. ;)

What Danny and Lindsay do not need - hm, good question Auda! I think that you all covered the good apsects of what they both don't need. I think Danny doesn't need someone smothering him (calling him all the time, being too jealous, etc. etc.) And Lindsay I think just needs someone who will be there for her through thick and thin. In "All Access" when Danny actually chased her down to talk to her, I think she really appreciated that. She needs someone to do not only that, but also to tease her. I don't, however, think she needs someone who will hurt her and leave her. Do I think Danny would do that? Uh, duh - no. But at the same time, I think that Lindsay has been hurt a lot in the past, and isn't quick to trust everyone with her entire self - thus why we still don't know her "dark secret".

Completely OT, but Auda - your quote in your signature is amazing. Haha. From Cabaret, as in the musical, right? Sadly, one of the musicals I haven't heard yet. *sad face, again*

Alright everyone - I am off to bed!
I apologize again for my lack of internet time, and especially to any of you who read my FF.net story because it's been put on hold due to school.

Other than that, I leave you all with a quote to end the night!

"I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music." ~ George Eliot

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello All! I have been miserable...I wasn't able to get online for the last... **looks at watch**...like 48 hours...I thought I was going to go insane! I missed you all terribly...and apparently y'all missed me...which is so nice! Hi Lynn!, Rad!, Aud!, Vex, Smiliee, Mis, P3k, fogi, Jenn, Em?, Alex...everyone!! Wow lots of us are on today!! **big huggles to all my lovely D/L shippy friends!**

Okay so y'all posted like a million long posts...which is fabulous don't get me wrong! :lol: But I want to reply to them ALL, lol...and that means this has the potential to be insanely long...we'll see :D

But first I MUST address the Fluff vs. Angst question... Aud my lovely fluffy twin :D I am here now to support you and our fluffy cause! I am fluffy to the bone...I'd say I like a little angst but really I only say that cuz angst is inevitably followed by fluff and that is what I love! :lol: And Lynn, Rad, Vex, Smiliee... Angsty's...you all know I adore you...you're fabulous...and since that's true I feel it only fair to tell you...that we Fluffy's really are going to rule the world one of these days! :lol: Isn't that right Aud! We so are :D

Okay so moving on...I really like what y'all said about what kind of person Danny and Linds need...I agree with y'all...and I definitely think they are "MFEO!" (Made For Each Other! ;) ) Clearly they are perfect for eachother...he's City, she's country...he's badass...she's innocent (but a tiger underneath :devil:)...he teases, she smiles...he needs her, she's there for him...I'm telling y'all...PERFECT! :D

As for the new girl...let me just say this...I am VERY glad she will for sure not be coming between D/L...but that said, I am still seriously pissed...because I adore Smacked also, and so TPTB having the new girl mess with that ship instead...well don't get me started! :mad:
And Moriel, she's writing my CatNip/DL sequel for me.
Oh really? ;) Hmmmm, are you sure you want me having that kind of power over something you started Lynny?! Lol :lol: And hey if it means finally getting that camping fic...I just may do that for ya! :D

Aud did you say a party?! Rock on...I love parties! I'll bring the drinks ;) And yay for a ficcie from you...it's about time fluffy :lol: Angsty huh...hmmm, since you're my fluffy twin I can handle it, I guess! :D

Pssstt...before I forget... Aud, Rad, Smiliee love y'alls new avies! Those are gorgeous!! :D

DB!! Hi! You haven't seen the SG-1 ep yet? It's great! Weird in a way...but a good way, and it's really funny! I think you'll like it :D
We've talked about what D and L need in a partner or relationship, but what do they not need? In other words what is something that these two would run away from?
Lol, great question Aud! I'm gonna cop out for the moment and say I totally agree with your answer to this question! (It's cheating I know...but not really cuz I read your answer and I was like "Wow that is TOTALLY what I was gonna say!" :lol: :lol:) And for the recored...they totally are a match made in HEAVEN!! :D
Fine. Heres a fluffy: Romantic Dinners and Massages.
And you say being fluffy isn't good...whatever! You are SO a fluffy at heart my angsty pal! ;) :lol:

Alright y'all...awwwww... **Moriel takes a second to breath in the lovely fragrance of D/L shippiness...** it's so nice to be back here...and I was only gone like 40 hours or so...I don't know what I'd do if I had to leave for longer! :lol: Lol...I know I'm a dork...and an obsessed one at that...but hey I have a blast so it's all good! :D

What is it now...30 days?!! YAY, YAY, YAY!! :D :D :D

**Moriel grins cheekily at all her shippy pals...waves...and with lighting speed throws pie, whipped cream...and chocolate pudding at everyone and then sprints to the safety of her D/L gutter bubble!!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"


HI!!!!!!......totally agree on the not being able to trust implicitly part on Lindsay. Yes..Tanglewood's not going away. See "Set Me Free"

..relurks...runs away to the DL Forum..
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

HI EVERYONE!!!! * waves * I hope you all missed me.. Moriel ..Alex was right i was indeed on the the RPG all day friday working my tail off..i missed you dont worry.

I think that what Danny and Lindsay dont need is....someone else..hehe just kidding..
Danny, he doesnt need someone who doesnt understand him, and his past, and lindsay to no judge him or do anything about it. i believe that proves to danny that there is no one like lindsay..aawwww..anyway.

Lindsay doesnt need. someone who will use her then not commit to her, and i dont feel that that is what danny would do, Lindsay is indeed a very strong woman but i think when she is around Danny she lets a little of her guard down, compared to Mac, Stella..etc. i think she holds a strong guard around them, but since her and danny are so close i think she just lets loose [dont ask me for an example i cant give you one]. But I think if Lindsay gets into any relationship that she will want it to be a long one, and not to just be used ...ya know
ok im done with my rambling..and when i come back here..you all better be celebrating my return
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*tackles spader* What did I tell you about running away in the middle of the night!... I saw we uh.. we uh, tie tanglewood up.

Me a fluffy at heart?!??1 :lol:

Yes, Jenn it was I!. and yes, we should start sending D/L letters in the closet again. Who alls up for it?. Those were the days.. that was like, a thread ago, wasn't it? or longer? or both?

Hey Moriel if I give you Camping fic. {more fluffy, just for you and Aud} you write my CatNip/D/L seq?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello, hello! :D **Looks around...waves...looks around more....shrugs....flings caramel sauce all over the thread!**
Hi Allie :D
Me a fluffy at heart?!??
lol, yup Lynny! That's what I'm saying... ;) Heehee! :lol: **Hugs!** And if it means getting a more fluffy camping fic (which I'd LOVE!) I could try and write the sequel for you, sure. I think you'd do it better since it's your story and all ;) But I'll try if you want me to! :D

Aud you here somewhere? :confused: :D

Letters again...sweet deal! I'm cool with that! :lol:

Dear Danny & Lindsay,
Sorry we haven't been writing letters lately...but then again you've been entirely too busy doing "other" things :devil: to even notice, I'm sure! ;) Speaking of, I'm very glad to see that you two got over whatever it was keeping you both on opposite sides of the room from eachother...isn't it so much more fun being on the same side of the room :devil: Now you've got about 4 or so weeks until the premiere at which point you may get out of this closet (maybe...if you're "good"! :D ) and I for one would love a couple mini M&M's this season...lol! :lol: So on that note...get busy you two! :devil: :lol:

Jealous as always ;)

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey guys! *skips in and gives presents* we're getting ever closer!! * squee * :D I'm so glad I have time to post now - I was working on updating my story all weekend...anywho... :p

I realized I never answered my own question! Ha, silly me! :p :lol: * laughs at her own forgetfulness * :rolleyes: Anyway, here it goes, and I'll try to be short and sweet:

I think Danny wants someone with faith - not like religious, but I mean, faith in him - someone who believes in him. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen" and I think that Danny needs someone who can believe in him and love him, even while knowing that things may not always be perfect. The already big mentioned RSRD is chock full of proof of this. :)

And I think that Lindsay needs honesty on a real level - and what I mean by that is, she needs someone who's going to tell it to her like it is - good, bad, ugly. She needs someone who is real, who can lighten the mood, or make it more serious when the situation calls for it, and above all someone who read her as she truly is. Danny totally does this - see AA. :)

Okay, moving on - Auda - what a fantastic sister question to the one I asked - go you! :D

I think what Danny doesn't need is a bullshitter - while I agree that he needs someone with interests like his own and all, I don't think he needs someone vapid. Because what Danny doesn't need is someone who's going to stroke his ego - it's big enough - and he needs someone who can give it back as good as he gives it - and Lindsay does this time and again. ;) This is why I think he's attracted to her in the first place - I think she's the first woman who hasn't fallen all over his feet in adoration, she can stand on her own and love him as another person, not as some demi-god. :D

Lindsay doesn't need someone emotionally devoid. She needs someone who can feel things as deeply and passionately as her - because then they can understand her as she is. Danny obviously feels things intensely - and now I think he intensely loves her! :D

* grins and sighs * oh yay for D/L! :D Besides I just think that Lindsay needs to get Danny's boots under her bed already! Haha - :lol: :devil:

I agree with Mis - I'm a flunsty - that is, a 50-50 fluffy/angsty. :p

Okay - I think that's everything - oh yeah * grins and hugs * Big Love to all us D/L lovers! :D Have a good day, you guys! :D

* squees as she tosses Hershey's kisses and D/L cakes to all, ducking as Moriel throws pies, wiping some whipped cream off my cheek and skipping happily out chanting * 30 days! 30 days! 4 Wednesdays! 30 days! :D :D

~*~ Mad

(does double take) "Well Hello, Ms. Monroe!" Danny Messer
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Madeleina said:
I agree with Mis - I'm a flunsty - that is, a 50-50 fluffy/angsty. :p

Yay, I'm not alone! We've managed to make 3 different sided: fluffy, angsty and flunsty. :D

I agree with you when you say that Lindsay needs passion. And I think that Danny can give that to her. He seems like a very passionate man, no matter what he does, he gives himself completely. And I think that is one part of him that Lindsay loves..not that she doesn't love ALL parts of him...who wouldn't...ok, I'm drifting. :D
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