Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

According to the spoilers and interviews i've read, i think the odds are pretty good. i doubt it will be in the first half tho (if it happens at all *crosses fingers*!)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

If it happesn, I hope it goes kind of slowly. I don't want them to just suddenly jump into bed together. I'd like to see kissing first then -- possibly several months later -- sex.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi guys. Working toward 100 posts so I can have an avatar here. I haven't been in the shipper section lately, but for those of you who I talk to on the other site, hello! For those of you who don't know me, Hello!

On Lindsay ... do we like straight or curls? What do you think Danny likes? Cheesy question, but ...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello my shippy pals! :D **waves and giggles!**
I dunno if any of y'all are country music fans, but I got to go to Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's concert last night and it was freaking amazing! I LOVED it! :D (Just had to share!)

Okay moving on... :lol:
Auda hiya Fluffy! **hugs!** I knew you'd know when Danny called her Montana for the first time! :D
Well done!
Why do I notice all of these details about D/L so much? It's so sad...
Lol, it's not sad fluffy honey, it's fabulous! I loves it, you're like our M&M guru! Heehee! :lol: **high fives to you!**
(Yeah Lynn hon, my fluffy is NOT angsty! :p :lol:)

Jenn oh honey, thanks for those gorgeous gifts! LOVED those! :lol: You're right, concerned Danny is adorable, I just loves him! Mmmm, yummy! ;)
Makes Lynny happy inside
Oh Lynny you're too cute! (happy inside=fluffy? :lol:) Heehee... **huggles for you my angsty pal!** Yay you're writing the camping fic, yay! **jumps up and down and claps her hands!**
Smiliee, Vex Hello! **waves!** :D Yay for our quickly moving new thread...yay! :lol:

Rad!! Oh Hiya honey! **hugs to you!** I's missed you my angsty pal! :D How's school going? (Bummer that you're back in school now...grr to that! :p ) But YAY that you're back here even for a little bit...yay! :D And I love the present...that's a fab pic, too cute!

Pizza Hi! Hey so what interview is this you're talking about? The one in the CSI guys TVGuide?
Every time I watch that part I want to yell: "Touché!" LOL.
Lol, Jenn that's so funny, cuz the first time I watched that ep and saw that part...that's exactly what I said too, out loud and everything! Heehee...great minds think alike! :D I loved that scene...heck any scene with D/L I just loves! :lol:
**Jenn will get an "A"....Jenn will get an "A"....Jenn WILL get an "A" on her test!**

Allie you really got punched by that dumb girl? Wow, I'm impressed you stood up for our ship and got in a fight over it! Way to go, that totally rocks hon! **High five for that!!**

P3karen nice new avie hon...Yummy Carmine...mmmmm! :devil:

Poet you wrote a D/L ficcie, and it sounds happy almost...wow hon, I'm impressed! Lol, have to check that out! :D

Gemma Welcome! We are a fabulous bunch here, we're alot of fun and we're always glad for new shippy pals! So pull up a lab chair, grab some meal worms and whipped cream (gag...that does not sound good, sorry! :p :lol: ) and have some fun! :D And may I just say...I love your name (Gemma May...that's so pretty!) and your banner too, gorgeous! :lol:

DB hiya my multi shippy friend....lol! :lol: **waves!**
But what do you think the odds are that they actually *will* move onto a more romantic relationship
Ohhhhh, IslandGirl don't even get me started! :lol: Let's just say from all I've read and heard, (like Soph said) our odds are pretty good! They are DEFINITELY headed in that direction and while I'm not sure if it will be right away in the first ep or two...I think by about half way thru they will be together! I really do think this is D/L's season to become Canon...I REALLY, REALLY do! (Maybe it's just my bubble but hey if it is, I sure loves it! :D )

Okay y'all....I think this may be the most insanely long post...lol! :lol: So I am gonna give someone else a chance to talk...heehee!

40 days y'all...wohoo!

**Moriel reclines in her M&M bubble, pondering all our lovely D/L spoilers while staring at HOT pics of Carmine...Yummy!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Whoa, awesome post, Moriel ! Seriously, your posts always make my day! :D

Islandgirl said:
Okay, obviously everybody here *wants* Danny and Lindsey to get together. But what do you think the odds are that they actually *will* move onto a more romantic relationship (holding hands and kissing or maybe even sleeping together) during season three?

Well, I also think that it should happen slowly. F.e. episode opens with something happening in the city. Then we see each character getting the phone call: Mac, Stella... only then, we hear two sounds and we see Lindsay picking up her phone, and Danny picking up his. Only, he is standing on the other side of HER front door. He looks between the door and the phone, says: "Crap." and turns around and leaves.

Then we see Mac saying something great, and the credits start!

That way, we don't know why he was there. :D

But, seriously, I think we'll have the opportunity to observe the two of them some more before they become a couple. The greatest thing is: there isn't anything stanting in their way, which is why I think we shouldn't wait too long.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, Mis I do what I can hon! :D And yours always make my day as well...even when we disagree ;) Although that's just as fun sometimes...heehee! :lol:

As for your scenario above Mis...that's just evil! :devil: Lol, I think if that happened...part of me would be going "Yay something's happening!" but a way bigger part of me would yelling at the tv wanting to see what was about to happen, dang it!!! Lol! :D

And for the not having to wait long...I am ALL for that, and I sure hope we don't have to wait long! If they make us wait years before finally getting these two together, I really will storm TPTB offices and attack someone! :devil: You think I'm kidding...but... :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said:If they make us wait years before finally getting these two together, I really will storm TPTB offices and attack someone! :devil: You think I'm kidding...but... :devil: :lol:

This thread is getting more violent with every day. :D
But, don't worry, if someone comes and ask me about the incident, I'll deny everything: "No, you must have the wrong person. Threats? No, she's the sweetest girl in the world!" :D

Yeah, I think that eve TPTB know that it would be ridiculous to prolong them getting together. Thew will at least have to throw some more blunt insinuations about them, since they0ve been playing with them.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

But, don't worry, if someone comes and ask me about the incident, I'll deny everything: "No, you must have the wrong person. Threats? No, she's the sweetest girl in the world!"
Mis you're fabulous! I knew you'd have my back, thanks hon! :D **hugs to you!** I think we should get a big group of us together...You (Mis), me, Lynn, Rad, Auda, Vex, Smiliee, Allie, Mad, Jenn, Em...etc. and then we'll ALL storm the PTB offices and hijack the script and then when we're questioned about it, we can all be each other's alibi! "What happened? A group of crazy people stormed your office? No we don't know what was going on at all! We were all here in our lovely little thread, minding our own business!" :devil: **hides her grin behind her hand!! :lol:**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

The interview- it's Eddie's on CSIFiles. He talks a little about D/L.

As far as what we'll see between the two- kissing, short and sweet, is ok. I do not need or want to see them in bed, now or later.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

pizzapie said:
The interview- it's Eddie's on CSIFiles. He talks a little about D/L.
As far as what we'll see between the two- kissing, short and sweet, is ok. I do not need or want to see them in bed, now or later.
Hey Pizza! Do you have a link to that interview, I'd like to read it! And I gotta say when you said about kissing^...for a sec I thought you were saying that was one of the spoilers (that we were gonna see them kissing!) and I got MAJORLY excited! Lol :lol: But still I agree...kissing is good, but we don't need to see them in bed...that's what our imagination is for! :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Viewers will get to see Danny's romance techniques this season, when he and Lindsay take their flirtation to the next level..... need i say more, or would u like to see the quotes??;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi Audrina! :)

Moriel, look over to your right at the top of the page---the interviews and CSI news should be there. There is a link to the interview there---or you could go to the top of the page and click on CSI Files. That should take you to it as well. ;)

I don't really want to see D/L in bed either because it's aprocedural show not a soap show. But I doubt I'd complain too much if they did show a bed scene. I'm a bad girl...I know. Once again, Lynn, don't look at me that way. Fluff still rules! :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Waves* Hi Moriel! I love your posts by the way, they so much fun to read!

Welcome CSI_Gemma_May! I love your banner! That's awesome.

I agree with y'all, I really don't want to see them in bed. That would be bad. That would really be rushing it. And I don't think that they should rush it.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

welcome CSI_Gemma_May i love you banner btw it's the sex!.
this season i would to see more "moments" between the two and maybe nearer the end of the season something more :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

eddie cahill is too freakin cute. it's not fair.

now, back on topic, i don't want too much PDA from the DL direction. yeah, romance, ok. but i'd rather it be exchanged more in looks and moments that don't necessarily involve the traditional signs of romance (kissing, etc.)

i just want the moments where people can look at them and go:

"Oh yeah. they're so doing it."
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