Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21, I'm so sorry I'm being :devil: but I don't mean to be- I completely meant to wave back to you last time but I'm going out of my mind right now with school and a stupid telecourses that I don't understand that I quickly logged on to see what was happening and I felt I had to add my two cents about the title thread and I forgot to wave to you so let me fix it.

Hi Moriel ***Waves like a lunatic*** :D I've missed you so much since I've been away from the board trying to find my muse and writing center. I promises to be on more starting now (whenever school allows that is) and I'll never ignore you again.

Oh, and the same goes to all my fellow D/L shippers too- I love all you guys.

There did I make it all better???

No... well then here's a gift from me to all of you


I adore this picture; I love how it looks like he's opening his arms to hug her. :)

NOW, did I make it all better??? I thought so! :lol:

Anyway I also wanted to thank everyone who read and reviewed my story and if you haven't go check it out (and review) over at Fanfiction.net.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Awwww GirlyGirl you are TOO cute! :lol: **waves back!** No worries whatsoever hon, didn't feel like you ignored me or anything and I completely understand about school and stress and even dumb telecourses...been there done that! You have my full sympathy and empathy and all that! :D And hey as often as you can get on, you know we love to have you hang out here with us! :D

Awww now that is a CUTE pic! He totally looks like he's opening his arms to hug her...yay! I love it :lol:

Have I read and reviewed your ficcie...I can't remember now...Hmmm, I'll have to go check! :D

Hey y'all I know we got the promo vid...YAY! But have we gotten anymore promo pics for season 3...like any of Danny and Linds...especially together? :confused:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey hey, y'all! :D * bounces in waving and smiling and tossing m&m's like confetti * :D Hello all my D/L lovlies - the fluffies (don't worry, I'm confident we'll see some very cute flirting this season ;)), the angsties (yes, the meat of the relationship, I tell ya :p ), the flunsties - which really, I think this group only consists of me and Mis - so yay! :lol: for me and Misery * hands out a cake of happiness *, new shippies and regulars, and all others....* squee, m&m's and all things chocolate for all!* :D :p

Moving on...yeah, I think Danny talked about Aiden with Lindsay, but I'm not so sold on the idea that he was only talking to Lindsay at the time. What I mean is, I think Danny talked about her with Flack or Hawkes in the breakroom, while Lindsay was there, and because she's so caring and in tune with Danny, she paid attention to what he was saying. :) But I DO like to think that he would open up to Lindsay at least a little - I always just think about what Eddie said in his interview - about how even the other characters on the show acknowledge that there's a deeper level of caring between our beloved Ms. Monroe and Mr. Messer. ;) Ahhh I SO love this ship * grins and sighs, grins and sighs* :lol:

Oh and I hate to maybe ruin people's day - But....

well, it really was partly a spoiler. * watches others scratch heads * :confused: Okay, I confused you, I know. But there was a spoiler on CSI Files earlier that said that there WAS a guest spot coming where the story arc revolved around a serial killer and that a CSI would be affected deeply...but I am pretty sure it had nothing to do with real estate or anything. And I consider this site to be fairly reliable as far as spoilers...so, think what you will - I guess we'll see... :confused:

Anyway - sorry this is long - I haven't posted in a bit, but I've been reading along. I cannot wait for the new season to start - :p * grunts impatiently, tapping foot and looking at the clock * - I really want to see the second episode in context. :)

Moriel - so so glad you're back! :D * squee * :D I was kinda freaking when you weren't posting there for a bit - oh and SUPER cute story, girl! You're fluffily awesome... :p

Girlygirl - oh goodness, hon, thanks for that pic - made my little heart burst with D/L happiness ;) ...it almost looks like Danny is trying to put his hands on Lindsay's waist ... hmmm * smiles thinking of Danny holding Lindsay, and kissing, and...* ahem, sorry, got distracted for a moment. ;) :devil:

I think they're second date would be something that Lindsay likes to do, or something that reminds her of Montana - cause I have a feeling that the first date would be Danny planning out like a romantic dinner, etc. So it'd be nice to see Lindsay take the reins - speaking of reins, they could take a drive and go horseback riding...* drifts off thinking of D/L plot bunnies * :lol:

Oh! and before I go - my votes are on "Hot in the City" - cause of the promo video song (and cause they're hot! duh! :D ) and "Still doesn't mean it's not funny!" (ahhhh, bugs, Danny, Lindsay, corpses, good times... :lol:)

Okay - it's long enough...I'm headed to sweet dreams of D/L, wishing you all have sweet dreams of them too! :)

* squee...goes off sleepily in pajamas, but dropping off D/L-shaped sweets to everyone as I go * :D

~*~ Mad

(does double take) "Well Hello, Ms. Monroe!" Danny Messer
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Loved the fic Moriel! That would be a wonderful second date, and the fluffy inside of me simply squeed with delight as I was reading it. Corn Mazes can be fun... :)

So, nine or so pages huh? We had better get to work, but knowing this thread, we will fly through those last pages. Especially now that we are getting ever so close to the season premiere...* sail ship sail ship sail ship sail *

* goes off to rinse off some of the pies that have been flying around *
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mad!! Yay! Hiya flunsty honey!! **huggles!** I was just thinking to myself..."I wonder where Mad's is?!" And then here you are! **giggles and douses Mad in pie as a welcome back present!**
I know hon, don't you just LOVE this ship! It never ceases to make me smile! :D And all my lovely fellow shippy pals here always make my day too... :lol: **huggles to all my fellow shippy buddies!**
I always just think about what Eddie said in his interview - about how even the other characters on the show acknowledge that there's a deeper level of caring between our beloved Ms. Monroe and Mr. Messer.
Lol, I know I LOVE that...and I have to agree, the chemistry between D/L is so strong a deaf and blind person would be able to see it! (No offense to the deaf & blind! :D )
yeah see I think that's why I got confused...cuz I know there was a serial killer spoiler that I read on here...the one where the recurring character is the kid from the Terminator grown up now...so yeah, there was a nugget of truth to that spoiler, I knew it! :D

Glad you liked my story Mad kinda fun huh! :lol:

Ohhhh, second date horseback riding...I like it! You should run with those plot bunnies Mad ....run with them and write a pretty ficcie for all of us! :lol:

P3k glad you liked my ficcie :D Yeah Anna's cute in that clip...I just love her! :D

CSIfangirl I know fluffy second dates are fun huh...lol, I was quite happy with how that ficcie turned out! :lol: And yeah I think we'll fly through these last pages...we've got 12 days and about 8 or so pages to go...so yeah I'm thinking we'll need a new thread right around the time of our premiere! Fun stuff! :lol:

Aud where are you my Fluffy Twin?! And Lynny, Rad....Vex, Smiliee...Allie... are y'all out there?

**Moriel looks around...sees no one looking...sneaks up to D/L...whispers something in their ears....we all grin...and then proceed to launch a coordinated fudge sauce attack on all unsuspecting shippers present!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I was at school Moriel, it's homecoming week so it's been a little hectic. Glad that you are doing good, and I'm doing good too! That is such a cute pic girlygirl! I love ittt! Does anybody by chance have a pic of Linds where you can actually see her holding the knife but it's not covered by the meat in "Zoo York"? I've looked but I haven't seen any of the knife out in the open :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hiya Rad! :D **waves!**
Homecoming week huh, cool! That sounds fun...you have homecoming dance and everything? :D

As for the pic of Linds with the knife, I looked around in all the places I know of and I can't find a pic of Linds with the knife without it being in the meat...sorry hon!

12 days...wohoo...wohoo...wohoo! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello All!!! *waves*

Moriel21 said:
Hey Smi! (Can I call you that? :D ) I found this cool new program that makes avatars so I played with it and got a fun one...I likes it too :D

:lol: I don't care!

Cute picture Girly! I love it!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

:lol: I don't care!
Lol, cool beans! So then hiya Smi! Lol, I like nicknames...although after a while you can't get much shorter...ya know, I mean if we kept up the shortening name thing I'd just be "M" and you'd be "S" and that gets a little too general...lol! :lol: Yeah I know I'm a dork...but hey it's all good! :D :p

Okay here's a question for y'all...I know I said something earlier about D/L meeting eachother's families...(I don't think I've asked this particular question yet, but my bad if I have!) But...
Which do you think is more likely...
A) Danny invites Linds to have Thanksgiving or Christmas with his "family" (Louie, maybe a sister, aunt & uncle, etc.)....or...
B) Linds asks Danny to travel home with her to have Christmas back in Montana?

To answer my own question I could see Linds asking him if he'd want to come home with her, for a good old-fashioned snow in the country Christmas, which would be totally fun to see!...But realistically (as much as I hate to be realistic :p ) I more see them staying in New York and maybe having Christmas with Danny's family...which would be still be cute though :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well, I guess it's more realistc if Danny asks Lindsay to have Thanksgiving, since it doesn't require traveling. :)
An I can see Lindsay being all evasive about asking Danny to come with her, maybe thinking that it's a big step for him, meeting someone's family. But, I also think that Danny will sence that an he will be the one asking the question and keeping everything light: "So, Montana, when are you going to show me your home state? You've already seen mine, so it's really not fare."
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Fudge sauce again...*flings caramel corn in retaliation* how about some new food for the fight?

To answer Moriel's question, I think they would do both at some point. I think the first time would be in New York with Danny's family, simply because they are already there, and if you think about work, both of them wouldn't be able to get the time off for a trip to Montana. But I do think that at some point Lindsay would take Danny back to Montana to meet her family. But I would see that more over a Christmas thing instead of Thanksgiving. Could you just see Danny in wranglers, riding a horse, or working out on the ranch...*sigh* :devil: :devil:-insert gutter worthy thoughts here- :devil: :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mis! Hiya! **waves!!** :D How ya doin? And hey nice avie, I likes it! :lol:
But, I also think that Danny will sence that an he will be the one asking the question and keeping everything light: "So, Montana, when are you going to show me your home state? You've already seen mine, so it's really not fare."
Awww yeah I could totally see Danny saying that Mis, showing Linds that even if it is a big deal, it's a big deal he's ready for! And that makes it even better! :D

Ohhh caramel corn huh CSIfangirl I love caramel corn! :lol: New food for the food fight huh...hmmm... **Moriel roots around in her candy drawer....hmmmm, ohhh I know...how's about cookie dough?! Moriel flings spoonfuls of the lovely stuff at anyone near her!**
I agree with you hon by the way...I think Thanksgiving at Danny's and maybe Christmas for a few days in Montana...they could swing that I think! :D
Could you just see Danny in wranglers, riding a horse, or working out on the ranch...*sigh* -insert gutter worthy thoughts here-
Oh be still my heart...now that's a lovely picture hon... **insert gutter thoughts indeed!! :devil:**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"


but...which epi is this from?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Whoo... cool... I'm new to this thread, just found it, after sticking my tongue out at my many textbooks on my desk. *Na-na-na! I'm gonna go rave about Danny and Lindsay and not how to sew a stupid shirt or when Mat Kilau died. Pfffttttt*
And here I am...

Nice to know there are plenty of M&M fans out there... the places I've read were kinda full with people who don't like that pairing.(to each their own, of course.) Guess I just didn't know where to look... but voila!

Ok. Danny riding on a horse, with Lindsay laughing at him, and her sister or whoever saying, 'He's so cute.. I'm so jealous... does he have a brother?'
'Oh, yeah, but his brother's in a coma right now... so unless you want to send him into shock when he wakes up with a strange woman staring at him, I suggest you leave my man alone...'
*at this point, Danny falls off his horse*
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