Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

vexus said:
*Do you think Danny talked to Aiden about Lindsay or if he did, HOW much do you think he talked about her?

Definitely! I would think from day one, the moment Lindsay came in, Aiden would have been one of Danny's first phone calls. He'd probably say something kind of nasty like "This skinny chick from Montana" or something. But AT FIRST.. because he was teasing her after all. But at some point Aiden would see through him and smack him in the head and go "You like her, you idiot". Because that's the kind of relationship I think they had.

Weren't Danny and Aiden supposed to have dinner that weekend? Maybe to talk about Lindsay?

Love this thread.... love it love it love it...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Natalie said:
Por Danny lost Aiden, i dont think thell let him lose Lindsay now..poor guy!

Well, he won't TOTALLY lose Lindsay, I'm just saying she'll be back in MOntana for a while. Perhaps a possible cliffhanger for Season 4? It would only affirm Danny's feelings for her, you know...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Good morning all my lovelies! **waves!** It's so nice to be able to be on here again all the time...lol, I have no life I know :p...but hey I like it that way for now...so it's all good! :lol: :lol:
Okay now first things first...did we know about this spoiler...:
"A serial killer resurfaces in New York, hunting young real estate agents. The case will pull one CSI in so deep that it will leave them a changed person." I think the episode name is "Tourniquet" and I'm thinking that the person they are talking about it changing is Linds...and I'm guessing this will have something big to do with her secret, and I'm hoping in it changing her into a "completely new person" or whatever it said...I'm hoping that doesn't mean that she breaks completely away from Danny cuz I think I'd cry!!
P3k Lol, yeah we have a little time to debate thread titles, I was mixing up my threads (how dare I, I know!) cuz one of my others ones is very close to needing a new title...and so yeah...my bad! :p :lol:

Mis!! Hi! **waves!** Lol, yeah isn't it annoying when real life gets in the way of your ships...heehee! :lol:
I can't wait for the actual episode. That scene needs to be seen frame by frame. Just like I did with that scene on the roof when I was in the video classroom and my media art profesor asked me if I missed something. Yeah, that wasn't embarrasing at all...
Yeah that scene totally needs to be shown slow motion and on repeat several times...sounds good to me! :D (and hey nothing like being embarrassed by your ship...loved that by the way! ;) )
Danny & Lindsay #11 - They've been made
(from the spoiler)
I LOVE it! Definitely in the running in my book! :D
But at some point Aiden would see through him and smack him in the head and go "You like her, you idiot".
Lol, nice one L.M. I could totally see that happening...that's just what Danny needed too, I'm sure! :lol:

Okay y'all and to solidfy my standing as a dork even more so now than ever...since it is officially less than two weeks until our premiere (YAYYYY!!!)...you can go to tvguide.com and see the official listing/synopsis of the premiere on their listings grid! Kinda silly I know, but somehow seeing it actually show up on the grid...makes it seem that much closer! :D :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said:

Okay now first things first...did we know about this spoiler...:
"A serial killer resurfaces in New York, hunting young real estate agents. The case will pull one CSI in so deep that it will leave them a changed person." I think the episode name is "Tourniquet" and I'm thinking that the person they are talking about it changing is Linds...and I'm guessing this will have something big to do with her secret, and I'm hoping in it changing her into a "completely new person" or whatever it said...I'm hoping that doesn't mean that she breaks completely away from Danny cuz I think I'd cry!!

I think that a fan actually made that up. I don't think it is a real episode to be premiering.

I wish it was!!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I hope it is fake because i like Linds the way she is this season has`it even started yet and it already has all kinds of angst :mad:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

angst you say??? wow. Thats one way of getting me outta throwing stuff at Auda, behind her back, mention angst and I'm here. :D

its probably fake, and then yet again it could not.

Aiden would Def slap Danny on the back of the head, no doubt about it... and I didn't even make that DnA. I'm proud of me.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*ducking and running away from pudding and whipped cream loaded pies* I like the new ideas for thread titles. :) My favorites are

Danny & Lindsay #11 - It's exactly what it looks like!
Danny & Lindsay #11 - They've been made

Oh dear, it looks like the Angsty's are going to have lots to be happy about this season. I just hope that they have something for us Fluffy fans too...it would only be fair.

*flings chocolate cake at Moriel and hides behind wall now smeared with food*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel---if that is an episode...then the writers took it from one of our shippers---about real estate agents..don't depend on youthtube or whatever it is for spoilers---especially that far in advance! I think it's true for the show! ;)

Moriel---I'm here! :D

Happy Birthday, Kelleigh! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Kelleigh Happy Birthday! :D Have a fabulous shippy b'day! :lol: And I'm hoping the clip thing I saw is not real...I mean it wasn't made with any new clips and it said it was made by a fan...but I don't know if the spoiler info part is real or not, ya know...so yeah I dunno. I sure hope the info isn't true though...! :D

Lynny you crack me up...one little mention of angst and you're all over it! Heehee...that's fabulous! ;) **hugs to my angsty...secretly fluffy...pal! ;)**

CSIfangirl chocolate cake? I LOVE chocolate cake! **Moriel happily wipes the chocolate frosting off her face and eats it...then proceeds to sneak up on CSIfangirl behind the wall and douse her in fudge sauce!** And yeah those are fun thread title suggestions huh...I like those two as well! :D
And yeah I hope us Fluffies get our chance too...but then again, the angst has to lead to fluff at some point...there must be comforting after whumping...so I think we'll get what we want too! :D
Moriel---if that is an episode...then the writers took it from one of our shippers that wrote it---about real estate agents..don't depend on youthtube or whatever it is for spoilers---especially that far in advance!
Aud there you are! :D **Hugs to my Fluffy Twin!!** Thanks for the reassurance...I didn't think it really was real...but I wasn't sure...so I'm glad to hear y'all don't think it's real either...makes me feel better! :lol:

13 days, y'all....13 days!!!

**Moriel dances away, flinging whipped cream and mini m&m's on anyone she passes!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Kelleigh said:
Moriel21 said:

Okay now first things first...did we know about this spoiler...:
"A serial killer resurfaces in New York, hunting young real estate agents. The case will pull one CSI in so deep that it will leave them a changed person." I think the episode name is "Tourniquet" and I'm thinking that the person they are talking about it changing is Linds...and I'm guessing this will have something big to do with her secret, and I'm hoping in it changing her into a "completely new person" or whatever it said...I'm hoping that doesn't mean that she breaks completely away from Danny cuz I think I'd cry!!

I think that a fan actually made that up. I don't think it is a real episode to be premiering.

I wish it was!!!!

I hope to goodness this isn't rue... I'm filled with angst now... :mad: I like angst yea, but this is crazy, I love Lindsay.. let's not change her.. okay?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

"A serial killer resurfaces in New York, hunting young real estate agents. The case will pull one CSI in so deep that it will leave them a changed person."

This is not a valid spoiler...or a spoiler for that matter. How do I know? I'm the 'shipper audacity was referring to - that's the synopsis for my upcoming CSI: NY fic. Judging by the outrcry here, I'm a little uneasy about it now, however I am greatly amused that my fic was thought to be a spoiler. :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hmmm...it did sound a little familiar, Pink. I think that's the one you showed me---an awesome one at that! ;)

Moriel---breath in, breath out...you'll love it!

Linds isn't changing---if she does, she only get better not withdraw. Say this to yourself----my ship will sail one day...my ship will sail one day, my ship will sail one day! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Hmmm...it did sound a little familiar, Pink. I think that's the one you showed me---an awesome one at that! ;)
Thanks. Yes, that's the fic I let you read the first chapter of. :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

my ship will sail one day?...

yeah, mo breathe in and out.

Go Pink!
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