Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Howdy! Kinda slow thread, don't you think?

Anyway, I was thinking about the Anthony Zuiker spoiler on Mac and Lindsay, about how he "gives her a pat on the shoulder with one hand but pushed her back with another". And my interpretation of that statement is that Mac would understand whatever it is that is in Lindsay's past but at the same time, being the firm marine boss that he's always been, make her face her fears and settle whatever it is that needs to be settled. Which brings us to my theory.

I think Lindsay's going back to Montana this season. And for a while, too. Which then brings me to my picker-upper-question.


I think at best he just drives her to the train station or something. But I also see him arguing if not begging Mac to change his mind. And setting them apart would probably make them realize their feelings for each other even more.

What you guys think? Let me know...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Been so long! Got back from NYC this sumer !! luv it! lol

Hey..i seem to missed a lot..Moriel..what are the pics in your siggy??
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

lindsaymesser said:

:eek:*gasp* How could Lindsay even consider leaving Danny and going back to Montana?! :eek: If it were me, I would do all I possibly could to stay in NYC. Let's hope it doesn't come to that huh? Maybe Danny could stop her somehow, convince her to stay there with him.

My stupid computer still won't let me download or watch the promo for season 3 *contemplates sledgehammer now sitting next to computer* But at least there are only a couple weeks left to wait.

Let's leave D/L in the broom closet and make them play twister again! :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

because I love my D/L, I will award readers and reviewers with more chapters---I promise that last chapter will be all about the D/L love!
Yay Aud! I can handle the angst as long as I get a lovely fluffy end! :D
Awww Aud honey, I loves you too! You're fabulous! **hugs to my Fluffy Twin!** Lol, glad you like my banner honey, isn't it just so fun to stare at! Heehee! I so cannot wait! :lol:

**Moriel sees D/L leave the broom closet...and being very sneaky...plunks a pie on Linds' head and grabs Danny for a second or two of "alone time" :devil:!!!

I think Lindsay's going back to Montana this season. And for a while, too.
L.M. seriously? Wow, I sure hope that's not the case! Honestly I don't see them having her do that, as an actress Anna is finally getting established on the show, so I don't see them having her character take off like that. That said I could see her going back to Montana for an episode or two....maybe to finally resolve whatever is hiding in her past. And in that case, as far as what Danny would do...I see him taking her to the airport and saying something like...:
D: "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"
L: "No, this is something I've got to do on my own."
D: "Alright, but you know you can call me if you need me right?"
L: "Yeah I know..."
D: "Okay well call me when you get there okay?"
L: "I will...and Danny?"
D: "Yeah?"
L: "Thank you..."
D: "Anytime Montana...anytime."
And then he would hug her and she'd get on the plane. And I could see her having complications with resolving that issue/secret...and calling Danny to talk!

Hey Natalie...the pics in my banner are from the promo of the second episode of the new season!
Linds goes undercover, and then gets found out and Danny runs in and sees her and sees that she's okay and hugs her, hence the pics!! YAY!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Por Danny lost Aiden, i dont think thell let him lose Lindsay now..poor guy!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel , that spoiler completely made my day!! :D That and the fact that I finally got my computer to download the promo!!! :D Yay!!! Now I know what everyone was "squee"ing about...Oh, yeah, totally can't wait for the new season to start. How many days do we have left? Last time it was somewhere around 15 I think.
*looks around for the pies. finds one and throws it in a random direction. Sees it hit Moriel ...runs away in fear of retaliation*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Guys... I love this thread and all of everything about these two... I can't get over it. *sings....dances* yay yay yay! (I'm hyper, can ya'll tell?) Moriel nice banner... :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lindsay going back to Montana? Hmmm...Is that what you want?? Whatever happened in Montana...is finished...done...she doesn't need to go back...whatever is going on with her is psychological...that can be settled in New York. Plus it was her dream to come to New York. She can either go back or stay but not both.

Mac giving Lindsay a 'push' means he is telling her that she can still do these cases...she's not defeated by whatever happened in Montana...he's not pushing her back to Montana to deal with it...He understands that something terrilbe happened but she needs to go on with it...she doesn't need to go back...he wants her to move forward so she and Danny can get together--- :DIMO!!!

Do you all think Danny wouldn't fight to keep Lindsay in New York?...I agree he doesn't want to lose someone else close to him...he's lost enough! ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

HE would... holy cow would he fight. He'd be like the ultimatum kind of guy... no too harsh but just harsh enough it hits you in the face.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

CSIfangirl I know didn't that spoiler totally make your day! I love it! :D Yay that you got to see the promo, it's fabulous huh! I've been smiling non-stop since I've seen it! :lol:
2 weeks from today y'all...that's it...It's the Wednesday after next....that's it!! So close I can practically taste it :lol: :lol:!!!
**Moriel looks around....pie dripping from her head...oh CSIfangirl you so did not just pie me....lol! Grabs the nearest can of whipped cream to retaliate!!!**

Rad Hi honey! **waves excitedly!!** I know don't ya just LOVE D/L...they're fabulous! :D I know fun banner I got huh...I just loved yours so much, I had to have one like it! :lol: (I like mine, cuz the title of the ep is like "It's not what it seems" or something...but that hug is "exactly what it seems"...heehee! :lol: )

Aud hiya Fluffy Twin! :D No I don't want Linds going back to Montana, I completely agree with you...whatever she needs to work thru can be worked out there in New York. I was just saying if they did have her go back to Montana (which I don't think they should...but still...) that it would just be for a little while, not a long time at all.
I agree Aud, I think Mac is pushing her to work thru and get past and move on with her new life here in New York. Nothing good comes from dwelling too much on the past. Deal with it, learn from it and then move on and I think that's what Mac is pushing her to do. And I totally agree...Mac is pushing her to move on so she and Danny can be together! Totally agree!
Do you all think Danny wouldn't fight to keep Lindsay in New York?
Heck NO! I think he'd fight tooth and nail to keep her near him! She's his other half, he's not letting her go for anything....not that she wants to go anywhere, I mean let's be honest...she's over the moon about him! :D

2 weeks....WOHOO!! **Moriel dances off flinging whipped cream and singing happily at the top of her lungs!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Okay, guys, "Heroes" is on tonight. For me, it comes on a hour early because of some special about the 5 year anniversary of 9/11.

Here's the question of the day:

*Do you think Danny talked to Aiden about Lindsay or if he did, HOW much do you think he talked about her?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

2 weeks?! Sweet!! *wipes whipped cream out of hair* Nice aim Moriel ... ;)

I agree that Danny would never let her go without a fight. He just doesn't seem the type to let go of something he cares about that much. Can you imagine him saying that too her?

D: We need to talk.
L: There isn't anything left to say Danny.
D: I don't want you to go Lindsay.
L: Why are you saying this now?
D: I realized that you would be gone and I might never see you again. I don't like letting go of things that I really care about.
L: *pausing without looking at him* And I am something that you really care about?
D: *grabs her arm, spins her around and kisses her* Does that answer your question.

:D :D :D *D/L fanatics everywhere squee and throw their popcorn and M&M's into the air as they watch* :D :D :D

How about that scenario? Do you like?

I do think he probably did talk to Aiden about her. If he kept in contact and they were friends I think he would let her know about the new girl at work that he just happens to be falling for. :)

*throws two more pies and a bowl of chocolate pudding, running before anyone realizes where they came from* :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Do you think Danny talked to Aiden about Lindsay or if he did, HOW much do you think he talked about her?
Vex Hiya hon! :D **waves!** Hmmm, good question...I haven't seen season one of CSI:NY so I haven't actually seen how close Danny and Aiden were, but from what it sounds like they were pretty good friends...so I would say yeah, he probably talked to her about Linds...initially telling her about the new girl at work who he thinks he's starting to fall for and does she have any advice about how to get her to notice him? (Not that he really needed any help, but still...! :lol:) And then maybe telling her he's in love with Linds...so what does he do now?! I could kinda see that actually, that'd be kinda cute! :D

CSIfangirl I told you I'd retaliate honey! :lol: Definitely like your scenario...and yeah I could see that happening! :D

**Moriel ducks CSIfangirl's flying pies just in time...and grabbing several of her own, loaded with pudding and whipped cream, flings them right back at CSIfangirl! :lol:**

Okay y'all...new thread suggestions...we need some! Lol! Come on y'all....let's pool our collective D/L brains and come up with a couple good ideas here! :D
Here's a few from the previous thread that weren't used...:
Danny/Lindsay #11- Still doesn't mean it's not funny
Danny/Lindsay #11- Locked in the Broom Closet!
Danny/Lindsay #11- Playing Twister in the Broom Closet!
Danny/Lindsay #11- Lock Them in a Broom Closet!
Danny/Lindsay #11- Nekkid Twister in the Broom Closet!
Danny/Lindsay #11- D/L on the DL!
And here's a few new one's based on upcoming D/L eps!
Danny/Lindsay #11- Love Runs Hot! (A play on the third ep of the new season...which is entitled..."Love Runs Cold".)
Danny/Lindsay #11- It's exactly what it looks like! (in honor of the second episode where we get our hug! :D That ep is entitled..."It's not what it looks like")

Okay I just realized I'm a little ahead of myself here...for some reason I was thinking we were on like page 20 something :D...but since we're on page 16 we don't have to come up with new thread titles as soon as I was thinking! :lol: We've got us some time! :D But still for fun... :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I cant choose between theses
Danny/Lindsay #11- Still doesn't mean it's not funny
Danny/Lindsay #11- Love Runs Hot!
Danny/Lindsay #11- D/L on the DL!
Danny/Lindsay #11- It's exactly what it looks like!

yea we have a litter time to Debate on it Moriel :lol:

CSIfanaticgirl liked your scenario :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi, guys!
Been away for a while - real life just gets in the middle of my M&M time.

I just loved all of your banners! I can't wait for the actual episode. That scene needs to be seen frame by frame. Just like I did with that scene on the roof when I was in the video classroom and my media art profesor asked me if I missed something. Yeah, that wasn't embarrasing at all...

Anyway, I think that Danny would talk to Lindsay if she decided to go. And he would throw everything to the wind, so to speak. He just seems like the guy who would fight to keep the people he loves around.

Loved your scenario, CSIfanaticgirl !

Lindsay did say that Danny talks about Aiden a lot. Now, the only question is, does he mentions her from time to time regarding some situation, or does he really talks about her. Because either way, it's a great sign. It takes a lot of trust for a guy like Danny to talk to someone about personal stuff like that. Especially with the person who doesn't even know the subject at all.
And I think this goes vice versa also. That Danny talked to Aiden about Lindsay as well, but I think that he never said anything bad about her. He knows that what Aiden did was wrong and Lindsay has nothing to do with that.

Thread suggestion...hmmm...how about:

Danny & Lindsay #11 - They've been made
(from the spoiler)
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