Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hmm let's see, I will choose nos 2 & 4. I want to see hints/signs of a possbile relationship between D/L in the future (if it does not happen this season)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh no, Fanfiction.net is experiencing heavy traffic.. can't get my dose of D/L fics today.. :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^^ Tell me about it.I've been trying for the last 5 freakin' hours and it's driving me nuts. I want my DL dosage!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Where's Moriel been? I'm worried!
Here I am, here I am!! **Moriel rushes in, waving and jumping up and down happily!!** FINALLY!!! :D Hello all my fabulous lovely shippers, Oh how I have missed you all so very, very much!! It has been a very crazy week...a friends long, long wedding, lots of family stuff, crazy Labor day at the lake...let's just say I'm glad it's over and SO VERY glad to finally be back here! :D
**Hugs to Aud, Lynn, Rad...everyone!! :lol: :lol:**
I see I missed about 3 or 4 pages of posting (well done y'all! Lol :lol: ) I'll have to go back and read over all y'all said so I'm up to date ;)...but for the moment I just wanted to let you know I'm here and well and excited...a bit tired, but happy! :D
Oh and I have a present...or well, I will...plot bunnies attacked with a vengence on the drive home last night, and since I didn't have anything else to do for the 2 1/2 hour drive...I wrote a lovely D/L ficcie! I'm happy with it, and as soon as I finish editing it and post it on fanfiction.net...I will give y'all the link and y'all will have to let me know what you think!

**Moriel giggles like a 5 year old....** I'm so very glad to be back here y'all... **hugs to all my fabulous shipper pals....Moriel looks around innocently and then tosses pie and whipped cream at Aud, Lynn and Rad!!**

:eek: :eek:**Moriel rushes back in...shrieking and freaking out!!** OMG, OMG, OMG!!! :D There is a promo with a hug?!!! What??? I haven't seen it, but as soon as it downloads I am all over that!! YAYYYY, I am so excited...I haven't seen it yet and I'm freaking out here!! :D :lol:

And Aud (Hi Fluffy Twin!!! :D ) As for your multiple choice question there...um can I pick two options?
I want...:
2. Flirting with hints of a deeper relationship---keep the relationship a 'hinting' relationship so that the show doesn't lose its focus.
3. Bungee sex and broom closet love. Just pure smut. :devil:

Really I want it to be obvious they are in a relationship and together but not have it be the focus of the show, cuz as long as I know they are official, I don't have to see it every two seconds...ya know?! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

MORIEL!!! Auda starts running to give hugs to her fluffy twin...accidentally knocks Lynn down in the process...we've missed you! Can't wait for your ficcie! :D

Yes, hugs abound, baby! Look at Rad's banner! :devil:

And yes, I knew you would choose 2 and 3...love the working towards and hints of a relationship...and smut rules! :)

Hey everyone, when ff.net starts working properly please go and read Vex's, Girlygirl's, and my fic---enjoy the D/L.

If you guys read and review, I'll post another chapter for a conclusive end to mine! ;)

15 more days to go peoples---and I really can't wait for the second episode too! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Aud, my lovely Fluffy!Twin!!! Lol, I adore you! :D **Hugs back excitedly!** Gah I've missed you all SOO much, have I said that yet? Lol :lol: :lol:

Yeah I think you'll like my ficcie, I think it's pretty good...it's D/L and Smacked...so it's doubly good! :D

Hugs, YAY for hugs!!! The promo still hasn't downloaded...grrr...but at the same time, just the knowledge that we get a D/L hug...makes me so freaking happy!! Seriously I haven't stopped smiling since I found out!! :lol: YAY!!
And yeah I saw Rad's banner...nice Rad! Very nice! Hi by the way Rad, thanks for missing me! **Moriel grins and tosses pie at Rad before she can toss pie at me!! :lol:**
And Lynn where are you now? Did ya miss me, my angsty (but secretly fluffy ;)) friend?!! :D

Aud as soon as ff.net is back I'm all over your ficcie, I'm so glad you posted it! YAY, I'm totally excited to read it! :D

YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Okay I'm Totally freaking out...in a good way...but YAY!! They hug! Awwwww, yay! I finally got the promo to download...and I cannot stop smiling or watching it...especially that part...yay! I'm such a dork, but I'm just so happy that we get a hug! YAY! Gah, now I just wish we didn't have to wait until the second ep to see it...I don't think I'll make it that long...seriously! I'm gonna drive myself nuts with the waiting... :lol: :lol:
And may I just say...Danny's hair short....Gah that boy is HOT!! :devil: Wowza...! :devil: And Linds looks gorgeous! Totally gorgeous....! :D

P.s. to completely solidify my status as a dork :lol:...I discovered you can change the play speed on the promo vid so you can play it in slow motion...which means the hug is that much more clear! Makes it even better! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

MORIEL!!!!!! It's good to have you baaaack! I'm glad you like my icon, Danny's hair is wowza, and Linds does look totally gorgeous...

*gets hit with pie and throws one back at you, followed with a big hug*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

RAD!!!! Hello my fabulous shippy pal!! **Big hugs for you!!** (Lol, maybe I should leave more often since I get lovely reactions like this when I come back...lol! :lol: Just KIDDING y'all!! :D)
I do love both your banner and your avie....especially now that I've actually seen the clip they come from! (YAY, YAY, YAY!! I seriously cannot stop jumping up and down and smiling over that!) :lol: :lol: And yeah, Danny's hair...LOVE it! And Linds...yeah she's gorgeous! Gah, I SOOOO cannot wait until the season starts! :D

Hey speaking of our lovely hug to come (YAY!!) where can I go to get screencaps of that...cuz I NEED them! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*thinks Twin has lost her mind but okay*

..I'm not a secret fluffy.

Mo I've missed you! Do you know what its like to put up with AUDA??? .. wait, did she just knock me down?.. *glares*.. pss Mo, tell Auda you want "texas" fic.... Yeah, I'm not shutting up about it.

Fics fics fics. Lots of D.L fics going on. Nice.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iheartnickcath said:
*thinks Twin has lost her mind but okay*

Thanks. Thanks a lot. :p... so frickin' excited can't control myself. I need D/L... I NEED D/L!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Radical618 said:
iheartnickcath said:
*thinks Twin has lost her mind but okay*

Thanks. Thanks a lot. :p... so frickin' excited can't control myself. I need D/L... I NEED D/L!

Your welcome :p .. I know what you mean, I frickin need d/l TOO, dangit!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey Moriel , how are ya? *Did you, bring pies, did ya?*

I'm really love Danny's hair season. I love the short, crewcut look he's got going on this year. Some people don't like the new look but I do

*makes me want to peek into the broom closet more* ;) ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

..I'm not a secret fluffy.
Mo I've missed you! Do you know what its like to put up with AUDA???
Lol, Lynny I've missed you too hon! :D And honey, you SO are a secret fluffy! :lol: And for the record silly, I like putting up with Aud! Lol! :lol:

I need D/L... I NEED D/L
Rad! Yeah I'm totally with you on that babe, especially after seeing that promo...I'm totally freaking out over D/L now! :D Hey we can freak out together! **high fives to my other obsessive D/L dorks! Lol!**

Vex! Hey hon! **waves!** Did I bring pies...um.... **Moriel whistles and looks around innocently...then whips a freaking huge chocolate cream pie out from behind her back and dumps it on Vex's head!** Of course I brought pies hon...always! :D

And yeah Danny's hair is totally hot, he definitely has it going on...yeah baby! :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Hey everyone, when ff.net starts working properly please go and read Vex's, Girlygirl's, and my fic---enjoy the D/L.

Hi Audacity!!! *waves like a lunatic* With you around I really don't have to promote my fics since you do such a good job for me- I feel that maybe I should be paying you or something :lol:

Anyway; fanfiction is working again I think so here is the link for my story again: Standing By Ch. 6 If it doesn't work again just go under CSI: NY it's there I checked or under my penname. Remember to please review I tried something a little different with this chapter and I'd love to know what you all think about it. Thanks and love you guys.


Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^LOL, Girlygirl! No prob! No pay needed! Just participate in the little project! ;) :D

I need D/L now too! :(

Vex, me wubs some Danny in a crewcut too! Linds looks like a kid---cute. :)

I'm still a fluffy, but my fic is angsty...but I may continue it as a fluff fic...who knows? :confused:

Iheart---putting up with me...you're the one that stuck the water gun to my head to get me to post my fic...so you must want to be around me sometimes...oh, the pressure...I don't think I can do 'Texas' fic... :eek:

Anyways, okay---who's gonna write some smut to get us safely through the next two weeks? We so totally need some shower smut. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Moriel---I have to hug you again, so good to see you!

Where's the rest of our fluffies, angsties, flungsties, and otherwise---'others?'
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