Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Congrats, Allie. That would be cool info to post on Carmine's Drool Thread---the NY Forum. *Squee*

Svetlana---I adore your name! So cool! :cool:

Iheart---yes, I am bribing you! Hey Rad and Lynn, I'm still a fluffy---but angsty fics are good. I want a D/L fic from you soon...

Moriel---fluffy friend, everytime I see your banner it makes me think of a D/L--CatNip Foursome! LOL!

Where's Vex run off to? :confused:

As far as this coming season for D/L--would it be better if they:

1. Didn't date and just worked together. Maybe just work on being friends.
2. Dated and didn't work together much, maybe work more with other people---having a relationship with someone you work with is tough... :eek:
3. Dated and worked together often---see how they handle working together and having fun together.
4. Didn't date and only saw each other while in the broom closet... :devil:
5. Dated, worked together, had fun together, and got busy with each other in broom closet often.

Choose one only. Explain!
Hmmm...there's no subtle choices on there. I really want them to hook up but I have to admit *don't kill me* subtlety is very cute. It leaves a lot to the imagination. I think 3 would be my best choice but I don't think it should have them like kissing eachother every five minutes or something. That might overdo it and rob it of a bit of it's cuteness. Just my opinion. I know I'm in the minority.
Hey Svetlana can I call you Fets?

I knew that was your way of blackmailing. Thats evil, Auda but fine I'll type on it now.. Somehow I figured you were still fluffy... Just for that I'll let DL be angsty. and CatNip's fluffy :p

Oh Vexy where ares yous?

Come on Auda, let me pick more the one, this is hard, even for us angsty folks.. I say number 2 and the reason for it, my angsty heart would love it, but I would want them to work together at least every now and then since they work together perfectly. But 2 is still me answer and my final one since Auda won't let me mix it up.
I'm here! * hugs all my twins !*
There was a severe line of thunderstorms in the area that I live in and I couldn't get on the computer.

allie , hey can I borrow that autograph of Carmine? I'll bribe you with m&m's and treats if I can have him! :)
Aww, Allie I'm totally jealous!!!!

Okay, auda, do we really only get to pick one? I can't pick just one! :)
i pick #1. because if they worked together but didn't date we could still have the awesome flirty moments, without the relationship angst that would come from them working together.

for me, that's a win win.
{hugs Vexy} I hope everythings all good on your end!

Em. I knew you'd pick one, and see Auda, even Smiliee wants to pick more then one!
hey hey! :) *skips around, jumping up and down squeeling excitedly as she holds the tv guide reverently in her hands!* :D
okay!!! how awesome was that tv guide at making me want D/L and want it now! :D --- ok, or at least Carmine in both those pics ;)...can we say Campbell's ain't got nothin on him cause that boy is mmm mmm good! :p *grins goofily* :D i was so excited when i stopped by the supermarket today before heading to work and saw that the new one was finally here, i started grinning like an idiot in the store...this one lady gave me a weird look, like she thought i was high. i was....on Carmine that is :lol: and that super goody tag on the front about Danny and Lindsay hooking up! i grin everytime i lookat my mag. one word for today: yay! :D *spreads sprinkles and glitter around on everyone and grinning like a dork* :D

ok...predictions? hmm: i say D/L get together, the spoilers for 1/2/3 lead up to Lindsay's big dark secret, which we all find out, which leads to closer D/L but not together yet, which leads to something popping up from Danny's past and causing problems, which leads to Lindsay getting all protective of her man, which leads to super close D/L, which leads to D/L canon Love! :lol: yay....

and on the note of predictions, i was so excited about my tv guide tonight that after i read it i called my sister from work and told her all about my excitedness, and she and I made a $20 bet that she wins if CSI:NY does any kind of story line where poor Flack deals with PTSD fallout from last season's ender...I think she might win that :p...but we also made a D/L bet, and I think I'll win that! :) *pats herself on back*

i choose option 2...i tihnk them not working together as much would make all their moments together as a couple that much sweeter... ;)
Dannyfangirl , you're not in the minority with me, cause I like subtlety too, I think it makes their love sweet and yummy goodness. kinda leaves me wantin more all the time...and besides, i don't wanna have D/L become a couple and then have the producers make them the IT couple of the show and overexpose them cause I could see that creating a mean backlash against them. I wanna see them as a couple, yes!, but not making out at every turn, ya know? I've got an imagination...* uses it frequently to think of D/L sweetness*
:lol: :D *skips back to her Carmine pics and dreams of D/L*

~*~ Madeleina :D
Madeleina said:
i choose option 2...i tihnk them not working together as much would make all their moments together as a couple that much sweeter... ;)

Yeah, I'm with you. They did have some of the sweetest moments when they weren't working together, f.e. Necrophilia americana.
And you know, I can just see the sweet, akward moments between them when they meet in the hallways as the consequence of them not knowing how to behave around each other at work. They are both proffesionals and I'm sure that they wouldn't engage in some "activities" there. But maybe Danny woul squeeze her hand while passing by, or something like that.
Madeleina said:

Dannyfangirl , you're not in the minority with me, cause I like subtlety too, I think it makes their love sweet and yummy goodness. kinda leaves me wantin more all the time...and besides, i don't wanna have D/L become a couple and then have the producers make them the IT couple of the show and overexpose them cause I could see that creating a mean backlash against them. I wanna see them as a couple, yes!, but not making out at every turn, ya know? I've got an imagination...* uses it frequently to think of D/L sweetness*
:lol: :D *skips back to her Carmine pics and dreams of D/L*

~*~ Madeleina :D

Exactly. If they become the IT couple as you say then it will just take away some of the cuteness as well as the show's dynamic. They are my favorite characters but I want to watch a show about CSI's, not strictly about Danny and Lindsay. That's what fanfics are for, geesh!
iheartnickcath said:
{Nice banner, Twin}

Wait, You got an autograph picture from Carmine??? What about sharing it with your twin??

I'm pmed the news to you! :lol: but that's okay.. but yes. I got one.. and glas you like my banner ;)

and as for Auda's question, I like 3... I want them to date, they need to, it's obvious. And I love when they work together. They have great "working-together" chemistry. I love everything about the together... and them as seperate people.. :)

I work at a grocery store, and guess what I saw on the rack?
The TV Guide book!

*double squee*

So, after work (mind you, this was like at 10pm, when we closed) I literally like, RAN over to the rack to read the magazine, and needless to say: I was thrilled. Especially thrilled by the fact that they put the best.picture.ever on the CSI:NY page with Carmine's interview. *squees again after reading Carmine's interview*

*dances around happily*

As far as the DL - I pick #2, because last season, some of the best moments (ie: "cowboy", bug comment in NA, phone sex convo, etc.) happened when they DIDN'T work together. It just gives the producers more reason to put them in scenes together, don't you think?

Well, I need to head off to work soon (planning on reading the whole interview on my break! And Erica Szmanda? GAH. HOT. And so is Carmine, of course. ;))

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