Soph yeah that'd be a nice Christmas present for sure!

And then you'll probably be up like 3 days straight watching them straight through right?! (Well that's what I'd be doing anyway! :lol: I know I'm a little crazy!

Sad day
Dannyfangirl! Bummer
Lol, Hi
**waves back!** Lucky duck, I wish I had Season 1! I'd totally go out and buy it but I'm currently until I get money, it's on my wish list!

And yup I love special features first! :lol:
we're the featuresfirst!fans.. (man I'm hyper...

Rad that's awesome! :lol:
**definitely high five to you!
Auda hi!! Yay you're continuing with your ficcie, wohoo! (Even if it is angsty!

) Can't wait to read it, and I definitely vote for a fluffy follow up! I LOVE fluff! :lol: And I'm have D/L dreams! I'm too old to have them too...but that doesn't mean I don't want to still!
I can't wait for the season two DVD's. I certainly hope tht they include 'never before seen' DL scenes...
I'm totally with ya there hon! I can't wait for those either...and I'd LOVE some never before seen D/L scenes...that'd be great!! Especially one certain scene...

Predictions...hmmm, that's a good question...I predict, well hmmm...okay I predict we will find out Linds' secret and that it will put some angst (GRRR!) between D/L for a bit but will eventually be the cause of them getting together...that's what I predict!

(I want fluff mind you, but I think that's what will happen...)