Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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allieluv_csi said:i love the angst.[oh man im sooo getting in trouble for this..ill have Auda or IHNC after me..oh gosh] ;) ;) but i just think, and it seems this way, that when they fight, after the fights over they become closer, i have no evidence to back that up [pardon the pun] but like All Acess , after Lindsay's little..fiasco...and the scene where Danny is cleaning the disc,lindsay tone is just gentle, and very nice when she says 'i thought we were linking mathers...etc'..and they seemed really close, maybe i was just distracted by something but it seems that way.

Don't worry about it. :D I think we all love long posts. I know that I do. :D

Anyway, I know what you mean, angst is good. Especially if it contributes so we can see them closer. I agree with you that Lindsay's voice was much gentler in the scene after the fiasco. :) I think that she knew that she was out of line and that she took it out on one person that didn't deserve it THAT time. :) And instead of apologizing, she used a different approach. An I think it's the greatest approash when it comes to Danny. I see him as a person who speaks through his acts more than his words. So he knew that she was trying to make amends.

Man, I confused myself now...I hope you all understood what I wanted to say. :D
**Moriel skips happily in..."Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me!" Heehee, I'm shamelessly flaunting it I know, but I LOVE birthdays!**
Hi everyone! **grins and waves!**

Dantana glad you're here among non-venomous friends! The new TVGuide today has nice spoilers...and a very HOT pic of Carmine on the front, with a nice D/L info article inside! Check that out for some D/L fun! :D
Because truthfully, I think that them getting together sooner is more realistic than them waiting for more than 5 years. I know that TPTB like to play with chemistry and it's always the fantasy of them getting together that we like...but, seriously, sometimes all that waiting makes it unreal. Why wouldn't they try at least? So what if it's early in the show? Since the main focus is on crime and not on the characters (officially), I don't see the problem of making it just that. Sometimes people get together without having to go through all that agony and drama. I don't need to see a soap opera between the two of them, just a little mention of the fact that they're together.
Mis I completely agree with you! I think it's completely realistic for D/L to at least try and be together after all this time! And yeah people can make relationships work without all the agony and drama tv puts them thru. That said, all that drama does make for compelling tv. (Not that I like it, I'm all for agony free ship! But I can at least see why TPTB like to use...Grrr to them still though! :p)
As for losing all those sweet moments between D/L...I don't think we'll lose them. It's just when we get those moments now we'd know that they're together and it'd be that much sweeter because of it! And that said I think we'd get lots of fun moments still...them being together doesn't mean Danny won't tease Linds still...plus now we'd have hand-holding or kissing possible moments too! YAY!!! :D :D :D
Hey and nice icons hon, could I steal one maybe?

Allie you're too cute! :D And you like angst? What?!! Lol :lol: Lynn will like that hon, it's me who's not the huge angst fan! ;)

Aimee you have the first half of Season 2? Wow, how'd you manage that? Lucky you! :D

angst is good. Especially if it contributes so we can see them closer.
Mmmmm, Mis I'm still not an angst fan...but I will admit that angst is okay when it brings them closer! :D

Hey Lynnie.....Auda..... where are y'all?! :lol:

**Moriel skips out again...off to buy the TVGuide with hot Carmine on it, Yummy!**
I understood fine Misery, and a big welcome to you, Aimee. I hope you have fun here, things get a little crazy round here sometimes but it's a blast. Anywayz, back on topic.

To answer Misery's question:

I would like to see more intense scenes between them without them being together. i think it's more fun to want them to be together and talk about it than actually seeing them together. I think that there wouldn't be so many cute moments between them and it wouldn't be as entertaining to watch. But, hey, that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree. Hey that rhymed! :lol:

Also, i was just surfing the net and i found these:


I dunno who made them, but they're pretty cool.

anywayz, peace out :cool:
Moriel! guessing by your post it's your b-day?? Well happy b-day.. and if it's not.. it's the thought that counts.. right? :D

YoBlngnSnckrsfan those are sweet avvies.. love them!
YoBlSnfan hey :D I gotta say I disagree with you! I will admit it's fun to want them together, and to talk about it...but I think it'd be even more fun to have them together. I think seeing them together would be just as fun if not moreso! And I think we'd still get cute moments, like I said...Danny will still tease Linds and she'll still flirt with him! It's just now they don't have to wonder if there's any intentions or feelings behind the flirting/teasing, now they'd know there is! And plus we'd get to see them sneak in kisses, hand-holding...and I'd love to see Linds whisper something in Danny's ear and have him grin and smirk at her...or blush outrageously at some gutter suggestion she gave him! :devil: Or see him wink at her and have her grin and blush...see it'd be fabulous! :D

Lol, why Rad however did you guess that it's my birthday? :lol: (Yeah I know...I'm a dork! :D) Heehee, yup it's my b'day, fun times! So for my b'day wish, I wish for lots of yummy D/L moments this next season and I want Danny all to myself for an hour today! :devil: :lol: I think that's a reasonable request...don't y'all think?! :D
I love talking about D/L but having them actually be together would be so much better... so I agree with you Moriel.

and yea, that's a reasonable request.. :lol:
Soph made avvies??

:lol: Its usually me and Auda disagreeing on something! haha this is a nice one.. Moriel I completely agree with you! But I want my angst. Yup. ANGST!

Moriel, nice request :devil:
Moriel21 said:
Aimee you have the first half of Season 2? Wow, how'd you manage that? Lucky you! :D

lol i just looked up CSI:NY on the woolwotrhs website and it came up so when i went to Glasgow shopping yesterday i looked in HMV for it and found it and i didn't mind paying £35 for it either :) :) :) :) :)
Lynn, Rad you agree with me? Lol, wow! :D Sweet, I got my angsty's to agree with me, heehee! :lol: But wait how does that work...you agree with me but want angst...hmmm! :D **hugs to my angstys!**

As for my request...yes I think it's quite reasonable and should be granted! **Hear that PTB? I want what I want, and I want it now!**

Aimee cool beans for you...I'd pay money for it too! :D
Great avvies everyone! It's also cool to see so many people! :cool:

Right now Auda is so happy that even Iheart couldn't take away my happiness---got my TV Guide today. The cover----hot men! Me likes! But I also like something that it says on the cover too---Moriel knows! :D

On seeing D/L together: I enjoy seeing D/L as two separate and distinct characters, but I also love to see them together. It makes me happy. Some things need to be left up to the imagination, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see them get a little closer...:)

A Big Howdy to all of my fluffy and angsty friends. Even though I wrote an angsty fic, that doesn't mean I'm angsty! It's with my beta, so if it doesn't suck, you all will get to read it soon! ;)
Greetings everyone! :D
I still do not have internet access *kicks computer* and am now in my brother's room, typing my little heart out.

In response to the recent spoilers, I updated my fanfiction (you can read it here , but if you're not following my story, you may want to read the first couple of chapters first. It'll make more sense that way. LOL)

Anywho - I say this a lot - I think that I would like to see a lot of DL interaction because of stuff like Necr. Americana and Live or Let Die, because they weren't working on the same case, and yet they had the best scenes together. Although, I DO like the idea of them as a couple, I would really like to see their character's develop more individually before they develop together. Does that make sense? If not, I apologize - I feel like I got hit by a truck today, either I am sick or having extremely bad allergies.

Well, I love you guys, and you know that. Since it is the weekend (hurrah for the end of the first week at school!) I might be back tomorrow. *waves hi to all the newbies and prances around the thread tossing M&M's over her shoulder like some faux pixie dust*

Keep the DL spirit alive and kicking! We will be into our 11th thread soon enough! :)

Hey everyone! I've managed to find a wireless signal in my apartment, so I can get online until mine is set up.

Agreed on leaving some things to the imagination. We don't need to see them in bed on the show.

Given that I think Lindsay's secret is going to first be discovered by Danny, would you rather
a) Lindsay tell him first, after a hard case or something
b) Danny somehow finds out about it and confronts her
Moriel21 said:
Lynn, Rad you agree with me? Lol, wow! :D Sweet, I got my angsty's to agree with me, heehee! :lol: But wait how does that work...you agree with me but want angst...hmmm! :D **hugs to my angstys!**

Couldn't have put it better myself.. *smiles at my new avvie* I LOVE angst!
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