Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Need to see Youngblood... and all the other early s2 eppy's I missed... :rolleyes:

*slaps self on head and waves to Moriel* I was freaking out over that pic... still am actually.. *sigh*
Auda, i wanna read the angsty fic! i think i should read it first because she's being a bum and not giving me hers. it's only fair. :D

and i think she was talking to danny. but that scene made me mad because they got the name of one of the songs wrong. it pissed me off. but still very cool.
Alex love those captions for those caps! Heehee, I like those! :lol: That's great! :D

An she just ignored him and found the evidence before him giving his the eye. I think that impressed him a LOT. Women usually respond differently. And she never stopped impressing him after that.
Mis that's a great observation! I think you're right on with that... :D

Auda nice new avie hon! I likes it! :D Now what's this about an angsty ficcie? :p Lol! :lol:

Yeah Lynnie where you at hon? Come play with us! :lol:

Lol, Rad you totally need to see the Seas.2 eps you haven't seen hon! If I could send them to you I would...but I have no idea how! **its the thought that counts right?! ;)** As for the pic, you have every right to freak out babe...I totally would be if I were you! :D
audacity said:
Allie, may I say that there are some many different ways that you can look at the saying on your avvie---especially if you're Danny! LOL! It's cute!

Thank you Auda ...thats what i had in plan..hehe.. :devil: its gutter thursday..i have the right to have my mind in the gutter.. :D :devil:
{gasps} What's this I hear?? Auda wrote an Angsty fic?!? {whacks Em on the back of the head} Its mine!
I get to read the angsty fic first, Aud! Please?

I got a idea: Let's put Aud's fic in the middle of the room and see who gets it first.

*Updated "Black eyes, blue tears"

right here
Lol, Vex! Good idea hon...but I'd win! ;) I'm really really fast! :D (lighting quick if you will...being a superhero and all! :lol: :lol:) And I know I'm fluffy but I can enjoy an angsty fic every now and again! (Lol, stop gasping Lynn, it's true! :D)
Just visited the spoiler thread to see what is coming up. Couldn't really find anything for all the venom going on so I came over here among friends. Can't wait until the new season. Let me just say "I love Dantana Fans"
OK, I don't know if you've already talked about this before, but would you like to see more intense scenes between Lindsay and Danny when they're together or when they're still single?

Because truthfully, I think that them getting together sooner is more realistic than them waiting for more than 5 years. I know that TPTB like to play with chemistry and it's always the fantasy of them getting together that we like...but, seriously, sometimes all that waiting makes it unreal. Why wouldn't they try at least? So what if it's early in the show? Since the main focus is on crime and not on the characters (officially), I don't see the problem of making it just that. Sometimes people get together without having to go through all that agony and drama. I don't need to see a soap opera between the two of them, just a little mention of the fact that they're together.

I don't know if you watched it or not, but the relationship between Donna and Josh in the WW is the great example of what is just too much.

Now, does that mean that we're going to lose all those sweet moments that Danny and Lindsay have?

What do you think?

Again, I apologize if you've talked about this before. In that case, just skip through this post. :)

ETA Here are some appropriate icons:
welcome to the thread Dantana

someone on another board said that Carmine did an Interview in the new tv guide an in it he talks about Danny and Lindsay`s relationship they did`it say what he said i am so going to run out and buy it.

we only have 46 days left to the premiere but that still seems too long
wow! you guys post fast!
it's taken me hours to read through all the posts Lmao
I just joined 2days ago and i'm a defo D/L shipper! i spent last night watching the first half on season2 it was great *fingerscrossed* for more in season3
Welcome to the board Aimee[may i call you that]. Its so good to get new d/l shipper..trust me..you will spend all your time here..it gets very addictive..and with Moriels really hard multipule choice question ;)[i love you moriel]you will spend alotta time typing..i swear i have carpotunle [sp?] in my wrists and hands..
just have fun here, we love to be in the gutter..so your welcome to share any gutter..im sure its fine..if not..ill put out my welcome sign :D

And Mis i dont think thats been asked here before..i could be wrong..but i wanna answer it anyway. I think it would be better for more intense scenes when they are not together..i love the angst.[oh man im sooo getting in trouble for this..ill have Auda or IHNC after me..oh gosh] ;) ;) but i just think, and it seems this way, that when they fight, after the fights over they become closer, i have no evidence to back that up [pardon the pun] but like All Acess , after Lindsay's little..fiasco...and the scene where Danny is cleaning the disc,lindsay tone is just gentle, and very nice when she says 'i thought we were linking mathers...etc'..and they seemed really close, maybe i was just distracted by something but it seems that way. sorry i just like angst..hehe

ok..wow..that was long..hehe..sorry.
allie :D
SecretSophie said:
Aimee, do you have CSI NY s2 dvd's?

If so, please tell us more?
Yea i do i have the first half of season 2 i don't know if the second half is out yet so it's episodes 2.1-2.12(summer in the city-wasted) i was watching them all night.
and yes allie you may call me aimée it is my name after all :) thanx for the welcome and i'm sure i will spend loads of time on here !!!
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