Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I'm here Moriel!

My goodness people! I was gone for one day and we already have a new page! Thread 11 is gonna be here pretty soon!

Yay, I'm excited for All Access tonight! I love it when Lindsay freaks out. We get to see a concerned Danny! I love the angst!
iluvroadrunner said:
Dannyfangirl said:
Wow. You like Spamalot and RENT and the Producers @ Iloveroadrunner? Wow...I might have a triplet lol

...and les mis, and phantom, and hairspray, and aida...the list goes on and on. total broadway junkie.

but spamalot is god. so amazing.

and don't worry. the sequel is coming. as soon as i start working on it.

so don't worry. it's coming. i'm not going to leave it hanging like that. even i don't like it that way.

i just like writing ridiculous cliffhangers.

and as i exit...whipped cream for all! *sprays*

Same here, but you lost me at Hairspray. I'm not a fan of that show. I just listened to Spamalot because of your story lol. Love that show.
Moriel Wicked is the best musical on the planet earth. It beats RENT, and Little Shop of Horrors and Les Mis...it tops them all. I actually thought of sometime writing a story where Danny gets dragged to see Wicked but it might be copying Em too much. It's not the same storyline, but it still has the totally unmusical guy having to go see a musical. Anywhoo
*Throws pies at people to fit in while singing* "His name is Lancelot and in tight pants a lot, he likes to dance a lot, you know you DO!"
Hi, my twins how are you doing tonight?

Em , I love your Spamalot fic, very talented!

The one scene I love in "Zoo york" is when Lindsay and Mac are working on the pig, and Danny walked in and calls Lindsay "Montana" for the first time, did anybody notice that Danny winked when he said that?
*so just say thanks a lot and try romance it's hot! let's find out who's really you!*

Wicked does not beat RENT, but it comes pretty close. and Little Shop was way too much fun.

and Moriel, waiting till i write the sequel may be a good idea. i'm still a fluffy at heart, but i'm in such an angsty mood right now. i have to get it all out.
I think Wicked only beats RENT because I got WAY too into RENT. I listened to the soundtrack like five times a day and tried pathetically to write fanfics (RENT is always my worst) and by the time I saw the movie...after that the obsession just slowly left. I loved the movie though. And I still love RENT, I just love Wicked more.
RENT beats Wicked... hands down... they're both awesome.. but RENT is well... RENT!

I wonder if D/L likes RENT and Wicked? Lindsay probab;y does... she seems like a Musical type of person.. Danny however.. :confused:
*shrugs* it doesn't really matter to me. idina's in both and idina is amazing.

but back to the DL ness.

i think that danny probably thought that lindsay was in way over her head. he figured she was a country girl in every sense of the word, and was totally not up to speed with the way the city ebbs and flows. he was probably expecting to have to teach her everything.

while lindsay, on the other hand, was probably prepared for every cop in new york to be smart with her. now she was prepared for danny, but she was probably expecting him to use her last name every other minute rather than her home state. danny probably got on her nerves, but she didn't want mac to think that she wasn't fitting in to the team, so she just kept her mouth shut about it until it started to grow on her.
Radical618 said:
RENT beats Wicked... hands down... they're both awesome.. but RENT is well... RENT!

I wonder if D/L likes RENT and Wicked? Lindsay probab;y does... she seems like a Musical type of person.. Danny however.. :confused:

Lindsay likes Wicked. Remember the ep where they found the ipod with all the Wicked songs on it? She knew what they were from. Danny on the other hand would prolly like RENT a bit but never admit it. He'd hate Wicked tho.
IHNC---I'm here. I've been writing my angsty D/L fic! Glad to know someone missed me. Anyways, what shall we argue about my angsty friend? :p

Two scenarios:
1. Danny picks Lindsay up to go to the theater and he complains the whole way there. They fight. Then they make out in the balcony---hmmm...
2. Danny takes Lindsay to a dive bar, they sing karaoke while drunk off their asses. Then later they go for some ice cream. :rolleyes:

Choose only one Lynn. Whatever you choose, I'll go with the opposite! :lol:

I'll go with this one about D/L's first meeting:

Danny thought she had a nice butt. Lindsay thought he smelled like Heaven---I can see Danny wearing good cologne. They liked each other's smiles, but thought each other to be quite different...She soon found out he was sort of an ass...but a cute one...he probably thought she was a bit uptight...But all that doesn't matter now, because they are locked up safe in the broom closet! :devil:
Look what I found over at
http://www.tyniere.com/dlforum/index.php I thought I'd share it since it seems fitting for our next thread title based on the poll


Isn't it cute? Claire_D over at that forum made it and I'm not sure if she's here also but if so I love this avatar and good work.

**Moriel dances in...** Hello everyone! How are all y'all fabulous people this evening?! :D

Hi Rad, Smiliee, Vex, Em, Lynn...Auda! GirlyGirl, everyone...! Yay for people here! :lol:
**waves excitedly!** Lol :lol:

Dannyfangirl (Alex, if I may?) Wicked is currently my new fav! I have never seen RENT, but the fact that Idina is in it...makes me want to. Linds would totally love Wicked I think! (I'm biased, but still! ;) )

Vex Danny winked when he called her "Montana" for the first time? Hmmm, totally gotta go check that out again! :D Good eye on that! :lol:

Em fluffy in an angsty mood huh...hmmm, seems a bit contradictory, but hey it can work! ;) Just have a fluffy end...please! :lol:

Auda Hi my fluffy! :D How's it goin? Lynn was missing you...lol! So was I! :D Ohhh, I know you told Lynn to chose one scenario, but can I play? I want the making out in the balcony! :devil: Sounds good to me! :D Okay Auda I don't know if this is weird, but I've read your "first impression" like 3 times, and I swear it keeps sounding like it's rhyming, to me...huh. Maybe it's just late and my brain is fried...lol! :lol:

GirlyGirl that is a great icon! I LOVE that! Totally cute! Thanks for sharing :D

Okay y'all...thanks to everyone for voting in the last poll! Now here's another one to narrow down our choices even further! I took the top 4 vote getters from our last poll and put them in this new one! So Vote & Enjoy :D
sure...it has a fluffy end...for DL anyway...

and that is an awesome icon. i'm in love.

you've never seen RENT, Moriel? i'd think you'd like it. it's so so much fun. my avvie is from RENT :D
I love your avvie, Allie!

Yes, Moriel, please participate in my scenarios. And I didn't even think about my 'first meeting' impressions being like a rhyme---but that's just me! :)

I still like "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl."
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