Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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and Dannys thinking: Man can Montana sure play twister.. :devil:

okay I have some input on D/L in general... If D/L were to become canon and became the main focus, it wouldn't be right. As much as I love them, it's fun to fantasize (sp?) about them. Of course going canon wouldn't be all bad, at least we'd have some closure that they're into each other. Although, them getting together could lead to something all shippers hate about shipping--what if it didn't work out? Then the whole outlook on D/L would be different, who knows how they would act around each other, stuff like that. In a way I don't want them to become canon because there's always that chance of a break up...

*dodges flying objects*

I dont think however that TPTB would let any ship become the main focus in a Forensics show. I don't remember where I posted this but I did somewhere-- I think t if our M&M's became canon, they wouldn't show us scenes of them dating and stuf every single eppy, maybe little subtle things, but nothing major, which is smart. You don't want a lot of relationship angst in a show like this. There's already a lot of angst as it is.. Right Twins?

okay that's my two cents on if D/L did become canon...ever... love you guys! * hugs!*

Oh, and you guys need to check out the 3rd papragraph of my latest LJ entry.. It's all D/L
I'll protect you, Twin Because I completely agree with you, theres the fear of a breakup.

I love my angst, the way that it is, thank you. I even found an icon yesterday in one of my friend's ljs that says, "I'm an angst whore" I think I should snag that don't ya think?.. She also had some pretty M&M icons.

Love ya twin! *hugs*


Its All D/L. D/L on the DL.
I doubt that D/L will ever become the focus of the show. They are still secondary characters to Mac and Stella. The writers also understand why people tune in. I think they will keep it classy. Hints and maybe some angst along the way---but whole lotta fun, too!

Where's my fluffy friend tonight? Getting ready to watch "Stealing Home," maybe?

Hey, this place is a little clean---should I bake a couple of pies? :cool:
Oh there's is plently of angst! always! And I'm sure that the writers have some angst stored in big packages for the new season.

Question is: What do they have planned to do?

Aud , if you can't find a fluffy friend , would you settle for a Angsty!Twin! ! ?

And can I have a pie? I love banana cream!
iheartnickcath said:
I'll protect you, Twin Because I completely agree with you, theres the fear of a breakup.

I love my angst, the way that it is, thank you. I even found an icon yesterday in one of my friend's ljs that says, "I'm an angst whore" I think I should snag that don't ya think?.. She also had some pretty M&M icons.

Love ya twin! *hugs*


Its All D/L. D/L on the DL.

I'm afraid of a break up too! That would be horrible!

:lol:; D/L is on the D/L!!! I still love that!

And yes, bring on the angst!
Ah, that's sweet, Vexus. Of course I'll settle for an angsty friend anytime! Sending banana cream pie your way! :)

What do they have planned?

I'm not really sure. But I would love to see them have a slight tiff---then make up---then have massive amounts of fun!

No Moriel, I'm not turning against the fluff! LOL!
One Fluffy Friend reporting in! Lol :lol: Hi Auda! **waves!** And Hi IHNC, Rad, & Vex! How y'all doing this fine evening? :D

LadeeBear nice cap hon! Love that look...CoTD is fabulous...the hand holding...love it! :D

Rad you crack me up! I'll hold back from tossing rotten fruit at you....for now! ;) (Cuz I like ya and you're cute...but be forewarned alot more talk like that and I'm SO tossing a tomato at your head, hon! :p) Anyway, yes there is always the danger that they will break up if they become canon, but honestly I'm not hugely worried about that! **Maybe I'm in denial but hey if I am it's a nice comfy place to be! Lol!** And I also don't think that D/L will become the focus of the show...like you said, it's a forensics show...so I don't think any relationship will become a focus. I think we'll get occassion scenes of them if they become canon, but nothing huge to take over the show.
"I'm an angst whore" I think I should snag that don't ya think?..
OMG IHNC hon...you SOOOO need to get that avie! That is totally you, lol! :lol: I can't say I really like angst...but I really like you! And I think the fact that you stick with your angst regardless...gotta admire that! :D (Not agree though! :p Lol! :lol:)

I think they will keep it classy. Hints and maybe some angst along the way---but whole lotta fun, too!
I totally agree hon! Fingers crossed that we'll get canon, and if we do I have faith (ill-placed perhaps, but oh well!) in the PTB that it will be good and stay good! :D
And Auda totally make some pies! :p I'm thinking chocolate cream...with lots of whipped cream...YUMMY!

Anyone up for tossing pies at D/L in the broom closet?...Ya know, give them something to lick off eachoth....I mean eat with eachother in there! :devil: :devil:
**Moriel dances off giggling like a 10 year old!**
Totally OT, but you know what I realized when replaying the end of "Fare Game"? Take a looksie at these pictures for a moment:

Notice the chair, how it hardly has any back-support?

Now, Danny eats his mealworm - to impress Lindsay, no doubt - and does so by doing this.

But at the very end, Danny moves his hand around to the back of Lindsay's chair, like so.

Alright, then, last picture. Wait...where did his hand go?

Hm... ;)

Off to bed, shippers!
Talk to you all in the morning!

LadeeBear said:
But at the very end, Danny moves his hand around to the back of Lindsay's chair, like so.

Alright, then, last picture. Wait...where did his hand go?

Of course he moved it to touch her butt- we all know he'd been wanting to forever anyway!

If the ship does become cannon: I wouldn't mind moments like the final scene of SOY or something like the final scene of Recycling between Mac and Stella maybe once or twice a season. I think the NY writers can handle it.
oy. you guys need to slow down.

i got the spoiler from the same person who said the first spoiler. i found it in the NY spoiler thread. that's all i know.

...i'll come back later.
Lol, sorry Em! We do post fast I know...but it's just so fun! Lol :D

LadeeBear those pics are great, I love the final scene of that ep! They are SO cute in it! And yeah Danny so had his hand on her butt! :devil: He was totally waiting for everyone to leave just so he could do that! :lol:
- I chime with the *throws Pie at Auda* closing the -gets whacked by Smiliee- What? -gasps- Oh!. We have on vid, D/L sneaking into the closet. -hands everyone a tape, then jumps up and down- Twin Can I keep smiliee can I? She likes Angst! D/L on the DL is love. :D
Lol, IHNC I have basically no idea what you just said...but it still got me laughing! Lol, you crack me up! :lol:
**tosses chocolate cream pie at IHNC and runs! :D**

Smiliee you're an angsty? WHAT?!! :eek: Lol :lol: The AngstyTriplets are multiplying...good heavens! :D

P.s. OH MY GOSH! Did y'all see who they have playing the new detective?!!! Claire Forlani! Sorry but she's gorgeous...momentary panic... **My ship is real, my ship is real! Remember D/L is sailing smoothly...remember the spoiler, remember the spoiler!** Yeeeeaaah, it's late and I'm really, really tired, so apparently I made a bigger deal of that then I should have...uh huh. So anyway, that's who's gonna be the new detective. Here's a link to some pics of her if anyone cares... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001231/

And here's a pic to make me happy...cuz I need that! Her smile here is so adorable!

And he is SOO checking out her butt here, yay!
pizza likes some angst. We're catching up to you fluffys! *eats pie that was thrown at her* Yummy, *and throws a piece on Angsty!Twin* Try it!
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