Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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p3karen said:
Hey guys don`t forget about Stealing home tonight this is a good Lindsay episode

This is one of my faveorite eppy's ever... I'm sooo excited for it..

*Jumps off of the walls again.. love you too Moriel *

From Stelaing Home
Danny: Montana! See a view like this, eh? Beats the wheat fields, no?
Lindsay: Have you ever even seen a wheat field?
Danny:What's to see? It's just wheat.
YoBlngnSnckrsfan said:
I'm freaking too, but we dont wanna get our hopes up, in case it aint true, but i really hope it is cause it's about time something happened! I won't truly believe it til i see it but hey a girl can dream! *sigh* lol
I know, I'm really trying to be realistic and remember that this might not happen...but it's hard at the moment! :D Cuz I want it to be true, SO very badly! Lol... **breathe, breathe...think realistic, think realistic...ahh screw realistic! Yay for a fab D/L spoiler! Heehee! :lol:**

Heehee Rad! Yay! **dances and jumps off the walls with Rad! Yay!**
And yay for Stealing Home, I LOVE that ep! The "crush" comment...WOHOO! It doesn't get much better then that, yeah baby! :D
Ah, "Stealing Home" is amazing! I won't be able to watch it tonight because my youth group is having this movie night thing and we're showing The Princess Bride, and I LOVE that movie. But it doesn't matter, because I have SH clips downloaded onto my computer. And, for some more amusement, the reaction of Lindsay:

Lindsay's reaction to Sid's comment which makes Lindsay smile and smile some more!

Ah. Lindsay. I'm suprised she didn't start jumping up and down after Hammerback's comment. Dang, I would have!

LadeeBear, You got to give the girl a few moments to realize what Hammerback just said. The hot guy you want feels the same way enough for someone esle to notice. She probably didn't want to give him a heart attack. ;)
Radical618 said:
*jumping around like a crazy person...*

Moriel!!! that spoiler is so awesome!!! hopefully we will get a hug at the end... we need one! :p
(and I'm sharpening my pickfork as well! :devil: )

Really? I've been sharpening mine for a week now! :D

Moriel I completely love that spoiler, and I hope its true!
CSI_Watcher_8 said:
LadeeBear, You got to give the girl a few moments to realize what Hammerback just said. The hot guy you want feels the same way enough for someone esle to notice. She probably didn't want to give him a heart attack. ;)

Yeah, but we all know that once Lindsay left the morgue she jumped up and down and did a happy dance. If Danny Messer has a crush on you, I think that's what she might have done to - er - express herself. LOL.

Can you imagine how intense the feelings were after Sid told Lindsay that Danny had a crush on her? What we saw was the professional side of these two, but you know she probably spent the whole day extremly giddy.
vexus said:
Can you imagine how intense the feelings were after Sid told Lindsay that Danny had a crush on her? What we saw was the professional side of these two, but you know she probably spent the whole day extremly giddy.

I giver her major props for even being able to work with him after she found out that! Then again, we also don't know what Lindsay was thinking in her head that entire time...I'm sure it had something to do with Danny though. ;)

I'm really happy right now! :lol: So does this whole thing mean that the spoilers are confirmed?! I REALLY hope so! I would seriously hurt someone if it weren't true!

vexus said:
Can you imagine how intense the feelings were after Sid told Lindsay that Danny had a crush on her? What we saw was the professional side of these two, but you know she probably spent the whole day extremly giddy.

Oh, I know! And I love the smile she had on her face after Sid said that! It was so cute!
Really? I've been sharpening mine for a week now!
Moriel I completely love that spoiler, and I hope its true!
Lol, yeah no kidding IHNC! Maybe it's cuz I'm holding out hope, but no worries mine will be plenty sharp if TPTB fail to come thru! :D But yeah don't you LOVE that spoiler...it SOO needs to true! **Moriel is jumping like a 4 yr. old....still!**

LadeeBear I LOVE those pics...and yeah you KNOW Linds was totally jumping up and down inside as Sid said that! And she totally went to the locker room after he said that, and shrieked like a total girl! Lol! :lol: You know it! :D
but you know she probably spent the whole day extremly giddy.
Lol, she so did Vex! I know I would...I'd be on cloud 9 all day, heck all week! And I'm sure she was too! :D

Yeah Smiliee hon, we're really hoping this spoiler is true, lol! :D And yeah if it's not...TPTB are gonna have an angry shippy mob after them! **PTB you have been warned, give us what we want...or you'll be sorry!**
You can't deny how perfect they are for each other when you look at this picture. (They are adorable - they read each other's minds!)

'The look'

(Caps taken from www.csi-caps.com)
I have been in a picture mood all day, so...yeah, hence all of my posts come with pictures. LOL.

Oh, "City of Dolls" how you made me see that this ship was really going to go somewhere--I love that pic! :)

The spoiler?? Sounds a little like the fic 'The Past is Never Left Behind.' :eek:.
I've never seen CotD, but I've seen that scene, and I'm agreeing with you Auda... Oh the places they will go... :devil:
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