Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Hey guys, sorry I've been absent, but omg was it worth the wait.
S.S. howdy, welcome back! :D I know hon, totally worth the wait huh! Oh....did you say pie? :lol: I LOVE pie!
**Mo looks around innocently and then tosses key lime pie at everyone in the thread!!**

Niki hon you're too cute! :D I know huh, isn't that pic fab! I can't stop staring at the caps...they're just SOOO in love, I KNOW it! :D :D

Our ship is sailing y'all...it is SOOOOO sailing, I just KNOW it! :lol: :lol: Aud yay for keeping the faith hon...Rock on! :lol:
**Moriel dances around singing "Love Boat" happily to herself...!**

P.s. YAY, I'm a CSI Two! Wohoo! :lol: :lol:
okay, so ummm, I was not expecting the hug to be THAT good. I'm still squeeing a day later... The eppy in general was the best I've seen- the cases were great. Danny being concerned was sooooo goood. Lindsay being scared was soooo gooood. That eppy was definetly worth the wait... (I'm agreeing with everyone and anyone who has said it.) I love this ship...

I do believe we've theft the dock folks... our ship is sailing!

Now for the ewww:
Why. Lindsay is totally going to make me want to shoot myself next week if the reason she stands Danny up is because "It wasn't supposed to happen." OMG... That was the only negative about last night, that stupid 15 second promo, that I'm going to watch 18 times to get the tome of her voice figured out. Hopefully we're right about how it's not going to be how bad we think it is... and there's always that spoiler about the intimacy that we're going to get in the middle of the seasonnn... :D (That's true right? I'm not just making that up am I?)
Hi Rad! :D **Squees right along with her!!** Lol, I so totally agree...best ep, FABULOUS hug, Danny was so totally concerned and sexy as hell because of it :devil:, and Linds was so gorgeous and fabulous...this ep was beyond worth the wait, I SO agree! :lol: :lol:

Lol, yes my dear...I do believe we have left the dock...Sweet! :D

lol so yes I do believe we've sailed y'all and all our promo next week indicates is some rough waters...they aren't sinking our ship...just sending some waves it's way to see how it weathers them :D...and make no mistake it WILL weather them, I have faith!! :lol: And I really don't think Linds' line from next week will be as bad as we think...I think TPTB are trying to scare us...and yes Rad hon, you are right about the middle of the season thing...we do get "something" in the middle!
There must be angst before there is fluff...guess I thought you angsties would like the drama... :lol:

Rad, you are so not going to kill yourself...I won't let you...no, no, no. :eek:

I figure we get some angst, which is often quite sexy---really brings out the deep emotions in a relationship. If these two just went out and worked together and it was all hunky dory, I'd be concerned. That's boring! :)

Besides, I figure that making a trip to the CBS studios in Cali won't be so bad...get your makers and poster board---we will picket if need be!! lol. :devil:
Moriel21 said:
Strawberry ice cream CSIf.g. YUM! :D **Mo licks ice cream off her face and then turns around and whips a gooey brownie back at CSIfg!**

Hey Fab :D Yeah it was a fab ep, wasn't it! Loved it! :lol: Seriously still squeeing like a total dork this morning! :lol:

Yeah I totally agree Mis! Both Carmine and Anna were exceptional in this ep...I mean I loved the D/L interaction (obviously! ;) ) But just overall acting, they were awesome! And yeah that scene where Danny asks her what she thinks she's doing...I loved that! He was so worried...and then him in the van listening, the concern was so clearly written on his face! And Anna was exceptional in this ep, especially that last scene...I mean I adore her already...but if I didn't...this ep would have sealed it for me! :D

lol, you're cute hon! :D Heehee...but yeah TPTB are sneaky...lol! Yeah I think her line does have to do with Danny, but I think it won't be as bad as we think it is. I think they're setting us up, trying to freak us out and then they'll make it okay...or not as bad as we imagine it to be. (At least I sure hope so...cuz I hate angst rollercoasters! :p)Lynn should be happy though...Lynny you likin' this? ;)

Yay for presents Mis! Awww I loves them...so fabulous! :D
And yeah dunno where you got those caps hon, but csiscreencaps.com has caps from our ep last night! YAY! :D D/L loveliness...wohoo! I LOVE this pic...it captured such a tender moment between these two! Awwww...:

Aud how ya doin' today Fluffy Twin? :D

I love that pic! Thanks for posting it :)
does anyone know where the promo can be found? the new episode is listed on innertube but the promo is for the old episode. every night the news following csi always cuts off the promo.
Oh. My. Gosh. That was increrdible. As soon as that episode comes out on iTunes I'm buying it! That's is officially my new favorite episode! I thought it would just be a tiny/fast hug... but it wasn't! It was a long one!

Mo I love the pictures! Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!

I can't wait to see next week's episode. The conversation looks very interesting. I was surprised to see that Danny was the one pushing for a relationship and not Lindsay. I thought he was a commitment phobe. Apparently not! When she said "I didn't mean for this to happen." The first thing that came to my mind was she didn't mean to fall for a colleague when she moved to New York. But I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see!
Calie, it's on Innertube after the show is over...

did anyone else notice that the song they used the break the glass was Moon River... the theme song from Breakfast at Tiffany's? Random little tidbit there :D

ok... my take on Lindsay's voice is that maybe the hostage died... or someone died... because it sounds like when that was recorded the mic was close to her... which means a close up shot and that's not normally used with sexually emotional scenes... so i say someone died and she didn't mean for them to die and she was looking at them at the morgue

maybe i'm just dreaming but i hope that's what happens because i can't STAND when the two that are meant to be together make it all awkward and sad... THAT'S NOT THE ANGST I WANT!! :(
i did go to inntertube and they have the summary for the new episode listed but when you click on the link for the promo it is the old promo for yesterdays episode. so i was wondering if anyone else knew were i could view it at.
I loved the episode so much!!! It si my favourite episode ever!!! Seriously, I thought the hug would be nothing really but I was proved wrong. OMG. I can't wait for next week.
ok first off i am getting freaking annoyed that they are putting down are beloved shipper :O( saying it is not real and the way danny and montana are together seems forced ect aghh it is freaking annoying i never say anything about any other shippers even if i am not fond of the characters out of respect for the individuals who support their own ship.

anyway moving on can anyone tell me any websites that show video clips of shippy moments between M&M pleaseee i am dying hear i live in the uk and i am so desperate to see what has happened on season 3!!

Everyone loves a gooey brownie...* launches a Lemon Cream Pie and a strawberry slushy at Moriel * :p :devil:

I think that TPTB are just trying to scare us into thinking that our ship will sink. They did say in spoilers earlier this year that she pushes him away in this episode, so the promo didn't come as a surprise. As for the possiblity of them sleeping together after the bomb thing, I don't think that will be the issue. I think they are both too professional for that. I agree that when she says the "didn't mean for this to happen" line, she is probably referring to falling for Danny. No doubt that TPTB will tie it to her dark past, especially since she is going to be having to deal with it supposedly within the next few episodes. For now, let's hope that she doesn't push him away to hard....too much angst :mad: . We want Fluff!!! We want Fluff!!! * waving protest sign *
First of all - 3x02 was ASTOUNDING.
Yes, it was astounding.
I loved the DL scene at the beginning. "Spoken like a true romantic".

But the hug surpassed my expectations by a mile. It was as if Danny and Lindsay both went through these evident stages. First, Danny was frantic and Lindsay was still in shock. And then he's like, "Oh my God, you're alright." And they proceed to hug. And they pull back, and I don't know about y'all - but there was some DEFINATE tension between them, almost like they were both making sure that the other was still there. And then, I LOVED how he kind of pulled her head closer to his face and then he looks up. Now, I could've sworn that he whispered "God" or something, but it could have been background noise. But he was totally thanking God that she was alright. And then we see her face, and it's almost this "I'm brave, I'm alright..." and then she just completely breaks down, and he's there to hold her. *girly sigh* I also love how he moves his hands initially from her face to her waist and then back, almost as if he's making sure that she's alright.

As for the promo...

If you watch Lindsay's face when Danny is talking to her, she's got this little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Now, it does not make any sense to me for her to then reply "I didn't mean for this to happen". I think that there is one of two possibilities here. Either, A) she says it to Danny sometime later on in the episode. She had her hands on her hips and was staring at him in another part of the promo or B) the line is completely unrelated to DL, which would be EXACTLY the kind of thing the producers would do to attract viewers. So, that's just my two cents. Or four cents.

Well, I am off to bed soon.
I leave for Brazil in the morning, so I won't be around for a week (both here or on the DL Chem board), so let me know how "Love Runs Cold" is!

I love you all shippers! :D
Our ship is the best.

I loved this episode, loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(can you tell I loved it?)

First of all, I have to say that I loved Danny with the dog, it was adorable. I wished Lindsay had seen that, but her left her at the crime scene :(

Also, the sound that he made when Lindsay waa asked to go into the air vent, that was hot ,real hot! (did I say hot?) And the quirk about the diamond bracelet and that Danny was a hopeless romantic, Awww!

Here's what I thought that was interesting: Did anybody notice that you only saw Danny and Lindsay scenes at the beginning and the end of the episode, never in the mi
ddle, suggesting that the TPTB had bigger plans for them.

And that last scene was wonderful. Full of angst and squeeing moments that will last me till the next episode. I'm very observant and I did notice one thing. I have to go back to Aiden in "Heroes" last season. When Danny found out that Aiden was the body that was burned up, he hung his head and quickly walked away. He was upset because he lost a friend and a partner.

Now when Lindsay decided to go undercover and when Flack and Stella were planning the operation, Danny hung his head down and quickly walked away. He only does that around people he really cares about, and it was clearly evident in last night's episode.

When she was going up to the door, when he called her "Kiddo", my heart skipped a beat, literally. He loved her so much he couldn't keep still.

And the finale point: The Hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

It was unbelieveable. I do admit, that I saw more than I thought I would. I saw all ranges of emotion: From relief, sadness, happiness, and love.

And that means we're canon, baby!!

The promo next week. I'm not sure that what Lindsay meant was inteded for that scene that they showed. It was meant to twist things up for us d/l shippers to think that the relationship is over with. We all know that something is going to happen , and at this point we just don't know yet. And who knows , maybe something actually happened that made Lindsay not see Danny. I just don't think that if she wasn't interested in Danny, she wouldn't have made the date. Our ship is canon and I'm not listening to the critics who says that these two have no chemistry, they do and I believe that we will have more sqeeing moments in the future.
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